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Alamat: Kampus UNM Parang tambung, Jl. Mallengkeri
Makassar 90224 Laman:

Nama : Zahratul Aini Gani
NIM : 1652042002
ProgramStudi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Setelah melalui proses pembimbingan, Thesis ini layak untuk diseminarkan

Makassar, 8 April 2020


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Ketua Jurusan Ketua
Bahasa Inggris Program Studi
Fakultas Bahasa dan Sastra Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

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Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds who has given the writer a good

chance to finish this Thesis even though it is very simple and then to express her pray

to prophet Muhammad saw who has brought us from the darkness to the lightness, so

that we join Islam religion.

The writer would like to express her sincere thanks to the Rector of

Universitas Negeri Makassar, the Dean of language and literature faculty, the

Lecturers of English education department, and their staff who have guided the

writer from beginning up to the end of her study at the Universitas Negeri Makassar.

The writer would like to extent thanks to Prof. Dr. Haryanto, M.Pd her first

consultant for his guidance and valuable spent time to read and correct this Thesis

and also thanks for her second consultant Munir, S.Pd.M.Ed, TESOL for his

suggestion in the completion of this Thesis.

Finally, the writer would like thanks to her parents (Drs. H. Abdul Gani

Ibrahim, M.Pd.I. & Hj. Zaenab Longgari S.Pd., M.Pd.I), her brother (Muhammad

Zulfahmi Gani Ibrahim) and her classmates (English Education 2016) who have

encouraged her during study at the Universitas Negeri Makassar until she can finish

this Thesis. May Allah the Almighty bless us

Makassar, 8 April 2020

13 Sya’ban 1441

The writer

TITLE PAGE ..................................................................................................... i

LIGALIZATION................................................................................................. ii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.................................................................................. iii

CONTENTS........................................................................................................ iv

LIST OF TABLE................................................................................................ vi

LIST OF FIGURE............................................................................................... vii


A. Background........................................................................................... 1
B. Problem statement................................................................................. 5
C. The Research question.......................................................................... 5
D. The objective of research...................................................................... 6
E. The Organization of Writing................................................................ 6
F. Scope of the Research.......................................................................... 7



A. Definition of Analysis........................................................................... 8
B. Type of Analysis................................................................................... 9
C. Functions and Objectives Analysis....................................................... 9
D. Errors and Mistakes Analysis............................................................... 11
E. Writing.................................................................................................. 25
F. Purpose of Writing................................................................................ 27
G. The Types of Writing............................................................................ 28
H. Recount Text......................................................................................... 33
I. The Purpose of Recount Text............................................................... 34
J. Features of Recount Text ..................................................................... 34
K. The Types of Recount Text .................................................................. 35
L. Generic Structure of Recount Text ...................................................... 36
M. The Process of Writing......................................................................... 38
N. Aspect of Writing ................................................................................. 41
O. The conceptual framework................................................................... 42

P. Hypothesis ......................................................................................... 43


A. Research Design................................................................................. 44
B. The Place And Time Of The Research............................................... 44
C. Research Variable............................................................................... 44
D. Operational Definition........................................................................ 45
E. Population and Sample....................................................................... 45
F. Instrument of the Research................................................................. 46
G. Procedure of Collecting Data............................................................. 47
H. Data of Analysis................................................................................. 47
I. Procedure Errors analysis (EA) In Writing........................................ 48
J. Technique of Data Analysis............................................................... 49


A. Research Findings................................................................................. 50
B. Discussion............................................................................................. 64


A. Conclusion............................................................................................ 66
B. Suggestion............................................................................................. 67

Appendix.......................................................................................................... 68

Bibliography.................................................................................................... 91


Table 2.1 the Errors Classification................................................................. 15

Table 2.2 Generic Structure............................................................................ 36

Table 2.3 Language Features.......................................................................... 36

Table 2.4 the Example of Recount Text......................................................... 37

Table 4.1 List of year 12 Students (IPA)........................................................ 50

Table 4.2 the errors classification made by students of year 12 students...... 52

Table 4.3 Omission of to be........................................................................... 60

Table 4.4 Omission of-ed............................................................................... 61

Table 4.5 Omission of conjuction.................................................................. 62

Table 4.6 Addition.......................................................................................... 62

Table 4.7 Misformation.................................................................................. 63

Table 4.8 Misordering.................................................................................... 63


Figure 2.1 the Conceptual Frame ....................................................................... 36




A. Background

We know that the English language is a tool of international communication,

therefore it is important to know we do realize that mastering one of the foreign

languages is very necessary, especially English because most of the scientific books are

written in it. Therefore, the government of Indonesia has placed this language in the

curriculum not only at the junior high school or senior high school but also at the

universities or institutes.

As a matter of fact, in learning English the students begin by learning the words

of the language. They do not realize that English is different from their native language,

such as the vocabulary, sound system, listening, reading, speaking, writing and


Learning English is important to be learned not only for being the

international language but today English has become a language that is in every

place, and it has become a must for everyone to be able to understand English to

make people easier in this activity, English frequently found in many public

places such as relating to transportation, market, even medicine using English, so

it is wrong if the English is interpreted as intended for people who plan to travel

abroad only in the country but also English language are often encountered in

daily activities.

Language is a tool for communication that used to learn, socialize, think

and express ideas or opinion between the speakers and the listeners or the writers

and the readers. To be a good speaker, listener, writer and reader, someone has to

learn the language informally or formally in institution such as place course,

language training or school.

Definition of language according to expert stated that language is a system

of symbols that are meaningful and articulate sound (generated by said tool)

which are arbitrary and conventional, which is used as a means of

communicating by a group of human beings to give birth to feelings and thoughts

(Wibowo,2001:3)., 23

June 2019

There are four skills in English language, namely Listening Skill,

Speaking Skill, Reading Skill and Writing Skill. One of language skills that is

important for learner is writing, because by writing, people can express his or her

ideas in written form. So that, writing skill is important to teach the students at

Senior High School 16 Makassar. It is in the Year 2013 National Curriculum of

Senior High School that the students are to communicate in English either

written or oral. It means that these skills should be interrelated and supported

one another. The result of interview by English teacher before that commonly

they think that study writing is difficult. Beside that when the students wanted

write sentences in a paragraph, they didn’t understand many vocabulary. They

are to make an oral and written to solve their problems (They cannot distinguish

between present tense and past tenses, they haven’t had many vocabulary) and

they must know English is very important because it is used in all aspects of the

world (Education, health, technology and social)

Based on the year 2013 National Curriculum of English Language that they

are to know and or understand to create the functional text such as recount text,

procedure text, narrative, report text and descriptive text, so that the writer would

like to choose the Recount Text as a research object in the medium teaching

English writing. Based on my result research before about the subject of

introduction to educational research by Prof. M. Asfah Rahman, M.Ed., Ph.d

about Recount Text , the students often make errors in the process of writing

English texts, especially in English grammar, they think it is boring when they

learn it so they avoid it because it confuses and makes them difficult. In the other

words, writing English is different from Indonesian because in it there are no

tenses some of them make errors in writing English and they have difficulty in

applying syntax, tenses, structure, lexical meaning, phonology and semantics to

the sentences. So, it can be a big problem if the teachers do not find the solution

to solve the students’ Errors in writing. Therefore, the students should be thought

Recount Text to decrease Errors in writing.


Recount Text is a text which retells past event. Recount Text basically it is

written out to make a report about an experience of a series of related event. A

recount is written out to inform an event or to entertain people (Knapp (2005:


According to siahaan and shinosa (2008:9) stated that the purpose of social

functions is to retell an event with the aim of informing or entertaining readers.

Recount text retells events that have occurred in the past and evaluates them. In

addition, it provides an illustration to the audience of what happened, when it

happened, who did it, why it happened, where it happened and how it happened.

Recount text has an expression of attitudes and feelings made by the narrator

about the event. 12/J0191125664.pdf , 15

June 2019

Based on the problem and definition above that the writer would like to

carry out a research under title an errors analysis (EA) of Recount Text written

by year 12 students of senior high school 16 Makassar

Previous study that the result of the research show that there were eighty

nine errors in the students' writing based on surface strategy taxonomy, the first

category was omission. there were plural 8.3% errors, irregular past 59.7%

errors, main verb 8.3% errors, regular past 8.3 errors, copula 4.1%, article 1.4%)

the second category was addition, they were article 50% errors , preposition 25%

errors, regular past 25% errors), the third category was misinformation they were

regular past 58.3% errors, preposition 41.7% errors, the last category was

misordering showed an errors in adverb 100% errors. Netanel Eukharistia, 2017

“An analysis of errors in simple past tense in recount texts”.

This research is related to previous study but the difference in this research

is the writer will focus on discussing about linguistics category taxonomy

(morphology and syntax) and surface strategy taxonomy (omission,

addition, misformation, misordering). This research will be conducted under

the title of the research " title An errors analysis (EA) of Recount Text written by

year 12 students of senior high school 16 Makassar “.

B. Problems Statement
Based on the description above, the writer would like to identify and analyze

as follow:

1. Students find difficulties on writing recount text.

2. Students of lack in their vocabulary in writing

3. Students unable to develop their ideas in writing recount text well.

C. The Research Questions

The writer would like to get the problems based on the statement of

problems that as follows:

1. What are the students’ errors in writing recount text by year 12 of Senior

High School 16 Makassar?

2. What are the students’ causing the errors in writing recount text by year 12 of

Senior High School 16 Makassar?


D. The objectives of research

Based on the statement above, the writer will get the aim of this research as


1. To know the students’ errors in writing recount text by year 12 of Senior

High School 16 Makassar.

2. To know the students’ causing the errors in writing recount text by year 12

of Senior High School 16 Makassar.

E. The Organization of Writing

There are five chapters in this skripsi is consisting of five chapters as


The First chapter discusses an introduction that concludes the background

of research, the identification of problem, the statements of problem, the

objectives of research, and the organization of writing.

The second chapter explains the theoretical frame work, those are the

analysis, types of analysis, function and objectives of analysis, errors and

mistakes analysis, definition of writing, the purpose of writing, the type of

writing, definition of recount text, the purpose of recount text, features of recount

text, the types of recount text, generic structure of recount text, the process of

writing and aspect of writing, The conceptual framework, hypothesis.

The third chapter discusses methodology of research that consist of

method of research, research design, the place and time of research, research

variable, operational definition, population and sample, Instrument of the research


, procedure of collecting data, data of analysis, procedure Errors analysis (EA) in

writing, technique of data analysis.

