Optimal Sizing of Solar Water Heating System Based

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Optimal sizing of solar water heating system based on genetic algorithm for
aquaculture system

Article  in  Mathematical and Computer Modelling · August 2010

DOI: 10.1016/j.mcm.2011.10.022

35 839

4 authors, including:

Doaa M Atia Hassen Taher Dorrah

Electronics Research Institute Cairo University


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Proceedings of the 14th International Middle East Power Systems Conference (MEPCON’10), Cairo University, Egypt, December 19-21, 2010, Paper ID 244.

Optimal Sizing of Solar Water Heating System Based on

Genetic Algorithm for Aquaculture System
Doaa M. Atia1, Faten H. Fahmy1, Ninet M. Ahmed1, and Hassen T. Dorrah2
Electronics Research Institute, National Research Center Building, Cairo, Egypt
Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electrical Power and Machines, Cairo University

Abstract- The most wide spread thermal use of solar energy, has convex design spaces. Genetic algorithms (Gas) are well
been for water heating system, which have been commercialized suited for solving such problems, and in most cases they can
in many countries in the world. This paper presents a model of a find the global optimum solution with a high probability.
forced circulation solar water heating system for supplying a hot Although GA was first presented systematically by Holland,
water at a required temperature for an aquaculture system. The
main component of the system is flat plate collector, storage tank,
the basic ideas of analysis and design based on the concepts of
and auxiliary heater. The optimization problem is carried out biological evolution. Genetic algorithms are based on the
using genetic algorithm, which is one of the modern optimization principles of natural genetics and natural selection. The basic
techniques because of their evolutionary nature it can handle any elements of natural genetics-reproduction, crossover, and
kind of objective function and constraints. Genetic algorithm mutation-are used in the genetic search procedure [4]. This
don't have mathematical requirements about the optimization paper presents the optimal sizing of solar thermal hot water
problem, also it is very effective at performing a global search (in system for an aquaculture system using genetic algorithm.
probability), and provide a great flexibility. The optimal design Also sensitivity analysis is carried out.
of flat plate collector area using genetic algorithm are used to
optimize the objective function considering the constraints
required for the system. As the genetic algorithm is a discrete II. MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF SOLAR THERMAL SYSTEM
optimization tool the number of variables in principle is free of
choice. The economic analysis of such system is evaluated with Schematic diagram of a solar water heating system is shown
the life cycle cost method. The collector area is equal to 63 m2, at
this value the solar fraction reached to 98%which is very high
in Fig. 1. A typical solar water heating system consists of a
value. Also sensitivity analysis to solar radiation variation, air solar collector array connected to an insulated storage tank.
temperature variation, and interest rate has been carried out. Solar energy incident on the collectors is carried to the storage
tank by circulating water through the collector tubes. The
storage meets thermal demand of the load by supplying hot
I. INTRODUCTION water. Cold water is supplied to the tank as soon as hot water
from the tank is withdrawn to meet the load requirement. This
Proper design of solar water heating system is important to arrangement ensures that the storage tank is always full. A
assure maximum benefit to the user, especially for a large biogas heater is used as auxiliary heater with a bypass is
system. Designing a solar hot water system involves placed in series with the storage in load supply line (Fig. 1) to
appropriate sizing of different components based on predicted meet temperature requirement of the load. Storage tank
solar insolation and hot water demand [1]. All nations of the temperature is an important parameter which influences the
world depend on fossil fuels for their energy needs. However, system size and performance. Energy balance of a well mixed
the obligation to reduce CO2 and other gaseous emissions, in storage tank can be expressed as [1]
order to be in conformity with the Kyoto agreement is the dT s
reason behind which countries turn to non-polluting renewable ρ Vs cp = q c − q l − q stl (1)
energy sources [2]. An important issue in solar thermal system dt
for industrial applications is the optimal sizing of the system
i.e., appropriate sizing of the collectors, storage and heat Where ρ water density (Kg/m3), Vs is is storage tank volume
exchanger [3].In recent years, some optimization methods that (m3), Ts is storage tank temperature (oC), Cp is specific heat of
are conceptually different from the traditional mathematical water (4190 J/Kg oC), qc is actual useful energy gain, ql is load
programming techniques have been developed. These methods energy, and qstl is storage tank losses.
are labeled as modern or nontraditional methods of
optimization. Most of these methods are based on certain A. Flat Plate Collector Modeling
characteristics and behavior of biological, molecular, swarm Solar useful heat gain rate (qc) from the collector array is
of insects, and neurobiological systems. Many practical calculated by
q c = F R A [ατ G − U l (Ti − T a )]
optimum design problems are characterized by mixed (2)
continuous– discrete variables, and discontinuous and no

