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Language Expressions 5

Name: ________________________ Class: _________

Practice 1

Raj, did you hear ? There has been an explosion of the mosquito population in Vietnam and
Laos and it has brought on an epidemic of dengue.

Yes, Siti! I have heard that the outbreak of dengue in Terengganu and Kelantan are tied in to
this phenomenon. It proves the necessity of concerted action to prevent the spread of

1. From the dialogue, it is evident that to prevent the spread diseases, countries need to be
A. alert
B. clever
C. co-operative
D. callous

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) contributes to
peace and security b promoting international collaboration through education, science and
culture. Universal respect of justice, rule of law and human rights are important values that the
organization stresses on.

2. The objective of UNESCO is to

A. help those who need an education.
B. provide a good life to the world's citizens.
C. contribute to democratic freedom.
D. help poor countries to educate its citizens.

Bintang Newspaper's Annual Spelling Bee is back. Contestants will be asked to spell a broad
selection of words, usually with a varying degree of difficulty. The newspaper has announced
a bigger range of cash prizes this year, but being the best speller of the year should be the far
more appealing prize.

3. The extract tells us that

A. the Bintang Newspaper is organizing a competition.
B. the competition is to find the greatest analytical mind.
C. winning the cash prize is the best reward.
D. the competition is held every year.

12% random, 28%whatsapp, 30% surfing net, 15% writing, 15% reading

4. Which of the following statement is true ?

A. More students surf the net than using whatsapp
B. More students read than write
C. Less students whatsapp than write


Language Expressions 5

D. Reading and surfing the net are equally popular

Practice 2

It is difficult to enjoy an incisive and probing television documentary when one is interrupted
every ten minutes by dancing chickens singing about the delights of tandoori chicken !

1. The comment may be described as

A. intelligent
B. sarcastic
C. forthright
D. polite


2. Which of the following word is closest in meaning to indigenous?

A. migrant
B. migrating
C. aboriginal
D. local


3. Tarzan's quiver in the extract refers to

A. shaking and trembling
B. a receptacle to hold arrows
C. his high pitched yell
D. his jungle shorts

Those who know nothing of foreign languages know nothing of their own - Johann Wolfgang
Von Goethe

4. Which of the statements is true regarding the quote ?

A. Languages never mix
B. Languages are interrelated.
C. Languages are not related to each other.
D. Languages are independent of each other.

Practice 3


Language Expressions 5

Residents are advised to take precautions and stay indoors in evenings due to high incidence
of dengue fever. Fogging will be carried out at intervals of 2 weeks.

1. From the notice we can conclude that

A. a dengue epidemic may be occurring
B. fogging is long overdue
C. the mosquitoes are coming
D. authorities are clueless about what to do

Preservation of one's own culture does not require contempt for other cultures -- Cesar

2. The word contempt can best be replaced with

A. honour
B. acceptance
C. desire
D. disrespect

Rani : Rahim, I notice that your grandfather goes walking every day.
Rahim : He is quite health conscious.

3. From the dialogues above, we can know that

A. Rahim's grandfather is eccentric
B. walking is noticeable
C. walking is healthy
D. walking is worrisome

The Malayalees are an ethnic group that speak the Malayalam language. This diverse group
has adherents of Islam, Christianity and Hinduism.

4. The word ethnic in the extract refers to

A. sub-group
B. main group
C. linguistic group
D. rare group

Practice 4

Thank you for not smoking

Language Expressions 5

1. According to the sign,

A. smoking is bad for the health.
B. smoking pollutes the atmosphere.
C. smoking is allowed in this area.
D. smoking is disallowed in this area.

Recommended Daily Amount of Protein

Age Grams
Children 1 - 3 13
Children 4 - 8 19
Children 9 - 13 34
Girls 14 - 18 46
Boys 14 - 18 42
Women 19 - 70+ 46
Men 19 - 70+ 56

2. Which of the following statement is true ?

A. Teenaged girls require less protein intake than boys their age.
B. Adult women require more protein intake than men their age.
C. Toddlers require the same daily intake of protein as growing children.
D. Teenaged girls and adult women need the same daily intake of protein.

