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From the beginning we know that, we have so many occupation in this world with a
difference risk and situation. Sometime, we heard about bad news through the television or
media social about a lot of incident happen in a workplace. Some of the incident are hide
because it just a major thing happen in the workplace. Statistic show that many incident
happen because of unconcerned workers, manager or owner on this safety rules. The
workers, manager or owner did not know that, if the injuries and illness happen at work it can
be so tragic because the problems can cause a big impact to the company by slow down the
production, the workers and their family. The suitable way to prevent all this happen are to
keep the atmosphere at the workplace running well without any risk or hazard happen. It is
important for an organization to know and take a serious action on this safety and help guide
that has been made by Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to prevent
hazard and lowing the risk in a workplace.

As a beginning to create a safe and healthy workplace we must start from the main factor
that make our business alive. The workers. It shown that without a good and healthy worker,
they cannot do any work with full of attention. A good manager that care about their workers
will treat their employee well. We cannot say that, many of our workers come from a
professional background because a professional workers usually know how to manage their
job and health well. For the new employee, they might think that nothing will be happen if
their come to do their job in a bad condition of health. Nowday, many employee like to take a
shortcut and don’t want to read about law and at the end bad things can happen, when
nobody expects it. As a manager, he or she must remind the workers weekly about the laws
and regulation on how to make the workplace safe and in the healthy way by following the
guide from (OSHA). By this action, the workers know about the instruction and the cause
and effect if there are not following the actual instructions. Worker reminder can prevent bad
things from happening. All work that related with bad injuries and illnesses can be prevented.

Second, have a medical examination schedule at the workplace. A medical examination is

good to do for a worker who are being considered for demanding jobs or jobs that involve
the safety of others such as in office or at the construction site. Medical examination can
make sure their health condition to do the job safely, protects the safety of other people who
may work with them, determines their current state of health that changes later, and
determines if they have a medical problem that he or she cannot do any work in a specific
time. Good medical is not just bring a positive impact to the company, but also give a good
affect to the worker. It is because most of the diseases come from virus that can be see with
our own eye. With the medical examination that has been schedule weekly or annually, we
can know that what type of diseases or virus in our body. It can help to prevent harmful
effects that may happen after an accident or exposure to a harmful substance by the mistake
or unpredictable thing already done. In fact, medical examination cannot prevent accident
but it still can protect the workers and keep the situation from getting worse. If the workers
sick, the doctor can look for them or giving advise on how to overcome their sick, because
the doctor have a specialized knowledge.

Third, the workplace design must be efficient and safe for work. Every worker have their
own limit of work, it is because we have difference sizes, and strength. They only work for a
limited of time and can get tired easily. This situation and environment of a workplace can
best relate to agronomic hazard. The agronomic hazard happen when the workplace design
are bad. A workplace with a bad design will make the worker unproductive and get tired
easily. For example, the body positioning also important because most of the workers who
work in the office have to sit on the chair in a long time. A worker who does not have a
proper body positioning or work environment will be stressed. A stressed worker can lead to
accident when they do their job. This is not good for the workers and the others safety. So,
the solution to fight the agronomic hazard came from a good workplace design. The
employee can perform well in their job if the workstation design can be improve and the body
posture be more naturally. Its shown that the agronomic hazard are more occur in materials
handling. If the problem can be solve, so this hazard disappear.

Lastly,to create a safe and healthy workplace is to train the workers. Training is absolutely
necessary so that workers can learn how to do the job correctly and safely. Repeated
training can improve your workers to know about health, safety and hazard and they can
protect themselves from harm and improve their own health. For example, from time to time
the workers must demonstrate the safety instruction or taking examination in safety and
health. The reason why this training is useful because its importance to give safety and
health education to all your workers , and the reasons for it must be clear. The worker must
know why he or she is doing something in a certain proper way to keep their safe as well

In conclusion, based on Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) they

require the protection of the employees from the workplace hazards. We must know that the
risk still exist in many condition. Creating a nice safety and well health environment
workplace can give a lot of benefit in many way. Keeping that as a vision to control risk is a
need to all people to prevent from any accident happen.

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