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Contemporary World Midterm

OLFDI4 October 25, 2020

General Instructions: Read the text carefully and answer the questions accordingly; remember to

answer what is being asked of you. This is not a journal entry; this is a written exam. Your

opinions, while valid, may only get you so far if you fail to answer the questions being asked of

you. NOTE: You are allowed to think outside of the box but be sure that your answers reflect the

lessons we have been discussing in class. This midterm examination is an applied essay, there are

no minimum requirements when it comes to words or sentences. There will be a scenario

provided to you and you will have to provide answers that reflect application of the knowledge

learned during the course.


You are the president of the totally real north Atlantic island of Douglas, the weather here

is cold, but not that cold, just the right type of cold. There are about 12,000 families, or roughly

40,000 people living in the island. The island is roughly the size of Singapore but is shaped like a

toe. The island has a lot of trees and grasslands that the people of Douglas have been able to

cultivate for agriculture and farming, the specialty of the island is the best chickens that even if

some people are not willing to pay P220 for, is still totally worth the price for they are juicy even

when burnt, and they are easy to cook. The island hosts a variety of different cultures and beliefs.

It is a fairly liberal society: there is no discrimination or prejudice, people accept all

religions and sexual orientations, young people are encouraged to finish their studies, and adults

are afforded the means to get jobs, but the people of Douglas have a strong hatred for the color

blue. The island is fairly self-sufficient, and people are somewhat content, but they are starting to

feel somewhat bored with the monotony of the island.

Module 2:

1. One day, you receive a letter from the neighboring island of Tortoise, seeking to trade

With you. The president of this island is very arrogant, he claims that the only way to

resolve this request is to either to go to war, or to agree with their trades. Using any of 3

theoretical approaches to globalization, provide a short letter as a response; identify the

theoretical perspective being used. 20 points.

Answer no. 1:

Dear Tortoise Islands,

On behalf of the Government of Douglas, it is to inform you that the lawful

representatives decided that trade between the Douglas Island and Tortoise Island will be

tolerated. However, we propose that this matter is to be further discussed. Although

Douglas Island wouldn’t like to engage in violence, the demands asked for is a bit

malevolent and prejudiced. For the sake of the two nations, we would like to establish a

recognized treaty for trade that would be beneficial for both ends.

We look forward to a long and rewarding terms with the Tortoise Island.


People’s Democratic Island of Douglas

Theoretical approached used is Liberalism.

Module 3:

2. Some of the people of Douglas are unhappy with how the economy has been performing.

Some of them feel that they have lost their jobs as a result of outsourcing and they have

been noticing that goods in the market are more expensive than ever. Some of them also

feel burnt out from having to work extra hours to keep up with the demands of other

countries. Using the concepts and ideas from economic globalization, which elements of

economic globalization can explain what the people are feeling? 20 points.

Answer no. 2:

Because economic globalization is ultimately a quest for bigger profits, the effects

of International trade that took its toll for the citizens of Douglas Islands are effects of

neoliberalism. Neoliberalism on economic perspective aims for a free market which

allows capitalism with no government intervention. It intends for diverse goods and

services, low-cost work, and encourages import/export, etc. but due to the cheaper labor

abroad, real wages are shrinking, which is the dilemma the citizens of Douglas are

currently facing. Moreover, the citizens of Douglas are having a difficult time coping up

to global demands since Neoliberalism doesn’t incentivize local markets but prioritize

larger and developed businesses.

Module 4:

3. [Think and analyze carefully] The island of Douglas, the island of Tortoise and Chicken

Island are in a dispute. The people of Tortoise Island are angry at Chicken Island because of the

ships that pass by that allegedly is an eye sore for the people; the ships include shipments from

neighboring countries and they also use it to ship chicken feed to the Island of Douglas. As a

result, the president of Tortoise proposes to start a war with the two nearby islands in order settle

this dispute, it is not certain if the people of Tortoise Island have any war capabilities.

Alternatively, the president of Tortoise will be satisfied if he gets involved with the trade: Tortoise

island supplies the chicken feed to Douglas Island and some of his people get to be hired at

Chicken Island. Which International Organization would prove to be the best to aid in this

situation, or what concept about international governance might prove to be helpful in finding a

middle ground? 10 points

Answer no.3:

The dilemma between the states is quite complicated. If the three nations will agree to

Tortoise demands, the situation seems unfair to the other nations if it’s not vice versa. The best

IGO to aid this dispute would be a supranational organization. This international organizations

suggest trades that benefits all, more employment opportunities, and possibly resolving disputes

beyond borders since it’s a party that holds actual political power to mediate differences between

states. With their actual power involved, they can possibly come up to a compromise that would be

agreeable not only to the Tortoise Islands but to all the nations involved.

