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What She Wants

Synopsis:  Jennifer, planning to spend the night, gets ready for her ‘blind’ date at Needy’s house, the
two talk about how Jennifer doesn’t know him that well and Needy, with hidden concern, jokes that
he’s going to be 65, Jennifer dismisses her and gets in the car with him when he arrives. In the car
Jennifer becomes increasingly scared as he keeps missing the right turns, Jennifer screams as the car
swerves. The same night, Needy is awoken and attacked by an unknown creature and when Needy
tries to fight back it’s gone and she can only see Jennifer’s bloody shoe. Needy attempts to tell
Jennifer what happened after Jennifer’s date’s body shows up mauled in the woods the next day,
but her boyfriend and Jennifer both dismiss it as some weird nightmare. Boys over town start
showing up mauled and eaten and the town begins looking for a large man who could’ve done it.
Rumours grow about who the killer could be but Needy is shocked when Jennifer doesn’t care.
Convinced that whatever attacked her is responsible for the murder, and also isn’t human, Needy
begins looking into the deaths. Jennifer wakes up feeling horrible, and is grouchy and rude to
everyone at school, Needy asks if she’s sick, taking her appearance into concern, but Jennifer gets
mad at her. Xander, Needy’s friend from class, asks Jennifer out on a date, Jennifer laughs and says
no until Needy says that she thinks it was mean, and that she thinks Xander is cool, Jennifer calls him
over and agrees to go on a date with him. She asks if it could be the same day but he says no and she
scoffs but agrees, Jennifer goes home and starts throwing things about but calms herself down, she
calls the one of the ‘weirdos’ she doesn’t like and asks if he wants to hang out, he agrees and when
he arrives she takes him to the forest and kills him, in his attempt to escape he grabs at her neck,
and ends up pulling on her best friend locket, getting blood over it. In Needy’s room, she’s suddenly
filled with dread and feels faint, she walks over to the mirror and swears that she sees blood on her
best friend locket, but it’s gone just as quick as she saw it. After finding out that another person was
murdered the next day, Needy becomes convinced that because she survived the creature she’s
been ‘imprinted’ and gets a ‘gut feeling’ that only she can stop it, Chip grows more concerned as he’s
sure it has nothing to do with a creature and it’s just a sick person, but Needy doesn’t listen. When in
her room, Needy becomes filled with dread and feels drawn to the abandoned pool house, she
brings a weapon and goes to investigate, only to find Jennifer eating Xander, Needy freezes and
Jennifer attacks her, but spares her life. Jennifer breaks into Needy’s house in human form and tries
to explain everything, she said that her date brought her to a cult and tried to sacrifice her but
‘failed’ and she ‘woke up hungry’. Needy realises that they didn’t fail and did actually kill her, but
doesn’t know how she survived. Because Jennifer spared her life, she is convinced that there’s still
good in her and she can be saved. Needy does research and realises that rituals can still be complete
if the victim isn’t ‘pure’ but instead of the victim dying they will become a succubus and feast on
souls in order to live. Needy approaches Jennifer and the two talk about ways she could live without
doing damage, like only eating bad people or people who have just died, but Jennifer shrugs her off
and says no. Needy gets scared at how casual she’s being but Needy says she has to go and cancels
her plans with Jen saying she has plans with Chip. Jennifer, enraged at being blown off and now
hungry again, lures chip to the same pool house and tries to eat him, Needy comes in and fights her
away before chip bleeds out. Realising that Jennifer will never go good, Needy chases her to a multi-
storey car park and tries to kill her, she thinks she does after Jennifer falls from the top but doesn’t
see anything but Jennifer’s bloody shoe. 
Possible Opportunities and Constraints: I’d need to get the rights to turn the movie into a series.
The movie heavily relies on the premise of murder, fighting, and the supernatural, which a small
budget may not be able to handle, most of the murder scenes would need to be implicated. A lot of
it is set in a high school, and we could use the college for this. The movie is set in America, so the
atmosphere that is normally in America would need to be adapted. In the original, a lot of the plot
revolves around a landmark in their town, not having this landmark gives an opportunity to rework
and extend the lore of the supernatural while also referencing the original. Because of the small
budget we may not be able to include a lot of the CGI that is needed, which would hinder the story.
