4.1 Project Charter Example V2.0

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Project MasterChef


Project Charter

Version 2.0
Status Final
Date 7th September 2013
Author Alison Roberts

Template Version 1.0

Table of Contents

1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................... 3
1.1. Project Background ............................................................................................. 3
1.2. Project Purpose and Justification ............................................................................ 3
1.3. Project Scope Statement....................................................................................... 3
1.3.1. Project Objectives and Success Criteria .............................................................. 3
1.3.2. High Level Project Scope and Requirements ......................................................... 3
1.3.3. Project Methodology and Approach .................................................................... 4
2. PROJECT ORGANISATION ......................................................................................... 5
2.1. Project Structure ................................................................................................ 5
2.2. Project Authority ................................................................................................ 6
3. PROJECT HIGH LEVEL RISKS ..................................................................................... 7
3.1. Rating scales and categories .................................................................................. 7
3.2. High level risk matrix ........................................................................................... 8
4. SUMMARY SCHEDULE .............................................................................................. 8
5. SUMMARY BUDGET ................................................................................................. 9
6. DOCUMENT QUALITY CONTROL ................................................................................. 10
6.1. Version Control .................................................................................................. 10
6.2. Approvers ......................................................................................................... 10
6.3. Reviewers ......................................................................................................... 10
6.4. Definitions ........................................................................................................ 10

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1.1. Project Background

MasterChef is a television program originally shown in Britain. It is a reality program where amateur cooks
face a series of cooking challenges and are eliminated along the way.

1.2. Project Purpose and Justification

Channel Ten has purchased the rights to produce of an Australian version of the program. It is expected this
program will generate significant advertising revenue as it has in Britain. Channel Ten as a part of the
strategy for the year, needs to source new programs to increase rating particularly in the early evening
timeslot where commercial bookings bring most revenue. The program demographics are suitable for this

1.3. Project Scope Statement

1.3.1. Project Objectives and Success Criteria

The production will generate 6 episodes per week for ten weeks ready for screening starting on 06 May

The program will attract an audience of 8 million per week.

At least two of the episodes per week will be in the top ten television programs for that week according to
AC Nielsen ratings.

The program will attract $1 million in advertising revenue per week.

The program will attract $5 million in sponsorship fees in total.

The program will attract $2 million in product placement.

1.3.2. High Level Project Scope and Requirements

In scope
 Partnership with a production house – most likely Freemantle production
 Selection and renovation of a suitable venue for the filmimg
 Fitout of venue with cooking facilities for 50 cooks with multiple configurations
 Fitout of venue for a restaurant, adminstration and filming areas
 Sourcing and contracting sponsorship and product placement
 Selection and contracting of three hosts
 Storyboarding and episode planning
 Selection of 50 amateur cooks to participate in the show from Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane only
 Accomodation for 50 contestants in Sydney hotels for the first 4 weeks
 Accomodation and supplies for 25 cooks in Sydney in a scenic location for 6 weeks
 Sourcing and installation of state of art kitchen equipment some through product placement
 High quality consumables some through product placement agreements
 20 guest chefs to appear on 20 different episodes
 4 world class chefs to appear on 4 different episodes
 Excursion to New York including all travel arrangement for 3 hosts, film crew and 4 contestants for
4 days in June.

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 Filming 6 episodes, for 10 weeks – 2 episodes of 1 hour duration, 2 episodes of ½ hour duration and
2 episodes of 1 ½ hour duration.
 Post production including editing.

Out of scope
 Creation and maintenance of the MasterChef website – this will be a separate project
 Booking advertising – this will fall under business as usual for Sales and Marketing
 Publications such as cookbooks from the hosts or the contestants
 MasterChef merchandise – this will fall under business as usual for Sales and Marketing
 Arranging publicity – this will fall under business as usual for Sales and Marketing
 Holding auditons for contenstants in cities other than Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane.

