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Title: Plagiarism under a Magnifying Glass

Author/s: Diana Stravoytova

The study aims to discuss the factors that have an impact on plagiarism which involves
Consequences and penalty. Plagiarism dishonest conduct among others. This study provides an
improvement in this situation inside the absence of official institutional Plagiarism policy.

Research Methodology:
The research implemented an explanatory approach, of descriptive survey research design. They
analyze both qualitative and quantitative data. A projective technique was used, in this study, by
asking the questionnaire respondents questions, about plagiarism, at the SOE. The subject sensitivity,
relative position of questions, the minimization of excess length, the visual impact, and ease of
comprehension and completion, were all considered, when designing the questionnaire, according to
to Starovoytova & Namango.

Data Gathering Procedure:

In this study, by asking questionnaire respondents questions, about plagiarism, at the SOE.
According to ISO 20252:2006. A trial survey was conducted. The answers, to the open-ended
questions, provided by the school, were analyzed, by employing a content analysis technique.
Computed the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient which demonstrated high inter item consistency and
reliability using the social science computer software.

If plagiarism turns into a standard and usual activity, it'll affect the protection of the knowledge
base and destroy all social realms. Such unreasonable behavior will devastate the foundations of
scientific progress and everything else. Upon validation process, it had been established, that the
instrument had sufficient information the length of the entire instrument was found suitable, and the
content was logically organized.

These findings suggest, a possible lack of understanding on plagiarism, due to inadequate
awareness. As well as, a growing and timely need of clear institutional policy on Plagiarism, pointing,
probably, on currently misplaced institutional priorities, alongside with financial constraints,
presently, obstructing design. Ranking the higher the number of quality research publications,
citations, and patents, the higher is the academic reputation, of the institution. Scientific and
publishing dishonesty, including plagiarism. On plagiarism, at all the levels from undergraduate all
the way through, to doctorate studies, and also faculty. Secondly, to ensure quality and integrity of
scientific and academic publications, there should be a collective, as well as, individual responsibility
and united, rigorous, and dedicated efforts, by all the parties, involved, such as authors, particularly a
corresponding author reviewer, and editors.

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