Fallout - Vaults & Deathclaws - Vehicles - V 0.6

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By: Osvel Cabrera

© Bethesda Softworks. All rights reserved.

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Table of Contents
Table of Contents 1

Vehicles 3
AP Costs 3
Driver 4
Electricity Resistance 4
Environmental Modifiers 4
Hit Points 5
Seating 5
Size 5
Storage Space 5
Stunts 5
Vehicle Damage 6
Vehicle Resistance 6
VertiBirds and Tanks 6

Vehicle Critical Chance 8

How To Critically Succeed and Critically Fail with Vehicles 8
Targeted Attacks 8
Target Critical 8
Critical Damage Bonus 8
Targeted Attack Penalties (Ranged) 8
Targeted Attack Penalties (Melee) 9
Vehicle Critical Success List 9
Vehicle Area Effect 10
VertiBirds and Tanks 10

Cars 11

Truck 12

Boat 13

Special 14

Vehicle Modifications 16
Armor Modifications 16
Engine Modifications 17
Tire Modifications 19

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Trailer Modifications 21
Weapon Mounts 22

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This is primarily where the Pilot Skill it put into play. Vehicles change the world of Fallout
greatly with faster transportation and intense vehicle on vehicle combat. FInding a vehicle isn’t
the hard part, it’s maintaining them. Doing actions at the same time such as Hard Brake and
180 Degree Turn will add up the DC from both.

AP Costs
Action Description

Start/Stop Vehicle Costs 5 AP to turn on/off vehicles that have an engine. VertiBirds takes 10 AP.

Soft Brake Cost 5 AP to stop a vehicle and a Penalty of -15. Can only be done when moving 20
mph or less.

Hard Brake Cost 5 AP to stop a vehicle and a Penalty of -30. Can only be done when moving above
20 mph.

Switch Places Switch places with someone in the vehicle for 3 AP. Switching drivers costs 5 AP. Only
the person who asks to switch expends there AP.

10 mph Move 5 ft for 2 AP.

20 mph Move 5 ft for 1 AP.

40 mph Move 10 ft for 1 AP. -10 Pilot. Brahmin Cart, Bicycle, and Front Loader cannot take
this action. Vertibird ignores penalty. Hit Chance -10 for Ranged Weapons.

60 mph Move 15 ft for 1 AP. -20 Pilot. Brahmin Cart, Bicycle, Golf Cart and Front Loader
cannot take this action. Vertibird ignores penalty. Hit Chance -20 for Ranged

80 mph Move 20 ft for 1 AP. -30 Pilot. Brahmin Cart, Bicycle, Golf Cart and Front Loader
cannot take this action. Vertibird ignores penalty. Hit Chance -30 for Ranged

100 mph Move 25 ft for 1 AP. -40 Pilot. Brahmin Cart, Bicycle, Golf Cart and Front Loader
cannot take this action. Vertibird ignores penalty. Hit Chance -40 for Ranged

200 mph Moves 50 ft for 1 AP. Only Vertibirds can take this action. Hit Chance -50 for Ranged

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45 Degree Turn Costs 2 AP. When turning either left or right at an angle, roll Pilot. DC is 10. This also
applies when flying up or down. If you fail the check you’re unable to turn and most
move at least 5 ft and try again. You still exhaust the AP of your attempt.

90 Degree Turn Costs 4 AP. When turning either left or right, roll Pilot. Penalty is -20. This also applies
when flying up or down. If you fail the check you’re unable to turn and most move at
least 10 ft and try again. You still exhaust the AP of your attempt.

180 Degree Turn Costs 8 AP. When attempting to do a U-Turn, roll Pilot. Penalty is -30. This also applies
when flying up or down. If you fail the check you’re unable to turn and most move at
least 20 ft and try again. You still exhaust the AP of your attempt.

270 Degree Turn Costs 8 AP. When attempting to do a 270 Degree Turn, roll Pilot. Penalty is -40. This
also applies when flying up or down. If you fail the check you’re unable to turn and
most move at least 30 ft and try again. You still exhaust the AP of your attempt.

360 Degree Turn Costs 8 AP. When attempting to do a 360 Degree Turn, roll Pilot. Penalty is -50. This
also applies when flying up or down. If you fail the check you’re unable to turn and
most move at least 40 ft and try again. You still exhaust the AP of your attempt.

