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Water Analysis: Solids





Mapúa University

October 2020
Water is an essential property for us to survive and it is our main primary drinking source

throughout any liquids. However, before water can be usable for human consumption, it needs to

be treated and extracted for its impurities to pass the regulations for distribution. A water-

treatment facility is responsible for this kind of act, it removes any kind of impurities such as

bacteria and dissolved inorganic ions before it can be placed in distribution lines (Jaquez, 2017).

In order to be ready for what could be in the water, water-treatment facilities intact many

different tests to achieve standard water quality. For example, in this experiment, the total

dissolved, and suspended solids in water were determined. Moreover, different molecules were

exposed to water to observe the ions present in the solid water sample.

In part A of the experiment, the objective was to determine the total dissolved solids

(TDS) present in the water sample. Dissolved solids are soluble water substances that comes

from organic sources. It can either be a natural or human-related occurrence. According to a

website-Suez in their Water Sources, Impurities in Water and Chemistry, naturally occurring

solid are mostly salts that is from the movements of water or through mineral deposits. On the

other hand, Human-related solids are nitrates that comes from fertilizer runoffs or human

deposits. A huge amount of dissolved salts in usable water is problematic because it can cause

health endangerment to the consumer, which he/she can experience diarrhea or constipation.

The salt content in water can be measure through salinity, expressed by the grams of

dissolved salts per kilogram of water as parts per thousand (ppt). The salinity of water is can be

measured by the presence of these various anions: carbonates and bicarbonates, CO32+ and

HCO3; halides, Cl–, Br –, and I–; and phosphate, PO43–; and sulfates, SO42– .
By adding HNO3 into water, the existence of carbonates and bicarbonates is then can be

determined. The ionic equation for the reaction can be expressed as:

CO32–(aq) + 2 H+(aq) + NO3–(aq) — CO2(g) + H2O(l) + NO3–(aq)

The test for the presence of halides in water, the precipitate of silver halide must appear

when silver ion is added. It can be expressed as:

Ag+(aq) + Cl– , Br– , I– (aq) — AgCl (s, white) + AgBr (s, light brown) + AgI(s, dark brown)

The most common cation present in water is calcium and it’s the major indicator to water

hardness. For testing its presence in water, the addition of C2O42- is necessary because it will

help determine the formation of insoluble calcium oxalate.

Ca2+(aq) + C2O4 2– (aq) — CaC2O4(s)

In part B of the experiment, the determination of the number of suspended solids are

measured. Suspended solids are used to label the divided particles in water that cannot pass

through a filter hole. An example of this are the most common pollutant in earth “dirt” in the

form of total suspended solids (TSS). High number of suspended solids in water negatively

decrease its effectivity for human consumption. The microorganism in the water can hide from

the water disinfectant agents making TSS a measure for turbidity or clarity of water.

Moreover, in the experiment, the total solids (TS) are calculated by adding the dissolved

and suspended solids in the water sample. The TDS are directly determined and the TSS are

assumed to various computation since it is expressed as:

Equation 1:

Total suspended solids (TSS) = Total solids (TS) – Total dissolved solids (TDS)
The experiment has three (3) major objective that the researcher wishes to achieve: (1)

Determining the total dissolved solids in the water sample, (2) Determining the total suspended

solids and total solids, and lastly, (3) to conclude the chemical testing of the solids.

The procedure of this experiment is as follows: For objective no. 1, using a clean dry

100-mL beaker the solid impurities are filtered by gravity filtration from a 50mL water sample.

While waiting for the filtration to be complete, the mass of a clean and dry evaporating dish was

measured and by using a graduated cylinder, a 25-mL aliquot filtrate was transferred into the

evaporating dish. The combined mass of the sample and evaporating dish was measured. The

evaporating dish was then heated into low flame using a Bunsen burner, to dry its component.

When the mixture is already splattering, cover it with a watch glass to reduce its intensity. Once

the sample is dry, the evaporating dish and its contents were carefully scrapped off to be used in

part three (3) of the objectives. The mass of the evaporating dish containing the solid residue was


In the second part of the objectives, the researcher used a clean and dry 100-mL

graduated cylinder to transfer a 25-mL aliquot water sample into another evaporating dish. Both

masses of the second evaporating dish with and without the raw water sample was separately

measured. The procedure in number 1 objective was repeated until the sample is completely dry.

The mass of the solid residue in the evaporating dish was measured and was kept to be used in

part 3 of the experiment.

To conclude the chemical testing in the solid residue, multiple tests was done; (A) to test

for carbonates, a small amount of the residue in part 1 of the experiment was placed in a watch

glass and was added a one drop of 6M HNO3, while the reaction was ongoing it was observed

and recorder. (B) testing for chlorides (halides), one to two drops of water were added to the
residue and was agitated using a stirring rod. From this, a 1-2 drops of 0.01M AgNO3 was added

and again observed and recorded. (C) testing for calcium ions, on the residue in part 1 of the

experiment a 1-2 drops of water were added. The solution was agitated and one drop of 1M

K2C2O4 was added. The reaction was observed and recorded for concluding.

