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21-Day Mind, Body and Spirit Detox

The crisp air of fall is finally upon us. As we transition into a new season, why not detox ourselves,
mind, body and spirit? Instead of starting with your closets and the miles of old mail and
magazines, wouldn’t it be truly refreshing to try to cleanse yourself so that you can start the fall
rejuvenated? Fall is a time of new growth and harvest, so let’s create a clean slate by detoxing our
body, mind and soul. Here are some inexpensive, relatively easy ways to cleanse yourself from
Mental Detox

“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living
sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. 2 And do not be conformed to
this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good
and acceptable and perfect will of God.” ~ Romans 12: 1-2 (NKJV)

Here are a few ways you can “transform” your thinking:

1. Give yourself a timeout: Take a few minutes each day to pray, meditate and reflect on your
life. Being grateful for everything, both the good and the bad, can change your perspective and
the way your handle your life’s situation.
2. Release negativity: Happiness doesn’t just happen. Most people have to make the effort and
choose to be happy. It’s helpful to remember that you have the power to control your thoughts,
not the other way around.
3. Personal Development: Personal development is the act or process of understanding and
developing oneself in order to achieve one’s fullest potential. Personal development is a vital
part in a person’s growth, maturity, success and fulfillment. It is the foundation of mature
personality, better relationship, happiness, success and prosperity. Investing in yourself is the
best investment that you will ever make. Read a new book, find a mentor to help you
accomplish your goals, create a vision board for your life to keep you focused on your dreams
and goals. Invest in “you”!

Here are two of my personal development books, which have helped me “transform and renew my

 Every Day a Friday by Joel Osteen

 Growth Mindset by Carol Dweck

Body Detox

Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received
from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies. 1
Corinthians 6:19-20New International Version (NIV)

Here are a few ways you can cleanse your body:

1. Detox with Lemon Water: Add to a glass of water half a fresh squeezed lemon to your morning
routine, BEFORE coffee. The lemon juice helps cleanse the liver and aides its ability to remove
toxins and fats from the body.

2. Add Cleansing Foods and Juices to your Diet: The following are foods known to help the
body's natural cleansing and detoxifying abilities:

 Apples
 Avocados
 Beets
 Blueberries
 Cabbage
 Celery and Celery Seeds
 Cranberries
 Flax seeds and flaxseed oil
 Garlic
 Grapefruit

Try adding one of these foods into meals you already eat. Another way to get your vegetables and
fruits in is to “juice”.

To read more about foods and juices for detoxifying and cleansing see these links:

 Care2
 To Health by Choice
 Dr. Oz
 Livestrong

3. Get Active! Go outside and take a walk or run outside in the fresh air or just play with your kids in
the grass. The exercise will help release stress and improve your health. Plus you’ll get some much
needed, mood-boosting Vitamin D.

Spiritual Detox

“Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me.” ~ Psalm 51:10

Spiritual cleansing is the cherry on top of the personal detoxing process. It is the part of the
process that lightens the spirit and helps you feel clear, purposeful and content. Here are a few
ways you can cleanse your spirit:

1. Meditation: Try meditating every day, even if it is just a minute or two. All you have to do to
meditate is sit quietly for a few moments and let the thoughts come and go and breathe deeply. Be
sure to turn off your phone, computer or whatever distracts you. Just be still with yourself.
Mediation has been shown to lower blood pressure and improves overall health. I truly believe that
it does all of those things for the body as well as uplifting and cleansing the soul.

2. Gratitude: Each day try waking up asking, "What am I grateful for?" Go to bed asking the same
question and throughout the day express your gratitude to those around you.

Try keeping a gratitude journal. Write down 10 things every day that you are grateful for. Once a
week, try writing a note or sending an email to a person in your life expressing your gratitude for
them and the things that they have contributed to your life.

Gratitude lifts the spirit and fills the soul with positivity. In terms of measurable health benefits,
researchers maintain that gratitude fosters optimism, which has been shown to positively influence
the immune system.

3. Service: Try being of service by giving back to others, whether it is a few hours a week, or a
month or a year. Find an organization in your community (or our wonderful church) that speaks to
your soul and one that you feel you can really enjoy and contribute to.

Whether you're cleaning your closet or cleaning out the clutter in your mind, the energy and
renewal that comes with detoxing is totally worth it for your body, mind and spirit. Happy Fall!