dependent on several factors such as hot water consumption
rate, cold water inlet and desired hot water set temperatures,
heater location and orientation of the system.
Hot water to
load A. Modeling of Aquaculture Pond
Storage A numerical model based on energy balance was developed
to simulate the thermal behavior of the open-pond system.
Heat losses occur mainly by evaporation, convection and
Collectors radiation. Calculation of these losses can be based on
simplified equations that are generally applicable to water
bodies [6]. Heat gains are achieved by means of incident solar
radiation and flat plate collectors. Heat exchange by
Water supply conduction with the ground is normally so small as to be
Solar pump negligible. We assumed uniform temperature for the entire
pond, although we know that there are some temperature
Fig. 1 Schematic of a solar water heating system. differences through depth, and thus applied a well-mixed
model [6].

Where qc represents actual useful energy gain (W), FR the B. Evaporation Losses
collector heat removal factor, G intensity of solar radiation, in The evaporation heat loss is the largest loss component and
(W/m2), A collector surface area (m2), (ατ) is the is given
transmittance absorptance product, Ul is collector overall heat
transfer coefficient (W/m2oC), Ta is the ambient temperature
[ ]
Q e = A Pa 35V + 43 (T p − T a ) 3 (w p − w a )

(oC), and Ti is the initial temperature. Where + sign indicates

Where Qe is the evaporation loss (W), V is the wind speed in
that only positive values of qc is considered in the analysis.
(m/s) in the vicinity of the pond, Pa the ambient air pressure
This implies that hot water from the collector enters the tank
(101.3 k Pa). TP is the pond temperature, Ta is the ambient
only when solar useful heat gain becomes positive [1].
temperature, ωP is the saturation humidity ratio at the pond
The collector heat removal factor, FR, is the ratio of the
temperature, ωa is the humidity ratio of the ambient air above
actual useful energy gain of a collector to the maximum
the pond, A is the area of the pond [6, 7].
possible useful gain if the whole collector surface were at the
fluid inlet temperature. It is defined as [5]
C. Convection Losses
m .c p ⎡ ⎛ AU l F ' ⎞⎟ ⎤ (3) Heat losses due to convection to the ambient air can be
FR = ⎢ 1 − exp ⎜⎜ − ⎥
AU l ⎢⎣ ⎝ m . c p ⎟⎠ ⎥⎦ expressed as [6, 7]
T p − Ta (6)
Q c = Q × 0 . 0006
Where m. is mass flow rate (Kg/s), Cp is specific heat of water w p − w a

(4190 J/Kg oC).

The overall heat loss from a solar collector consists of top D. The Net Radiation Losses
heat loss through cover systems, back heat loss, and edge heat Results from the surface of the pond to the sky which can be
loss which are heat loss through back and edge insulation of expressed as [6, 7]:
the collector. With the assumption that all the losses are based [
Q r = ε σ A (T p + 273 ) − T s 4
] (7)
on a common mean plate temperature Tpm, the overall heat loss
from the collector can be represented as
Where Qr is the radiation loss, ε is the emissivity of the
U l =U t +U b + U e (4) surface, σ is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant, TS is the sky
temperature in degrees Kelvin, Tp is the pond temperature.
Where Ul is the collector overall loss coefficient.Where the
subscripts t, b, and e represent for the top, back, and edge E. Solar Radiation Heat Gain
contribution, respectively. The value of FR and Ul used in Heat gain due to the absorption of solar radiation by the
calculation are calculated in a detailed program using Matlab pond is given by [6, 7]
software, their values are 0.6646, and 10.76 W/m2oC Q s = α AG (8)
Where α is pond absorptance (0.9).
In solar heating system design, it is necessary to estimate the
long-term (annual and/or monthly) average heating loads. The F. Calculation of Pond Heating Load
water heating load or the amount of energy required to warm
water from the inlet cold water to a desired temperature is

The pond heating load is the total heat losses by the three
mechanisms described above less any heat gain from incident
solar radiation.
Ql = Qe + Qc + Qr − Qs (9)

Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 represent the three losses component and

solar gain in summer and winter respectively. The evaporation

s olar irradianc e (W /m 2)
loss represents the largest component of pond losses followed
by the convection losses and finally the radiation losses. As 600

the air temperature decrease the losses of the pond increase.

