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International Journal of Administrative Science & Organization, January 2019 Volume 26, Number 1

Bisnis & Birokrasi: Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi dan Organisasi DOI: 10.20476/jbb.v26i1.10115

The Role of the Government Regulation in

Online Transportation: A Model Validation

Okki Chandra Ambarwati1, Rino A. Nugroho2, Didik G. Suharto3

Program of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Sebelas Maret,
Indonesia; rino.nugroho@staff.uns.aac.id2;

Abstract. The online transportation has been a concern in many countries. It caused social problems with more established
conventional transportation such as taxis and buses. Some countries had issued policy to regulate online transportation, while
some others did not. Indonesia is facing the similar dilemmas. On one hand online transportation provides new jobs but on the
other hand it adds congestion and creating threats to the conventional public transportation presence. This research is conducted
to reveal the public opinion towards the continued use of online transportation. The insight of this issue might help government
in deciding whether or not they are issuing a policy on online transportation. To do the research, this study used an information
system (IS) model to understand the context of continuance. As the practice of IS model use in public administration research is
still very limited this study will focus on the validity of IS model to be used in public administration area. Questionnaire was given
to 64 respondents that were chosen using convenient sampling approach. The items of the questionnaire were built based on the
well-known IS continuance model with some addition to the predictor variables. The result indicates that IS model could be used
in the public administration research as most of the items in the constructs were valid and reliable. Another important finding is that
government regulation is the valid predictor of public intention to reuse online transportation. This study suggests government to
issue a policy to regulate online transportation, by having a balance portion on maintaining economic growth and providing social
stability. Further suggestions are discussed in the paper.

Keywords: online transportation, government regulation, instrument validation, TCT, developing country

Abstrak. Transportasi online telah menjadi perhatian di banyak negara. Ini menyebabkan masalah sosial dengan transportasi
konvensional yang lebih mapan seperti taksi dan bus. Beberapa negara telah mengeluarkan kebijakan untuk mengatur
transportasi online, sementara yang lain tidak. Indonesia menghadapi dilema serupa. Di satu sisi transportasi online
menyediakan pekerjaan baru dan mengurangi pengangguran tetapi di sisi lain transportasi semacam ini menambah kemacetan
dan menciptakan ancaman bagi keberadaan angkutan umum konvensional. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengungkap
opini publik terhadap kelanjutan penggunaan transportasi online. Wawasan masalah ini dapat membantu pemerintah dalam
memutuskan apakah mereka mengeluarkan kebijakan tentang transportasi online atau tidak. Untuk melakukan penelitian,
penelitian ini menggunakan model sistem informasi (IS) untuk memahami konteks kelanjutan. Penggunaan model IS dalam
penelitian administrasi publik masih sangat terbatas. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini akan fokus pada validasi model IS yang akan
digunakan di bidang administrasi publik. Kuesioner diberikan kepada 64 responden yang dipilih menggunakan pendekatan
sampling yang mudah. Item-item dari kuesioner dibangun berdasarkan pada model keberlanjutan IS yang banyak digunakan
oleh penelitian terdahulu dengan beberapa tambahan pada variabel prediktor. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa model IS dapat
digunakan dalam penelitian administrasi publik karena sebagian besar item dalam variable yang diajukan valid dan reliable.
Temuan penting lainnya adalah bahwa Peraturan Pemerintah adalah prediktor valid dari niat publik untuk menggunakan
kembali transportasi online. Studi ini menyarankan pemerintah untuk mengeluarkan kebijakan untuk mengatur transportasi
online, terutama transportasi online roda dua, dengan memiliki keseimbangan dalam menjaga pertumbuhan ekonomi dan
memberikan stabilitas sosial. Saran lebih lanjut dibahas di koran.