Body Detox Steps

Step 1: Reduce Your Exposure to Toxins

 Wean out stimulants (alcohol, cigarette smoke and white sugar) – try to cut out coffee
but if you can’t, drink organic.
 Eat organic foods when possible – wash thoroughly to remove pesticides & contaminants.
 Eat all natural foods –No chips, soda, deep-fried foods (basically any take out) – check all
ingredients and if you can’t pronounce it, you can’t eat it.
 Reduce red meat intake to one palm-sized serving once a week – try lamb.
 Drink distilled water.
 Use natural or eco-friendly products – if you can eat the ingredients, the products are
safe to use.

Step 2: Flush Toxins Out

Keep in mind, the faster you release toxins, the more intense the detox side-effects – i.e.
headaches, soreness, grumpiness, etc.:

 Drink lots of herbal teas (like mint and peppermint to aid digestion, dandelion to increase
bile flow, milk thistle for liver detox and chamomile to help reduce anxiety). Iaso detox tea is
a good option and it helps you lose 5 pounds in 5 days.
 Drink lots of distilled water. I know, this is total repetition but it’s super important; distilled
to reduce toxins and the water to flush toxins from your system.
 Increase your complex carbs or veggies to about 65% of your diet. Round off your meals
to approx. 25% protein & 10% healthy fats (from nuts, olive and flax seed oils, etc.)
 Take milk thistle supplements to cleanse the liver (but if you do, you don’t need the tea).
 Eat detox-friendly and easy to digest foods (like garlic, onions, prunes, lemons, naturally
fermented sauerkraut, green leaves – especially spinach, cabbage, kale, & collards –
papaya, pineapple, berries, etc.)
 Exercise (cardio & strength-training) – aim for 4-6 times a week, alternating between
mild, moderate and intense variations depending on your energy level.
 Hot, steamy baths or saunas – once a week.
 Stretch – integral for several reasons: it reduces muscle fatigue and soreness that is
caused by the lactic acid (metabolic waste) released by muscle exertion; it also increases
oxygen and blood flow, and decreases stress.
 Drink green juices rich in detox-friendly foods – use as meal replacements.
 Drink smoothies for breakfast or a snack.

Step 3: Repair and Heal

There are different methods, at varying strengths, of repairing and healing your body.

 Aloe Vera juice – known to be one of the friendliest methods for intestinal repair.

 Increase your soluble fiber intake (like psyllium fiber and foods, such as several types of
beans, carrots, broccoli and Brussels sprouts)
 Meditate – try for everyday, either in the morning or night, and as long as you can. Start
with 10 minutes and practice till you’re up to one half hour.

 Sleep – the best way to find your optimal amount of sleep is to get up at the same time
every morning and go to bed when you’re tired.

Step 4: Replenish

Not only does cleansing get rid of toxins and bad bacteria, it unfortunately also flushes out the
good bacteria that live in our guts. These probiotics are essential for proper digestion. It is
important to rebalance the gut flora ratio of beneficial vs. harmful bacteria (85% – 15%):

 Consume probiotics – eat naturally fermented foods like yogurt, kefir and sauerkraut.
 Take acidophilus tablets (extra-strength).
 Eat foods known to have prebiotics – unrefined wheat and barley, raw oats, soybeans,
leek, asparagus, artichokes, etc.

Step 5: After Cleanse

Resist returning to a highly toxic lifestyle. Reserve stimulating substances for special occasions
and incorporate as many of the above cleansing methods into your daily lifestyle habits as

Additional Tips:

Cleansing should be an experience to look forward to and if you feel increasing distress as your
cleanse date nears, you’re not ready for it yet. If you feel as if you’re denying yourself true
pleasure, then you will create stress – which actually inhibits detoxification! You’ll know you’re
ready for a cleanse when life has become too much of a burden. Then you’ll be motivated to
lighten your load – starting with the toxins in your body so that you can live lighter in body, mind
and soul.

Plan your cleanse. Reduce your commitments for the cleanse duration and guard against the
demands of others. Plan your activity (be flexible when necessary, of course) as well as your
meals a week in advance. Use the Internet to find recipes, Saturday to get groceries, and Sunday
to prepare your lunches and slice your veggies for convenience.

~ Prepared by Dr. Shannon T. Harrington, PhD, RN

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