Meanwhile, a virtual laboratory was first done by the researcher. It is entitled as

Ecosystem Dynamics Simulation; it has an objective to learn how to increase the yield of Whean

and to assess the impacts of fertilization on the phosphorus cycle. In this laboratory, material

topics are discussed to boost some learning about, Nutrients limitation, fertilization, Phosphorus

Cycle about its Inputs, fractions, Outputs, and lastly the phosphate measurement.


Table 1.1. Water Analysis for Solids

Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Trial 1 Trial 2
27.25 37.48
1. Mass of evaporating dish, (g)
52.28 62.58
2. Mass of water sample plus evaporating dish, (g)
____25.03_____ ____25.1_____
3. Mass of water sample, (g)
36.03 46.35
4. Mass of dried sample plus evaporating dish, (g)

5. Mass of dissolved solids in 25-mL aliquot of _____8.78____ ____8.87_____

filtered sample (g)

6. Mass of dissolved solids per total mass of sample _____0.35078____ ____0.35339_____

(g solids/g sample)

7. Total dissolved solids (TDS) or salinity (g ____350.78_____ ____353.39_____

solids/kg sample, ppt)
8. Average TDS of the sample
In part A of the experiment, the amount of total dissolved solids was determined by

performing the procedures and obtaining the mass of evaporating dish with and without the dried

sample in it. Obtaining the mass of evaporating dish with the filtered water sample; 27.25g in the

1st trial and 37.48g in the 2nd trial. Moreover, the mass of the evaporating dish with the dried

sample in the two trials are 36.03g (1st trial) and 46.35g (2nd trial). Subtracting these two values,

the amount of the dried sample was calculated, 8.78g (1st trial) and 8.87g (2nd trial), see in table

1.1. Assuming the density of water is 1g/mL, the mass of the dissolved solids per total mass of

sample was calculated, simply dividing the obtained mass of the dried sample and the mass of

the water sample.

1st trial:

8.78 dissovled solid

Mass of dissolved solids/total mass of sample (g solids/g sample) = =
25.03 water sample


2nd trial:

8.87 dissovled solid

Mass of dissolved solids/total mass of sample (g solids/g sample) = =
25.1water sample


Converting the mass of the water samples into kilograms, the total dissolved solids or

salinity of the water can be calculated, 350.78ppt (1st trial) and 353.39ppt (2nd trial). It average

into 352.085 parts per thousand (check appendix A).

Table 1.2. Water Analysis for Solids

Total Solids and Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Trial 1 Trial 2
27.25 37.48
1. Mass of evaporating dish, (g)
52.45 62.40
2. Mass of water sample plus evaporating dish, (g)
____25.2_____ _____24.92____
3. Mass of water sample, (g)
37.82 48.85
4. Mass of dried sample plus evaporating dish, (g)

5. Mass of total solids in 25-mL aliquot of unfiltered ____10.57_____ ____11.37_____

sample (g)

6. Mass of total solids per total mass of sample (g ____0.41944_____ ____0.45626_____

solids/g sample)
____419.44_____ ____456.26_____
7. Total solids (TS, g solids/kg sample, ppt)
8. Average TS of the sample

9. Total suspended solids (TSS, g solids/kg sample, ____68.66_____ ____102.87_____

10. Average TSS of the sample

In part B of the experiment, the amount of the total solids and total suspended solids were

determined. Using the values obtained in the experiment, the mass of the total solids was

determined using the same solutions in part A of the experiment. Again, assuming that the

density of water is 1g/mL, the mass of the total solids per total mass of sample was calculated,

simply dividing the obtained mass of the dried sample and the mass of the water sample.

1st trial:

11.37 total solids

Mass of total solids = = 0.41944
25.2 water sample

2nd trial:

10.57 total solids

Mass of total solids = = 0.45626
24.92 water sample
Converting the mass of the water samples into kilograms, the total dissolved solids or

salinity of the water can be calculated, 419.44ppt (1st trial) and 456.26ppt (2nd trial). It average

into 437.85 parts per thousand (check appendix B). Substituting the values in equation 1 in the

introduction, it results to:

Total Suspended Solids (TSS) = 437.85 ppt – 352.085 ppt = 85.765 ppt

All experiment was done twice in order to create a more precise and accurate value for


Table 1.3. Chemical Tests

Test Observation Conclusion

Formation of bubbles upon
1. CO32-, HCO3- (TDS) mixing _Colorless with tiny bubbles_
_Formation of bubbles (present)

Formation of bubbles upon _particles are not completely

CO32-, HCO3- (TS) mixing dissolved (present)_
_White in color, tiny particles are
2. Cl-, Br-, I- (TDS) White precipitate dissolved (present)_
_White in color, tiny particles are
- - -
Cl , Br , I (TS) White precipitate dissolved (present)_
_White in color with suspended
3. Ca2+ (TDS) White precipitate tiny particles (present) _
_White in color with suspended
Ca2+ (TS) White precipitate tiny particles (present) _

For part 1, testing for carbonates, both samples include a formation of bubbles that

indicates a release of carbon dioxide, therefore carbonate and bicarbonates are present in both

water samples. Part 2 the testing of halides, both samples replicate a white precipitate which
indicates the presence of chloride in both water samples. Part 3, testing for calcium, again both

samples reflect a white precipitate meaning, calcium is present in both samples.