Also, the locations that are in the movie would be hard to find or replicate which could make the film
harder to make. Because of the ambiguous ending the series could have a second season with more
new interesting characters and storylines. We would have to use at least one known actor because
people might not react well to an adaptation without known actors, as the original’s success was
partly because of the actors used. Because of the budget our crew may have to be out of University
or inexperienced. If we want to use famous actors we may need to reduce the money spent on other
parts of production. 
Key scenes: 
Beginning: Episode 1 -
 Needy wakes up to a faint knocking sound coming from downstairs, it stops as soon as she sits up,
she checks her phone and sees it’s 3am. Assuming that Jennifer has already returned home from her
date, she calls her name and turns only to see she’s not in the bed, or even the room. Needy sees
there is no sign of her returning and then she picks up her phone and calls Jen. The phone rings for a
while and then hangs up, going to her Jen’s answerphone. The knocking starts again. She’s hesitant
to go but slowly walks down the stairs, she swings the door open and apologises for falling asleep
and leaving the door locked, assuming it’s Jennifer, but there is no-one there. Curious, Needy steps
out the door, she turns to the side of her house in case Jennifer had tried to go through the back
door and calls her name but just before she can finish it something grabs her, wrapping an arm
around her waist and putting a hand over her mouth and nose. Needy starts screaming for help, and
unable to breath, attempts to pull the hand from over her mouth, whoever has grabbed her is
unbelievably strong, the hand over her mouth is wet, and when she pulls her own hand away, her
hand is covered in blood. She screams louder and begins to cry when suddenly she is dropped onto
the floor, she gasps for breath and attempts to scramble away only to realise whatever grabbed her
is now gone, she quickly runs into her house in fear of it returning but as she’s getting up slips on the
wet soil and tries to catch herself, she does, but notices she’s looking at one of Jennifer’s shoes
abandoned in front of her, dirty, and covered in blood.
Middle: Episode 4 – 
After investigating the murders and noticing a pattern, Needy, thinking she knows where the next
body is going to be found, goes to the abandoned pool house at the top of the hill. She finds
Jennifer’s scarf on the way up and panics thinking Jennifer will be the next victim. She runs into the
building, avoiding all the plants and ivy that have overgrown it. While walking, Needy hears weird
noises that she can’t describe or recognise and follows them into the back of the pool house, she
walks into the back but a wet plant brushes her shoulder and she jumps and drops her flashlight, she
picks it up, expecting to continue following the sound when she can’t hear it anymore. It’s silent as
she looks around when suddenly her light catches movement, she moves closer, and screams when
she sees her best friend, Jennifer, crouched over her friend from class, eating his freshly dead
corpse. Her scream attracts the attention of Jennifer, who is suddenly up and screaming at her like a
banshee, her jaw is unhinged and she is moving unnaturally fast. Needy attempts to run but Jennifer
tackles her, she starts crying and begging for her life while Jennifer, now straddling Needy, just
stares. Needy attempts to squirm away, but it’s in vain as Jennifer is too strong. Jen unhinges her jaw
even wider than before and backs up ready to bite, but as she lunges forward she suddenly stops.
Needy stills, hoping that she won’t irritate her any further. Jennifer’s hand slowly moves to the
necklace on Needy’s neck, the half of her best friend necklace the pair share, she holds it in her hand
for a second, observing it, before harshly dropping it back onto Needy’s chest and standing up.
Needy scrambles up and watches in horror, as Jennifer casually strolls out of the building, leaving a
crying Needy balled up 10 feet away from a dead body.
End: Episode 8  –
Needy chases Jennifer to a multi-storey car park, when she gets there, Jennifer begins taunting her.