In the fourth chapter discusses research findigs and the discussion and the

fifth chapter discusses conclution and suggestion

F. Scope of the Research

Based on the identification of the problem above, the writer limits

these studies on analyzing students’ ability in writing Recount Text. Hopefully

from this research, researcher can discover the rule causes errors of students’ in

recount text by year 12 of Senior High School 16 Makassar.





A. Analysis

Analysis is an activity consisting of a series activities such as, parsing,

distinguishing, sorting things to be grouped to certain criteria and looking for the

relation and then interpreting the meaning. Analysis can also be interpreted as an

effort to observe something in detail by deciphering the constituent components or

compiling these components for further study. Analysis is the process of

observing, examining, considering, and deciding something carefully or using

statistical methods to know and understand it or explain it.

Examination of something by dividing it into its separate parts an examination

of something to gather with thoughts and judgments about it. (Professor Sir

Randolph Quirk, 1987: 30).

In Richards’s opinion (1973:96) stated that Errors analysis (EA) is an activity

to reveal errors found in writing and speaking. EA also is the study of errors made

by the second and foreign language learners. EA may be carried out in order to (a)

find out how well someone knows a language, (b) find out how a person learns a

language, and (c) obtain information on common difficulties in language learning,

as an aid in teaching or in the preparation of teaching materials in Emmaryana

(2010; 5).The other opinion of EA is explained Brown (1980:166) that expressed


EA as the process to observe, analyze, decide, judge, consider, and classify the

deviations of the rules of the second language and then to reveal the systems

operated by learners. Based from the definitions above, the writer would like to

that EA is a process of activity to identify, classify, find out, judge, interpret or

describe and express the errors faced or found by students in speaking

(conversation) or in writing.

B. Types of Analysis

There are several types of analysis that we can choose it. The methods taken

by each type of analysis are also different. Here are some types of analysis:

1. Logic Analysis

It is an analysis that is based on a certain principle and is based on

logic and clear division between one another.

2. Realist analysis

An analysis that in carrying out the analysis process will use the order

of objects as a rationale. This sequence of objects is based on the unity or

nature of the object.

C. Functions And Objectives of Analysis

1. Function of analysis

Analysis has a function to collect data contained in a particular

environment. It can be applied in various types of environments and

circumstances. It will be more optimally used in critical situations and for

situations that require strategy because it can find out in detail about the

current state of the environment. The analysis aims to collect data which can

be used for various purposes of the analysis agent. Usually it will be used to

resolve a crisis or conflict, or it only be used as an archive. In the field of

education analysis is used to conduct research in various scientific subjects.

Not only data that can be analyzed but writing also needs to be analyzed.

However, some errors in analyzing vocabulary, language, meaning, and

grammar are common. The writers often do not focus on their writing so that

there are some sentences that are not complete, vocabulary errors, misuse of

conjunctions, misuse of terms etc. and the writing results will be incompletely

and will not be understood by the reader. Therefore, the writers have to read

many references in the book or in the journal, then make a concept to develop

creative ideas, the writers also needs to analyze the right language or sentence,

vocabulary, grammar and use of terms / meanings in writing. So that, the

readers could understand the information in the writing easily.

2. Objectives Analysis

The objectives analysis express the future stated that would occur if

the problem could be resolved. The instrument of objectives analysis require

changing or replacing negative statement become positive statement. Not all

problems can be turned into positively defined goals. The scope of this

research is an errors analysis of recount text written by year 12 students of

Senior high school 16 Makassar.


D. Errors and mistakes analysis

The writer would like to focus on errors analysis EA in this research

because most of the students couldn’t distinguish between present tense and

past tense (verb 1 and verb 2) in arranging Recount Text.

1. Errors analysis (EA)

EA is actually one way to understand the developmental process of

language acquisition, one task that is normally carried out by language

teachers. According to Jenner stated that errors can show how carefully plan

explanation can considerably be distorted in the mind of the learner, whose

experiences and expectations may be quite different from those of the

teachers. Consequently, it can give the teacher valuable feedback on his own

teaching, what particular strategies are most likely to lead a learner to the

making of errors. A study of errors than in the long run points out the way to

improve teaching strategies and classroom techniques in Yota (1983)

Based on the definition above that the writer would like to conclude

that EA for measuring the ability student's writing in Recount Text. Based on

analyzing the errors, they will get the correct one and understand English. EA

has advantages for the students and their teachers. For the students, EA is

required to describe them in what grammar aspects are difficult for them, to

show their errors, to know the source of the errors and how they can learn

their errors, so that they will not make the same errors and what strategies to

know and understand a second language. For teachers, errors show to them

what extent their students know the grammar to achieve their goals.

According to Sattayatham and Ratanapinyowong (2008) expressed that the

errors can be accepted as a kind of learning activity place in the learner.

Based on the explanation above shows that EA is to find, classify,

explain, analyze, consider, show and decide on their errors in the second

language. Then, the purpose of EA is to find the feedback, used as reference

in language learning to prevent or minimize their errors.

2. The differences between errors and mistakes

When we talk about errors, they are always associated with mistakes.

Most of the people even think that the meaning of errors and mistakes is the

same even though they are different and they can't even see the difference

between the two. Mistakes usually refers to a choice that turns out to be

wrong. These mistakes are usually for unintentional mistakes and you know

very well that was wrong.

In other words, it is based on actions that have been taken, and can be

justified. Meanwhile errors are systematic, they usually make errors

repeatedly without realizing it. They don't know what they did was wrong and

they don't accept that it was they made. Errors is a lack of knowledge and

mistake is the students, it possess knowledge of the correct form and it is just

slipping up (Ellis: 2008). According to brown stated that errors is a noticeable

deviation from the adult grammar of a native speaker, reflects the competence

of the learner and mistake is slip, a failure to utilize a known system correctly.

An errors cannot be self-corrected if the deviation is pointed out the speaker.

Based on the above opinion, it can be concluded that errors occur when

students do not know what they wrote, it is due to a lack of knowledge

especially in English grammar, they do not realize their errors if other people

do not correct it and even they could not recognize it. Meanwhile mistakes

occur when they make an unintentional mistakes (forgetting, missing memory

or typos). The students actually know what they wrote but they just forget or

typos in their writing so that when other people correct their mistakes they

could recognize it.

3. Types of Errors

There are four descriptive taxonomies that are most useful for the

classification of errors in this research; they are (a) linguistic category

taxonomy, (b) surface strategy taxonomy, (c) comparative taxonomy, and (d)

communicative effects taxonomy.

However, errors will be classified based on the linguistics category

taxonomy and surface strategy taxonomy because analyzing errors from

linguistics and surfaces can give a lot of evidence for researchers related to

identifying errors in students' writing.

Dulay said that make us realize that students' errors are based on some

logic. They are not the result of laziness or careless thinking but from students'

use of interim principles to produce new languages (Dulay 1982, 150).

Through the linguistics category taxonomy and surface strategy taxonomy will

be seen in syntax, morphology, omission, addition, misformation and

misordering in affect to their writing.

a. Linguistic category taxonomy

Linguistics category taxonomy classify one or both of the

components language and certain linguistic constituents as affected by

errors. The language components include phonology (pronunciation),

syntax and morphology (grammar), semantics and lexicons (meaning

and vocabulary), and discourse (style).

The linguistic approach is used to classify language

phenomena. It is based on the procedure for selecting units from the text

and for reading the features in terms of their order and distribution.

Taxonomic linguistics is associated with constituent classes of language

and the correlation that exists between these classes and the language

constituents themselves.

The traditional linguistics basically has an approach to

taxonomy. The taxonomic approach differs from the generative

grammar approach. Its purpose is usually thought as the agglomerating

of the same individual grammatical categories in different languages

into one general category, for example, passive voice or the perfective


The writer presents the errors classification based on the

linguistic category taxonomy from R. Politzer and Ramirez. It is divided

into two categories they are morphology and syntax as the following


Table 2.1

The errors classification

Linguistic category and errors type Example of learner errors

1. Indefinite article incorrect
 Indefinite a used for an before vowels a ant
 An used for a an little ant

2. for a possessive case incorrect

 Omission of’s The man feet
3. Third singular verb incorrect
 Incorrect failure to attach’s The bird help man
 Wrong attachment of’s The apple fall downs

4. Simple past tense incorrect

a. Singular past tense
 Omission of-ed The bird he save him
 Adding-ed to past already formed He calleded
b. Irregular past tense
 Regularization by adding-ed He putted the cookie there

 Substitution of simple non past He fall in the water

I been near to him
 Substitution of past participle

5. Past participle incorrect

 Omission of-ed He was call

6. Comparative adjective adverb

incorrect He got up more higher
 Use of more + er
Linguistic category and errors type Example of learner errors
 Subject pronoun used as a redundant element My brother he go to Mexico
 Alternating use of pronouns by number as well
as gender So he can eat it 9 referring to
 Use of me as subject apple
e. Use of prepositions Me forget it
 Omission of prepositions
 Misuse of prepositions He came to the water
He fell down from (for,on,into)
the water
2. Verb phrase
a. Omission of verb
 Omission of main verb He (fell?) in the water

 Omission of to be He in the water

b. Use of progressive
He going
 Omission of be
The bird was shake his head
 Replacement of-ing by the simple verb form
 Substitution of the progressive for the
Then the man shooting (shit?)
simple past
with a gun
c. Agreement of subject and verb
 Disagreement of subject and verb person
You be friends
 Disagreement of subject and number
The apples was coming down
 Disagreement of subject and tense
I didn’t know what it is

3. verb–and–verb construction

 Embedding of a noun-and-verb construction in I go to play. ( I go and I play)

another noun-verb construction I go play

 Omission of to in identical subject construction I see a bird got the leaf

 Omission of in the verb-and-verb construction

He was going to fell
 Attachment of the past marker to the dependent
Linguistic category and errors type Example of learner errors
b. Question Transformation
 Omission of auxiliary How the story helps
a. Three Transformation
 Use of is instead of are There is these hole
Is one bird
 Omission of three
It was round things
 Use of it was instead of there was
b. Subordinate clause transformation
For the and could get out
 Use of for for so that
So he don’t kill the bird
 Use of indicative for conditional

b. Surface Strategy Taxonomy

Surface strategy taxonomy highlights expert opinion on

how surface structure is changed: “learners may omit necessary

items or add unnecessary, they may misform items or misorder

them” (Dulay Classifying errors using surface

strategy taxonomy can provide a clear explanation of the cognitive

processes underlying students' reconstruction of a new language or

the language they are learning. It also makes us realize that

students' errors are the result of their active use of provisional


principles to produce the target language. Below is the detailed

description of each category used in surface strategy taxonomy:

1) Omission

Omission errors are indicated by missing items that

should appear in writing or oral (speech). It means that a

sentence or word is missing.

