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Communication – giving and receiving information via talk gestures, writing and so forth

Ideation- decision to share idea

Encoding – putting meaning into symbol

Transmission – sending the message

Receiving – seeing and hearing a transmitted message

Decoding- defining words and interpreting gestures

Feedback – evaluative response

Grapevine – informal communication system

Informal communication – casual, not according to prescribed ways

Formation communication – according to prescribed rules

Verbal – spoken

Nonverbal – not spoken; space , appearance, body language, facial expressions, eye contact, posture,
gestures, attentive silence, timing, pauses

Assertiveness – the quality of being confident in stating one’s opinions or need

Transactional analysis- a technique for analysing discussion

Life position- an individual’s assumptions about self in relation to others

Passive – inactive, acted on

Aggressive – active, bold, pushy

- flippant

Assertiveness technique
Broken record- repeating what one wants
- Assertiveness – most desirable style for a nurse manager

Fogging – agreeing with the truth

-set up psychological distance , a passive skill, does not encourage the other person to be

Negative assertion – accepting negative aspect about oneself

Negative inquiry – asking for more information about oneself

- foster assertiveness in the critic
Improving communication

- Witten
- Oral
- Gestures
- Actions
- Active listening
- Build trust
- Dictation etiquette
- Telephone etiquette

Action is better than words

- Joseph Luft and harry Ingham

Arena Blind spot

Faced Unknown
Neither solicit or
give feed back
As the

Hostile Aggressive

Exploders – adult tantrums

Snipers- put –down remarks that are aggressive responses to an unsolved problem; Distress
rather than positive action
Negative thinkers
Intervention: Ask open ended question
Super Agreeable – equally difficult because they lead one to believe that they are in agreement
but let one down when it comes to taking action

Barriers to Assertiveness
Passive, Aggressive, Assertive
Barriers to Assertiveness
Gender roles, Nursing socialization process, Male – female role competition, Queen bee, Trashing

Ego State
Parent – ego state controls and is the source of values, opinions, rules, regulations, and social

Stress- bodys non specific response to any demand

Eustress – positive form of stress that adds excitement and challenge

Distress – negative form of stress that threatens effectiveness

Delegation – to entrust a task to another persons who serves as one’s representative
Responsibility – obligation; what must be done to complete the task
Authority –the power to make final decisions and give commands
Accountability – liability for satisfactory completion of work

Planning – preparing a scheme for doing something

Time – management controlling use of time for maximum productivity

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