Needy, not knowing where the echoes are coming from, attempts to maintain her composure,
taunting back instead of crumbling like she normally would. In an attempt to bait her out, Needy
begins talking about how pathetic it is that she’s hiding, saying she’s supposed to be the ‘amazing
Jennifer’ knowing she’s at her weakest due to not eating. Jennifer’s taunts get quieter and quieter,
until Needy suggests that she stopped Jennifer from eating Chip, her boyfriend, because she needed
to drop a few pounds. Enraged, Jennifer comes out from behind a pillar and throws Needy against a
wall. Not breaking, Needy scrambles back up to her feet, calling Jennifer a bitch and ranting about
how she was always a bad friend, possessed or not. Jennifer laughs and tells her she’s being
dramatic and tells her to grab a tampon, implying that she’s just being hormonal. Jennifer, noticing
that Needy was in pain, begins laughing and talking about how even at her weakest she was better
than Needy’s strongest, even before she died. Needy waits for Jennifer to get close before asking
how she managed to stop her before, Jennifer raises her arm in order to strike her but Needy slips
out and runs away, hiding behind a pillar. We see Needy attempting to silently catch her breath and
Jennifer checking pillars far behind her in the same shot. Jennifer calls out, asking who’s pathetic
now, Needy calls back before running to another pillar, saying she’s allowed to run from a flesh-
eating demon who killed her boyfriend. Jennifer, who was chased out before Chip bled out is
surprised at his death, and when she says ‘he died?’ We see Needy’s face change, hoping for a
second that she was feeling some sort of remorse. Her face changes again when Jennifer calls out
‘What a waste’. Needy snaps. She sees the stake she dropped when she was thrown and quickly
picks it up, charging at Jennifer with it brandished, Jennifer quickly turns around and wacks her to
the floor again, she turns around and pins down one of Needy’s arm, but with the other Needy grabs
the necklace of Jennifer’s neck and throws it next to the window, Jennifer’s face drops and it’s hard
to tell whether its mocking or genuine. Jennifer gets up and goes to the necklace, picking it up and
holding it in her hand, she turns to Needy, about to say something along the lines of ‘I thought we
were besties’ but as she’s turning Needy is already up and stood in front of her. She punches
Jennifer in the face and immediately kicks her as hard as she can, Jennifer smashes through the
window and falls to her seeming death. Catching her breath, needy runs down to try and find Jen’s
body, but all she sees is Jennifer’s glass covered shoe.
Time Scale: It would take around a year, because it would take 3 months for pre-production, 6
months for production, and 3 months for post-production. Pre-production will take a while to make
sure that we have casted the right people for each character as the original movie is a cult classic,
and portraying the characters badly or in a way that the audience won’t believe will immediately
make people hate the series. The series will be filmed in summer which gives more time for filming
as it would be day more, however, night time scenes will have to be filmed later at night-time as it
gets dark much later, which could make an irregular sleep schedule for the cast and crew as we
would have to be filming scenes over and over at 11pm-4am, to stop them having to work nights and
then immediately days, we will have to take more time to schedule it properly, which will make it
take more time. Post production has been given a lot of time as the movie requires very many
special effects and cut editing to make it seem believable.
Budget: I would spend my budget on good actors and realistic locations as well as special and
practical effects, based on the BBC drama guidelines I would need a 500-630k an hour budget. My
show fits the BBC guidelines for drama 3 as it will have a high production value, which is needed to
make things like the murders and bodies look realistic instead of laughable, with known talent that
aren’t amateurs so that the performances can be emotive and not leave the show feeling fake,  and
also because the show has many locations e.g, abandoned houses, buildings, churches and locations
with biblical undertones, a similar show to this is Riverdale as they had a similar budget in their first
Jennifer – Possessed after being sacrificed in a satanic ritual, popular and vain, best friends with
Needy and constantly feels the need to be above her in every way.
Needy – Quiet and timid, normally pushed around by Jennifer, has a boyfriend called chip who she
loves, but Jennifer hates.
Chip – Needy’s boyfriend, doesn’t like Jennifer because of how she treats Needy.
Needy’s Mum – Works at the hospital so barely home, loves Needy but finds it hard to be there for
Xander – Needy’s friend from English, emo and poetic in a depressed way.
Suitability for new media: Because the movie is set in high school and has opportunities for more
content it would fit into a series. It would be filmed in England, with around 2-4 main characters. The
film could take a different turn in the series, focusing more on Jennifer’s experience as the demon as
well as Needy’s experience of trying to stop her, with an added dynamic of Needy being out of the
know for a while longer to build suspense and make the story long enough. If the story focuses on
Jennifer more it could give the entire story a new perspective and meaning, as the original focuses
more on revenge. The supernatural could be more explored with the longer time, as the ritual itself
and what happens could have a more important and recurring role in the story instead of just being
the catalyst for the beginning.

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