Example: the monkey on the back. (Incorrect)

The independent clause “the monkey on the back” of

this sentence is incorrect because the verb “is” is omitted.

That should be added the verb in the present form “is”. It is

because the subject “the monkey” is third person singular.

So, the correct sentence is “The monkey is on the back”.

2) Addition

Addition errors are indicated by the presence of words

that should not appear in the sentence like they add

unnecessary words in their writing. The students usually have

the target language rules and they often use certain rules that

cause errors.

Example: he does not meets his children. (Incorrect)

The independent clause “he does not meets his

children” is incorrect because there is double present

markings “does” and “meets”. The verb “meets” should be in


verb 1. So, the correct sentence is “He does not meet his


3) Misformation

Misformation errors are characterized by the use of the

wrong form of the morpheme. It means that one or more of

sentence’s aspect has wrong formation. It can be caused by

rule regularization.

Example: The mouse deer eat cucumber when the farmers

home. (Incorrect)

The independent clause “The mouse deer eat cucumber” is

incorrect because the predicate has wrong form of verb. The

verb “eat” should be in present form “eats”. So, the correct

sentence is “The mouse deer eats cucumber when the farmers

go home”.

4) Misordering

Misordering errors are indicated by the wrong

placement of a morpheme or group morpheme in writing. Its

means that the sentence structure is arranged incorrectly. The

words are sorted in wrong structure.

Example: comes the teacher to the class. (Incorrect)

The sentence above is ordered incorrectly. It has

incorrect placement of its words. The verb “comes” should


follow the subject “The teacher”. So, the correct sentence is

“The teacher comes to the class”

c. Comparative Taxonomy

In comparative taxonomy, errors classification is based on

comparing the structure of the second language errors with certain

other types of design. There are four subtype errors based on

comparative taxonomy:

1) Development Errors

Developmental errors are the same errors made by

children who learn the target language as their first

language. For example, the following pronunciation by

Spanish child who is learning English.


 I like do (I like to do it)

 Diana doesn’t likes it (Diana doesn’t like it)

 I not crying (I am not crying)

2) Interlingual Errors

As mentioned earlier, interlingual errors are the same

because they are semantically equivalent in structure,

phrases, or sentences in the student's native language.


For example:

 Dog eat it

The researcher would translate the grammatical


 The dog ate I

3) Ambiguous errors

Ambiguous errors could be classified the same as

developmental or interlingual because it’s reflect to the

structure of the student’s native language and at the

same time, they are the kind found in the speech of

children learning their first language. For example in


 I no have car

Other few taxonomies are complete without a

grab bag for items that don’t fit into any other

category. For example, in the utterance

 She hungry (without auxiliary)

 He sleepy

d. Communicative effect taxonomy

According to Dulay 1982:189 stated that surface strategy

taxonomy focuses on the aspects of errors, the communicative effect


taxonomy is related to errors form of views that effect to listener or

readers. It focuses on the difference between errors caused by

miscommunication and those that are not. There are two types of

taxonomy classifies errors, they are:

1) Global Errors

Global errors are overall sentence of grouping errors that

significantly hinder communication due to the broad syntactic

coverage of these errors, Burk and Kiparsky label these categories

"global", the systematic global errors include as following:

a. Wrong order or main constituents, for example: English is used by a lot

of people. This sentence can make the readers have a different

interpretation about meaning. it should be changed as "a lot of people

used English"

b. Missing, word misplaced sentence connectors, e.g.:

 He does not go to school he is sick. The sentence connector

“because” is missing. The correct sentence is: he does not go

to school, because he is sick

 I buy a new dress because I love my old dress. The sentence

connector “because” is wrong. It should be “even though”. The

correct sentence is: I buy a new dress even though I love my old


 Because I have to finish my work, my time is limited. The

sentence connector “because” is misplaced. The correct

sentence should be I have to finish my work, because my time

is limited.

c. Cues of missing to decide or stated exceptions to pervasive

syntactic rules, for example: the students’ proposal look the

principle. In this sentence are missing in passive sentence. This

sentence leads the readers to have different interpretation

because it is a confusing sentence and the correct sentence “the

student’s proposal are looked by their principle”.

2) Local Errors

Local errors affects single element or constituents in a sentence does

not prevent communication significantly. In addition, local errors is

errors that does not significantly influences the structure and the

meaning of the overall sentence. The categories include these

following errors:

a) Errors in noun and verb inflection, for example:

When I was nine year old, I live in Medan, but then I move to

Jakarta. (Inflectional –d on the verbs live and move showing

past form are left out). The correct sentence is: When I was

nine year old, I lived in Medan, but then I moved to Jakarta.


b) Errors in article, for example.

We buy a egg with my father. (Article an should be used

instead of a) the correct sentence is: we buy an egg with my


c) Errors in auxiliary, for example:

He have listened the news from his lectures. (Auxiliary

has should be used instead of have) that correct sentence is: He

has listened the news from his lectures.

d) Errors in the formation of quantifier, for example:

Fahmi has much activities in that campus. (The using of

much is wrong, because “activities” is countable noun) the

correct sentence is: Fahmi has many activities in the campus.

Based on the definition above that the writer would like to focused in

linguistic taxonomy and surface taxonomy in this research because in

linguistics there are morphology and syntax that discuss about words and

sentence in writing. In surface are omission, addition, misformation, and

misordering. So linguistics and surface will analyze errors in the structure of

language in writing. They will be reference assessment in this research.

E. Writing

Writing is one of the important skills of the four basic skills in learning

English, it could make someone think to create creative ideas in writing, writing is

not just a writing but it will be a good work if the contents contain positive things

that can be read by everyone. writing can make us absorb more information in it.,

for example when someone studies for a phonology presentation, he reads a

journal first and then he makes a summary without looking at the journal so it will

be easier to understand and will be saved in long-term memory.

Writing is not the same as speaking, it requires a long time to think

because we have to make good ideas, choose the right words, good grammar,

paragraphs, points, commas and capital letters must be correct.

However, writing is a scary thing for students, especially when students make

scientific work, Recount Text, writing essays, theses and even writing in IELTS

test. Some students do not like it because they think that writing to be related to

Grammar and it is very difficult especially writing is using formal language and

high vocabulary levels.

According to Byrne (1988) explain that there are three categorizes

problems that make writing skills difficult to understand and know namely

linguistics, cognitive, and content difficulties. The first problem is Linguistic. This is

related to our shrewdness in the revision of the correct structure and it is agreed that

the sentences arranged will be able to unite with each other. The resulting text could

better used by the reader. The second problem is cognitive that related to our

mastery of the forms of language, structure, grammar which are useful for effective

communication in writing. The third is a problem about ideas, this is related to what

we can discuss in writing. Often we lose ideas in the middle of the writing process.

In Harmer's opinion (2004) mentioned that organizational problems which is

certainly more complicated than organizational problems in speaking.

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According to Bowker in Jeremy Harmer (2004. p 33) stated that

writing is a skill that is required in many contexts throughout life. For instance,

you can write an email to a friend or reflect on what happened during the day in

your personal diary. (Jeremy Harmer, 2004. p 33). It means that if someone

has many problem sort ell what happened, writing an email or in diary book is

solution for telling their activity or problems.

According to Harmer in Natilene Bowker (2007, p.2) stated that

writing is frequently useful as preparation for some other activity, in particular

when students write sentences as a preamble to discussion activities. This gives

students time to think up ideas rather than having to come up with instant fluent

opinions, something that many, especially at lower levels, find difficult and

awkward. From the definition that writing is an activity to make students

creative and it makes students able to think up ideas that it can be implemented

in writing. It can help and improve students writing.

Based on the definition above the writer would like to conclude that

writing is a complicated activity that requires a long process and requires

concentration and insight into what will be written. It can develop ideas,

arguments and feelings in sentences but we can also communicate through


writing. If we often write something, it can add more knowledge and inspiration

in writing.

F. Purpose Of Writing

Writing has the purpose of creating works that can be useful for

the reader, there are four purpose of writing, namely:

1. To Inform

As for The purpose of writing is to inform facts (news, events and gossip) and

other information. Informational texts such as news (reports) make statements

that are supported by true facts, data and evidence.

2. To Explain

As for The purpose of writing is to describe what, why, when, where, who and

how about a topic. For example is explaining in writing how to do or create


3. To Narrate

As for The purpose of narrative writing is to tell a story. The story can be

fiction or fact, the form of narrative writing has a beginning, middle, and end.

For Examples are fiction (fairy tales) and personal narratives (true stories)

4. To Persuade

Writing that aims to persuade, stated opinions or goals and support them with

arguments so that the audience agrees and takes action.


G. The Type Of Writing

Paragraphs and essays can be written in a variety of types or styles. A writer

will choose the type or style depending on what he/she wants. The material to be

discussed, and the effect desired by the reader. There are four types of writing as


1. Narrative

Narrative writing is used to describe a "personal development path"

(often your own) to reach a certain point in his life. A narrative paragraph or

essay tells a story, like a narrator in a play (although it has to be a true story,

not like a short story or drama). As a result, it is usually written in the first

person of view

2. Descriptive:

Descriptive text describes an image. The author makes a descriptive text

to explain something like objects, animals, and people. In descriptive, the

author describes in terms of size, color, nature, background knowledge,

personality, characteristics etc. the aim of descriptive text to guide the reader

are able to understand the object intended by the author.

3. Expository

Expository writing is writing that reveals things about a subject (facts or

events that occur). To achieve that, it is best developed using clear reasons,

statistical facts and information, cause and effect relationships, or examples.

4. Persuasive

According to Rismawati (14: 2016) stated that Persuasive writing is to

convince the reader that the point of view or action recommended by the

author is valid. In this case, the writer must develop a limited topic that is well

defined and debatable, and has more than one side. It is important for the

writer to understand the other side of the topic so that the most powerful

information against the other can be presented

The various accomplishments a writer wants to have in his readers are

to persuade, entertain, inform and produce various kinds of prose. The most

common is prose which informs the content namely narrative, description, and

exposition (Thomas S Kane).

a) Exposition explains.

Exposition explains how things work an internal combustion

engine. Ideas a theory of economics. Facts of everyday life how many

people get divorced. History why Custer attacked at the Little Big Horn.