The solar gain follows the solar radiation variation in the 400
desired location. Fig. 3 shows the load profile of aquaculture
system to keep pond temperature at the desired temperature. 200
The energy required is inversely proportional to air
0 5 10 15 20 25

Fig. 4 Solar irradiance

To get optimum design of solar thermal system, it is
important to collect meteorological data (solar irradiance and 35
air temperature) for the site under consideration. Fig. 4 and
Fig. 5 show the daily solar radiation and ambient temperature 30
for Mersa Matruh respectively. These data which used are a
practical data obtained [8]. 25

a ir t e m p e ra t u re (c )

x 10
Convection loss
Evaporation loss 10
5 Radiation loss
Solar gain 5
lo ss & gain (J/d ay)

0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (h)
Fig. 5 Air temperature.


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Time (h) The mass flow rate of hot water circulating in the collector
heating system can be calculated from the heat load equation.
Fig. 2 The solar gain and losses of the pond The heat load equation is represented by
during the summer. Q l = 500 m . Δ T (10)

Where Ql is heat load (BTU/hr), m is water mass flow rate
x 10
(gpm), ΔT is water temperature difference in oF. The mass
Solar gain
Evaporation loss
flow rate of hot water circulating in the collector heating
5 Radiation loss system can be calculated from the heat load equation its value
Convection loss
is 15gpm from the technical data of the solar collector tables,
4 the collector corresponding area is 59m2.
loss & gain (J/day)


2 The optimization technique with genetic algorithm is used to

find mainly the optimal size of flat plate collector and
auxiliary heater based on minimum cost of the system. A life-
cycle analysis is performed in order to obtain the total cost (or
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Time (h)

Fig. 3 The solar gain and losses of the pond

during the winter.
life-cycle cost). The period of economic analysis is taken as 20 The flowchart of genetic procedure which is used in sizing
years (i.e., life of the system), whereas the auxiliary heater has calculation is depicted in Fig.6. The economic minimization
been sized to satisfy the whole load without solar radiation. model is as below:
GAs differs from the traditional methods of optimization in Minimize
the following respects: n