The driver of the car can’t use two-handed weapons while driving as they have to keep at least
one hand on the wheel. They can however shoot during their turn of driving, however, that’ll
come out of their natural AP. Drivers can’t do Targeted Attacks due to their focus being split
being driving and attacking. In the turn order, the driver’s sequence is rolled normally. If the
Vehicle’s AP is 0, it can’t move. If you’re on a boat, it starts to sink.

Electricity Resistance
The same rules are applied from the Dweller’s Guide except the vehicle will be stunned for 1d4
turns if pulsed or in an electrical trap.

Environmental Modifiers
Often the terrain you travel on will affect your driving. Below is a chart of modifiers for various
types of terrain you’ll be maneuvering through with the Pilot Skill.

Environmental Effect Penalty Description

Rain -20 Only during light rain.

Snowy Region -30 About a foot deep of snow.

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Rough Terrain -40 Uneven terrain.

Thunderstorm / Turbulence (Vertibird) -50 Somewhat intense storm and wind burst.

Rocky Terrain -60 Mountains and hills.

Hit Points
All vehicles have hit points. When it's hit points reach 0, the vehicle is unable to move. If it takes
continuous hits after it reaches 0, a vehicle with an engine has the potential to explode.

Seating is how many Medium-sized creatures can fit into the vehicle. A large creature counts for
two people. Two Small creatures count for on Medium creature. For each extra Medium-sized
creature, the Vehicles get an AP -1 penalty. If you wish to know the seating arrangement, look
up photographs of the vehicles although most of them are common sense. Those inside of a
Vehicle lose their natural AC and anyone that attempts to attack them take ¾ Cover Penalties.
Also, attempting to do a Targeted Attack to someone in a Vehicle, the Half Cover Penalties will
play. Boats, Bikes, and Motorcycles ignore these rulings. Steamboats, Leisure Boats, and
TugBoats have more space to move around. Have a map of the boat for reference. Glass
windows provide no protection. If an characte appears to be carrying too much, they might
take up more seating. This is upon the Overseer’s discretion.

Size refers to how long, thick, and tall the Vehicle is. Those inside a vehicle may share the same
space. The size reference is length x width x height.

Storage Space
Storage Space is the storage of the vehicle. No matter what you do, you cannot exceed the
Storage Space limit.

Stunts are special circumstances that are life and death situations. A few examples of pulling off
stunts would be trying to jump a deep gorge, drifting through the streets of New Reno,
outmaneuvering incoming bullets, etc. The difficulty check of stunts depends on the GM. Be as
clear as possible when explaining these types of situations.

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Vehicle Damage
Vehicle damage refers to how much damage is dealt when you ram someone with the vehicle.
For every 10 ft moved towards the target you add a dice roll. If hit by a vehicle, it affects the
Normal DT/DR and for every 10 damage, you lose one armor and weapon condition mark on
any equipment on your person. It doesn’t affect Successful Hits.

Example: A Highwayman deal 1d10 damage per 10 ft moved towards the target. The driver
moves the Highwayman up 30 ft with 30 AP at 20 mph. 30/2 = 15. You roll 15d10 and get 80.
The individual you hit at the end gets hit for 80 damage. If the driver, however, continues to
drive in the same direction, the damage is added from before. If at any point the driver decides
to do any turn, the damage is reset back to one dice.

Below is a chart with the max dice that can be rolled.

Max Dice Body Part

20 Bus, Car, Leisure Boat, Tank, Truck, Vertibird,

10 Air Boat, Golf Cart, Motorcycle, Steamboat, Tug Boat,

5 Bicycle, Canoe/Row Boat, Paddle Boat,

Vehicle Resistance
Vehicles have several sides to protect. You have the Front, Back, Left, Right, Top, and Bottom.
This works similar to Limb Resistance but you have more sides to worry about. You can ignore
the Targeted Effect of the specific area. If anyone is inside the vehicle they’re considered to
have ¾ Cover. Successful Hits, Armor Condition, and Explosive condition rules still apply.

VertiBirds and Tanks

Both unique vehicles have a few extra rules that give them extra firepower. A transport
VertiBirdis typically armed with two Rockwell L72 Rocket Launchers and two Gatling
Lasers/Browning M2 Miniguns. You don’t need to reload the Gatling Lasers and Miniguns and
the ammo loaded is 1000 for each weapon. The Reload Cost of the Rocket Launchers are 3 AP
for each. On the sides are two doors with Pintle Mounts armed with an LMG of choice.
Armored VertiBirds have double the amount of weapons overall. Targeting the Pilots is
impossible unless you break the front Vehicle Resistance of VertiBirds. Usually there are two

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pilots and only the pilots may fire the Rocket Launchers and Gatling Laser/Miniguns. You use
the Pilot skill for this.