Water has been a critical resource for our survivability. According to

MedicalNewsToday, we can only live for about 3 days without water consumption. In this

experiment, the researcher was able to understand the need in testing the water for its

compositions. Moreover, this experiment explained the tests needed for water, such as salinity

and turbidity water. For the salinity of water, it is expressed by the grams of dissolved salts per

kilogram of water as parts per thousand (ppt). The salinity of water is can be measured by the

presence of these various anions: carbonates and bicarbonates, CO32+ and HCO3; halides, Cl–,

Br –, and I–; and phosphate, PO43–; and sulfates, SO42– . In the turbidity or clarity of water,

TSS or total suspended solids are measured by subtracting the Total solids (TS) and the Total

dissolved solids (TDS). It is the measurement of particles that cannot pass through a filter hole.

In conclusion, the calculated total dissolved solids, and total solids of the water sample

are, 352.085 ppt and 437.85 ppt, giving a total suspended solid of 85.765ppt. Total suspended

solids (TSS) are particle larger than 2 micron, found in water columns. It includes sediments, silt,

sand, plankton, and algae, it also includes organic particles from decomposing materials.

Moreover, after performing the three-chemical test on the samples, it was found out that it

contains impurities such as dissolved salts. The anions that are indicators for the salinity of water
was also present in the water sample, CO32-, HCO3-, Cl-, and Ca2+. Thus, making the water

sample to be dangerous for human consumption, or simply non-potable.

Additionally, it is best recommended to perform the experiment carefully since you will

be using a Bunsen burner to make the water sample dry. Also, make sure that you will scrape-off

all the residue in the evaporated dish, since there is a big chance that your sample is not enough

for the testing.


Beran, Jo A (2009). Laboratory manual for principles of general chemistry (8th ed). John Wiley,

Hoboken, NJ

Chapter 01- Water Sources, Impurities in Water and Chemistry. (n.d.). Retrieved from SUEZ:


Jaquez, D. (2017, September 20). Chem lab report 3. Retrieved from StuDocu:


Johnson, J. (2019, May 14). How long you can live without water. Retrieved from

A. 1 Mass of dissolved solids in 25-mL aliquot of filtered sample (g)
Given: Mass evaporating dish = 27.25g
Mass evaporating dish + dried solids = 36.03 g
Mass of dissolved solids in 25-mL aliquot of filtered sample (g)
= (mass evaporating dish + dried solids) – (mass evaporating dish)
= 36.03 g – 27.25 g = 8.78 g
A. 2 Mass of dissolved solids per total mass of sample
Given: Mass of dissolved solids in 25-mL aliquot of filtered sample = 8.78 g
Mass of water sample = 25.03 g
Mass dissolved solids =
= Mass of dissolved solids in 25-mL aliquot of filtered sample ÷
mass of water sample
= 8.78 g ÷ 25.03 g = 0.35078 g dried solids/ g of water sample
A. 3 Total dissolved solids or salinity
Given: Mass of dried solids per total mass of sample = 0.35078 g/ g of water sample
Mass of water sample = 25.03 g
sample∗1000 g water sample
TDS=mass of dried solids per total mass of
1 kg
∗1000 g water sample
g sample g
¿ 0.35078 =350.78 of sample∨350.78 ppt
1 kg kg

B.1 Mass of dried solids
Given: Mass of evaporating dish = 27.25 g
Mass evaporating dish + dried solids = 37.82 g
Mass of dried solids = (mass evaporating dish + dried solids) – (mass evaporating dish)
= 37.82 g – 27.25 g = 10.57 g
B.2 Mass of total solids per total mass of sample
Given: Mass of dried solids = 10.57 g
Mass of water sample = 25.2 g
Mass of Total solids = mass of dried solids ÷ mass of water sample
= 10.57 g ÷ 25.2 g = 0.41944 g dried solids/ g of water sample
B.3 Total solids (g/kg sample)
Given: Mass of dried solids per total mass of sample = 0.41944 g/ g of water sample
Mass of water sample = 25.2 g
sample∗1000 g water sample
TS=mass of dried solids per total mass of
1 kg
∗1000 g water sample
g sample g
¿ 0. 41944 =419.44 of sample∨419.44 ppt
1 kg kg
B. 4 Total Suspended Solids
Given: TS = 419.44 ppt
TDS = 350.78 ppt
TSS = 419.44 ppt – 350.78 = 68.66 ppt

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