Controversial issues laden with feelings abortion, politics, religion. But

whatever its subject, exposition reveals what a particular mind thinks or

knows or believes. Exposition is constructed logically. Exposition


organizes around true/false, assertion/ denial, less/more, cause/effect,

general/particular, positive/negative movement is signaled by connectives

like therefore, however, and so, besides, but, not only, more important, in

fact, for example.

b) Description

Description deals with perceptions most commonly visual

perceptions. Its central problem is to arrange what we see into a

significant pattern. Unlike the logic of exposition, the pattern is spatial:

above/below, before/behind, right/left, and so on. The subject of narration

is a series of related event a story. Its problem is twofold: to arrange the

event in a sequence of time and to reveal their significance.

c) Persuasion

According to Thomas S. Kane (2000.6) stated that persuasion

seeks to alter how readers think or believe. It is usually about

controversial topics and often appeals to reason in the form of argument,

offering evidence or logical proof. Another form of persuasion is satire,

which ridicules folly or evil, sometimes subtly, sometimes crudely and

coarsely. Finally, persuasion may be in the form of eloquence, appealing

to ideals and noble sentiments. Writing that is primarily entertaining

includes fiction, personal essays, and sketches. Such prose will receive

less attention here. It is certainly important, but it is more remote from

everyday needs than exposition or persuasion.


Fachrurrazy (1990: 38) also says that there are five types of writing, as follow:

1. Narration

Narration tells "what happened". It tells a story. It is the kind of writing found

in novels, short stories, and biographies. Narration usually follows time order.

2. Description

Description tells how something looks or feels or sounds. It talks about such

features as size, shape, color, sound, or taste. Description sometimes follows

space order.

3. Exposition

Exposition is writing that explain something. It often answer the questions

what, how, and why. Its purpose is to present ideas and to make them as clear

as possible. It can be said that exposition follows logical order. This means

that paragraphs are arranged in such a way that the reader can understand the

writer's thought. In logical order, the writer guides the reader from one idea to


4. Recount

Recount to tell past event for the purpose of informing or entertaining. Event

are usually arranged in a temporal sequence. It's usually found or presented in


journals, diary, personal letter, biography, travel report, police report, sport

report, history, etc.

5. Letter writing.

There are three main types of letter, namely: formal letter, business letter, and

personal letter. Formal letter is normally used for invitations to an important

dinner, dance, or other ceremony and is phrased in the third person. Business

letter must be above everything clear and easily understood. They should be

expressed in plain ordinary English. Personal letter is written in an informal,

friendly way to someone whom we know. The style may be almost as

informal and colloquial as if we were speaking to the person.

Based on the definition that the writer would like to choose recount

text as kind of writing in this research because it is a text that retells event or

their experiences in the past by writing. It’s more excited for students to write

their experience and it is easy to describe their ideas in the writing, they can

practice their memories of event they experience and they can understand

when present tense and past tense are used.

H. Recount Text

Recount Text is a past event in which someone retells the experience

that happened in the past. Impressive experiences can be interpreted by someone

has experienced and is something that is very impressive and unforgettable

moment .it can be an exciting, sad, frightening, or embarrassing event.

According to Knapp explains that Recount Text basically it is written

out to make a report about an experience of a series of related event (2005: 224).

A recount is written out to inform an event or to entertain people. Recount Text

is text function as for telling an incident in the past. Recount is to tell “what

happened”. A Recount Text has a social function. Meanwhile Siahaan and

Shinoda, 2008:9 explains that the purpose of a social function is to retell an

event with a purpose to inform or entertain the readers. Recount tells a series of

event and evaluate their significance in some way. It is also to give audience a

descriptions of what occurred and when it occurred. The story recount has

expressions of attitude and feeling, usually made by narrator about the event.

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According to Agus Mulyono, dkk. (2015: 183) explain that Recount

text is type of English text that recounts event or experiences in the past.

Recount Text using past tenses in writing, there are three types of past tenses

that are often used in it are Simple Past Tense, Past Continuous Tense and Past

Perfect Tense. However, some students were not aware of the use of past tenses

in the Recount Text, some of them used present tenses in it. They cannot

distinguish present tenses and past tenses so that a grammar errors occurs in the

Recount Text.

From on the explanation above, Recount explores the series of event

which happened to social function is to retell event for the purpose of informing

or entertaining.

I. The Purpose Of Recount Text


The purpose of recount text tell the event that someone used to

experiences. According to Ken-Hyland (2003.p. 20) explain the purpose of

recount text is to reconstruct past experiences by retelling event in original

sequence. The recount text purpose to describe past impression by retelling

event in the order in which they happened. Recount text also can be used to

motivate, inform and entertain the readers.

According to Joko priyatna (2008.p 10-11) stated that the purpose

of Recount Text is to tell a series or sequence of event and evaluate their

significance in some way (Jokowo Priyana 2008.p 10-11). It means that the

student writes the event that used to experience. The student writes recount text

by following the sequence of generic structures in the form of the past tense.

J. Features Of Recount Text

1. Constructing of written recount text

The recount text type retells past event, usually in the order in which

they happened, the steps to construct a written recount text, they are as


a) The first paragraph that provides basic information about who, what, why,

where, when, (called an orientation).

b) A series of paragraphs retell the event in the order in which it occurred

2. Language features

The language features usually found in are count are:


a) Proper nouns to identify those involved in the text.

b) Descriptive words to provide details about who, what, when, where and


c) Use of the past tense to retell the event

d) Words indicating the sequence of event (for example, first, next, then).

K. The Types Of Recount Text

According to Derewianka in journal of English language teaching

(Uci Mulyani and Muh.Al-Hafizh, 2012). P.227) stated that the types of recount

text are personal recount, factual recount, and imaginative recount.

a. Factual recount : concerned with recalling event accurately such as news that

show the fact event that happened in the crime scene

b. Personal Recount : as usually written in the past such as holiday school

c. Imaginative recount: the students have to imagine to situation as if they are

in real situation in the past.

Based on the definition of personal recount above that the writer would

like to choose personal recount in this research because it is easy and more

excited for students to write their ideas when they had holiday school.

L. Generic Structure Of Recount Text

In Rosyadi’s opinion (2011) stated that there are three generic structures and

some language features of Recount Text.

 Generic Structure

Table 2.2

Generic Structure

Generic Structure Function

Introducing The participant, place, and time of the event
Event Describing series of event that happened in the story
Reorientation Stating personal comment of the writer to the story

 Language features

Table 2.3

Language Features

Language Feature Example

Introducing personal participant I, my group, etc.
Using chronological connection Then, first, etc.
Using linking items to do with On Wednesday, next, later, etc.

Using action verb look, go, bring, etc.
Using simple past tense Looked, went, brought, etc.

 Social function

A Recount Text has a social function. According to Siahaan and

Shinoda (2008: 9) stated that the purpose of a social function is to retell an

event with a purpose to inform or entertain the readers.


Table 2.4

The example of recount text

Our trip to the Blue Mountain


Yesterday we went to the trans studio park (TSM). We got to the TSM, we

bought some entrance tickets.


The first game I choose a roller coaster, my brother and I were very excited

to ride it and it made us very happy. When the roller coaster was running,

my heart was beating fast and my brother screamed beside me. After the

game finished, my head got a little dizzy and my father told me to rest and

gave me a drink and eucalyptus oil to apply on my head. I rested for 10

minutes and then I continued the other games. My sister asked me to

accompany her to try “Dunia Lain”, this game is very horror and tests our

adrenaline. We were not afraid of the ghosts in it because we knew it was

just a setting.

After that, my mother came to tell us to rest and had lunch. After that, we

left the studio then my mother and father went shopping at lottemart. I, my

sister and brother went to buy a bag and parfum in miniso and then we went

M. The Process Of Writing

1. In writing a text, it has the process of writing certainly. According to

Oshima & Hogue stated that the main stages in the writing process as


a. Prewriting

 Choosing and Narrowing a Topic

In this step, the writer narrows the topic into the specific topic

that will be written. For example; the topic of the environment is

too large explained. So, the writer can narrow this topic into the

specific topic such as environment pollution, global warming, etc.

 Brainstorming

After the writer chosen the specific topic, the writer

has ideas and this process is called brainstorming. To

understanding brainstorming easier, someone should to know

three points that support the brainstorming:

 Listing

In listing, the writer writes notes of data lists such as

all about words or phrase related the topic we chosen.

 Free writing

Next, the writer writes freely about the topic by

looking a specific focus that was chosen in listing point. In this

point, the writer is not worrying about grammar, spelling,


Appropriateness, organization or logic in writing text.

 Clustering

Clustering is brain storming activity that use to

generate ideas. In clustering, someone can describe the topic

with using main map technique from the general in to the

specific describing.

2. Planning

a) Making sub-lists

To making sub-lists is the step making an outline is to divide

the ideas in the topic lists further into sub-lists and to cross out items

that are not included or it cannot be used.

b) Writing the topic sentence

Writing the topic sentence is the most common sentence in a

paragraph, and it expresses the main focus of the paragraph.

c) Outline

An outline is a formal plan a paragraph. Someone reports the

main points and sub-points in the order in which someone plans to reports

about main points and sub-points.

d) Writing and revising drafts

 Writing the first rough draft


After prewriting (stage1) and planning (stage II), the final

stage to write and revise some drafts so that you have provided a final

submission. The first way is the revision process by writing a rough

drafts the outline.

 Revising content and organization

After writing the rough draft and then revised it. In revising

draft, someone changes his/her to improve it. And the checking

content and organization included coherence of logic, unity, and also

changing, adding, modifying, or checking. All of those revisions to

aim communicating our ideas clearly, more effective, attractive and

well-structured manner.

 Proof reading and second draft

After revising and organizing our writing, the next step is

doing proof reading or analyzing the writing at the second time. This

is important for being accurate and organized writing. So it will

become the systematic writing according to the structure of writing,

nothing the mistakes of writing that make critical to the readers.

 Writing the final copy

After finishing the step writing process, it would like to move

the revised writing into a new paper forgetting writing neatly so it

becomes more beautiful writing and it ready to read.


3. The process writing in Recount Text

There are six steps of write recount text effectively according to

Ngabut (2003) they are:

a) Prepare what information required based on the theme or the topic.

b) Provide the setting and introduce participants in orientation.

c) Determine the event that occur based on its sequences

d) Summarize the event in reorientation

e) Arrange all information to make first draft and

f) Analyze the first draft especially in structure of text, vocabulary and

grammar conjunction, spelling and punctuation.