Tanks have the equivalent to an M29 81mm Portable Mortar for the cannon. You need four
people to operate a tank. One person must be the driver, another must use the survey
equipment to look around the battlefield, a gunner at the top which is armed with a swivel
mount that can rotate around which is armed with an LMG of choice who also monitor the
main cannon, and the loader who loads ammo into the main cannon. The surveyor is the one
that fires the main cannon and gets a +50 Bonus to Big Guns when firing. Reloading a tank costs
5 AP.

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Vehicle Critical Chance

How To Critically Succeed and Critically Fail with Vehicles

Vehicle Criticals work the same as normal Critical Chance on a creature. However, vehicles have
different effects depending on the side you attack.

Targeted Attacks
If you intend to target a specific part of the vehicle such as the Front, Back, Left, Right, Top,
Bottom, Tires, or the passengers inside, the rules are slightly different than that of normal
Targeted Attacks. Attacking the Bottom of a vehicle may require some creativity as attacking it
from the front, side, top, and back is nearly impossible.

Target Critical
Critical Bonus Vehicle Side

+10% Side, Tires, Top

+15% Back, Front

+20% Bottom

Critical Damage Bonus

Roll Damage Bonus

21 - 50 +50%

1 - 20 +100%

Targeted Attack Penalties (Ranged)

Penalty Body Part

-20 Side, Tires, Top

-30 Back

-40 Front

-60 Bottom (Needs a clear shot)

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Targeted Attack Penalties (Melee)
Penalty Body Part

-10 Side, Tires, Top

-15 Back

-20 Front

-30 Bottom

If using a ranged weapon at melee range of 5 ft, use the Melee Penalties instead of the Ranged

Vehicle Critical Success List

Number Result

1 Better Luck Next Time

2 Vehicle Part Hit (See Below)

3 Vehicle Part Hit (See Below)

4 Minor Hit (Take an extra 10 True Damage)

5 Minor Hit (Take an extra 10 True Damage)

6 Major Hit (Take an extra 20 True Damage)

7 Major Hit (Take an extra 20 True Damage)

8 Bypasses armor (DT and DR, For every increment of 10 is 1 Armor Condition rounded down)

9 Bypasses armor (DT and DR, For every increment of 10 is 1 Armor Condition rounded down)

10 Instant Shutdown - The vehicle stops functioning.

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Vehicle Area Effect
Follows the same rules as Crippled Body Attack except it’s 1d6. You cannot stack the same
effects of the same area. If all the tires are punctured, the vehicle can only move 20 mph.

Number Vehicle Area Effect

1 Front -30 to the Pilot Skill for 1d8 turns.

2 Back -20 to the Pilot Skill for 1d4 turns.

3 Side -15 to the Pilot Skill for 1d4 turns.

4 Top ¾ Cover for passengers is now half cover.

5 Bottom -50 to the Pilot Skill for 1d20 turns.

6 Tire -15 to the Pilot Skill. Boats don’t have Tires and this applies to Verti-BIrds only when

VertiBirds and Tanks

VertiBirds are a unique vehicle in the wasteland. They’re targeted attacks are slightly different.
The two engines take the same penalties of the Front. The blades take the same penalties as
the tire. If one engine is out, the driver gets a -50 to the Pilot skill. Shooting the blades off the
VertiBird give the same effect. If both engines are out, the VertiBird will fall from the sky.

When Targeting the “tires” of a tank, they ignore up to 10 attacks. Apply Crippled Body Attack
rules from the Dwellers Guide.

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Name Value AC AP HP Armor SH Res. Vehicle Res. Seating Desc.