The main assumptions are:
 Four world class chefs can be found to participate in the timeframes required and will be free of
 A suitable venue can be found and is available in Sydney for the period required.
 Suitable living arrangements can be found for the contestants.
 Freemantle productions can be contracted to perform production.
 Sponsorship and product placement fees of $7 million can be obtained.

The main constraints are:
 The first episode must be ready to air by 6 th May 2012.
 Only $500,000 is allocated to equipment and $500,000 to travel, additional expenses in these two
areas will be paid for by sponsorship and product placement.
 The celebrity chefs that are available to participate (and free of charge).

1.3.3. Project Methodology and Approach

This project will use Channel Tems project methodology which is available on the Channel Ten intranet.
This methodology shows the documentation to be provided and the approval levels for each phase to
proceed. It is a waterfall methodology based on Prince 2.

The phases and deliverables are:

Pre production phase

 Project plan
 Venue
 Installed equipment in venue
 Episode plans and schedules
 Contract for production with Freemantle productions
 Sponsorship contracts
 Product placement contracts
 Staffing the production including 3 hosts
 20 guest chefs and 4 world class chefs booked

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Contestant selection phase

 50 contestant to participate from Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane.
 Accomodation and supplies for 50 contestants in Sydney hotels

Filming – first 6 weeks phase

 Food and drink for cooking purposes
 6 episodes for each week
 16 guest chef appearances

Filming – last four weeks phase

 Accomodation and supplies for 25 contestants in the one location in Sydney
 4 episodes filmed for each week with the last episode two hours.
 4 guest chef appearances and 4 world class chef appearances.
 Excursion to New York – two of the episodes

Post production

 Editing of episodes


2.1. Project Structure

The project will consist of the following staff based on most likely estimates. The worst case scenario
would required an additional 5 staff members from Freemantle prodcutions and 5 from Channel Ten.

Production team from Freemantle productions: 23 staff members including 10 cameramen, 4 editors, 1
location manager, 1 producer, one editor, two makeup artists, 1 continuity manager, 2 project managers
and 2 assistants.

Production team from Channel Ten: 18 staff members including 2 editors, 3 cameramen, one project
manager, 2 first aid officers and 5 project asssistants.

Channel Ten Marketing and Sales: three marketing and sales officers.

Channel Ten Human Resources: two Human Resource Managers.

The following diagram shows the project structure and governance.

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2.2. Project Stakeholders and Authority
The major stakeholders and their authority level on this project is shown below.

Name Title Authority Level

Fred Blogg Channel Ten Director of Ultimately responsible for all decisions regarding
Entertainment the program. Sign off the Project Charter, Project
Plan and any change requests. Authorises all

Geni Smith Marketing Manger Channel Authority for sponsorship. Sign off the Project
Ten Charter, Project Plan and any change requests.

TBA position not Project Manager Freemantle Authority to conduct the project as per the
filled Productions Project Plan and approved change requests.

Ian Johnson Project Manager Channel Ten Authority to conduct the project as per the
Project Plan and approved change requests.
Authority for expenditure within a tolerance of
+10% over the budgeted amount without
stakeholder involvement.

Jane Brown Human Resources Manager Authority for recruitment and selection. Sign off
Channel Ten the Project Charter, Project Plan and any change

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3.1. Rating scales and categories

Title Rating Description
Very Low 1 Highly unlikely to occur; however, still needs to be monitored as certain
circumstances could result in this risk becoming more likely to occur during
the project
Low 2 Unlikely to occur, based on current information, as the circumstances likely
to trigger the risk are also unlikely to occur

Medium 3 Likely to occur as it is clear that the risk will probably eventuate
High 4 Very likely to occur, based on the circumstances of the project
Very High 5 Highly likely to occur as the circumstances which will cause this risk to
eventuate are also very likely to be created

