CBR Advanced Business English Group 4.

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SUPERVISOR: Rika Julia S.Pd., M.Hum


Group 4
Dia Ovitri Agustin (7193510070)

Enda Pernanda Tumangger (7193510057)

Liska Wahyuni (7192210002)

Nadilla Tri Anggraini (7193510009)

Putri Srigati Rusadi (7191210001)



Praise be to our gratitude to pray the presence of God Almighty for all the abundance of His
grace and gifts. And thanks to Ms. Rika Julia S.Pd., M.Hum. As a lecturer in the field of
Advanced Business English who has guided us in compiling this CBR learning, so that we
can complete the CBR learning "Advance Business English" properly. Hopefully this
Learning CBR can be a reference, guide, and guide for readers.

We realize that the Learning Critical Book Report is far from perfect. And do not forget, we
expect criticism and suggestions from readers to make learning more perfect for us in
preparing the next CBR of learning.

Medan, 30 September 2020



TABLE OF CONTENTS...........................................................................................................3
Writing purpose......................................................................................................................4
CHAPTER II..............................................................................................................................5
Main Book Identity.................................................................................................................5
Reference Book Identity.........................................................................................................8
CHAPTER III.............................................................................................................................9
BOOKS ADVANTAGES AND LACKS..................................................................................9
Advantages of Main Book......................................................................................................9
Main Book Disadvantages......................................................................................................9
The advantages of the Comparison book...............................................................................9
Disadvantages of a Compare Book........................................................................................9
CHAPTER IV..........................................................................................................................10
A. Conclusion.......................................................................................................................10
B. Advice..............................................................................................................................10


1. Background
Research on correspondence both in government agencies and in the business
world, it turns out that there are still many errors in writing letters. The source of these
errors usually lies in writing good letters that have no place in family life, there is no
direction and control on how to compile a good letter, and society itself too easily
forgives mistakes and civility in writing letters. This results in not feeling pushed to
fix it.
A letter is a means of conveying a written intention to another party, or one of
the language activities carried out in written communication. Individuals or groups
involved in correspondence activities. Besides, the writer in expressing his meaning
must pay attention to the nature of the letter he is writing, and the position of the
author himself and the level of the letter reader.

2. Writing purpose
Strive so that deficiencies and weaknesses in correspondence do not occur,
and how to manage them so that they can produce good, efficient and effective

3. Benefits
a. Students can understand how to write a surta properly and correctly
b. Students can find out the kinds of letters.



Main Book Identity

a. Book title :English Business
b. Author :Team Teaching
c. City :Field
d. ISBN :-
e. Year : 2020
f. Publisher :Medan State University

At CBR this time we discuss the topic in chapter 10 entitled Letter Writing, which in
the chapter explains that Letter writing is an art, one, which not all of us are proficient in
or appropriate as perconventional wisdom. message, request for assistance or employment
or admission to a school. Letters have played and are still playing an important role in
communication throughout the world. Paper letters were once the most and at times the
only reliable means of communication between two people in different locations .Its
format and importance has changed with evolution of technology, especially with advent
of email.
a. Types of Letters
There are various kinds of letters like Address change letter, Business Letter, Cover
Letter, Farewell Letter, Get Well Letter and so on. These different types of letters are
different in their subject, occasion and purpose. They have various criteria like
format, length , vocabulary, language and other essential which need to be followed.
The most widely acceptable types of letters are:
 Formal Letters
Formal letters are those letters which follow certain styles of writing a letter.
They are known as formal letters because they are written in accordance with
certain established practices. Such letters are mostly used in working
environments like various offices and businesses and have very meager
emotional language .Formal letters are mostly written by officials and
 Informal Letters
Informal letters are those letters which are written with minimalistic rules, thus
the term informal letters. relatives, friends, peers etc. of the recipient. The
purpose of writing informal letters is socialization and information exchange.

b. Differences between Formal and Informal Letters

Formal Letters Informal Letters
Formal letters follow fixed pattern of Informal letters have varied patterns of
styles style
Formal letters are mostly used in Informal letters have very limited usage
working environments like offices in working environments
The language of the letter in formal The language of the letter in informal
letters is by and large impersonal or work letters is by and large personal or related
related to social aspects.
Formal letters can have informal tone Informal letters do not have a formal
whilst writing under certain tone as they are meant to express
circumstances emotions and social communication
Informal words like 'Gonna', 'Wanna', Informal letters are not restricted in
'Dude', 'Bro'etc.cannot be used in formal language. Lang word and non
letters conventional terminology is acceptable
in these letters.
A lot of care is taken to write the 2-3 types of salutations are acceptable for
appropriate salutations in formal letters informal letters as there is not much need
of formality.
Length of the letter is very important and Length of the informal letters varies
it shouldn't be too long depending upon the subject matter
Closing or complimentary gestures vary Closing or complimentary gestures don't
in formal letters vary as much in informal letters
Letter head is a conventional practice in Letter head is not a conventional practice
formal letters in informal letters

c. Letters Types based on purpose

Letters can also be categorized as per their purposes, since most of the letters are
written for academic, business, personal and references purpose they can be
categorized in a similar manner. The most common purpose for which letters are
written divide them into:
1. Academic Letters
Letters concerned with academic affairs of various academic institutions or
pertaining to academics under various capacities are known as academic letters.
Some of types of academic letters.
 Announcement Letter
 Application Letter
 Leave Letter
 Recommendation Letter