Super Mini-Car 3000 5 20 30 N: 2/20 1 ER: 20% 0 1 Damage: 1d6

L: 1/20 RR: 0% Storage Space: 75 lbs
F: 1/20 GR: 0% Size: 5 ft by 5 ft by 5 ft
P: 0/10 PR: 0%
Ex: 1/20

Mini-Car 5000 5 20 50 N: 2/20 1 ER: 20% 0 2 Damage: 1d8

L: 1/20 RR: 0% Storage Space: 50 lbs
F: 1/20 GR: 0% Size: 5 ft by 5 ft by 5 ft
P: 0/10 PR: 0%
Ex: 1/20

Highwayman 10000 5 30 200 N: 2/30 1 ER: 20% 0 6 Damage: 1d10

L: 1/30 RR: 0% Storage Space: 100 lbs
F: 1/20 GR: 0% Size: 15 ft by 10 ft by 5 ft
P: 0/20 PR: 0%
Ex: 1/30

Deuce Coupe 9000 5 25 150 N: 2/30 1 ER: 20% 0 6 Damage: 1d10

L: 1/30 RR: 0% Storage Space: 100 lbs
F: 1/20 GR: 0% Size: 15 ft by 10 ft by 5 ft
P: 0/20 PR: 0%
Ex: 1/30

Chryslus 10000 5 30 100 N: 2/30 1 ER: 20% 0 6 Damage: 1d10

Corvega L: 1/30 RR: 0% Storage Space: 150 lbs
F: 1/20 GR: 0% Size: 15 ft by 10 ft by 5 ft
P: 0/20 PR: 0%
Ex: 1/30

Highway Patrol 15000 10 40 300 N: 5/40 5 ER: 20% 5 6 Damage: 1d10

Car L: 3/30 RR: 0% Storage Space: 200 lbs
F: 2/30 GR: 0% Size: 15 ft by 10 ft by 5 ft
P: 4/40 PR: 0%
Ex: 5/40

Pick-Up Truck 25000 8 20 400 N: 5/50 15 ER: 30% 10 9 Damage: 1d12

L: 6/50 RR: 0% Storage Space: 500 lbs
F: 5/30 GR: 0% Size: 20 ft by 15 ft by 10 ft
P: 3/30 PR: 0%
Ex: 4/40

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Name Value AC AP HP Armor SH Res. Vehicle Res. Seating Desc.

Van 25000 10 20 400 N: 4/30 10 ER: 30% 5 5 Damage: 1d12

L: 2/40 RR: 0% Storage Space: 500 lbs
F: 4/20 GR: 0% Size: 25 ft by 15 ft by 10 ft
P: 1/20 PR: 0%
Ex: 2/20

Tank Truck 40000 20 15 500 N: 5/50 1 ER: 40% 10 10 Damage: 1d20

L: 6/50 RR: 0% Storage Space: 1000 lbs
F: 5/30 GR: 0% Size: 25 ft by 15 ft by 15 ft
P: 3/30 PR: 0% This does not include the
Ex: 4/40 trailer.
Seven people must hang
from the outside.

Transport 10000 15 15 450 N: 4/30 1 ER: 30% 10 10 Damage: 1d20

Truck L: 2/40 RR: 0% Storage Space: 2000 lbs
F: 4/20 GR: 0% Size: 25 ft by 15 ft by 15 ft
P: 1/20 PR: 0% This does not include the
Ex: 2/20 trailer.
Seven people must hang
from the outside.

Firetruck 15000 20 15 550 N: 4/40 5 ER: 40% 10 10 Damage: 1d20

L: 4/35 RR: 0% Storage Space: 200 lbs
F: 20/90 GR: 0% Size: 20 ft by 15 ft by 15 ft
P: 6/40 PR: 0% Seven people must hang
Ex: 5/40 from the outside.

M35 Series 2 ½ 25000 15 20 600 N: 8/60 15 ER: 20% 10 10 Damage: 1d20

Ton L: 7/50 RR: 0% Storage Space: 500 lbs
F: 5/50 GR: 0% Size: 20 ft by 15 ft by 15 ft
P: 5/50 PR: 0%
Ex: 10/70

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Name Value AC AP HP Armor SH Res. Vehicle Res. Seating Desc.

Canoe/Row 300 5 10 20 N: 0/0 0 ER: 0% 0 2 Damage: 1d12

Boat L: 0/0 RR: 0% Storage Space: 20 lbs
F: 0/0 GR: 0% Size: 10 ft by 5 ft by 2.5 ft
P: 0/0 PR: 0% Vehicle cannot be
Ex: 0/0 stunned.

Paddle Boat 500 5 10 50 N: 0/0 0 ER: 0% 0 2 Damage: 1d20

L: 0/0 RR: 0% Storage Space: 30 lbs
F: 0/0 GR: 0% Size: 10 ft by 10 ft by 5 ft
P: 0/0 PR: 0% Vehicle cannot be
Ex: 0/0 stunned.

