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DATE: 10/09/2015 DURATION: 2 hrs


a) Read all the questions carefully

b) Write all your answers on the answer sheets provided
c) Do not copy any questions and statements
d) Number the answers correctly
e) Do not exceed the word limit.


I. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow: (5 marks)

Oscar awards are annual awards given by the United States Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and
Sciences for excellent and outstanding achievement in various branches of film making. The major
awards are for leading and supporting actors and actresses, best direction, best screen play and best film.
Another special Oscar award is given for the best life-achievement. These awards are considered the
most prestigious international awards in the field of cinema.
The award was instituted by the Academy industry on 16th May, 1929 and named after Oscar Pierce of
Texas who was a wheat and flower grower. The Academy was founded by Lious B.Mayer in 1927 with
an objective to prevent the creation of a union of actors and artisans. Another aim was to improve the
image of film industry by issuing awards for merit and distinction. Originally the award was intended to
be a modest one with citations within the Hollywood film industry but the importance of the award kept
on increasing as broad media coverage generated wide spread popular interest. Oscar award winning
movies assured box office success as was noticed from increasing revenue of winning movies. Labelling
of an Oscar worked like a trademark for the commercial success of a film.

Choose the correct option: (5 marks)

1. Oscar awards are given for outstanding achievement in the field of

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a) sports b) social work c) cinema d) science

2. Oscar awards are given every

a) three years b) four years c) two years d) one year

3. The man who founded the United States Academy of Motion Pictures Arts was

a) Oscar Pierce b) Lious B. Mayor c) Lious Philip d) Emil Jannings

4. Oscar awards got popularity in due course because

a) media played a major role b) public voting was used

c) common people were given these awards d) of commercial success

5. The word ‘instituted’ means

a) increased b) founded c) discovered d) achieved

II. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow: (5 marks)

Mona doesn’t like to ask people for help. But it is hard for her to perform daily activities on her
own. She is almost 13, yet she is no larger than a 5-year old. Mona has trouble keeping her
balance and can’t walk very far. When she uses a wheelchair, she can’t push it herself.
Fortunately, Mona has a wonderful service dog named Sam. A service dog is a dog that is trained
to assist someone who has a physical problem. Sam lets Mona lean on him when she walks. He
also pulls her wheel chair and turns lights on and off. When Mona drops something, Sam picks it
up. He even pulls her socks off at night.

Sam always helps Mona with everyday tasks at school. He carries her books from class to class
in a special backpack. He puts Mona’s completed assignments in her teacher’s homework trays.
In the lunchroom, he throws away her trash.

Besides making Mona less dependent on other people, Sam helps her lead a fuller life. Mona’s
classmates flock around Sam like geese. This has helped her make friends. Sam also helps Mona
be more active. With his aid, she raised over $500 in a walk-a-thon for her local humane society.

Mona doesn’t have to ask people for help because of Sam. Sam brings her closer to other kids
and he even helps her contribute to the society.

A. Answer the following questions. (2 marks)

1. How does Sam help Mona with her wheel chair?

2. How has Mona contributed to her community?

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B. Complete the following to make meaningful sentences: (2 marks)

1. Mona is unlike other girls because _____________________________________.

2. In school, Sam _____________________. (any one)
C. Find words from the passage which mean- ( 1 mark)

1. caring and kind 2. gather


III. Write a bio sketch of the great scientist C.V. Raman using the hints given below. (4 marks)

Birth: 7 November 1888, Trichinopoly

Parents: Father – school teacher, Mother – a learned woman
Education: MA Physics
Job: Joined Department of Finance, Government of India
Professor of Physics at the University College of Science
Contributions in science: Raman Effect, an important contributions in the field of electrical
conductivity of metals.
Awards: Nobel Prize in Physics (1930), Bharat Ratna (1954)
Died: 21 November 1970

IV. Complete the dialogue between two friends.

Arun: I called in the morning. Were you not at home?

Pankaj: No. I a) _______________________________.

Arun: Whom did you play against? b) _______________________?

