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Applicant will start the process of filling the account opening form using link ‘Click Here To Start
with new request’.

The Applicant will fill his/ her name, mobile number and e-mail ID on the opened form. On
submission, he/ she will get TCRN number (Temporary Customer Reference Number) on mobile as
well as e-mail.

For given TCRN number, customer will fill the online form by furnishing relevant details of account
opening form.

After submission, applicant will visit Bank’s branch along with TCRN, photo, ID Proof and Address
Proof in original and copies. The KYC documents will be verified by the branch.

सभी शाखाएँ

OOSA पोर्टल के माध्यम से 5 मिनट मे बचत खाता खोलना बहुत ही आसान

- ग्राहक से उपरोक्त लिं क खोलने को बोले या Google पर PNB OOSA लिखें

- लिं क पर जाकर ग्राहक खु द की सारी डिटे ल भरे गा

- पूरी डिटे ल भरने के बाद ग्राहक को ऑनलाइन TCRN no मिले गा

👉शाखा की ईमे ल पर सिस्टम जनरे टे ड ईमे ल आएगी जिसमे TCRN no होगा

👉ग्राहक से KYC दस्तावे ज़/फोटो/अन्य दस्तावे ज़ की मां ग करे

👉शाखा NonCbs-RBD-OOSA Portal पर जाकर Login करे

-USER ID :- SIX DIGIT SOLID & Password: pnb123

👉Customer View Form पर जाकर TCRN no डाले

✍️अगर फॉर्म मे कुछ डिटे ल Modify करना है तो कर ले वे अन्यथा प्रिं ट फॉर्म पर जाकर AOF का प्रिं ट ले के
ग्राहक की फोटो/KYC एवं हस्ताक्षर करवा ले वे

👉 Generate लिं क पर जाकर file जनरे ट करे एवं PC पर Save कर ले वे

👉 Finacle मे OOSA मीनू चलाये एवं उपरोक्त file अपलोड कर दे तत्पश्चात दस

ू रे user से OOSA मीनू से ही
Verify कर दे

आपका खाता खु ल चु का है एवं ग्राहक तु रंत ले न-दे न कर सकता है क्योंकि OOSA से खोला गया खाता Freeze
नहीं होता है और ना ही बे क ऑफिस भे जने की जरूरत है |

All branches

It’s quite easy to open savings account through PNB OOSA portal in 5 minutes

Applicant will start the process of filling the account opening form using
link ‘Click Here to Start with new request’.
After filling the complete details, the customer will get online TCRN
(Temporary Customer Reference Number) on his mobile as well as e-
Branch will receive system generated email containing TCRN.
Applicant will visit Bank’s branch along with TCRN, photo, ID Proof and
Address Proof in original and copies. The KYC documents will be verified
by the branch.
Branch will Login to the branch NonCbs-RBD-OOSA Portal
-USER ID: - SIX DIGIT SOLID & Password: pnb123
Go to Customer View Form and enter TCRN no
If some details have to be modified, do it otherwise go to the print form
and print the AOF and get the customer's photo / KYC signed.
Generate file by going to Generate link and save it on PC
Run the OOSA menu in Finacle and upload the above file, then Verify it
with the OOSA menu from another user.
Your account has been opened and the customer can do the transaction
immediately as the account opened with OOSA is not freeze and no
need to be sent to the bake office.
Note: Customers already having Customer ID/Account with PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK
cannot apply for Online account opening.
All branches
It’s quite easy to open savings account through PNB OOSA portal in 5 minutes
Applicant will start the process of filling the account opening form using link
‘Click Here to Start with new request’.
After filling the complete details, the customer will get online TCRN
(Temporary Customer Reference Number) on his mobile as well as e-mail.
Branch will receive system generated email containing TCRN.
Applicant will visit Bank’s branch along with TCRN, photo, ID Proof and
Address Proof in original and copies. The KYC documents will be verified by
the branch.
Branch will Login to the branch NonCbs-RBD-OOSA Portal
-USER ID: - SIX DIGIT SOLID & Password: pnb123
Go to Customer View Form and enter TCRN no
If some details have to be modified, do it otherwise go to the print form
and print the AOF and get the customer's photo / KYC signed.
Generate file by going to Generate link and save it on PC
Run the OOSA menu in Finacle and upload the above file, then Verify it with
the OOSA menu from another user.
Note: Customers already having Customer ID/Account with PUNJAB NATIONAL
BANK cannot apply for Online account opening.

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