Sample Church AUP0908

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Responsible Use of Electronic Resources

Sample First United Methodist Church

General Conditions

This policy governs the use of electronic resources owned by First United Methodist Church (FUMC). All
users are subject to the guidelines herein. The primary purpose of the policy is to ensure resources are
used in such a manner to promote the mission and goals of FUMC. This policy cannot address every
possible situation that may arise. When that is the case the user must ask, “Does this promote the
mission and goals of FUMC?” If the answer is not an unequivocal yes, the user should seek additional
guidance from church staff.

Secondary purposes of the policy are:

1. To ensure the safety of users.

2. To maintain the integrity and reliability of the electronic resources.

3. To set promote a positive environment where electronic resources can be used effectively.

All users of electronic resources are accountable for following this policy. Electronic resources include,
but are not limited to, computers, Internet connections (wired or wireless), network connections,
printers, webpages, email lists, software, etc. Electronic resources are provided for the work of the
Church. Occasional, incidental, personal use is permitted as long as it does not impose a burden on the
resources and follows all guidelines in this policy.

All users must sign the Responsible Use Agreement Form prior to using resources. A parent or guardian
must co-sign for a minor.

This policy is effective when published. It may be changed as needed. Changes will be published on the
FUMC website and through print media. Changes are effective when published. Suggestions, concerns,
and questions should be addressed to a member of the FUMC Technology committee.

Use of electronic resources is not inherently private. Users should be aware that FUMC cannot
guarantee the absolute confidentiality of documents stored electronically. FUMC uses software that
tracks network and Internet usage.

Appropriate Use

1. Use of electronic resources is subject to all applicable state, local, and federal laws.

2. Resources are to be used for the work of FUMC and should not be used for commercial, political,
or personal reasons.

3. Users must keep passwords private and secure.

4. Users must inform FUMC staff if they become aware of violations of this policy.
Prohibited Activities

1. Any use that violates state, local, or federal laws.

2. Any use that detracts from the mission and goals of FUMC.

3. Any use that is harassing or threatening.

4. Any use that violates copyright or intellectual property laws or guidelines.

5. Users must not download and/or install any software on FUMC computers without explicit
permission from the technology committee.

6. Users must not attempt to bypass filters or computer safeguards.

7. Users must never access electronic resources using another person's login credentials.


The content of the FUMC website will conform to the conditions of this policy. The website may use
tracking cookies. The website will contain links to external webpages that are of high quality and
support the mission and goals of FUMC. FUMC is not responsible for the content of these external

The church website may include pictures of youth and children involved in FUMC activities. Minors will
be identified by first name only on the website. If parents or guardians do not want pictures of their
children on the website, that will be noted on the Responsible Use Policy Agreement form.

Addresses and personal phone numbers of individuals will not be published on the website without
express written permission.

The FUMC website may incorporate collaborative tools such as wiki, blog, or social networking
functionality. If so, all the conditions of this policy still apply.

Additional Requirements for Minors

FUMC will use Internet filtering software on all computers. No filtering software is perfect. Therefore,
minors must be supervised whenever using a computer connected to the Internet.

Minors must only access websites or web resources that are approved by the supervising adult. Minors
must never post personal information (full name, address, phone numbers, etc.) on any website.

FUMC will provide Internet safety training for all minors who use electronic resources each year. This
training will include at least the following topics at an age appropriate level.

1. Proper use of social networking sites.

2. Cyberbullying

3. Sexual issues and the Internet

4. Proper use of email, texting, instant messaging

5. Proper etiquette for cell phone use


Sample First United Methodist Church

Responsible Use of Electronic Resources Agreement Form

User's name __________________________________________ Age (if under18) _________________

I have read the Policy for Responsible Use of Electronic Resources and I agree to abide by the policy. I understand
that consequences for inappropriate use may include revocation of user privileges, disciplinary, and/or legal action. In
consideration for the privilege of using First United Methodist Church’s electronic resources, I hereby release the
church, church staff, and volunteers, from any and all claims and damages of any nature arising from my use electronic

_____ I give permission for my photo and first name to be published online.

User's signature _____________________________________ Date __________________

Parent or Guardian Agreement Form for Use of Electronic Resources by a Minor.

I have read the Policy for Responsible Use of Electronic Resources. I will discuss the importance of the policy with my
child and will stress compliance with the policy. In consideration for the privilege of my child using First United
Methodist Church’s electronic resources, I hereby release the church, church staff, and volunteers, from any and all
claims and damages of any nature arising from my child’s use electronic resources.

_____ I give permission for my child to participate in the church’s electronic communications system and certify that the
information contained on this form is correct.

_____ I give permission for my child's photo and first name to be published online.

Signature of Parent or Guardian _________________________________________________

Home Address _______________________________________________________________

Home Phone Number _________________________ Date _______________________

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