Kata kunci: transportasi online, regulasi pemerintah, validasi instrumen, TCT, negara berkembang

INTRODUCTION online transportation is an example on how information

technology has changed people’s lifestyle. Online trans-
Nowadays, the advancement of technology has portation can be interpreted as transportation equipped
supported almost all aspects of daily life, including with applications that act as a bridge between passengers
transportation. For example recent trends in transporta- and their drivers (Shen, 2015). This application has loca-
tion literature put a driverless city as the new direction tion detection that makes the online transportation drivers
of research by using information technology as its core easier to locate passengers who have ordered their ser-
discussion (Legacy, 2019; Saranti, 2018). vices (Chan et al, 2016). The ability of this application
Another study also suggest the changing pattern of people to locate passengers distinguishes online transportation
mobility with the presence of online based ridesourcing from conventional transportation. The presence of this
in Indonesia (Priatama, 2018). The emergence of mode of online transportation in Indonesia has caused
24 International Journal of Administrative Science & Organization, January 2019 Volume 26, Number 1
Bisnis & Birokrasi: Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi dan Organisasi

two problems. First, online transportation has reduced only in Indonesia but also in several other countries (i.e.,
conventional transportation income, mostly because US, Franch, Spain, Germany, etc) where online transporta-
online transport involves cheaper tariffs and greater con- tion has emerged (Cetin and Deakin, 2017). Prior studies
venience (Harding et al, 2016). This problem occurs in indicated that this societal problem arises because of the
both four-wheeled and two-wheeled online transporta- absence of government regulations on two-wheeled online
tion. The second problem comes for two-wheeled online transportation in Indonesia (Amajida, 2016; Harapan and
transportation (also known as ojek). Although ojek has Purnomo, 2016). If this problem persists in the future, the
been used in more than a decades, they are still not regu- problem might get bigger impacts; therefore, it needs to
lated by the government. The absence of such regulations be well-anticipated. The aim of this study is to assess the
makes the presence of ojek online even in more difficult feasibility of government in issuing policies about two-
than its four-wheeled companion. In Indonesia, to accom- wheeled online transportation in Indonesia. This feasibility
modate four-wheeled online transportation, the Minister study is conducted by doing a policy forecasting about the
of Transportation Regulation No. 26 of 2017 concerning continuation of online transportation. Such forecasting
the Implementation of People Transportation with Public will enable the government to regulate the presence online
Vehicles Not in Route was implemented. The regulation transportation and reveal negative impacts it might have
was finally revised and replaced with the government regu- in the future. The policy forecasting in this study will be
lation No. 108 (Wijayanto et al, 2018). The enactment of unique because it will combine public policy and informa-
this regulation has accommodated four-wheeled online tion systems approaches. Information system models were
transportation. On the other hand, two-wheeled vehicles used to understand better the factors that lead to online
are still unregulated. Without regulation, two-wheeled transportation continuation that will affect the public policy
transportation is still operational because of public need. making.
Because two-wheeled transportation is needed but they There are some models many models that can explain
remain unregulated, this study is interested in investigat- the continuation of an electronic system. Continuation
ing this situation. Therefore, in this paper, two-wheeled model has been well-developed in information system
online transportation is the focus (or in Indonesia also theory (Bhattacherjee, 2001). It has been cited and dis-
known as ojek online). The aforementioned problems had cussed by more than 5.400 literature in google scholar
led to the rejection of online transportation presence in by 2019. Therefore this approach is used in this policy
Indonesia (Ambarwati et al, 2017). This rejection has led forecasting study that aim to predict the continuation of
to social movements such as taxi driver strike, ojek driver an online transportation system. The system continuation
strike, even a rickshaw driver strike that may lead to riot. concept basically tries to understand whether a tech-
Although the presence of online transportation has caused nology will be reused again by its users by identifying
social problems in Indonesia, no clear regulation has been what the independent variables that led to continued use
issued. There was government regulation at the beginning (Bhattacherjee, 2001). The two models that can explain
of this online transportation phenomenon. The Indonesian continuation are Technology Continuance Theory (TCT)
government had banned them. However, due to the fact that and Expectation Confirmation Model (ECM). Developed
the demand of this online transportation is still high and due by Liao et al (2009), TCT is used to identify the continuous
to the fact that the online transportation company provides use of a technology from its users. This model (Figure 1)
many jobs to those who are unemployed in Indonesia, it tries to capture the continuation intention of a technology
did not last long. use by looking at user’s satisfaction and attitude where
The dilemma of this online transportation occurs not these two variables were preceded by perceived usefulness,

Figure 1. TCT
Source: Liao et al (2009)