Pankaj: No, we lost but c) ______________________________ .

Arun: Good luck. I will d) __________________________________.

Pankaj : Ok. Thank you.

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V. Attempt either (a) or (b) (7 marks)

a) You are Rajiv / Shikha. Write a letter to your cousin living in Dubai inviting him / her to Muscat
during the forthcoming Eid holidays. Mention the attractions in and near Muscat that you intend to
show him/her.

b) You are Anish / Anita, Write an e-mail to your cousin telling about the ‘No Plastic Drive’ being
followed in your school. Also mention the benefits of such a campaign.


VI. Fill in the blank with a suitable modal: (3 marks)

1. You look ill. You ____________ go to a doctor today. ( suggestion)

2. You ______ be successful in life. ( prediction)
3. _______________ you mind helping me lift the table? ( polite request)
4. _____ I take a day’s leave? ( polite permission)
5. We _____________ play with fire. ( strong prohibition)
6. Ravi ___________ sing well when he was in school. (past ability)

VII. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb given in brackets. (3 marks)

a. My mother _________________ when I reach home in the afternoon. ( cook)

b. Pritam is happy that he ____________ his work on time.(finish)
c. The rain ________ before we________ the house.(stop, leave)
d. The children’s room looks clean. They __________ it today. (clean)
e. Manish ___________ since morning.(study)
f. Neha_____________.(join) the English Academy soon.( future continuous )

VIII. Change the following sentences to Indirect speech: (3 marks)

1. Mother said, ‘Hari, Did you see the balloons go up in the sky today?’
2. Father said to his son, ‘I will not give you this money now’.

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3. Smita says, ‘I am not ready for the test’.

IX. Rearrange the following words to frame meaningful sentences: (3 marks)

a. huge/ network/ a/computers / internet / is / of

b. other/ of computers/it/connects millions/to each
c. internet/ can / any two/ to / the/ computers/connected/exchange information

X. The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line. Write the incorrect
word and the correction. Underline the correct word. ( ½ * 6 =3marks)

Swami explained the matter with Moti a) _________ ________

and asked him to arranged for b) _________ ________
sixty rupees, what he urgently needed. c) _________ ________
But Moti has no money of his own d) _________ ________
at the time. At Swami’s suggestion they e) _________ ________
looked for a money in his uncle’s box. g) ________ ________


XI. Read the following extract and answer the given questions: ( 3 marks)

a) ‘But she didn’t take the umbrella. She shook her head and said, ‘You keep it. I don’t need it
anymore’. ‘But it is such a pretty umbrella!’ protested Ram Bharosa. ‘It’s the best umbrella
in the village.’
1. Who is the ‘she’ mentioned here? Where was she from?
2. Why didn’t she want it anymore?
3. What had she given in exchange for the blue umbrella?

XII. Read the given extract and answer the questions. (3 marks)

Back home wards then

He turns his thoughts,
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And mother Earth
That gave him birth
He loves again.

1. Who is the ‘He’ mentioned here?

a) The poet b) The palm tree c) The Moon

2. When does ‘he’ return homeward?

a) When the wind starts blowing
b) When the wind stops blowing
c) At night

3. Why does ‘he’ return to Mother Earth?

a) It is because he grew from Mother Earth.
b) It is because he fell into Mother Earth.
c) It is because Mother Earth has soil.

XIII. Answer any FOUR of the following questions in 30 – 40 words each: (8 marks)

1. What were the three that Miss. Rumphius had decided to do when she was a child?
2. How does the Palm tree stand? What does it want to do?
3. Why were the students chanting the name of Suvira alone?
4. What did Ram Bharosa do in his greed for the umbrella?
5. Why did the traveller stop by the woods? Why didn’t he stay too long?

XIV. Answer any ONE of the following questions in 80 – 100 words: (6 marks)

1. Why do you think Binya left the umbrella in Ram Bharosa’s shop? Why didn’t she take it back
from the old man?
2. Which were the faraway places that Miss. Rumphius visited? What were her experiences there?

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