2. Business Letters

Letters are written for purpose related to business and it's relative processes are
known as business letters, Some of the types of business letters.
 Acceptance Letter
 Acknowledgment Letter
 Adjustment Letter
 Request Letter
 Resolution Letter
 Sales Letter

3. Personal Letters
Letters for sharing personal information, views, opinions etc.are known as
personal letters. They are going to be informal Letters. Some of the types of
personal letters.
 Cancellation Letter
 Farewell Letter
 Friendly Letter
 Get Well Letter
 Holiday Letter
 Love Letter

4. References Letters
Letters written by an authoritative person for an acquaintance to introduce the
acquaintance to the concerned for employment, admission and / or other
objectives. These letters are similar to formal letters. Some of the types of
reference letters.
 Adoption Reference Letter
 Business Reference Letter
 Character Reference Letter
 Employer Reference Letter / Job Reference Letter
 Scholarship Reference Letter
 Teacher Reference Letter

Reference Book Identity

a. Title : How to Write Effective Business English

b. Author : Fiona Talbot
c. Year : 2009
d. ISBN : 978 0 7494 5520 0
e. Page : 119
f. City : LondonN19JN
g. Publisher : Replicas Press Pvt Ltd

The way companies have to write business English for customers today varies greatly
from the way they would have written years ago. It is essential to realize how customers'
expectations have changed. As you have seen in earlier chapters of this book, you can
(and must) innovate and discard some of the things you may have been taught years ago.
Yet there are still certain conventions that you should follow for your letters to achieve
your objectives.

Second, identify the format. Do you use templates and a standard font? Has this been
assessed for readability? For example, Arial, Tahoma, Times New Roman and Verdana
(amongst others) can be more readable than some cursive fonts, especially for non-NE
readers. How compatible is the font you use with other systems? Does the font size fall
within the routinely used 10–15-point range? Many consider that 12 point offers optimum
readability - though you still need to consider the needs of those with visual impairments
and other needs, and adapt your writing accordingly. Do you use a subject heading above
your main text? Do you use a reference or code? An informative subject heading can
engage your reader's attention from the start. It also helps you identify the point of your
letter. Customize it if you can. Even the use of the word 'your', as in 'Re: your contract
XYZ ', is more reader-friendly than' Re: contract XYZ '. (Incidentally, you do not need to
use 'Re:' at all; it is a question of house style.)

In addition, it is also explained to write letters properly such as:

a. Know how to design a letter well.
b. Know what you want the letter to achieve; enable the result you need.
a. Write your recipient's personal details correctly.
b. Use the correct salutation and sign-off.
c. Edit so that the reader sees your key messages clearly.
d. Build in rapport and politeness.
e. Represent yourself and your company well.
f. Don't make assumptions.
g. Use spellcheck and grammar check (in the correct variety of English) before
issuing your letter.
h. Do not embellish or over-complicate your writing to create impact. It could work
against you.


Advantages of Main Book
a. The contents in the book are easy to understand
b. The table of contents is arranged in order of learning
c. There are examples of types of letters to complement the explanation
d. Fairly good division of material units

Main Book Disadvantages

a. Cover is less attractive
b. There is no clear author's name in the book
c. The book identity is not very complete
d. There are no specific examples of letter forms

The advantages of the Comparison book

a. Interesting cover
b. Complete book identity
c. The discussion is described in detail
d. Provide examples of letter details so that they are easy to understand

Disadvantages of a Compare Book

a. Immediately provides the essence of the material without introduction
b. Some words are difficult to decipher
c. The division of material units is not very clear


A. Conclusion
A letter is a means of communication to convey written information by a party to another
party. In addition, a letter can also be interpreted as a written statement made with the aim of
conveying information to other parties and is a means of written communication concerning
the activities of the agency's duties and activities. The word 'letter' means written paper or in
other words a letter is paper that contains writing. If we talk about writing, it has to do with
language. Broadly speaking, letters can be grouped into formal and informal letters.
Language is essentially a means of communication. Thus it can be concluded that someone
wrote or wrote a letter with the aim of communicating something to others.

B. Advice
We, as the compilers of this paper, realize that the preparation of this paper is still far from
perfect, therefore we as writers expect suggestions and criticisms that contain constructive
characteristics from the readers.


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