N. Aspect Of Writing

According to Jacobs et al.’s (1981) stated that there are five aspects

of writing, they are:

1. Content

2. Organization

3. Vocabulary

4. Language use

5. Mechanics

O. The Conceptual Framework

The following is the explanation of the conceptual framework of this

research in detail. The conceptual framework will be the basic form of this

research and can be visualized in figure below:

Students’ writing

Types of Errors Source of Errors

Morpheme: Omission: Overgeneralization: This holiday so

A ant, The monkey on the Im goed study tour
Figure 2.1. memorable
An little ant back with my friends

Conceptual framework


1. Types of errors : linguistic category taxonomy and surface strategy taxonomy

2. Source of errors: intralingual, overgeneralization, incomplete, application of rule,

false hypothesis, ignorance of restriction and interlingual.

O. Hypothesis

The students can distinguish present tense and past tense, improve their

English vocabulary and their creative ideas in other writing trough Recount Text.


A. The Design of Research

In this chapter, the writer would like to classify as descriptive research,

namely Recount Text. It is related to students' errors of writing to develop their

ideas in writing recount text well at Senior High School 16 Makassar. So that, this

research is quantitative research.

B. The Place And Time Of The Research

To collect the data of this research, the writer would like to take a

field research at year 12 students of Senior High School Stated 16 Makassar It is

located at street Amanagappa Makassar South Sulawesi.

The writer has two option to take a data sample:

 At the school

 Google Classroom during covid-19 ( work from home )

C. Research Variable

The writer would like to choose two variables in this research, they

consist of: independent variable and dependent variable. Independent variable

used Recount Text as a medium. There are two dependents variables, they are:

the students’ produced in writing composition based on the free title of Recount

Text and students’ interest.


D. Operational Definition

1. Recount Text is the students retelling their event or experiences in the past

2. Writing is the process of using symbols for communicating thoughts and

ideas to be readable. The students made it based on the generic structure of

recount text

3. Errors is actually one way to understand the developmental process of

language acquisition, one task that is normally carried out by language


4. Analysis is an activity such as parsing of result, differentiating, sorting

things to be classified and regrouped according to certain criteria and then

looking for the relation and its meaning interpretation

E. Population And Sample

1. Population

According to Sugiono (2010:117) explained that population is

geographic generalization there are: object/subject has quality and certain

of characteristic that set by researcher to learning then make the

conclusion. Based on the definition above, the population is the entire

member of the object to be examined in a research activity. Thus, the

population in this research is a collection of it written by year 12 students at

senior high school 16 Makassar.


2. Samples

Sugiono (2019:118) explained that sample is part of number and

characteristic those set in the population) .Thus, the sample is a portion of

the population that can consider representative of all objects became the

target of this research. This sampling is conducted by cluster random

sampling where they are indicative of heterogeneous characteristics and

have same chance of being a part of the sample. In this sampling method, a

simple random sample is made from the different clusters in the population.

According to Wilson (2010) stated that it is divided into clusters or groups.

Subsequently, a random sample is taken from these clusters, all of which

are used in the final sample. It means that the sample is written Recount

Text collected from year 12 students at senior high school 16 Makassar.

F. Instrument Of The Research

The writer used test instrument for collecting the data, the fore the

result of research is more accurate, complete, and systematic, so that the

process is easier. The process of this research are the students write recount

text in the paragraph by free title and they collected their assignments. By this

test the writer will analyze and know students’ Errors in writing Recount Text.

The test are:

1. Make an English Recount Text by free title.

2. The length of words of Recount Text are minimal 150 words.

3. Interview to clarify whether errors or mistakes in writing


G. Procedure Of Collecting Data

The writer would like to collect the data through administrate a test of

measuring the students in writing Recount Text.

1. The writing Test

The writing test is used by recount text in the paragraph, it is as

the first series activity of the research. The writing text is administered to

measure the students’ progress and achievement after the writer giving the

material which is used Recount Text as the medium in teaching English


2. Interview

The writer will conduct an interview to students after checking the

results of student writing to clarify whether the errors made by the

students or mistakes.

H. Data Of Analysis

Sample is a part of population which will to be analyzed. Sample

must be representative as someone is to generalize with his/her confidence

from the sample to population. There are some opinions of expert in H.

Naimatul (2014, P: 24) they are: according to Arikunto (2006:109) stated that

sample must be representative to a population meanwhile according to Ary

(2002:163) stated that sample is a group of a population.


Based on the definition above, the writer would like to conclude that

the sample of this research is all the year 12 students of Senior High School 16


I. Procedure Errors analysis (EA) In Writing

Steps in any typical EA research

In linguist Corder’s opinion described that there are five steps of typical EA, they


1. Collecting samples of learner language

2. Identifying the errors

3. Describing the errors

4. Explaining the errors

5. Evaluating/correcting the errors

Errors collection are the nature and quantity of errors are depending on the

natural data and spontaneous use of language or use of provoked language. There

are two kinds of elicitation, they are: clinical and experimental elicitation. Clinical

elicitation involves getting the informant to produce data of any sort, for example

by means of general interview or writing a composition. Experimental elicitation

involves the use of special instrument to elicit data containing the linguistic

features such as a series of pictures which had been designed to elicit specific

features, Order (1973).

J. Technique Of Data Analysis


After classifying the types of errors, the frequency was determined by this


Total Errors
× 100 %=… %
Total Words



The writer would like to describe the Students’ errors in writing recount text
written by year 12 students of senior high school 16 Makassar. .
A. Research Findings

In this part, the writer analyzed thirty text written by year 12

students of Senior high school 16 Makassar. The writer classified errors into 2

types of errors based on the according to Dulay (1982:150) namely

Linguistics Category taxonomy (Morphology and syntax) and Surface strategy

Taxonomy (omission, addition, misformation and misordering). The data has

been analyzed from document analysis and interview. There are 140 students

consisting of 6 classes, the writer uses cluster random sampling to determine as

a sample of 30 recount text written by year 12 students in this research.

Table 4.1


1. SITTI HAJRAH XII IPA 3 11 156 7.05
2. NURHASIA.Z XII IPA 5 9 198 2.02
3. BETRICIA XII IPA 6 8 198 2.02
4. RAHMAT HIDAYAH XII IPA 4 18 197 9.13



6. AHMAD XII IPA 5 3 167 1.79
8. ADE AGUNG XII IPA 5 4 177 2.25
9. MEIFA HALWIAH XII IPA 1 9 183 4.91
10. INDAH ARIANA XII IPA 4 10 222 4.50
11. HENDRO XII IPA 4 9 225 4
12. NUR AMALIA MAJID XII IPA 2 15 245 5.08
14. ZAIYYAN XII IPA 4 3 259 1.15
15. JESICA BARIM XII IPA 6 6 182 3.29
16. LEONY CHRISTINA .A XII IPA 3 7 123 5.26
17. MELIANA AULIA XII IPA 1 5 141 3.54
18. MUH. RAHMAT XII IPA 2 6 150 4
19. GRALDIANA NATALI XII IPA 6 10 248 4.03
20. ANDRIANSYAH XII IPA 1 2 162 1.23
22. MUHAMMAD XII IPA 4 10 225 4.44
23. MUH. NURHIDAYAH XII IPA 6 3 162 1.85
24. ASTUTI XII IPA 1 6 169 3.55
25. MUH. ARIEF DWI XII IPA 4 10 384 2.6
26. MARIA ZENA XII IPA 6 19 308 6.16

27. CAHYA TAHIR XII IPA 5 16 376 4.25

28. SULASTRI XII IPA 2 8 249 3.21
29. ANAMALIKA XII IPA 6 15 253 5.95
30. REZKY AMALIAH XII IPA 2 9 272 3.3
TOTAL 260 6.441 116.25

1. Linguistic Category Taxonomy

Table 4.2
The errors classification made by students of 12 years Senior high school
16 Makassar
N Linguistic category and Example of students Correct sentences
O errors type errors
1 For a possessive case incorrect
 Omission of’s  My *grandparent* house  My grandparent’s house
 Green as fresh as the  Green as fresh as the eyes
*eye* can see can see
2 Third singular verb incorrect
 Wrong attachment  The apple fall *downs*  The apple fall down
of’s  I *stays* at the village.  I stay at the village

Simple past tense incorrect

c. Singular past tense  I *study* online via  I studied online via Google
 Omission of- ed Google meet. meet
 I *finish* the  I finished the homework
 I *play* games and  I played games and watched
*watch* Korean Korean dramas
 My family and I  My family and I planned to
*plan* to go to village go to village
 When *entering* the  When entered the Malino
Malino area, area
 I *study* and do  I studied and do homework
 When they *continue*  When they continued to work

to work on tasks on tasks

 I also *want* to go  I also wanted to go around
 I also *miss* meeting  I also missed meeting my
mothers and fathers, parents I posted on Instagram
I *post* it on
 I *help* my mother  I helped my mother
 When I *continue* to  When I continued to work
 I *want* to come here  I wanted to come here again
 We also *add* a lot of  We also added a lot of cheese
 I *hope* this pandemic  I hoped this pandemic
 I *stays* at my  I stayed at my grandparent’s
N Linguistic category and Example of students Correct sentences
O errors type errors
d. Irregular past tense  I *feel* terrified,  I felt terrified
 Subtitution of  I prefer *spend* my  I prefer spent my time at
simple non past time at home, home
 We *sing* together  We sang together and felt
and feel cold. cold
 We *eat is* French  We ate French fries

 I also *go* out of the  I also went out of the house

 I *buy* toast,  I bought toast
 We *see* so many  We saw so many people
other people
 It *feel* really  It felt really disappointing
 All I did was go  All I did was go online, ate
online, *eat* and and slept
 I *go* to the cafeteria  I went to the cafeteria
 Sometimes I also *go*  Sometimes I also went to
to convenience store convenience store just to
just to buy snacks bought snacks
 Before I *go* online at  Before I went online at night
 The yudha family had  The yudha family had used a
used a large villa and large villa and bought a box
*buy* a box
 We get a sense of  We got a sense of brotherhood
 The teacher just *give*  The teacher just gave us a task
us a task
 We *make* *cakes*  We made cake
1  Without subject  (I) *Miss* my friend  I missed my friend
 (I) *Stay* at my  I stayed at my
*grandparent* house grandparent’s house

 (I) *Can* stay with  I could stay with family

 (I) *Not* to forget  I didn’t forget
N Linguistic category and Example of students Correct sentences
O errors type errors
  (I) Planned to hang out  I planned to hang out with
with my friends my friends
 (I) *Made* lots of new  I got lots of new friends
 (I) Happy because I  I was happy because I
could gather with my could gather with my
family family

2 a. Use of progressive:
 Omission of be  I (was)helping parents  I was helping my parents
 I (was)playing  I was playing cellphone
 We (were) watching  We were watching drama
 The tasks (were)  The tasks were making us to
making us feel bored feel bored
 They (were) making  They were making cake
b. Agreement of
subject and verb
 Disagreement of  We *make* *cakes*  We made cake
subject and


3.  Embedding of a  We played games and  We played games and
noun-and-verb *I* watch Korea watched Korea dramas
construction in dramas
another noun-verb
N Linguistic category and Example of students Correct sentences
O errors type errors
 Omission of to in  You *want* play  You wanted to play
identical subject

N Linguistic category and Example of students Correct sentences

O errors type errors
4 Misformation of past  We *can* see mountains  We could see mountains
tense modals and very beautiful and very beautiful flowers
 They *can* take a  They could take a
vacation vacation
 I *can* help my mother  I could help my mother

 I *can* carry out Friday  I could carry out Friday

pray pray
 I *can* stay with my  I could stay with my
family family
 We *will* go to school  We would go to school
last week last week.

