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Palafox 1

Cindy Palafox

Prof. Kane

English 115

1 November 2020

Police brutality has always been a problem and has recently seem to be happening every

other week. Americans believe that police violence against the public, especially African

Americans and Hispanics is a very serious problem and has to stop immediately. Forms of

police brutality have ranged from assault and battery to mayhem, torture, and murder. Some

cases of police brutality also encircle harassment which includes false arrest, and among other

forms of mistreatment. In the article “Police Under Scrutiny” by Christina L. Lyons talks about

the many times where the police have used violence when it wasn’t necessary and led to the

killings of innocent people. The spread of the news of all these people being killed at the hands

of the police has led to people saying to “defund the police”, activists claim that taking away

funding from law enforcement would help prevent racial injustices but really, defunding the

police will do more harm than good to low income communities. Defunding the police might not

be a good idea, but there definitely needs to be change within the system, because everything

that's going on isn’t right. The variety among groups that have been subjected to police brutality

in the United States, the great majority of victims have been African American. In the estimation

of most experts,the main reason why African Americans are victims of police brutality is

antiblack racism among members of mostly white police departments. Americans generally think

being white is an advantage in society, while about half or more say being black or hispanic hurts

people’s ability to get ahead. We are all human and most of the time we want the same thing, we
Palafox 2

want to be respected and to be treated ​equally and it’s insane how people of color are seen as a

threat just because of the color of their skin and the stereotypes made about them.

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