Invitation Text: "To Invite Someone Attend/come An Event."

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Nama : Firda Amelia Yuniar

Class : 11 MIA 3 (Member of Group 6)

Definition of Invitation Text

 A spoken or written request to somebody to do something or to go

 An invitation is a request, a solicitation, or an attempt to get another
person to join you at a specific event.

Purpose of Invitation Text

“To invite someone attend/come an event.”

Kinds of invitation text

 Birthday      
 Weeding      
 Anniversary
 Meeting      
 Graduation  
 Dinner

Generic structure of invitation text

1. Receiver/To
2. Body of invitation
Day or Date
3. Sender/from

Language Features

there are some expression that might be used, for example:

1. Let’s go to….….
2. I invite you to come to….
3. Please come to….
4. I want you to come to….
5. I would like to invite you to…
6. I was wondering if we….

And we can also conclude the pattern

1. I would like to + v1
2. to be going to + v1

You also need to know the language features of short functional text, spoken
invitation. They are:

1. Invitee
2. Occasion
3. Time
4. Place
5. Inviter
Example of invitation text


To: Nia
Would you like to come to my parents wedding anniversary party. The party
will be held:
Day/ date: Sunday/11 march 2016
Time: 07.00 pm
Place: at my house
No meaning without your coming.

Your Best friend



Student’s organization
SMP Tunas Bangsa
Jl. Sumpah pemuda no.1 Indonesia

Dear Nia
We invite you to attend our meeting that will be held:
Day/date: Saturday/11 July 2016
Time: 10.00 pm
Place: At AULA school
The meeting will discuss about preparation class meeting completion.
Please come on time, se you there.

Dian                                                              Rudy
Secretary                                                    Chairperson

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