Perceived Ease of Use and confirmation. over time, as the previous adaptation as the anchor for the
Liao, et al (2009) explained that there is an exceptional assessment of the subsequent experience (Oliver, 1980).
difference between satisfaction and attitude. Attitude is Therefore, satisfaction is temporary and the specific
defined as an individual evaluation of the overall product experience will influence, while attitudes are relatively
or service offered, while satisfaction refers to a person’s more lasting than the previous experience. However, even
post-consumption evaluation of something (Bolton & though attitudes and satisfaction are proposed as two dif-
Drew, 1991; Hunt, 1977 in Liao et al, 2009). According ferent constructs, it is possible to synthesize the effects
to the assimilation theory, attitude can only change slowly of the user’s attitude and satisfaction behavior. TCT is a

combination of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), actions (Meyer and Rowan, 1977). Government regula-
Cognitive of Model (CoG) and ECM; therefore, TCT is tion refers to the coercion from the environment in the
composed of several variables from the formation of these form of government regulations, policies, rules or laws
three models to explain the usage cycle continuously. made by the government in forcing the public to continue
ECM, on the other hand, was created by Battacherjee or not to continue an electronic system. Hart and Saunders
(2001) and focuses on the continuous use of information (1997) found that this regulation was a significant factor
systems. Battacherjee (2001) revealed that the success of in a technology continuation. Therefore, government
technology adoption does not lie in the beginning of the use regulation was added as the independent variable in this
of technology but in its continuous use. The ECM comes research.
from the development of the Expectation Confirmation As two-wheeled online transportation is growing,
Theory (ECT) or the Expectation Disconfirmation Theory issues have arisen. This study will forecast the future use
model from Oliver (1980), which sees the consumer sat- of two-wheeled online transportation by using a continu-
isfaction in repurchasing various kinds of products and ation model approach. By identifying variables that lead
services in the marketing field (Battacherjee, 2001). From to system continuation, the government may regulate the
ECT, it is stated that the consumer intention to repurchase use of two-wheeled online transportation to avoid societal
a product or continue service use (repurchase intention) problems in the future. The model used in this study to
is determined primarily by his or her satisfaction with the forecast the continued use is based on TCT model that is
previous use of the product or service. Battacherjee (2001) modified for the purpose of fulfilling this study objective.
called the continuity of use the intention continuance.
Battacherjee (2001) describes the user process in making RESEARCH METHOD
reuse decisions just like the decision of a consumer to
repurchase a product (repurchase decision) where the user This research used a quantitative approach with a non-
usually has initial expectations. The expectations here are probability sampling survey of 68 online motorcycle taxi
the perceived usefulness and confirmation. Then, the user users. The instruments were spread using online surveys
assesses the performance through his or her experience through social media such as WhatsApp, Instagram, and
in using the information system. If the user judges that Line. The use of this online survey was chosen in addition
the information system is useful and in accordance with to saving costs and to ensure the survey data were col-
what is expected, there will be a sense of satisfaction that lected quickly. This research used the basic theory of TCT
affects the use of information systems on the regular basis from Liao et al (2009) with variables such as perceived
(or also known as IS Continuance Intention). usefulness (PU), confirmation (COM), attitude (ATT),
Previous studies conducted by Weng et al (2017) in satisfaction (SAT), and perceived ease of use (PEoU) to
Malaysia show that this model can be used to identify the identify the continuous use of online motorcycle taxis/
intention of the continuity in the use of online transporta- continuance intention (CI) in online transportation. Then,
tion. He modified TCT by adding variables that related to variables such as government regulation (GR), and sub-
Asian culture (i.e., Subjective Norm and Perceived Risk jective norm (SN) were also added to see the CI in the use
variables). Subjective Norms refers to individual percep- of online motorcycle taxis. The analysis in this research
tions of people who are important for them to approve or used SEM with the PLS approach assisted with SMART
reject certain behaviors. The reference from them depends PLS 3.0 software in its processing. The advantage of
on the situation such as family, close friends, co-workers, smart PLS is it is considered powerful because it is not
role models, and public figures. In this case, someone based on various assumptions. In addition, the number
will use the system because of the influence of the people of samples needed in the analysis is relatively small, and
around who are considered important by him or her. This the data in the smartPLS analysis do not have to have a
addition is in line with Weng and de Run’s (2013) stud- normal distribution. The measurement model phase was
ies that also explained the characteristics of Asians’ in carried out to determine the reliability and validity as a
continuing use a product is affected by their social sur- result of the instrument validity in this research.
roundings. Based in these prior studies, this research will In the measurement model, the value of the loading
use TCT as the model for doing the forecasting of two- factor was obtained. This value shows the correlation
wheeled online transportation in Indonesia. This model between the indicators and their constructs (Hair
is chosen for two reasons: first, it is suitable for online 2014). If the indicator of the loading value is low, it
transportation as the case of this study, and second, it is shows that the indicator does not work on the measure-
suitable for Asian context where this study is located. ment model. According to Ghozali (2008), an indicator is
This study’s main focus is to analyze how government considered valid if it has a correlation value above 0.70.
regulation affects a two-wheeled online transportation However, the loading of 0.50 to 0.60 for the preliminary
continuation in the future. Therefore, the variable of gov- research is still acceptable to see the output of the correla-
ernment regulation should be added to the model. One tion between the indicators and their constructs (Hair et
information system model that can portray the role of al, 2014). The value of Cross Loading is also considered
government regulations is Technology, Organization and in this analysis and is another measure of the discriminant
Environment (TOE) model introduced by of Tornatzky et validity. It is expected that each indicator has a higher
al (1990). The basic argument of government regulations loading value for the measured construct compared to
is the institutional theory which includes mimetic pressure, the loading value of the other constructs. In addition, the
coercive pressure, and normative pressure. Coercive pres- reliability can be seen from the value of composite reli-
sure has a major influence on the formation of behaviors/ ability. This value shows internal consistency, meaning
26 International Journal of Administrative Science & Organization, January 2019 Volume 26, Number 1
Bisnis & Birokrasi: Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi dan Organisasi