5  Omission of  How (did) you go to  How did you go to Toraja
auxiliary Toraja
 What (did) you see at  What did you see at Korea

6  Use of is instead of  There *is* a lot of to  There were a lot of to do at
are do at home home

 Use of Non past  There *are* more  There were more holiday
tense holiday,
 There *are* still a lot  There were still a lot of
of people out, people out,
 We *are* very excited,  We were very excited,
 They *are* not calm,  They were not calm,
 If we *are* assigned to  If we were assigned to
certain lesson, certain lesson,
 When the teacher *is*  When the teacher was not
not in class, in class,
 It*’s* so boring,  It was so boring,
 We *are* presented  We were presented with a
with a beautiful view, beautiful view,
 There *are* several  There were several
N Linguistic category and Example of students Correct sentences
O errors type errors
obstacles… Obstacles…,
 Which *is* the quota  Which was the quota
factor, factor,
 The ingredients *are*  The ingredients were flour,
flour, sugar and butter sugar and butter
Subordinate Clause Transformation
7. Use of indicative for So Ali *don’t* kill the So Ali didn’t kill the snake
conditional snake

Based on the table 4.2 show that the students often make errors in morpheme
because they cannot distinguish between present tense and past in writing recount
text, especially in substitution of simple non past and omission of-ed, so they write
recount text in the present tense.

These following chart provide the result of the data analysis above.

Morphological errors

0.38; 2%

6.92; 42% 8.46; 51%

omission of-ed substitution of simple non past

wrong attachment of's wrong attachment of'r

Syntactical Errors
3% 3% 3% 3%
6% 31%


Use of non past tense

Without subject
17% 20%
Misformation of past tense modals
omission of be
omission of auxiliary
disagreement of subject and number
omission of to in identical subject
use of is instead of are
use of indicative for conditional

The writer has collected and analyzed the data, so that the writer found
that students’ errors of 260 of 6441 total words or 4.03% in morphological
and there were errors 97 of 554 total sentences or 17.5% in syntactical. The
highest frequency of errors based on morphological in Linguistic Category
Taxonomy was Omission of-ed with total frequency errors 22 or 8.46%,
Substitution of simple non past with total frequency errors 18 or 6.92%.
Omission of’s incorrect with total frequency errors 2 or 0.76% ,Wrong
attachment of’s with total frequency errors 2 or 0,76% and Wrong
attachment of’r incorrect with total frequency errors 1 or 0.38%.

Meanwhile, the highest errors frequency found based on the syntactical

errors in Linguistic Category Taxonomy was the use of Non past tense with
total frequency 11 or 11.3%, Without subject with total frequency 7 or 7.21%,
Misformation of past tense modals with total frequency 6.18%, Omission of
be with total frequency 5 or 5.15%, Omission of auxiliary with total frequency

2 or 2.06%, Disagreement of subject and number with total frequency 1 or

1.03%, Embedding of a noun-verb with total frequency 1 or 1.03%, Omission
of to in identical subject construction with total frequency 1 or 1.03%, Use of
is instead of are with total frequency 1 or 1.03%, and Use of indicative for
conditional with total frequency 1 or 1.03%.

The result of research above shows that the predominant morphological

errors were only in omission of-ed. in syntactically, the most predominant type
is the use of Non past tense. Meanwhile the use of Non past tense constitutes
the most predominant type of errors. In this case was caused by lack students’
knowledge about grammar especially tenses. They have knowledge extremely
influences their ability in making sentences. They unable to know the correct
tenses they should use because they have lack knowledge about tenses.
In addition, language learners whose mother tongue has no tenses tend to
have more difficulty in learning a target language which has tenses, Setiadi
(2006). As the result, some of students got difficulties to change the verb
because in their language that there is no verb, noun changing in constructing
sentences. It shows from the students’ writing tasks that they still used the verb
come instead of came, mango instead of mangoes and table instead of tables.
Most of students omitted some grammatical items, like to be (was/were),
(continue/continued) function as copula in the sentences. Some students used
wrong preposition (in, on, at before, after since) in their writings. Some
students were also confused to use morpheme-s to indicate plural / singular
(man/ men, boy/boys, fish/fishes). In this case the students did not know
which word should be arranged to construct sentence. They were still confused
in arranging sentences which have different tenses in separate times. According
to Dulay, stated that errors occur in every situation such as the
grammatical errors (1982:5).

The students cannot study the second language without first

systematically committing errors. Moreover errors are considered as something
natural and play an important part in learning process Hornby (1987). The
writer concluded that they make errors for learning process. Based on the errors
that they can improve the second language in learning process and then their
English teacher should facilitate their students in improving their English
mastery, so that their target of language learning can be achieved.

2. Surface Strategy Taxonomy

Table 4.3
NO Example students errors Correct sentences
1 I helping my parents I was helping my parents
2 I playing cellphone I was playing cellphone
3 I watching drama I was watching drama
4 We making cake We were making cake

From on the table 4.3, it showed that from 30 texts that there are 4
words that are incorrectly used to be in the past continuous tense in the
recount text and the total errors from omission of to be is 13.3%

Table 4.4
NO Example students errors Correct sentences
1 I play game I played game
2 I watch Korea Dramas I watched Korea Dramas
3 I finish the homework I finished the homework
4 My family and I plan to go to the My family and I planned to go
village to the village
5 I helping parents I helped my parents
6 I prefer spend my time at home I prefer spent my time at home
7 It feels really disappointing It felt really disappointing

8 I study online via Google meet I studied online via Google

9 I study and do schoolwork I studied and do schoolwork
10 I also go out of the house I also went out of the house
11 I also want to go around school I also wanted to go around
12 I go to the cafeteria I went to the cafeteria
13 I also want to go exchange stories I also wanted to go exchange
with mokay stories with mokay
14 Sometimes I also go to the Sometimes I also went to the
convenience store just buy snacks convenience store just buy
15 I post it on Instagram I posted it on Instagram
16 I help my mother I helped my mother
17 When they continue to work When they continued to work
18 I want to come here again I wanted to come here again
19 We also add a lot cheese We also added a lot cheese
From on the table 4.4, it showed that from the 30 texts that there are
19 words that do not use of-ed in past tense (Verb 2) in recount text and the
total errors in omission of main verb is 63.3%.

Table 4.5
NO Example students errors Correct sentences
1 I sometimes feel bored, feel I sometimes feel bored and feel
tired of the routine tired of the routine
2 I was only at home I was really I was only at home and I was
bored at home really bored at home
3 I was with friends going to I and my friends going to malino

Table 4.5 above, it showed that from the 30 texts that there are 3
words that do not use conjunction in the past continuous tense in recount
text and the total errors from omission of conjunction is 13.3%

Table 4.6
NO Example students errors Correct sentences
1 I was making cakes I was making cake
2 We make cakes We made cake
3 I stays at my grandparent’s I stayed at at my grandparent’s
house house
4 I can carry out Friday prayers I could carry out Friday pray

From on the table 4.6, it showed that from the 30 texts that there are 4
words that do not need to be added, for example cakes, stays and prayers.
They add other words that do not need to be used in the sentence. The total
errors of the addition is 13.3%

Table 4.7
NO Example students errors Correct sentences
1 The monkey eat banana when the The monkey ate banana when
gardener home the gardener went home
2 There is a lot of homework There were a lot of homework
3 We are very excited We were very excited
4 The foods is a little expensive The food was a little expensive
From on the table 4.7, it showed that from 30 text that there are 4
words with the wrong form of morpheme. It means that one or more of
sentence’s aspect has wrong formation. It can be caused by rule
regularization and the total errors of misformation is 13.3%.

Table 4.8
NO Example students errors Correct sentences
1 We finally returned to Indonesia Finally, we returned to
2 The online school started The school started online
3 Will quickly pass It would pass quickly
From on the table 4.8, it showed that from 30 texts that there are 3
wrong words because of the wrong placement of the morpheme or group
morpheme in a speech. This means that the sentence structure is not arranged
correctly. The words are structured incorrectly and the total errors of
misordering is 13.3%

3. Interview
In this section, the writer tried to analyze and clarify whether errors or
mistakes in recount text written by year 12 of senior high school 16
Makassar. The writer took five students to be interviewed. The transcription
could be seen in Appendix 1.

