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Language for translation: Voc.

unit 4 1
Rut Morante
1.Look at the images and complete the words. / Mira las imagines y completa las palabras:

2. Write the words from the box with the correct word:








3. Listen and complete. / Escucha y completa. audio 64

Activity Time


last June

a week ago

last spring

last Wednesday

last year
Language for translation: Voc. unit 4 2
Rut Morante

Make a drawing for each activity / Haz un dibujo para cada actividad:

go down a slide go through a tunnel swing on a rope

swing on a swing climb a climbing frame climb a climbing wall

5. Complete the vocabulary: /Completa las frases:

Language for translation: Voc. unit 4 3

Rut Morante

6. Listen and choose : /Escucha y elige: (audio 154):


Where was Mark yesterday?

a) library b ) amusement park

c) adventure park


1. What was the name of the adventure park?

a) towels tall b) tall towers c) tall park

2. Who did Mark go with?

a) his parents b ) his grandpa c) his grandma

3. What was his favourite thing?

a) the big swing b) the climbing wall c) the slide

5. Where did they have lunch?

a) near the slide b) in a big restaurant c) in McDonalds.

6. What did he eat?

a) fruit b ) sandwiches c) sandwiches and fruit

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