Title Rating Description
Very Low 1 Insignificant impact on the project. It is not possible to measure the impact
on the project as it is minimal
Low 2 Minor impact on the project, e.g. < 5% deviation in scope, scheduled end-date
or project budget
Medium 3 Measurable impact on the project, e.g. 5-10% deviation in scope, scheduled
end-date or project budget
High 4 Significant impact on the project, e.g. 10-25% deviation in scope, scheduled
end-date or project budget
Very High 5 Major impact on the project, e.g. >25% deviation in scope, scheduled end-
date or project budget

Risk Matrix: Likelihood X Impact = Overall Level/Rating

LIKELIHOOD Very Low Low Medium High Very High

IMPACT 1 2 3 4 5

Very Low Low Low Low Medium

Very Low 1
1 2 3 4 5

Low Low Medium Medium High

Low 2
2 4 6 8 10

Low Medium High High Very High

Medium 3
3 6 9 12 15

High 4
Low Medium High Very High Very High

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4 8 12 16 20

Medium High Very High Very High Very High

Very High 5
5 10 15 20 25

Overall Level/Rating
0 – 1 = Very Low 2 – 4 = Low 5 – 8 = Medium 9 – 14 = High 15 – 25 = Very


The risk categories are:

 Financial
 Marketing and Sales
 Resourcing
 Technical
 Legal

3.2. High level risk matrix

Below are the top 5 risks:

Risk No. Category Risk Description Likelihood Impact

1 Financial Sponsorship and product placement deals do not cover Medium Very
the required costs of $7 million High

2 Resourcing 4 world class chefs cannot be obtained free of charge Medium High
for guest appearances

3 Resourcing Freemantle Productions cannot be contracted to Medium Very

perform the production side of the project High

4 Resourcing Suitable venue cannot be found for production High High

5 Legal Legal issues with the contract from Britain cannot be High Very
resolved in time High


Phase or Milestone Preferred completion Dependencies


Pre production phase 23 January 2014 Contracting of Freemantle


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Phase or Milestone Preferred completion Dependencies

Contestant selection phase 02 February 2014 Building contractors to complete

venue for filming.

Accomodation sourced for


Filming – first 6 weeks phase 03 April 2014 Identification of 16 guest chefs

who will appear free of charge.

Filming – last four weeks phase 01 May 2014 Identification of 4 guest chefs
and 4 world class chefs who will
appear free of charge

Post production 04 May 2014 None

Category of Cost Best Estimate Worst Estimate Most Likely

Freemantle Productions $1.5 million $4.5 million $3 million

Channel Ten Resourcing $250,00 $750,000 $500,000

Venue and fitout $1.1 million $3.3 million $2.2 million

Miscellaneous $150,000 $450,000 $300,000

Indirect Costs 20% $600,000 $1.8 million $1.2 million

Contingency 20% $720,000 $2.16 million $1.44 million

TOTAL $4.32 million $12.96 million $8.64 million

Note: Indirect costs are based on 20% of other costs. Contingency is 20% of other costs + indirect costs.
Assumptions of sponsorship and product placement fees apply. Refer to Assumptions. Costs are based on
similar programs run by Channel Ten in previous years and adjusted for inflation.

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6.1. Version Control
Version Date Author Comments

0.1 01/10/2013 Alison Roberts Initial Version

0.2 01/10/2013 Alison Roberts Updated with comments from project team and
subject matter experts

0.3 14/11/2013 Alison Roberts Updated with comments from Sponsor and subject
matter experts

1.0 23/11/2013 Alison Roberts Final Version

2.0 13/12/2013 Alison Roberts Updated with changes from Management

6.2. Approvers
Name Title Signature

Fred Brown Sponsor

Fred Blogg Channel Ten Director of


Geni Smith Marketing Manger Channel Ten

Jane Brown Human Resources Manager

Channel Ten

6.3. Reviewers
Name Title Signature

Dianne Green Production Assistant

May Black Head of TV Development

Ian Johnson Project Manager Channel Ten

TBA position not Project Manager Freemantle

filled Productions

6.4. Definitions

PM Project Manager Responsible for delivery of the project

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