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Implied Main Idea/ Unstated Main Idea Practice


STUDENT NUMBER (NIM) :07041282025051

Direction: Read the following paragraphs then write down your unstated main idea/ implied main idea related to each paragraph!

Paragraph 1.
One technique to manage stress is self-hypnosis. Another relaxation technique is the “relaxation response.” In this technique, one learns how to
quiet the body and mind. Still another way to manage stress is progressive muscular relaxation. This is a procedure in which muscles are contracted
and relaxed systematically. Other techniques include yoga, quieting, and diaphragmatic breathing.

Topic Paragraph 1:……technique to manage stress…
Clues : a. self-hypnosis
B progressive muscular relaxation.
c.  contracted and relaxed systematically
d. quieting, and diaphragmatic breathing

Your unstated idea/ implied main idea paragraph 1 based on the clues that have been founded:
We can use a variety of techniques such as self-hypnosis, relaxation response, progressive muscle relaxation, yoga, calming, and diaphragmatic
breathing to reduce stress anyone can do.

Paragraph 2.
Eliminating cigarette and tobacco use can reduce one’s risk for cardiovascular disease. Increasing physical activity is another lifestyle change that
will reduce one’s chances of developing heart disease. Another controllable risk factor for heart disease is blood cholesterol level. If we change our
eating habits, we can lower the level of cholesterol in the blood, thus reducing our risk of disease. The last controllable risk factor is high blood
pressure, a risk factor than can be reduced through changes in lifestyle.

Topic Paragraph 2: reduce the risk of smoking-related diseases
Clues : a.  kardiovaskular diseases
b. Increasing physical activity is another lifestyle change that will reduce one's chances of developing
heart disease.
c. Another controllable risk factor for heart disease is blood cholesterol level.
d.  changes in lifestyle

Your unstated idea/ implied main idea paragraph 2 based on the clues that have been founded:
Cardiovascular and heart disease can actually be controlled. Some of the measures include smoking and tobacco use, increasing physical activity,
changing dietary patterns, and controlling lifestyle

Paragraph 3
Shortly after a loved one has died, grieving people often experience physical discomfort such as shortness of breath and tightness of the throat.
Grieving people may also experience a sense of numbness. Another common emotion of the bereaved is feelings of detachment from others. Still
other bereaved people are preoccupied with the image of the deceased. Some may not be able to complete everyday tasks without thinking of their
lost loved one. Still other survivors may be overcome with feelings of guilt, feeling that they somehow neglected or ignored their departed loved one

Topic Paragraph 3 feelings at the time of grieving
a: grieving people often experience physical discomfort such as shortness of breath and tightness of the throat.
b. Grieving people may also experience a sense of numbness.
c. Another common emotion of the bereaved is feelings of detachment from others.
d. Still other survivors may be overcome with feelings of guilt
Your unstated idea/ implied main idea paragraph 3 based on the clues that have been founded:

when we are left by someone we care about for eternity there will indeed be a feeling of tightness, it means we are heavy on leaving. but we must
accept his departure because in this world nothing is eternal
Paragraph 4.
If you have a weak background in mathematics, begin each course with the mindset that you will take the course seriously whether or not the grade
will count toward your degree requirements. To makeup for weak background, try to find a teacher who enjoys teaching learning support
mathematics classes. If your background is weak, make a point to attend every class and do all of the assigned homework regularly, even if that
homework is not collected by the instructor. Also, go to the Math Lab; students who use the math lab generally perform better than students who

Topic Paragraph 4. How to change mindset for weak background on math
Clues : a. go to the math lab
b.try to find a teacher who enjoys teaching learning support math classes
c. If your background is weak, make a point to attend every class and do all of the assigned homework regularly,
even if that homework is not collected by the instructor.

d . begin each course with the mindset that you will take the course seriously

Your unstated idea/ implied main idea paragraph 4 based on the clues that have been founded:
If we want to operate well in a mathematical error even if we have a weak background, we have obeseriuos in it. Furthermore, we can try to become
teachers, attend each class, and complete all assigned homework. Going to the math lab channel helps too.

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