Assignment For Improvement-IWP

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Assignment for Improvement-IWP


1. Display the months of the year using associative arrays in the following format “January is the
First month” and so on for all the months.

$months​ = ​array​(​"First"​=>​"January"​, ​"Second"​=>​"February"​,
"Third"​=>​"March"​, ​"Fourth"​=>​"April"​, ​"Fifth"​=> ​"May"​, ​"Sixth"​=>​"June"​,
"Seventh"​=> ​"July"​, "
​ Eighth"​=>​"August"​, ​"Ninth"​=>​"September"​,
"Tenth"​=>​"October"​, "​ Eleventh"​=>​"November"​, ​"Twelfth"​=>​"December"​);

​ <center>"​;
echo​ "
echo​ "​ </br></br></br></br>"​;
foreach​(​$months​ as ​$order​ => ​$month​) {
​echo​ ​"<b>"​. ​$month​ .​" is the "​. ​$order​ .​" month </b>"​;
​echo​ ​"</br></br>"​;
echo​ ​"</center>"​;


2. Use the inbuilt string functions

a) Display only the unique characters present in the string “I like PHP and MySQL!”

b) Convert the given string into an array. $str=”Red#Blue#Yellow#Green”

c) In the string “Hello Class! It is an interesting class”, replace class with “world” irrespective of the

d) Count the number of times “over” is occurs in the string “Over the hills and over the mountains..
over and over again they went”.

e) Randomly shuffle the letters in the string



$string1​ = ​"I like PHP and MySQL!"​;

echo​ ​count_chars​(​$string1​, ​3​)


print_r​ (​explode​(​"#"​, ​$str​));


$str1​ = ​"Hello Class! It is an interesting class"​;
echo​ ​str_ireplace​(​"class"​,​"world"​,​$str1​);

$str​ = ​"Over the hills and over the mountains.. over and over again they

// Considering it as not case sensitive

echo​ ​substr_count​(​strtolower​(​$str​), ​"over"​)



​ Doing DA before many days of deadline is so much pleasurable, wish

$str​ = "
I knew this earlier!"​;

echo​ ​"Original String: "​. ​$str​;

echo​ ​"</br></br>"​;

echo​ ​"Shuffled String: "​. ​str_shuffle​(​$str​);


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