that the high composite reliability value shows the consis- Then, there is the value of average variance extracted
tency value of each indicator in measuring the construct. (AVE), which is used to measure the amount of variance
According to Ghozali (2008), the composite reliability that can be captured by the construct compared to the
result will show a satisfactory value if it is above 0.7. variance caused by measurement errors. The AVE value

Table 1. Research Instrument

Construct Code Items Reference
PU1 Using online motorcycle taxis is practical. Fleischer & Wahlin (2016)
Fleischer & Wahlin (2016)
PU2 Using online motorcycle taxis increases my productivity.
Bhattacharhee (2001)
Perceived PU3 Using online motorcycle taxis increases my performance. Bhattacharjee (2001)
Usefulness PU4 Using online motorcycle taxis makes me arrive at my destination faster. Weng et al (2017)
PU5 Using online motorcycle taxis helps me travel with lower cost. Fleischer & Wahlin (2016)
PU6 Using online motorcycle taxis gives me choices of means of transportation. Fleischer & Wahlin (2016)
PU7 Overall, online motorcycle taxis give me benefits. Bhattacharjee (2001)
PEoU1 Learning to use online motorcycle taxi applications is not difficult. Weng et al (2017)
PEoU2 Learning to use online motorcycle taxi applications is easy for me. Weng et al (2017)
PEoU3 I find it easy to use online motorcycle taxi applications. Weng et al (2017)
Perceived PEoU4 I find it easy to use online motorcycle taxi applications in every service I want. Weng et al (2017)
Ease of Use
PEoU5 Online motorcycle taxi applications are clear and understandable. Weng et al (2017)
PEoU6 Online motorcycle taxi setting is easy for me. Fleischer & Wahlin (2016)
PEoU7 Ordering online motorcycle taxis is easy. Fleischer & Wahlin (2016)
PEoU8 Overall, I find it easy to use online motorcycle taxi applications. Weng et al (2017)
CON 1 Based on my experience, using online motorcycle taxis is better than what I expected. Bhattacharjee(2001
The service provided by the online motorcycle taxi provider is better than what I expected
CON 2 Bhattacharjee (2001)
(CON) CON 3 The information in the online motorcycle taxi is better than what I expected. Weng et al (2017)
CON 4 Payments to online motorcycle taxi services are easier than what I expected. Bhattacharjee (2001)
CON 5 Overall, most of my expectations for the use of online motorcycle taxis were satisfied. Bhattacharjee (2001)
SAT1 Overall based on my experience in using online motorcycle taxis, I am very satisfied. Bhattacharjee (2001)
SAT2 Overall based on my experience in using online motorcycle taxis, I am very happy. Bhattacharjee (2001)
SAT3 Overall based on my experience in using online motorcycle taxis, the service is very complete. Bhattacharjee (2001)
Overall based on my experience in using online motorcycle taxis, the service is very
SAT4 Bhattacharjee (2001)

