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Introduction: In the last two decades, we observed the rise and maturation of many software startup

ecosystems around the world.[1] With the help of ever improving technology, Software startups are very
familiar phenomenon now a days. The global entrepreneurship monitor, a long term study conducted by
a consortium of universities shows that human capital co-evolve[2]. Given there are many software
companies in Bangladesh, it is quite impossible to identify each startup’s level of development. This
paper proposes a new idea to analyze the problems related to the development method of their
software solution in these startups and find an optimal solution to overcome these problems. As Daniel
Isenberg argues,”There’s no exact formula for creating an entrepreneurial economy; there are only
practical, if imperfect, road maps.” Instead of aiming to imitate successful ecosystems, each region
should identify and develop its own qualities[3]. Isenberg also proposes a conceptual model for
entrepreneurship ecosystems, which maps different agents in the ecosystem and proposes that they
must work together. The entrepreneurship ecosystem can be viewed as a new paradigm for economic
policies[4]. For Bangladesh we will be looking into new strategies and new platforms which will help to
grow the software startups through this paper. Economic theory shows that entrepreneurs are the
prime forces in modern economic development. Significant changes of economic systems are impossible
without them[5]. Entrepreneurs and their startups help to create new job opportunities thus generating
wealth and fostering technological revolutions. New venture creation is statistically linked to both job
creation [6] and regional development [7]. Around the world we see that local economies are strongly
dependent on entrepreneurial activies. If the entrepreneurial activity is high, the economy will definitely
grow. Entrepreneurial market activity is mostly a decentralized and unplanned process[8], in which
innovative companies must effectively interact with each other to achieve success[9];thus: technological
entrepreneurs act in the content of complex entrepreneurship ecosystems, which can be viewed as a
new paradigm for economic policies.[10] Startups usually have to pivot their strategy, especially in the
first 2 years, until they find their product market fit[11]. A supportive and helpful startup ecosystem can
help their entrepreneurs in the distressful periods like in this covid-19 situation. But also many e-
commerce sites are basically blooming in this covid-19 period as customers donot want to go outside
their houses, they order from online and e-commerce sites deliver their products in their 1 doorsteps.
Any healthy entrepreneurial ecosystem directly impacts on entrepreneurs lives[12]. There are many
studies that try to identify gaps in innovation ecosystems and propose various actions to improve their
performance, with examples in Germany[13],India[14] and Israel,[15] Some industry initiatives have
innovated few metrics to measure the characteristics of startup ecosystems around the world. One
could argue that software product development in startups has an exceptional case, has many
constraints for following the software engineering principles. But rather following a structured principle
and without proper planning, the products will not be successful, though having a proper market and
good investment they will fail because of lacking the quality of product, which will affect the quality of
service. Giardino er al[16] highlights the core challenges of software startups are lack of resources,
highly reactive nature, having little experience with a small team and reliance on a single person and
innovation with a huge amount of time pressure and third party dependency. A systematic mapping
study allows us to start understanding how software startups perform software development. The study
reveals that as the software requirements are more often market-driven so requirements are not well
documented. So the content of this research is to find out the core issues for which the software
startups are unable to follow the structure of the software development method. In order to find the
optimal software development, we would like to carry a survey based on successful startups and new
ones. We would like to set up some survey questions and collect all sorts of technical data from them.
We would go through the problems these startups are facing. At the end of this research, we would try
to find an optimal solution and apply the solution to the startups. Then after gathering the result
obtained from the process, we can call this research successful or not. Basically, most of the startups are
short lived. Startups should be agile to achieve long term sustainability. So, our main objective is to find
the optimal solution which will ensure the long term sustainability of the startups. References: 1)Cukier
and Kon Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (2018) 7:14 2)Reyholds, P. Hay, M. Bygrave, W. D
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Software, Vol. 31, No. 5, 2014, pp. 28–32. 3 4

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