B. Discussion
This research was conducted through Google classroom to take
samples, the writer did not carry out in the school because of COVID 19. In this
process, the writer would like to make material and instructions so that students
could read it before writing recount text and then the English teacher directed the
students to join in the Google classroom then they write recount text according to
the instructions given by the writer and upload it after that the writer took 30
recount texts from 144 text to be sampled (6 classes) and also the writer
interviewed 5 students through whatsapp to clarify whether errors or mistake in
The writer analyzed the text based of Dulay on the linguistics category
taxonomy and surface strategy taxonomy. The result of the table 4.2 shows that

the errors often made by students was Morpheme with the total errors of 260 or
4.03% meanwhile the lowest errors made by students was syntax with a total
errors of 97 or 17.5% especially in subordinate clause transformation and use of
is instead of are because students cannot distinguish between present tense and
past in writing recount text, so they write recount text in the present tense.
The result of the table 4.3 shows that the students didn’t use to be in
their sentences, for example: I helping my parents, it should be: I was helping my
parents. In the table 4.4 shows that the students didn’t use ed in main verb
because they only used V1 in their sentences, for example: I play game, it should
be: I played game. In the table 4.5 Shows that the students didn’t use conjunction
for example: I was only at home I was really bored at home, it should be: I was
only at home and I was really bored at home.
In the table 4.6 show that the students added unnecessary words in the
sentences for example: I can carry out Friday prayers, it should be: I could carry
out Friday pray. In the table 4.7 shows that the students made errors of wrong
form of morpheme. It means that one or more of sentence’s aspect has wrong
formation, it can be caused by rule regularization. For example: the monkey eat
banana when the gardener home, it should be: the monkey ate banana when the
gardener went home.
In the table 4.8 shows that the students made errors with the wrong
placement of the morpheme or group morpheme in a speech. This means that the
sentence structure is not arranged correctly. The words are structured incorrectly,
for example: will quickly pass, it should be: it would pass quickly. Those are
related with Coffin, et al (2003:32) stateds “there are some aspects of English
grammar that become ESL/EFL students’ difficulties”. The students are choice of
article, pronoun, verb tense, sentence agreement, etc.
In addition, according to Farooq, et al (2012:186) described that
“grammar is the most difficult part for L2 writers”. Students get difficulties to
write sentences in the correct structure. To support this errors we can see from

the result of a case study by Al-Buainain (2006). He had found many errors of
verb tense in their writing because the students are not able to know and
understand well about tenses in English. The students cannot select correct verb
(regular verb or irregular verb) on the tenses they use in their writing. Thus, they
difficulties in writing are not only in produce their ideas but the students are to
know how to put verbs into correct sentences.
According to Brown, (2000:224) there are two major causes in
English; interlingual and intralingual transfer (Brown, 2000:224). In addition,
interlingual transfer is a significant source of errors for all learners. He explains
that interlanguage is learner language, which emphasizes the separateness of a
second language learners’ system. He also defines interlingual as a system that
has a structurally intermediate status between the native and target language.
Interlingual is when the students of foreign language make structure deviation by
the effect of their mother tongue. In other words, it is called language transfer.
The difficulties occur because the features of source language and target
language are different.
Brown, (2000:224) explained the second cause that can cause
students’ difficulties and errors in writing is intralingual transfer. Intralingual
derives when they make ungrammatical structure since they do not have a little
knowledge of their second language.
From the explanation above that they have lack second language
knowledge and lack of grammar knowledge of the second language. So that, they
found difficulties in arranging words became sentences in a paragraph.
The students’ causing of errors in writing recount text by year 12 of
Senior High School 16 Makassar, it is Interlingual are errors which are caused by
the influence of first language of the students. Form the data analyzed, the writer
found several sentences which contain errors because of Indonesian structure
influence. They translate Indonesian into English without knowing the structures
(verbs, tenses) in the sentence.

This research is related to the findings of previous reserach, the

findings of this research were systematically related from previsious research
about errors analysis. This research focused on linguistics category taxonomy
(morphem and syntax) and surface strategy taxonomy (Omission, addition,
misfromation and misordering) and the previous study only focused on surface
strategy taxonomy (Omission, addition, misfromation and misordering).
Netanel (2017) found that there were eighty nine errorss in the
students' writing, the first category was omission. there were plural 8.3% errorss,
irregular past 59.7% errorss, main verb 8.3% errors, regular past 8.3 errorss,
copula 4.1%, article 1.4%) the second category was addition, they were article
50% errorss , preposition 25% errorss, regular past 25% errorss), the third
category was misinformation they were regular past 58.3% errorss, preposition
41.7% errorss, the last category was misordering showed an errors in adverb
100% errorss and she only took one class as a sample in her research.
Based on previous research above, it could be concluded that the
highest errors type in her research was Omission and in this research the highest
errors type in linguistics was Morpheme and in surface was omission. it means,
the students cannot distinguish among verb 1,verb 2,verb 3 and they didnt know
to make it in recount text.
In this research, the writer interviewed with students to clarify whether
it is an errors or mistake because interview is very important for writer to get
information on why the students made errors. Interview expresses the
participants’ feeling and give information what the participant’s situation have
from their own point of view (Cohen, et al. 2001). Based on the results of the
interview shows that mistakes are very few compared to the errors because there
are 2 students who mistyped the word "Epidemic" which should have become a
“pandemic”. Other students make errors in writing because they don't know
grammar, especially the use of verbs.


A. Conclusion

The students’ errors in writing recount text by years 12 of Senior High

School 16 Makassar, from 30 students, there are 17 students that used verb 1

as a simple tense in their recount text because it's influenced by this pandemic

which is still ongoing today, they tell their activities at home and outside

during this pandemic, it's not they tell about their past (school holiday).

Sometimes amount of them don’t use subject before verb, the placement of the

full stop and comma is irregular in their writing

The students’ causing of errors in writing recount text by 12 of Senior

High School 16 Makassar, it is Interlingual are errors which are caused by the

influence of first language of them. From the data analyzed, the writer found

several sentences which contain errors because of the Indonesian structure

influence. They translate Indonesian into English without knowing the

structures (verbs, tenses) in the sentence.

In linguistics category taxonomy is an errors in morphology with a total

errors of 260 of 6441 or 4.03% and there is 97 of 554 sentences with total

errors 17.5% in syntax. In the surface strategy taxonomy, there are omissions

with total errors 13.3%, addition with total errors 13.3 %, misformation with

total errors 13.3% and misordering with total errors 13.3%

B. Suggestion
1. The English teachers should teach to their students about Verb 1 Verb II

and Verb III and they give assignments to students to compose recount text

so that they will increase their ideas and insights.

2. The students have to practice composing recount text even though there are

mistakes so that it will increase their knowledge of English


Appendix 1
First Participant (Syahrial Alamsyah)
I : Assalamualaikum dek, boleh saya minta waktunya sebentar untuk di
P1 : Walaikumsalam boleh kak
I : Saat mengerjakan recount text, apakah kamu dapat mengerjakannya
dengan baik?
P1 : Iya kak, saya dapat mengerjakannya dengan baik.
I : Pada waktu selesai mengerjakannya, apakah kamu memeriksa kembali
P1 : Iya kak. Saya memeriksa kembali untuk memastikan apakah ada salah atau
I : Menurutmu, apa kira-kira yang membuatmu sulit mengerjakannya?
P1 : Saya belum tau tentang verb dan saya juga kurang ide dalam
mengekspresikan kalimat saya
I : Oh iya dek, saya perhatikan dilembaran hasilmu ada kalimat begini “I start
my day by getting up at 4:46 a.m for down prayers” coba diperhatikan kata
prayers apakah menurutmu pray dan prayers itu sama?
P1 : Menurut saya sama-sama artinya sholat/berdoa
I : Bagaimana penggunaan pray dan prayers dalam kalimat?
P1 : Saya tidak tau kak.
I : Oh iya, pada saat kamu menulis recount text, apakah kamu masih
terpengaruh dengan bahasa Indonesia?
P1 : Masih terpengaruh kak
I : Menurutmu, apakah kamu mengalami kesulitan ketika kamu ingin
mengekspresikan idemu dalam bentuk tulisan bahasa inggris, berikan
P1 : Biasanya saya menerjemahkan bahasa Indonesia ke bahasa inggris dan bagi
saya susah, kadang saya harus menggunakan google translate
I : Oh gitu, oke dek terima kasih atas waktunya
P1 : Iya kak.

Second Participant (Meifa halwiah)
I : Assalamualaikum dek, boleh saya minta waktunya sebentar untuk di
P2 : Walaikumsalam, iya kak
I : Saat mengerjakan recount text, apakah kamu dapat mengerjakannya dengan
P2 : Iya saya dapat mengerjakannya
I : Selama mengerjakan apakah kamu mengalami kesulitan?
P2 : Kesulitan saya adalah saya susah mengekspresikan ide saya karena selama
corona ini saya hanya melakukan kegiatan dirumah saja
I : Pada waktu selesai mengerjakannya, apakah kamu memeriksa kembali
P2 : Saya nda sempat periksa kembali karena saya dikerja deadline
I : Apa yang membuatmu sulit mengerjakannya?
P2 : Jujur kak, saya masih minim pengetahuan saya tentang bahasa inggris
terutama dalam grammar, saya belum tau penggunaan verb
I : Apakah kamu tau tentang past tense dan present tense
P2 : Tidak kak
I : Saya perhatikan dilembaran hasilmu ada kalimta begini “ I hope this
epidemic” coba diperhatikan, apa itu epidemic?
P2 : Maksud saya disitu pandemic kak bukan epidemic. Disitu saya salah ketik
I : Okey bagaimana dengan “ I go to the cafeteria dan I also go to exchange
stories with mokay” apakah kamu tau “go” itu berbentuk Verb 1 atau
Verb2 ?
P2 : Verb 1
I : Apa verb 2 dari kata Go?
P2 : Tidak tau kak
I : Okey dek, terima kasih waktunya.
P2 : Sama-sama kak
Third participant (Aisyah Ramadhani)
I : Assalamualaikum dek, boleh saya minta waktunya sebentar untuk di
P3 : Walaikumsalam, iya kak
I : Saat mengerjakan recount text, apakah kamu dapat mengerjakannya dengan
P3 : Iya kak, saya dapat mengerjakannya
I : Pada waktu selesai mengerjakannya, apakah kamu memeriksa kembali
P3 : Saya nda sempat periksa kembali karena saya hal lain yang saya harus
I : Selama mengerjakan apakah kamu mengalami kesulitan?
P3 : Saya masih kurang dalam menguasai grammar sehingga saya menulis
kalimat itu, saya harus membuka kamus grammar terlebih dahulu
I : Apakah kamu terpengaruh dengan bahasa Indonesia?
P3 : Iya kak, saya masih terpengaruh dengan bahasa Indonesia sehingga saya
terlebih dahulu harus membuat konsep dalam bahasa Indonesia terlebih
dahulu kemudian menerjemahkannya ke dalam bahasa inggris.
I : Saya perhatikan dilembaran hasilmu ada kalimat begini “I spend my time at
home” apakah kamu tau “spend” termasuk Verb apa?
P3 : Verb 1 kak
I : Apakah kamu tau jika dalam kalimat past tense seharusnya kita
menggunakan V2?
P3 : Tidak tau kak
I : Okey dek, terima atas waktunya
P3 : Iya kak