Hundreds of thousands of health clubs and gyms all over the world help millions of people to get into
shape every day.

3. Which of the word is closest in meaning to get into shape?

A. keep a tough figure
B. become slimmer
C. become physically fitter
D. have a curvaceous figure


4. This warning is usually seen on labels of

A. liquid fertilizers and medicine bottles
B. kitchen items and knives
C. stationery and instruments boxes
D. canned food and drinks

Practice 5

It seems a paradox that drinking something cold can actually heat up your body.

1. The word paradox in the text means

A. comprehensive
B. contradiction
C. meaningful
Language Expressions 5

D. colourful

Ambitious people have the courage to think beyond one's reality and think towards the better

2. Which of the following phrases is the closest in meaning to the above extract ?
A. Dream on
B. Care to dream
C. Dare to dream
D. Dreams come true

Yours, this indigenous orang asli doll

( worth RM25 )
when you buy goods worth RM99
in a single receipt from the gift section.

3. The phrase in a single receipt means when you buy

A. all types of things from the shop
B. buy one item from the shop
C. buy undiscounted goods from the shop
D. buy goods that are paid for in one bill

Don't blow it, good chances are hard to come by.

4. The statement above
A. hides a person for his greed
B. advises us against being careless
C. tells us to be casual
D. advises us not to breath too hard

Practice 6

When the German club Bayern Munich spent US26 million to buy goalkeeper Manuel Neuer,
many supporters felt that the club had overspent. Neuer silenced his critics when he became
the best goalkeeper of the 2014 World Cup as Germany won the tournament for the first time
since 1990.

1. From the ext we know that

A. Bayern Munich made a blunder
B. Bayern Munich made a good investment
Language Expressions 5

C. Manuel Neuer became poorer

D. the critics lost

~ Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection consistently we can catch excellence.
-- Vince Lombardi ~

2. Which of the following words is the closest in meaning to chase perfection consistently ?
A. obsess about perfection
B. observe perfection
C. always turn perfection away
D. obliterate perfection

Mary's cookies tasted like garbage.

3. From the statement we can conclude that
A. the speaker has eaten garbage before
B. Mary is an expert at making cookies
C. Mary's cookies tasted terrible
D. the speaker hates Mary

Melvin loves his fiancé very much. He considers her to be someone who brings a lot of happiness
and joy.

4. A metaphor to describe Melvin's fiancé would be

A. A sea of grief
B. Real heartburn
C. The flame of his heart
D. The light of his life

Practice 7

When the gardener retired after tending to his garden for more than thirty years, the landlord,
with friendly and kind courtesy, gave him a small piece of land with a little house in it and also
a small pension.

1. Which of the following words is the closest in meaning to with friendly and kind courtesy ?
A. Gratefully
B. Thankfully
C. Graciously
D. Gloomily


Language Expressions 5

Your article stated that the lunar eclipse would be visible from Malaysia. An avid stargazer, I
waited up to catch the lunar eclipse at 3 a.m. I wish to categorically state that only a partial
eclipse could be seen in Malaysia. Your article suggested that the total eclipse would be
visible. -- The Science Reporter

2. The writer's main purpose is to

A. complain about the partial eclipse
B. complain about the inaccurate article
C. praise the suggestive article
D. advise others to ignore the magazine


Join the Fun
Registration for this year's Annual Charity Run scheduled for the 20th of December is now
open. Held in conjunction with the 15th Anniversary of Kiwanis Club. Run with your favourite
football stars. Come in your own costume. The best costume stands to win free haircuts for a
year at Raju's Barber Shop. Souvenirs and certificates for those who complete the run.

