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Increase your chances of

Full Name* Email*Phone Number* Career Goals

Stand out from the crowd, get a professional CV.
Once you fill out your details, a consultant will reach out to you in less than 2 days
to provide a FREE review of your CV and recommend any of our CV Writing
service plans, if necessary
By clicking "Request a Call", you agree to our TERMS &
CV Writing Packages
Professionally Written:
A top standard CV that showcases your strengths & achievements.

Fine-tuned to Suit Your Industry:

Your CV will be well-tailored to suit the specific industry you are in, or aspire to
be in.

Turnaround Time (5 - 7 Working Days):

The first draft of your CV will be sent to you within 5 – 7 working days.

1 Revision of Your CV:

You may provide us with feedback on the first draft, and we’ll make the needed
Professionally Written:
A top standard CV that showcases your strengths & achievements.

Fine-tuned to Suit Your Industry:

Your CV will be well-tailored to suit the specific industry you are in, or aspire to
be in.
Turnaround Time (5 - 7 Working Days):
The first draft of your CV will be sent to you within 5 – 7 working days.

2 Revision of Your CV:

You may provide us with feedback on the first and second draft, and we’ll make
the needed adjustments.

Cover Letter:
Employers are more likely to read a CV with a cover letter. We will help you with
a perfectly tailored one.
Cover Letter Included
Professionally Written:
A top standard CV that showcases your strengths & achievements.

Fine-tuned to Suit Your Industry:

Your CV will be well-tailored to suit the specific industry you are in, or aspire to
be in.

Turnaround Time (2 Working Days):

The first draft of your CV will be sent to you within 2 working days.

3 Revisions of Your CV:

You may provide us with feedback on the first, second and third draft, and we’ll
make the needed adjustments.

Cover Letter:
Employers are more likely to read a CV with a cover letter. We will help you with
a perfectly tailored one.
Cover Letter Included
Want to get a CV Re-write straight away?

Call us on +255 677 043 467 or Click 'Get Started' on your preferred package
above. You can also click below.
I am very grateful to BrighterMonday Tanzania for their professionalism and
timely service. My CV now has an updated professional look and I am confident in
using it to apply for different roles within my field. Kudos!

Emmanuel Albinus
 Was impressed by the CV Brighter Monday Tanzania wrote for me because not
only of the level of professionalism they portrayed throughout the process, they
truly knew how to present my skills in words more than I could and because of
them I am proud to say my CV is very competent and standouts.
Christian Leornard Tandika
 Had an enriching experience working with BrighterMonday Tanzania throughout
this CV writing process, I am proud of my new CV and confident enough to let
you know that I will be coming back to you for your services in the future.


LeadMinds Africa is a registered Non-profit Organization in Uganda whose core focus is to develop the next

generation of accountable leaders who will be central in building, championing and driving Africa ahead.

We strongly believe that Africa is at a point in its history where it is set to benefit from the demographic

dividend. Africa is now the youngest Continent  in the World and this generation is the brainiest. Strategic

investments need to be made to harness the opportunities that come with the highest number of young people

in Africa. At the core,  investments should be made to reflect the needs of young people. LeadMinds Africa is

investing in developing the next generation of accountable leaders with  skills, ethics and vision for the


