4. Үг зүй.3 хэвлэх материал

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Causative - Бусдаар үйлдүүлэх хэв /-уул, -үүл, -лга/


 Багш кофе авчиржээ.

 Багш кофе авчруулжээ.

 Би маргааш үсээ засуулчихсан байх болно

 Дарга гэрээ цэвэрлүүлчихсэн байсан.
 Багш сурагчдаар ном уншуулсаар байна.

 My mom made me do my homework.

 A dictator can make his people do whatever he wants.
 Please have your secretary send me the information
 Tomorrow I will have the mechanic examine my car.

My teacher helped me answer

v. to make it possible or S + help +agent the question
help easier for someone to do + Verb (or to туслах
something; verb) + O The $10,000 loan from the
bank helped her (to) start her
own business.

Her mother allowed her to

v. To let someone do S + allow watch TV.
allow something or let something +agent + to Verb зөвшөөрөх
happen; permit +O At the weekend I allow myself
a box of chocolates.

This has led scientists to

speculate on the existence of
тэгэхэд/ other galaxies.
v. To cause someone to do S + lead +agent
lead ингэхэд
something + to Verb + O Discussion with lawyer led
him to believe that the
company wouldn’t sue him.

Greenhouse gases are widely

хүргэх, believed to be causing the Earth’s
v. to make something S + cause +
шалтгаалах, atmosphere to heat up.
cause happen, especially agent + to
something bad Verb + O
Poor diet and inadequete dental
cleaning and maintenance caused
many colonists to lose at least
half of their teeth before the age
of 20.

This will enable users to conduct

v. To make someone or live video conversations.
something able to do S +enable +
enabl боломжтой
something by providing agent + to
e болгох
whatever is necessary to Verb + O The use of animals, wagons, and
achieve that aim; sailing vessels enabled people to
transport loads farther and more
easily than before.

Despite the pain, she forced

herself to get out of bed.
v. To use physical strength S + force + хүчлэх,
force or effort to make agent + to алдбадах /тэгэх,
something move or open Verb + O ингэхийг/
When they became weak or ill,
the guards killed them or forced
them to work until they died.

2. Modal verbs - Баймж үг


will, would, can, could, may, might, shall, should, must

Real modals • Can you help me?
-Асууж, үгүйсгэж • May I come in?
чаддаг • I can not play the piano.

need to, ought to, have to, had better, used to

Semi modals • Do you have to go now ?
-Асууж, үгүйсгэж • She does not ought to go to work today.
чаддаггүй • You do not need to worry about me.
3. Conjunction - Холбоос


Clause = Conj + гишүүн өгүүлбэр

Clause  1 өгүүлбэр = 1 тэмдэг нэр

I found a nice book.

I found the book which you lost.

“Adjective clause”

Clause  1 өгүүлбэр = 1 нэр үг

I found a book.
I found that the book was expensive.

“Noun clause”

Clause  1 өгүүлбэр = 1 дайвар үг

I found a book yesterday.

I found the book when I met the teacher.

“Adverbial clause”

Clause  1 өгүүлбэр = 1 үг

I found a nice book yesterday. +3 clauses

I found that the book which you lost was expensive when I met the teacher.
4. Connector - Холбогч үг


 *She remained silent, for her heart was heavy.

 We kissed and hugged each other.
 Neither my mother nor my father went to university.
 We ran after him, but he escaped.
 Is it Tuesday or Wednesday today?
 *It feels like summer, yet according to the calendar we're still in early spring.
 My knee started hurting so I stopped running.

5. Transition - Холбогч дайвар үг


 I’m tired. Therefore, I’m going to bed.

 She went into the store. However, she didn’t find anything she wanted to buy.
 You’re my friend. Nonetheless, I feel like you’re taking advantage of me.
 His wife left him. As a result, he became very depressed.
 Not all birds eat berries. For example, vultures eat dead animals.
 We’re letting you go. In other words, you’re fired.
 There are many reasons to exercise regularly. Above all, it keeps you healthy.
 Today, I’m going to write a post. In addition, I’m recording some video lessons.
 Bob loves to go to parties. In comparison, Sue loves to stay at home with her family.
 I am not able to go to the beach with you. Nevertheless, thanks for asking me.

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