Leisure Boat 3000 5 20 100 N: 2/20 1 ER: 0% 0 8 Damage: 1d20

L: 1/20 RR: 0% Storage Space: 100 lbs
F: 1/10 GR: 0% Size: 15 ft by 10 ft by 10 ft
P: 0/20 PR: 0%
Ex: 1/30

Tug Boat 10000 10 20 500 N: 6/50 5 ER: 0% 5 20 Damage: 1d20

L: 5/40 RR: 0% Storage Space: 500 lbs
F: 3/40 GR: 0% Size: 20 ft by 15 ft by 10 ft
P: 4/50 PR: 0%
Ex: 6/40

Airboat 2000 5 20 30 N: 1/30 0 ER: 0% 0 9 Damage: 1d20

L: 0/40 RR: 0% Storage Space: 50 lbs
F: 0/20 GR: 0% Size: 15 ft by 10 ft by 5 ft
P: 0/10 PR: 0%
Ex: 0/30

Steamboat 30000 10 10 500 N: 2/30 15 ER: 0% 2 100 Damage: 1d8

L: 1/30 RR: 0% Storage Space: 1500 lbs
F: 1/20 GR: 0% Size: 30 ft by 30 ft by 20 ft
P: 0/20 PR: 0%
Ex: 1/30

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Name Value AC AP HP Armor SH Res. Vehicle Res. Seating Desc.

Brahmin Cart 500 0 5 20 N: 0/0 0 ER: 0% 0 2 Damage: 1d4

L: 0/0 RR: 0% Storage Space: 500 lbs
F: 0/0 GR: 0% Size: 5 ft by 5 ft by 5 ft
P: 0/0 PR: 0% 5 Total AP Added Per
Ex: 0/0 Brahmin. The max is four.
Vehicle cannot be

Golf Cart 3000 5 15 50 N: 2/10 0 ER: 10% 0 4 Damage: 1d6

L: 1/20 RR: 0% Storage Space: 50 lbs
F: 0/0 GR: 0% Size: 5 ft by 5 ft by 5 ft
P: 0/0 PR: 0%
Ex: 0/0

Front Loader 45000 15 10 150 N: 4/30 15 ER: 30% 8 1 Damage: 1d10

L: 2/40 RR: 0% Storage Space: 0 lbs
F: 4/20 GR: 0% Size: 10 ft by 5 ft by 10 ft
P: 1/20 PR: 0%
Ex: 2/20

Bus 30000 20 15 300 N: 6/50 15 ER: 30% 10 40 Damage: 1d20

L: 5/40 RR: 0% Storage Space: 1000 lbs
F: 3/40 GR: 0% Size: 25 ft by 10 ft by 15 ft
P: 4/50 PR: 0%
Ex: 6/40

Motorcycle 5000 10 40 50 N: 1/10 1 ER: 10% 1 1 Damage: 1d8

L: 0/30 RR: 0% Storage Space: 20 lbs
F: 1/10 GR: 0% Size: 5 ft by 5 ft by 2.5 ft
P: 0/10 PR: 0%
Ex: 0/20

Bicycle 200 0 10 10 N: 0/0 0 ER: 0% 0 1 Damage: 1d4

L: 0/0 RR: 0% Storage Space: 10 lbs
F: 0/0 GR: 0% Size: 5 ft by 5 ft by 2.5 ft
P: 0/0 PR: 0% Vehicle cannot be
Ex: 0/0 stunned.

Tricycle 200 0 10 10 N: 0/0 0 ER: 0% 0 1 Damage: 1d4

L: 0/0 RR: 0% Storage Space: 30 lbs
F: 0/0 GR: 0% Size: 5 ft by 5 ft by 2.5 ft
P: 0/0 PR: 0% Vehicle cannot be
Ex: 0/0 stunned.

M1 Tank 70000 30 15 800 N: 13/50 30 ER: 10% 20 10 Damage: 2d20

L: 19/90 RR: 0% Storage Space: 100 lbs
F: 14/70 GR: 0% Size: 15 ft by 10 ft by 5 ft

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P: 13/50 PR: 0% 4 People must be in the
Ex: 20/60 tank to operate.