Government GR1 In my opinion, the legal status of the online motorcycle taxi is important. Fleischer & Wahlin (2016)
Regulation GR2 If the city government prohibits the use of online motorcycle taxis, I will comply. Tornatzky et al (1990)
(GR) GR3 The government regulation currently supports the use of online motorcycle taxis. Tornatzky et al (1990)
SN1 My closest friends use online motorcycle taxis. Fleischer &Wahlin (2016)
SN2 My friends advised me to use online motorcycle taxis. Weng et al (2017)
Subjective SN3 What my friends think about online motorcycle taxis is important to me. Fleisher & Wahlin (2016)
Norm (SN) SN4 People’s opinions about online motorcycle taxis are generally positive. Fleischer & Wahlin (2016)
The media attention about online motorcycle taxis influences me to use online motorcycle taxi
SN5 Fleischer & Wahlin (2016)
Bhattacharjee (2001)
CI1 I prefer to use online motorcycle taxis rather than conventional/base motorcycle taxis.
Weng et al (2017)
Bhattacharjee (2001)
Continuance CI2 I will use the online motorcycle taxi when I need a motorcycle taxi.
Weng et al (2017)
Bhattacharjee (2001)
(CI) CI3 I intend to continue using the online motorcycle taxi application rather than stopping to use it.
Weng et al (2017)
If possible, I want to continue to use the online motorcycle taxi application as much as Bhattacharjee (2001)
possible. Weng et al (2017)
ATT1 Using online motorcycle taxis is a better choice compared to using the conventional ones. Davis et al (1989)
Attitude ATT2 Using online motorcycle taxis is a wiser choice compared to using the conventional ones. Davis et al (1989)
ATT3 I prefer to use online motorcycle taxis to travel. Davis et al (1989)
Source: Source by the Author