Fourth participant (Maria Zena)
I : Selamat malam dek
P4 : Malam kak
I : Boleh saya minta waktunya untuk interview?
P4 : Boleh kak
I : Saat mengerjakan recount text, apakah kamu dapat mengerjakannya dengan
P4 : Iya kak
I : Apakah ada kesulitan dalam menulis recount text?
P4 : Saya tidak tau penggunaan verb dan vocabulary jadi saya harus
menerjemahkan satu per satu ke dalam bahasa inggris
I : Saya perhatikan dilembaran hasilmu ada kalimat begini “helping, playing
and watching. Kata tersebut termasuk dalam verb apa?
P4 : Verb 1 kayaknya kak
I : Helped, played dan watched termasuk verb apa?
P4 : Tidak tau kak
I : Helped, played dan watched itu verb 2 dek dan digunakan dalam kalimat
past tense
P4 : Oh iya kak, saya baru tau
I : Okey dek makasih atas waktunya
P4 : Iya kak sama-sama

Fifth participant (Cahya Tahir)
I : Assalamualaikum dek, boleh minta waktunya untuk di interview?
P5 : Boleh kak
I : Saat mengerjakan recount text, apakah kamu dapat mengerjakannya dengan
P5 : Tidak kak, saya merasa kesulitan karena banyak kata yang saya tidak tau
dalam bahasa inggris
I : Apakah kamu memeriksa kembali pekerjaanmu?
P5 : Tidak, karena pada saat itu saya harus mengerjakan hal tugas matematika
yang bersamaan pengumpulannya.
I : Oh iya, apakah kamu terpengaruh dengan bahasa Indonesia?
P5 : Iya kak, makanya saya memakai google translate untuk menerjemahkan
bahasa indonesia ke bahasa inggirs
I : Menurutmu, apakah kamu kesulitan dalam mengekspresikan idemu?
P5 : Sulit, selama korona ini saya hanya menghabiskan waktu di rumah jadi
tidak ada ide untuk menulis recount text dengan tema holiday school it
I : Oke dek, jadi saya banyak menemukan kalimat yang berbentuk present
tense Seperti “many people are afraid, all students are very happy, I spend
my time at home and there are students who are already planning a
P5 : Are dan spend adalah verb 1, apa verb 2 dari kata are dan spend?
I : Tidak tau kak
P5 : Iya dek, seharusnya dalam recount text itu kita menggunakan kalimat past
tense yaitu verb2, jika adik memakai verb 1 itu salah karena karena
berbentuk present tense.
P5 : Iya kak, saya baru tahu, saya masih kurang salam grammar tertumaverb
jadi Saya tidak tau membedakan verb1, verb 2 dan verb3.

Appendix 2

Name. : Syahrial saputra

Class: XII IPA 1
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,
Hi everyone, my name is Syahrial Saputra, during the pandemic I spent time
at home, such as watching TV, eating, sleeping, studying, and others. I start my day
by getting up at 4:46 a.m. for dawn prayers. after that I went out of the house to jog
with my brother. And in the morning I spent studying online like google meet, and
Classroom. And in the afternoon I spend my time playing games, watching TV, and
sleeping. And in the afternoon I went to the badminton court for sports And in the
evening I helped my parents to fish in the sea. That's all I do during this pandemic.
That is all and thank you Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

hello everyone I am meifa halwiyah nur nabila, during my daily life during
the pandemic I was only at home I was really bored at home, all I did was go online,
eat and sleep. I miss going to school offline, greeting each other with friends,
exchanging stories and laughing together. I hope this epidemic will pass quickly so
that I and my friends can meet. and I also miss meeting mothers and fathers, I want to
explain directly without being explained on the cellphone screen.
I also want to go around school together with my best friend, go to the
cafeteria together and buy toast at Om Bet, and I also want to go exchange stories
with the mokay and the bureng gang haha it was really fun school days before the
pandemic. somehow I hated my adolescence after the covid-19 pandemic, and I pray
that this pandemic will pass quickly and I can meet my friends aamiin allahumma
aamiin. sorry mam I just had time to send this test because there is a problem with my
internet, once again I'm sorry

Class: XII MIPA 3.
Hi, everyone. Good night, Allow me to introduce myself, my name is aisyah
ramadhani,I will tell a little about my experience during this pandemic Studying at
home is as fun as studying at school. Just as we miss going home at school, at home
there is also a longing to go to school and meet friends. Studying at home allowed me
to help my parents and spend a lot of time on my hobby. This covid-19 outbreak
provides a lot of wisdom. Now I can have a long vacation even I don't know how
long. Can linger with family and stop the chain of spreading the virus. However, I
still hope that this epidemic will end soon, so that life can return to life. Aamiin

Nama: Maria Zena Tomarere
Kelas: XII MIPA 6
Here I will tell you about my activities while at home, because of the virus
outbreak we are dismissed from school, maybe the start of a holiday at home is fun
but as time goes by it starts to get boring because it's just at home and can't do many
things For the first time at home, I felt very happy because I didn't have a job, I could
spend more time with my family and so on.
My activities while at home may not be much, it's just that it repeats itself.
Like exercising every morning, helping parents, playing cellphones, watching dramas
or tv and sometimes making cakes. Sometimes feeling tired because there is a lot to
do at home but it has become a habit since the pandemic, especially eating, eating
may not be an activity but a necessity, but here since at home, my activities are also
mostly eating because there is nothing else to do so eating is a substitute.
I really wanted to go on vacation but because of the virus outbreak, the case
was getting wider so it was forbidden to go anywhere so I didn't go. time goes by, the
holidays have ended and started learning again but there is something different about
this time because it is not face-to-face but online, so there are more holidays. There
are more and more activities, not only helping parents but also learning online via
cellphones and working assignments.
Every day I pass through many tasks and make me tired because there are
more activities done at home. It makes me happy and it's fun but it shouldn't be done
every day. I sometimes feel bored, feel tired of the routine. I want to do a lot of things
outside. I hope this pandemic ends soon and we can get back to normal activities.

Nama : Cahya Tahir
Kelas : XII MIPA 5
NISN : 0033433951
Today and the days before I was just at home. Sometimes when I want to
leave the house I feel terrified. all of this because of the pandemic that is currently
happening. all of my days don't feel the same as last year. But what can I do? I am
just a student who can only see on the news what is happen to this country. but I think
all students in this country feel the same way with me.
The first day when the information was delivered. all students are very happy
because they can take a vacation for a long time. And maybe there are some students
who are already planning a vacation somewhere including me, but two days after that
it was reported that the corona virus had entered Indonesia, And the spread of this
virus is quite extensive.
in the days after that. many people are afraid to leave their house, including
me. I prefer to spend my time at home. what I do at home is clean the house, finish
the homework, play games, watch Korean dramas and so on. after the fourth semester
passed I finally went up to the twelfth grade, school this time only through google
meet without meet the teachers. it feels really disappointing. Because I only have one
year left in high school. but what can i do ?, This pandemic is really dangerous so it is
too dangerous to carry out daily activities normally.
So the days I passed during this vacation were only doing activities at home.
It's quite boring and disappointing not to be able to go to school as usual. but I'm still
grateful because I can still relax and enjoy my days. Because there are still a lot of
people out there who want to have a day like me.
For example, like a doctor who does not have time to rest to take care of
patients or the police who are still working to maintain security and order the public
to always be careful during this pandemic. And also the teachers who have to go to
school to give lessons even though only through google meet. I hope This pandemic
will end soon. And people can resume their activities normally.

Classification errors made by students based on the interview
1. Syahrial saputra

Type of errors Example of students Correct sentences

Addition I start my day by getting I start my day by getting
up at 4:46 a.m. for dawn up at 4:46 a.m. for dawn
prayers. pray.

2. Meifa halwiah nur Nabila

Type of errors Example of students Correct sentences

Addition  During my daily life  During my daily life
during the in the pandemic
pandemic  I also met with my
 I also meeting parents
mothers and
Omission of conjunction I was only at home I I was only at home and
was really bored at I was really bored at
home home
Irregular past tense  All I did was go  All I did was go
(substitution of simple online, eat and online, ate and slept.
non past) sleep.  I went to the cafeteria
 I go to the cafeteria together to buy toast
together and buy  I also met with my
toast parents
 I also meeting
mothers and fathers
Omission of-ed  I also want to go  I also wanted to go

around school around school
together with my best together with my best
friend friend
 I also want to go  I also wanted to go
exchange stories with exchange stories with
mokay mokay

 I hope this epidemic  I hope this pandemic
3. Aisyah Ramadhani

Type of errors Example of students Correct sentences

Irregular past tense  I spend a lot of time  I spent a lot of time
(substitution of simple on my hobby on my hobby
non past)
 I hope that this  I hope this pandemic

4. Maria Zena Tomarere

Type of errors Example of students Correct sentences

Three transformation  My activities are also  My activities were
(use of Non past tense) mostly eating also mostly eating
 There is something  There was something
different about this different about this
time because it is not time because it was
to face but online not to face but online
 So there are many  So there were many
holidays holidays

 There are more  There were more
activities activities
 There is nothing else  There was nothing
to do so eating is a else to do but eating
Three transformation  There is a lot to do at  There were a lot to
(use of is instead of are) home do at home
Omission of-ed  Every morning  Every morning I
helping parents, helped my parents,
playing cellphones , played cellphones
watching dramas and watched dramas
Omission of conjunction  I sometimes feel  I sometimes felt
and substitution of bored, feel tired of bored and felt tired
simple non past the routine routine
Addition  It’s just it repeats  It just repeated itself
itself  I sometimes felt
 I sometimes feel bored and tired
bored, feel tired of routine
the routine
Omission of to be  Sometimes we  Sometimes we were
making cakes making cake

5. Cahya tahir

Type of errors Example of students errors Correct sentences

Three transformation (use  All the students are very  All the students were
of Non past tense) happy very happy

 There are some students  There were some
who are already students had already
planning a vacation planned a vacation
somewhere including somewhere included me
me  Many people were afraid
 Many people are afraid to leave their house
to leave their house
Three transformation (use  It’s quite boring and  It were quite boring and
of is instead of are) disappointing disappointing
Addition  School this time only  This time only through
through Google meet Google meet
 What I do at home is  I cleaned the house
clean the house
Misformation of past tense  They can take a vacation  They could take a
modals for a long time vacation for a long time
Omission of-ed  Finish the homework,  I Finished the
play games, watch homework, played games
Korean dramas and watched Korean

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