3.5. From question #3, how can these three islands find a middle ground to achieve?

Internationalism? What are the considerations to take account of? 10 points.

Answer 3.5:

In establishing an IGO that will facilitate their trade and communication, many

dimensions are to be taken consider of. For instance are international demands and local

interests, sustainability and competitions, economy and human rights. With that being said,

the ideal middle ground has to have clear policy goals and has to be open to globalization

without sacrificing local interests. This IGO will be recognized by a treaty that acts as a

charter creating the group. Treaties are formed governments of several states that go

through a ratification process providing the IGO with an international legal personality.
Module 5:

4. About two kilometers south of Douglas Island is Duck Island. In Duck Island, it’s

roughly the same in terms of geography, climate, and even people. And yet, people in Duck

Island are poorer than those in Douglas Island, the quality of life in Duck Island also isn’t as

good either. The people of Duck Island are also very racist and slightly

homophobic. Additionally, the island, while rich in natural resources and chickens, cannot

seem to find the means to join the trade that is prolific in the region; moreover, they do not

partake in globalization. A reason for this is due to the fact that the people of Duck Island all

wear the color blue and have a poor fashion sense: other people in the region do not like their

racism and slight homophobia. From our lecture, what might be the reasons for these

differences in economics and quality of life? 5 points.

Answer no. 4:

Despite on the similar geography, climate, and natural resources that Duck Island

possess, one of the biggest factors possible for their difference from the rest of the states in

the region is their past and history. Their colonial past rendered their beliefs, culture and

current political and economic institutions that evidently partakes on the way of their present


4.5. From question #4, assuming a flattened world is achieved, how would a flattened

world look like for the case of Duck Island? What would be the major reasons why a

flattened world is unachievable? Use the Latin American experience to substantiate your

answers. 15 points.

Answer no. 4.5:

If a flattened world is achieved economic decisions are made without reference to

national boundaries. If it was imposed, the Duck Island will be able to freely partake on

trade and globalization using their natural resources and can migrate to states that offers

more job opportunities which will boost their economic status. However, the two islands

of Duck and Douglas plus its existing disparity of incentives and social and cultural

institutions proves that this contradicts the notion that globalization rendered national

borders economically meaningless. Despite of how rich their resources are, as long the

Duck Island’s beliefs and practices which is shaped by their past won’t change and adjust
to the global customary they can’t be fully enlightened to participate in trade and

benefited of globalization.

Module 6:

5. A big tidal wave is threatening to wipe out the islands, but there might be a chance to

survive it if the islands decide to band together to employ scientific measures against the

tidal wave. What is the logic of regionalism with regards to this? 10 points.

Answer no. 5:

The expression of a common sense of identity and purpose combined with the

implementation of institutions that express a particular identity and shape collective

action within a geographical region is the logic behind the act of trying to unite with other

nations within the region to face and overcome the incoming natural threat. In other

words, what regionalism is trying to achieve is successfully meeting goals by clustering

nations that share the same objective to in order for them to be stronger and more


5.5. Given the varying differences between islands, what are the factors that we can

consider that can lead to greater integration in the region? 10 points.

Answer no. 5.5:

To further integrate globalization between the islands it is important to narrow

or overcome their dissimilarities and communicate to exchange information. With this

in mind it is important to provide motives that the states will benefit from in order for

them to participate. Such as removing tariffs for trade, boosting diplomatic relations by

affluent travel admittance which can allow for other nations to appreciate their

different cultures, and consenting job opportunities for each other.

Bonus questions: if the bonus exceeds the total, it will be added to the pool of bonus points.

1. How well do you trust your classmates? Do you want bonus points? If majority answer

‘yes’, everyone will get 1 bonus point. If majority answers ‘no’, everyone gets 3. If less

than a majority answer ‘yes’, those who say yes will get 5 points.


2. What is the definition of globalization what we have been using in class? 2 points.

Globalization is the integration of capital, conduct and labor markets across the borders of


3. Who is your crush in the class? 1 point.

Trisha Tan

No points for this one but type in below what are your thoughts on our subject so far. I would like

to hear your thoughts about it so that I can improve the overall management of the class. What

are the things that work for you, what are the things that don’t work, what are the things that

needs improvement?

Sir is sometimes scary.

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