must be greater than 0.5. It is assessed from the correlation between the item/
The research instruments in Table 1 were used in indicator scores and the variable scores. According to
previous studies’ surveys of intentional research to reuse Ghozali (2014), the indicator is considered reliable if
a technology which was then developed according to it has a correlation value above 0.7. On one hand, the
the research context. The statements in the question- reliability testing shows the extent to which a measur-
naire were prepared based on the theoretical framework ing instrument can provide the relatively similar results
variables, namely by determining the indicators that if the measurement is carried out again on the same
have been developed by several experts in the previous subject. Reliability measurement can be done by look-
studies by adjusting the research context. In this case, ing at the reliability composite value and Cronbach's
the author adjusted it to the research context related alpha. A variable is considered reliable if the composite
to the use of online motorcycle taxis. The informa- reliability value and the Cronbach’s alpha are above
tion system or application referred to in the previous 0.70 (Ghozali, 2014: 65).
research in the context of this research is the online Table 2 shows that the stage of the reflective mea-
motorcycle taxi. It means that the online transporta- surement model procedure in PLS - SEM analysis is
tion or online motorcycle taxi refers to the motorcycle measured by several steps, including composite reli-
taxi that is equipped with an online-based application ability, indicator reliability, AVE, and discriminant
from the cellular telephone. Table 1 shows the codes validity. To determine whether the construct is reliable,
and research instrument questions. we must examine the outer loadings. Outer loading is
In this research, the preparation of data instruments how much variation of the indicator item is explained
was carried out by compiling a list of questions in the by the construct (Hair 2014). The variation in the
survey. The answers to the questions were measured value of the outer loading is between 0 and 1 of which
using a Likert scale consisting of 5 points, with the the greater the value is, the higher the level of reliability
following categories: 1 = Strongly Disagree (SD), 2 will be. According to Nunally & Bernstein in Hair et al
= Disagree (D), 3 = Neutral (N), 4 = Agree (A), and (2014), the accepted value in a research study is 0.60 to
5 = Strongly Agree. The instruments of this research 0.70. For the satisfactory value is between 0.70 and 0.90.
comprised three parts. The first is the consent form According to Hair et al (2014), a value below 0.60 indi-
section. The second is related to the respondent's iden- cates that the indicator item lacks reliable consistency.
tity data that must be filled. The third is the statement Outer loading is also related to the AVE and composite
and answer section of the questionnaire about the TCT reliability. The relationship can be seen in the small outer
indicators of using online motorcycle taxis in which the loading value, making the value of AVE, and composite
respondent only needs to tick (√) in the answer column reliability also small. If the value of the outer loading is
considered appropriate. small, according to Hair et al (2014), the next step is to
delete the indicator item. The value of the outer loading
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION between 0.40–0.70 can be deleted if the value of AVE
and composite reliability is increased. According to Hair
Respondent Profile et al (2011), the value of the outer loading below 0.40
Of the respondents that were filling the question- must be eliminated.
naire, 25% were male and 75% were female. In. The age Table 2 shows that the indicator items that have a
of the respondents in this research was between 16–20 value below 0.4 that must be eliminated (Hair, 2011)
years (21%), 21–30 years (63%), 26–30 years (10%), are GR 2. Thus, this item is eliminated. PU4 and PU5,
and 31–35 years and over 35 years (3%), respectively. with values below 0.7, were deleted. The absence of the
From the age classification above, the respondents of items can increase the AVE value so that the value is
this research were mostly those who were under 30 greater than 0.5. On the other hand, PEoU1 was not omit-
years old. From the respondents’ intensity of use, 31% ted despite having a value below 0.7. This is because
used online transportation 1–5 times, 55% more than removing PEoU1 does not increase the AVE value.
10 times, and 14% 6–10 times. Based on the type of The composite reliability value is between 0 and 1. The
service used by the respondents, 10% used the services higher the value is, the more realistic the construct will
of delivering goods, 1% used the services to buy goods, be. According to Ghozali (2008), the composite reliability
50% used the services to take/pick up (motorcycle taxi), result will show a satisfactory value if it is above 0.7.
and 39% used food ordering services. Hence, the major- The table above shows the composite reliability value
ity of services used by the respondents in this research above 0.7 so that the value is satisfactory. However, the
are the pickup and drop and food ordering services. Cronbach’s alpha from the GR still shows the value below
0.7. After examining the reliability, the validity is ensured
Validation Results by assessing the convergent validity value (AVE). Hair
Instrument validation is intended to indicate how the et al. (2014) stated that the valid standard is 0.5. The
research instrument measure what should be measured. higher the value, the more valid the construct will be.
Valid means that the instrument can be used to mea- The table above shows that all the constructs have values
sure what should be measured (Sugiyono, 2011). The above 0.5. Discriminant validity is a value that shows
variable validity is seen from the convergent validity the how big the construct value is toward it compared to
and discriminant validity. Convergent validity occurs the other constructs. The table above also shows that the
if the scores obtained from two different instruments discriminant validity is said to be yes so that the value of
that measure the same variable have a high correlation. all variables toward it is greater than the other constructs.
28 International Journal of Administrative Science & Organization, January 2019 Volume 26, Number 1
Bisnis & Birokrasi: Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi dan Organisasi