1. A population of points (trial design vectors) is used LCC = ∑ CIi + CRi + CMOi − CSi
i =1
for starting the procedure instead of a single design
point. The system constraint is the energy balance which must be
2. GA uses only the values of the objective function. satisfied during the year. The energy balance insures
The derivatives are not used in the search procedure. continuity for feeding the load demands along the year.
The constraint model is as follows:
3. In GA the design variables are represented as strings
of binary variables that correspond to the Subject to
chromosomes in natural genetics. Thus the search Load demand ≥
method is naturally applicable for solving discrete (18)
and integer programming problems. For continuous Energy of solar thermal + Energy of auxiliary heater
design variables, the string length can be varied to
achieve any desired resolution. VII. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
4. The objective function value corresponding to a
design vector plays the role of fitness in natural Fig. 7 shows the fitness function against the number of
genetics. generations during the running of the genetic algorithm
5. In every new generation, a new set of strings is program. The genetic algorithm parameters used in the present
produced by using randomized parents selection and work are as follows, Population size (=20). Crossover rate
crossover from the old generation (old set of strings) (=80%). Crossover rate determines the probability that the
[4]. crossover operator will be applied to a particular chromosome
The solar cost represents by the annualized life cycle cost during a generation. The program give the area of flat plate
method is as below: collector is equal to 63 m2, at this area the solar fraction is
C s = CI + CM & O + CR − CS (11) equal to 98% which satisfy the load. The aquaculture system
has two operating seasons during the year (summer and
winter). The solar fraction, f, is defined as the ratio of the
CI = CF + C a A (12) useful solar energy supplied to the system to the energy
needed to heat the water if no solar energy is used. In other
Where Cs is the solar system cost, CI is initial system cost, words, f is a measure of the fractional energy savings relative
CM&O represents cost of maintenance and operation equal to to that used for an auxiliary system. Fig. 8 and Fig. 9 show the
2% of initial value, CR represents replacement cost, CS is variation of solar fraction with different collector areas and
salvage value equal to 20% of initial cost, where CF is the solar radiation in summer and winter respectivily. As collector
collector area independent cost (4000$) and Ca is the collector area increase solar fraction increase but it depends on system
area dependent cost (333$/m2) [9, 10]. The auxiliary system cost. The average value of solar fraction in summer is higher
cost is given by [11] than in winter due to high value of solar radiation in summer.
For a 63 m2 collector is able to supply 90–99% of the hot
C aux = I + F + V (13)
water demand from May to September.
Fig. 10 and Fig. 11 present the variation of air temperature
Where I is initial cost equal to 450$/KW, F is fixed cost has effect on solar fraction in summer and winter respectively.
the value of 2.7% of initial cost, and V variable cost equal to January has the minimum value of solar fraction due to the
1.2 $/MWh. Total system cost is low values of air tempeature and solar radiation over the
TC = Cs + Caux (14) winter season. The value of solar fraction in winter is in range
of 44.9% - 92.8%, and in summer is 68.1% - 99%.
The senstivity analysis are carreied out by varying the input
To convert to annualized value of money two factors have
parameters (solar radiation, air temperature, and interest rate).
been used which are capital recovery factor (crf) and sinking
Fig. 12 and Fig. 13 present the solar radiation variation over
fund deposit factor (sdfd) respectively [9] the year on cost function. In winter season the auxiliary heater
i (15) give more energy to heat water to the desired temperature so
crf =
1 + (1 + i )
− n
the variation of cost are increase depends on the value of
auxiliary heater energy. Table I shows the effect of interest
i rate variation on cost, as interset rate incease the system cost
sdfd = (16) incease. In Egypt the value of interest rate equal to
(1 + i )n −1 (=11.6%.)system cost variation at different areas of collector
in summer and winter respectivily.
A. Problem Description and Sizing Procedures

Start area=10 m2
Initial generation of system 70
sizing area=40m2

Solar fraction (%)

50 area=60m2
40 area=63m2
Yes Meet load Load input solar radiation and
demand air temperature

Generate sequence of new April May June July Aug Sept
population Months

Fig.8 Solar fraction variation with solar radiation in summer.

Calculate cost

Crossover and mutation

strategy 100
Complete 90
80 area=30m2
70 area=40m2
Yes Solar fraction (%)
60 area=50m2
Calculate minimum No
system cost 50

Export optimal sizing


Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar
Fig.6 The flow chart of genetic algorithm.

Fig.9 Solar fraction variation with solar radiation in winter.

Best: 4293279.1478 Mean: 4332757.1725

Best fitness 90
8 Mean fitness 80 area=30m2
70 area=40m2
F it n e s s v a lu e

Solar fraction (%)

7 50 area=63m2

10 20


5 April May Jun Jul Aug Sept
10 Month
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Fig.10 Solar fraction variation with air temperature in
Fig.7 the best and mean values of the fitness function at summer.

each generation.
CostVariation with Interest Rate
90 Interest rate (%) Cost
area=20m2 (103$)
area=30m2 5 2.6012
Solar fraction (%)

60 8 3.3821
50 10 3.9336
12 4.3522
20 15 5.3284
20 6.6868

Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar


Fig.11 Solar fraction variation with air temperature in winter. Optimum sizing of system components is important in
design a large solar thermal water heating system. In this
paper a design of a solar thermal water heating system for
supplying an aquaculture system with the required hot water
demand was presented. A methodology of sizing solar thermal
area=10m2 water heating system using genetic algorithm is proposed.
Genetic algorithm has been suggested in order to determine
5.5 area=30m2
the optimal sizing of solar thermal system according to
area=50m2 minimize the objective function considering the different
constraints and give the optimal area of flat plate collector.
System cost (*10^3) ($)

The collector area is equal to 63 m2, at this value the solar
fraction reached to 98%which is very high value. The solar
radiation has obvious effect on the solar fraction and system
4 cost specially when collector area increase. The senstivity
analysis are carreied out by varying the input parameters (solar
3.5 radiation, air temperature, and interest rate).

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