3. A suitable title for the article would be

A. Run with footballers
B. Run for Charity
C. Run for Kiwanis
D. Run for a free haircut

Are you fed up with the shiny chrome-coated articles that you buy turning rusty, brown and
dull over time ? Stop the worry. Buy Larry's Lacquer Spray Now ! Spray all new and still shiny
surfaces with a coat of the spray and enjoy shining lustre for years to come. Larry's Lacquer --
a must for every home.

4. A suitable heading for the above extract would be

A. Permanent shine with Larry's Lacquer Spray
B. Larry's Lacquer delight
C. Shine for ever
D. Act now to shine tomorrow

Practice 8

Mountain Resort
So much to see, do and experience.
Spend a weekend with us.
Special rate of RM 425 per
room per night on weekdays.
Book early to avoid disappointment.

1. Which statement is true of the Paradise Mountain Resort ?

A. A room always costs RM 425 per night.
Language Expressions 5

B. The resort is designed to offer a variety of activities.

C. The rooms offer breath-taking views.
D. It is a five-star resort.

Raju : Wow, the streets are so clean. Your government must spend a lot of money to sweep the
streets more than once each day !
Yongchayuth : No, that is not the case. We are trained from young to strictly use rubbish bins,
even for a toffee wrapper. Many shopkeepers sweep the frontal areas of their
shops at least twice each day.
Raju : I wish we could get our people to do the same back home.

2. What impressed Raju most on his visit to the Thai town ?

A. The wonderful sights.
B. The Thai government.
C. The clean streets.
D. The rubbish bins.


3. What does the saying mean ?

A. Think carefully before making decisions.
B. Consider injuries before leaping.
C. Pay attention at all times.
D. Be careful when jumping.

Visit Sepilok Forest Reserve. See Orang Utans in the wild. These great apes are
endemic to the rainforest of Borneo and Sumatra.
4. The word endemic can best be replaced with
A. tall
B. gigantic
C. wily
D. native

Practice 9

The health, well-being and existence of the plants and animals of a given region must
seriously be considered before going ahead with forest clearing for the sake of development.

1. The phrase plants and animals of a given region can best be replaced with
A. flora and faunia
B. flora and fauna
C. florae and faunae
D. floras and faunas

Sign at the Sepilok Forest Reserve:



Language Expressions 5

2. The reason for this sign is because

A. wild animals can get an upset stomach.
B. wild animals can be killed by processed food
C. wild animals will settle in towns
D. wild animals will lose their instinct to hunt
One Man's Meat is
Another Man's Poison

3. The saying means that

A. different people like different kinds of meat
B. meat can be poisonous
C. a person may like what another dislikes
D. it is dangerous to eat human flesh
4. The proverb means that
A. achievement without hard work is unlikely
B. profitable businesses can bring good earnings
C. pain is good for making gains
D. achieve without going through a lot of trouble

Practice 10

As the singer left the stage after a disastrous performance, there was a pronounced lack of joy
in his face and a dismal droop in the shoulders.

1. The word droop in the note above means

A. appear straight
B. hang down limply
C. appear strict
D. hang playfully


2. From the sign above we can conclude that

A. there is a dam under a construction
Language Expressions 5

B. a dam is being diverted

C. a dam is being blocked
D. the road is dammed up


Residents will be given a monetary reward of RM 1 for every trapped rat brought in to the
municipality's field force compound in Janda Hill.

3. To keep the rat population in check, the municipality requests people to

A. kill the rats
B. train dogs
C. rear more cats
D. trap the pests


4. The term homecoming in the extract refers to

A. the team's return
B. the team's reception upon their return
C. the team's official home
D. the team's town

Practice 1

1C    2B    3D    4A

Practice 2

1B    2C    3B    4B

Practice 3

1A    2D    3C    4A

Practice 4

1D    2D    3C    4A

Practice 5


Language Expressions 5

1B    2C    3D    4B

Practice 6

1B    2A    3C    4D

Practice 7

1C    2B    3B    4A

Practice 8

1B    2C    3A    4D

Practice 9

1B    2D    3C    4A

Practice 10

1B    2C    3D    4B


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