Table 1. Measurement Model Result

Composite Cronbach Discriminant
Latent variable Indicators Loadings AVE
reliable Alfa validity
PU1 0,708
PU2 0,729
PU3 0,802
Perceived of PU4 0,657** 0,890 0.845 0,619 Yes
PU5 0,646**
PU6 0,732
PU7 0,823
CON1 0,868
CON2 0,912
Confirmation CON3 0,849 0,940 0.919 0,757 Yes
CON4 0,849
CON5 0,870
SAT1 0.950
SAT2 0,955
Satisfaction 0,968 0.955 0,882 Yes
SAT3 0,916
SAT4 0,934
PEOU1 0,605
PEOU2 0,922
PEOU3 0,810
Perceived essay PEOU4 0,891 0.943 0.927 0,704 Yes
of use
PEOU5 0,869
PEOU6 0,820
PEOU7 0,913
ATT1 0,892
Attitude ATT2 0,834 0.889 0.812 0.727 Yes
ATT3 0,831
SN1 0,722
SN2 0,876
Subjective norm SN3 0,853 0.912 0.879 0.674 Yes
SN4 0,820
SN5 0,779
GR1 0,689
Government GR2 0,014* 0.789 0.508 0.657 Yes
GR3 0,910
CI1 0,804
Continuance CI2 0,817
0.893 0.840 0.677 Yes
intention CI3 0,885
CI4 0,781
*delete because under 0.4
** delete to increase AVE
Source: Processed by the Author

Result Analysis can improve the performance of their users (Davis et al,
Perceived of Usefulness (PU) is interpreted as the indi- 1989). In this context, PU is defined as using an online
vidual degree of believing that using certain technologies motorcycle taxi that is believed to improve the perfor-
mance of its users. PU in this model has a direct influence

on the satisfaction, attitude, and CI to use. PU in this There are four indicators (SAT1-SAT4) which repre-
model supports the previous research model where PU sent the satisfaction of the use of online motorcycle taxis
influences the attitude to use a technology (Bhattacharjee, in this instrument. From these four indicators, it was
2001; Weng et al, 2017; Fleischer and Wahlin, 2016). PU found that all were considered valid and reliable. It can
also influences the satisfaction in using a technology and be said that the satisfaction items adopted in developed
also the intention to use it continuously toward the system countries are the same and can be used to see the online
or technology (Bhattacharjee, 2001; Weng et al, 2017). transportation used in developing countries.
Therefore, the validity and reliability of the PU variable Perceived Ease of Use (PEoU) is defined as the degree
in the instrument to look for satisfaction, attitude, and to which individuals believe that using technology can
CI to use on the use of relevant online transportation be free from effort (Davis et al, 1989). In this context,
are used and supported by the previous research. In this PEoU is interpreted as the level of ease in using and
research, there are seven indicators (PU1-PU7) devel- learning motorcycle taxi applications. The PEoU vari-
oped in PU representing the dimensions of effectiveness, able in this model has an effect on the PU and attitude.
speed, usefulness, and advantages. Of the seven indica- Previous research conducted by Weng et al (2017) on
tors compiled, there are five valid and reliable indicators online transportation in Malaysia shows that PEoU is
and two invalid indicators (PU4 and PU5) because they significant with regards to PU but not significant regard-
have problems with the discriminant validity. These two ing ATT. On the other hand, research from Fleischer
indicator items represent a statement that the use of online and Wahlin (2016) has the opposite results from that of
motorcycle taxis is advantageous in terms of speed and Fleischer and Wahlin (2016) of the relationship between
lower prices. This is relevant if the results of the items PEoU and ATT, in which PEO is significant toward ATT.
inconsistent with the road conditions and price competi- In the TAM model of Davis et al (1989), the PEoU is
tion among online transportation companies cannot be significant toward PU and ATT. Then the use of PEoU
predicted in developing countries. Hence, five items can variable to identify PU and ATT on the online transporta-
be adopted and two items cannot be adopted in seeing tion is relevant to be used and has been supported in the
online transportation PU in developing countries. previous research. Eight indicators (PEOU1-PEOU8) are
Confirmation (COM) is the continuance of the used for PEOU to represent the dimensions of Easiness,
user’s initial expectations before using technology Clarity and Understandability, Ease to Learn and Overall
and the performance rating after using technology Easiness in the use of online motorcycle taxis adapted
(Bhattacharjee, 2001). In this context, the continu- from the previous research (Davis et al, 1989; Weng
ance between expectations or initial expectations et al, 2017; Fleischer & Wahlin, 2016). Of these eight
and the actual performance is assessed when using indicators in this research, all were considered valid in
online motorcycle taxis. The confirmation variable seeing the PEoU of online transportation in the develop-
in this model has a significant influence on the PU ing countries.
and satisfaction. This is consistent with the previous Attitude (ATT) is someone’s positive or negative
research model by Bhattacharjee (2001) and Weng et feelings toward certain behaviors (Oliver, 1980). In this
al (2017). Therefore, the confirmation variable validity context, ATT can be interpreted as the positive or nega-
in this instrument is relevant to the previous research tive feelings of online motorcycle taxis. ATT is parallel to
(Bhattacharjee, 2001; Weng et al, 2017), which can the Intention of Use in Technology Adoption Model from
see the effect on PU and satisfaction in using online Davis et al (1989) in which the ATT variable has an influ-
transportation. There are five indicators used in the ence on CI. In the research of Weng et al (2017), ATT is
confirmation of the use of online motorcycle taxis that significant to the CI of online transportation in Malaysia.
represent the objective, inferred, and perceived dimen- In addition, the research of Fleischer and Wahlin (2016)
sions. From the results of this research, five compiled on ATT addresses online transportation use in Sweden.
indicators (COM1-COM5) were considered valid and Therefore, the use of ATT variable in this model to under-
reliable to see the online transportation use in devel- stand the CI in the use of online transportation is relevant
oping countries. Hence, the confirmation indicator and has been supported in the previous research. Three
adopted in developed countries is the same and can indicators have been identified that are related to the indi-
be used in the developing countries. cators (ATT1, ATT2, and ATT3) adapted from Davis et
Satisfaction (SAT) is an evaluation of emotions al (1989) and Fleischer and Wahlin (2016) to identify the
based on the performance of a product or service from ATT of the online motorcycle taxi use. From the results of
the use of products (Bhattacharjee, 2001). In this case, this research, the three indicators were considered valid
SAT is an assessment of the use of online motorcycle and reliable to be used to see the online transportation
taxis. Satisfaction is included in this model to deter- use in the developing countries.
mine its influence on the attitude and the CI of online Government Regulation (GR) is a of government
transportation. Previous research supporting the rela- regulations, policies, rules or laws that support/hinder
tionship of the variables in this model was carried out electronic system adoption (Tornatzky et al, 1990). GR
by Bhattacherjee (2001), on an e-learning technology, is part of the TOE theory of Tornatzky et al (1990). GR is
and by Weng et al (2017), on the online transportation precisely in the aspect of organization and environment.
applications in Malaysia. Therefore, the validity of the In this case, the GR to discuss is the governing of online
variable satisfaction in seeing attitudes and CI for the motorcycle taxis. This concept is close to the institu-
use of online transportation is relevant to be used and tional theory concept, which can be understood from
supported by the previous research. the dimensions of mimetic pressure, coercive pressure,
30 International Journal of Administrative Science & Organization, January 2019 Volume 26, Number 1
Bisnis & Birokrasi: Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi dan Organisasi