Transport 80000 40 30 1000 N: 15/70 30 ER: 40% 20 15 Damage: 2d20

VertiBird L: 15/70 RR: 0% Storage Space: 300 lbs
F: 15/70 GR: 0% Size: 30 ft by 30 ft by 30 ft
P: 15/70 PR: 0%
Ex: 15/70

Armored 90000 50 30 1500 N: 20/90 40 ER: 30% 25 10 Damage: 2d20

VertiBird L: 20/90 RR: 0% Storage Space: 200 lbs
F: 20/90 GR: 0% Size: 20 ft by 20 ft by 20 ft
P: 20/90 PR: 0%
Ex: 20/90

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Vehicle Modifications

Armor Modifications
Only Cars, Motorcycles, and Trucks can benefit from this section. Armor modifications will take
forty eight hours to complete for each skill required. For plating you make it for the entire
vehicle. Be prepared to use a lot of materials. The amount listed below is meant for Cars.
Motorcycles require half the cost. Trucks require double the cost.

Armor Modifications W Value Description Part(s) Required Penalty

Kevlar Plate 650 8000 Apply Kevlar Armor stats. AP -1. -650 lbs of Kevlar Blacksmith: -25

Metal Plate 720 10000 Apply Metal Armor MK II stats. AP -3. -720 lbs of Scrap Blacksmith: -25

Ballistic Plate 650 20000 Apply Combat Armor MK II stats. AP -2 -650 lbs of Ballistic Blacksmith: -50

Power Armor Plating 1000 40000 Apply T-51 Power Armor stats. AP -5. -1000 lbs of Blacksmith: -50

Black Titanium Plating 1000 50000 Apply X-01 Power Armor stats. AP -5. -1000 lbs of Black Blacksmith: -75

Bullet Proof Glass 100 10000 Windows that you can shoot through are -60 lbs of Glass Blacksmith: -75
now extremely tough. These windows are -40 lbs of Plastic
now part of the Vehicle Resistance. You
cannot attack people inside the Vehicle
until the Vehicle Resistance is broken. You
can still attack those who are outside like
those in the back of a Pick-Up Truck.
Motorcycles cannot benefit from this.

Ram 300 600 Cannot be added to Motorcycles. Increase -300 lbs of Scrap Blacksmith: -50
Front Resistance by 5. Add two additional Metal
dice to Vehicle Damage.

Spiked Ram 600 1200 Cannot be added to Motorcycles. Increase -600 lbs of Scrap Blacksmith: -50
Front Resistance by 10. Add four additional Metal
dice to Vehicle Damage.

Fire Suppression 30 5000 If your vehicle is ever on fire, the Driver, as -10 lbs of Rubber Engineer: -75
System a free action, may extinguish any fires on -10 lbs of Scrap
the Vehicle. Metal
-10 lbs of Scrap

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Engine Modifications
Only Cars, Trucks, and Motorcycles can benefit from this section. Engine modifications will take
thirty hours to complete for each skill required. You can only craft one tire at a time.

Engine Types W Value Description Part(s) Required Penalty

8 Gallon Engine 400 5000 Each gallon lasts for 15 mi. This is the most -300 lbs of Scrap Blacksmith: -25
common for engine found in Cars, Metal Engineer: -25
Motorcycles, Leisure Boats, -100 lbs of Scrap

10 Gallon Engine 500 5000 Each gallon lasts for 15 mi. This engine -400 lbs of Scrap Blacksmith: -25
found in Cars and Vertibirds. Motorcycles Metal Engineer: -25
cannot take this engine. -100 lbs of Scrap

12 Gallon Engine 600 10000 Each gallon lasts for 15 mi. This is the most -500 lbs of Scrap Blacksmith: -25
common for engine found in Steamboats, Metal Engineer: -25
Tank, Trucks, Tug Boats, and. Motorcycles -100 lbs of Scrap
cannot take this engine. Electronics

24 Gallon Engine 1600 30000 Each gallon lasts for 15 mi. A rare find in the -1200 lbs of Blacksmith: -25
wastes. Motorcycles cannot take this Scrap Metal Engineer: -50
engine. -400 lbs of Scrap

Hydrogen Engine 500 60000 One gallon of purified water lasts for 10 mi. -300 lbs of Blacksmith: -25
Only master engineers can make this. Scrap Metal Engineer: -25
-200 lbs of Scrap Nature Sciences: -25

Fusion Engine 1500 70000 The engine can last for 1000 mi per Fusion -Fusion Core Blacksmith: -25
Core, but the engine will explode instead of -1000 lbs of Engineer: -50
shutdown if its hit points is below 0 and half Scrap Metal
its max HP. This vehicle is silent if you move -500 lbs of Scrap
below 20 mph. Electronics.