To establish, develop and run pre-schools, primary schools,

secondary schools, colleges, universities and vocational schools
in Tanzania.
Company objectives:
1. To attain highest goods in education, maintain and improve
standards of education in Tanzania.
2. To establish, develop and run pre-schools, primary schools,
secondary schools, colleges, universities and vocational schools
in Tanzania.
3. To establish professional cooperation and coordination with
other similar national and international institutions in the
initiation and conduct of cooperative programmes for the mutual
benefit of the cooperating institutions.
4. To establish and conduct training courses on behalf of other
organisations including professions and institutes.
5. To establish,own, and operate vocation education schools of
all level of international stardards and nature.
6. To design academic circular of international accepted
standards for the company's schools.
7. To provide the correspondence tuition to distant students
within the country and abroad.
8. To engage in research, training and consultancy work geared
towards addressing the needs of the Nation, development
programmes(projects), private and public companies, NGO,
schools, colleges and universities.
9. To provide consultancy services on business, economic, tax
and all financial matters.
10. To carry out business of design work, civil engineering
works, technical mechanical drawings, general fabrication work
and give consultations on the industrial safety management.
11. To carry on the business of marketing, services, consultancy
and selling of all types of information technologies, computer
systems, conference systems, telecommunication systems, data
communication and to train, research, install and after sale
services of electronic systems, voice and data networks and any
other systems which the company may think fit necessary or
incidental to this business.
12. To carry the business of building contractors, mansory and
general construction contactors and among other things to
construct, execute, carry out, equip, improve, work and advertise
irrigations, reclamation's, sewage, drainage and other sanitary
works, water, gas, electric and other supply works, houses,
building and erections of every kind.
13. To engage in and or otherwise carry on the business of
environmental audit, environmental protection and management,
super cleanhers, gardeners, sanitary services.
14. To promote health services in governmental departments,
offices, companies, public or private institutions, individual and
any other organisation all over the world.
15. To carry on the business as material physical and destructive
testing, general traders, suppliers, merchants, stocklists,
wholesalers, retailers and dealers in all types of electrical goods,
hardware, building materials, spare parts and maintenance,
tyres,tubes, tools and accessories for all types of automotive,
motor vehicles, agricultural machinery and all kinds of industrial
projects machinery and equipment.
16. To deal with foodstuffs, cooking oils, paints, spirits sheets,
hingers, screw, iron mongery, textiles pieces goods, all types of
leather goods, shoes, bags and other similar goods.
17. To carry the business of commission agents and
manufacturers representatives.
18. To carry the business of dealing in importing, exporting,
marketing, manufacturing stocking, buying, selling whether by
wholesale or retail of various category of goods
19. To carry the business of agents, consultants or
representatives of foreign or local manufacturers, industries or
other like organisation in any type of goods, products,
commodities and services.
20. To lend money on any terms that may thought fit, and
particular to the customers or other person or cooperations
having dealing with societies and to give any guarantees that
may be expedient.
21. To act as agents for the sale and purchase of any stocks
shares or securities ir for any other monetary or mercantile

Cont. Company Objectives:

✓ To carry on the business of marketing, services, consultancy and
selling of all types of information technologies, computer systems,
conference systems, telecommunication systems, data communication
and to train, research, install and after sale services of electronic
systems, voice and data networks and any other systems which the
company may think fit necessary or incidental to this business.
✓. To engage in and or otherwise carry on the business of environmental
audit, environmental protection and management, super cleanhers,
gardeners, sanitary services.
✓. To promote health services in governmental departments, offices,
companies, public or private institutions, individual and any other
organisation all over the world.
✓ To deal with foodstuffs, cooking oils, paints, spirits sheets, hingers,
screw, iron mongery, textiles pieces goods, all types of leather goods,
shoes, bags and other similar goods.
✓. To carry the business of commission agents and manufacturers
✓ To carry the business of dealing in importing, exporting, marketing,
manufacturing stocking, buying, selling whether by wholesale or retail
of various category of goods
✓ To carry the business of agents, consultants or representatives of
foreign or local manufacturers, industries or other like organisation in
any type of goods, products, commodities and services.
✓. To lend money on any terms that may thought fit, and particular to
the customers or other person or cooperations having dealing with
societies and to give any guarantees that may be expedient.
✓ To act as agents for the sale and purchase of any stocks shares or
securities ir for any other monetary or mercantile transactions.
Tanganyika Polytechnic College (Tan College) is a vocational training institution Registered
by the Vocational Education and Training Authority (Ref. No: VETA/NZ/T.10/214/F18)
TanCollege Arusha tunawatangazia kozi za muda mfupi katika fani Zifuatazo 1.Video
Production 2.Graphic Design Kwa muda wa miezi miwili. Chuo kinapatikana Njiro Ghorofa
mbili bus stop. Vigezo ni ujuzi wa kutumia Computer... Intake ni kila Mwez

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