Nuclear Engine 2000 90000 The engine can last virtually infinite but the -1500 lbs of Blacksmith: -50
engine will explode instead of shutdown if Scrap Metal Engineer: -50
its hit points is below 0 and half its max HP. -490 lbs of Scrap
It makes a lot of noise. Electronics
-10 lbs of

Water Motor Varies Varies A necessary part for boats to move around -Engine of Blacksmith: -50
much faster. Typically found on Leisure Choice Engineer: -25
Boats, Steamboats, and Tug Boats. -25 lbs of Scrap

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Miscellaneous Modifications
Any vehicles can benefit from this unless specified. These modifications cannot be categorized
under any other section and serve mostly for utility and roleplaying purposes.

Armor Modifications W Value Description Part(s) Required Penalty

Communication Radio 20 500 A communication radio that serves well, -20 lbs of Scrap Engineer: -25
communication within anyone else with a Electronics
comm radio with a 10 mile radius.

Motion Detector 20 3000 Apply Motion Sensor ability. -1 Motion Sensor Blacksmith: -80

Music Radio 20 500 A radio that picks up radio signals. Typically -20 lbs of Scrap Engineer: -25
used to listen to radio stations but Electronics
sometimes you can pick up various signals
within a 10 mile radius.

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Tire Modifications
Only Cars, Trucks, and Motorcycles can benefit from this section. Tire modifications will take
four hours to complete for each skill required. You can only craft one tire at a time. Bicycle tires
weigh 5 lbs. Car/Motorcycle tires weigh 25 lbs. Truck tires weigh 50 lbs. Specify which tire has
what modification.

Head Upgrades W Value Description Part(s) Required Penalty

Bicycle Tire 5 20 Can be applied to Bicycles. -5 lbs of Rubber Blacksmith: -25

Car Tire 25 100 Can be applied to all Cars, Vans, Buses, and -25 lbs of Rubber Blacksmith: -25
Vertibirds. Engineer: -25

Motorcycle Tire 20 80 Can be applied to Motorcycles. -20 lbs of Rubber Blacksmith: -25
Engineer: -25

Truck Tire 50 300 Can be applied to all Trucks and Front -50 lbs of Rubber Blacksmith: -50
Loaders. Engineer: -50

Racing Tire 50 1000 AP is multiplied by 1.5 rounded up when all -2 Intact Car Tires Blacksmith: -25
tires are Racing Tires on the vehicle. Truck Engineer: -25
and Bicycle Tires cannot get this

Puncture-Resistant Varies 2500 Ignore Targeted Attacks 5 times for Car, -1 Intact Tire of Blacksmith: -50
Motorcycle, and Truck Tires. Add 5 lbs to Choice Engineer: -25
Tire. -20 lbs of Kevlar

Explosive-Resistant Varies 3000 Tires ignore 60 damage from explosives 5 -1 Intact Tire of Blacksmith: -50
times. Add 10 lbs to Tire. Choice Engineer: -50
-10 lbs of Kevlar
-10 lbs of Scrap

Treads Varies 2000 Negate environmental penalties by 20%. -2 Intact Tires of the Blacksmith: -25
Add 10 lbs to Tire. same type Engineer: -25

Motorcycle Sidecar 65 2500 Add a sidecar to a motorcycle to add one -1 Intact Car Tire Blacksmith: -25
Seating. This takes ten hours to complete for -35 lbs of Scrap Engineer: -25
each skill. A motorcycle is limited to one side Metal
car. -5 lbs of Cloth.

Snow Tires Varies 2000 Ignore Snowy Region penalties. Add 10 lbs -1 Intact Tire of Blacksmith: -25
to Tire. Choice Engineer: -25
-10 lbs Rubber

Scythed 20 1000 If an enemy vehicle is within 5 ft of the side -1 Intact Tire of Blacksmith: -50
of your vehicle when both are in motion, Choice Engineer: -25
they must roll Pilot -50. If they fail the -15 lbs of Scrap

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enemy vehicle takes 6d6+10 Normal Metal
Damage. Against someone outside of a
vehicle, they must roll AG -3. If they pass,
they take no damage.

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Trailer Modifications
Only Cars and Trucks can benefit from this section. Trailer modifications will take twenty four
hours to complete for each skill required. Plating can only be added to enclosed trailers. Trailers
can increase the Seating.

Head Upgrades W Value Description Part(s) Required Penalty

Small Storage Trailer 200 2000 300 lbs of Storage Space. Plating cannot be -3 Intact Car Tires Blacksmith: -25
added. Doesn’t provide cover. -200 lbs of Scrap
10 ft x 10 ft Trailer. AP -1. Metal

Medium Storage 400 4000 600 lbs of Storage Space. Plating cannot be -3 Intact Car Tires Blacksmith: -25
Trailer added. Doesn’t provide cover. -400 lbs of Scrap
10 ft x 20 ft Trailer. AP -2. Metal

Large Storage Trailer 800 8000 1000 lbs of Storage Space. Plating cannot be -3 Intact Tires Blacksmith: -50
added. Doesn’t provide cover. -800 lbs of Scrap
10 ft x 30 ft Trailer. AP -3. Metal.

Small Enclosed 350 4000 300 lbs of Storage Space. Plating cost is -3 Intact Car Tires Blacksmith: -25
Storage Trailer equal to a Motorcycle. Full cover from all -350 lbs of Scrap
sides. If Back Door is open you have no Metal
cover at the back.
10 ft x 10 ft Trailer. AP -2.

Medium Enclosed 700 8000 600 lbs of Storage Space. Plating cost is -3 Intact Car Tires Blacksmith: -25
Storage Trailer equal to a car. Full cover from all sides. If -700 lbs of Scrap
Back Door is open you have no cover at the Metal
10 ft x 20 ft Trailer. AP -3.

Large Enclosed 1400 16000 1000 lbs of Storage Space. Plating cost is -3 Intact Car Tires Blacksmith: -50
Storage Trailer equal to a car. Full cover from all sides. If -1400 lbs of Scrap
Back Door is open you have no cover at the Metal
10 ft x 30 ft Trailer. AP -4.

Truck Storage Trailer 2000 25000 3000 lbs of Storage Space. Plating cost is -6 Intact Truck Tires Blacksmith: -50
double of a Truck. Full cover from all sides. If -2000 lbs of Scrap
Back Door is open you have no cover at the Metal
back. 15 ft x 40 ft Trailer. Only for Trucks.
Takes forty eight hours to complete. AP -5.
Can only be attached to the Tank Truck and
Transport Truck.

Weapon Slot 0 200 Open a slot to shoot from the sides of -10 lbs of Scrap Engineer: -25
enclosed trailers. For every 5 ft you can add Metal
one slot. Takes four hours to complete.

Version 0.6 Page 21

Weapon Mounts
Only Cars and Trucks can benefit from this section. Mount modifications will take six hours to
complete for each skill required.

Head Upgrades W Value Description Part(s) Required Penalty

Armor Motorized 60 5000 Attach Small Guns, Big Guns, and Energy -60 lbs of Scrap Blacksmith: -25
Mount Weapons. Reduce AP cost by 1 for Attacks. Metal Engineer: 25
Ignores vehicle ranged weapon penalty. Can Gunsmith: -25
only be used in Standing Stance. Add 20 AC.
Can only be attached at the Top or Back of a

Motorized Mount 30 3000 Attach Small Guns, Big Guns, and Energy -30 lbs of Scrap Engineer: -25
Weapons. Reduce AP cost by 1 for Attacks. Metal Gunsmith: -50
Ignores vehicle ranged weapon penalty. Can
only be used in Standing Stance. Can only be
attached at the Top or Back of a

Pintle Mount 5 2000 Attach Big Guns and reduce penalties by -1 Pintle Mount Gunsmith: -25
30%. Can be attached to the back of Pick-Up
Trucks and Trucks. Can be attached to the
top of Trucks as well. Can only be attached
at the Top or Back of a vehicle/trailer.

Swivel Mount 70 2000 Attach a Small Gun or an Energy Weapon -1 Intact Tire Engineer: -25
(No Big Gun Energy Weapons). Ignore -10 lbs of Kevlar Gunsmith: -25
vehicle ranged weapon penalty. Can only be -10 lbs of Scrap
fired in Standing Stance. Increase Hit Chance Metal
by 15%. Can only be attached at the Top or
Back of a vehicle/trailer.

Targeting Computer 5 10000 Can only be attached to a Weapon Mount. - -5 lbs of Scrap Computer
1 AP when attacking with a mounted Electronics Science: -100
weapon. Engineer: -100

Version 0.6 Page 22

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