and normative pressure. The GR variable in this research Discussion

model is seen as having an effect on the attitude of use Based on the results above, it can be concluded
and the intention of continuing use. Hart and Saunders that a modified continuance model based on the TCT
(1997) found that this regulation was a significant factor model enable to predict the online transportation
in the adoption of technology. The adoption of technol- use in Indonesia. Among five independent variables
ogy involves the attitude of someone deciding to use and (Confirmation, Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of
continuity of use. Then, the validity of GR variable is Use, Subjective Norm and Government Regulation) and
relevant to understand ATT and CI in the use of online two mediating variables (Satisfaction and Attitude) were
transportation. Nevertheless, the reliability of GR is still proven to be the valid predictors of two-wheeled online
not in accordance with the standard if it is associated with transportation continuation by the respondents. This
the findings of Pudjianto (2011) that GR is significant at finding validates variables in prior studies which were
the local level and insignificant at the central (national) mostly use developed country setting (Bhattacherjee,
level. Then, the GR at the local level will be significant in 2001; Liao et al, 2009; Tornatzky et al, 1990) to be used
supporting the adoption of technology use. Three indica- in developing country context. Therefore, this study
tors (GR1, GR2, and GR3) are used to identify the GR of found that respondents perception toward the reuse
online motorcycle taxis. Two of the indicators are valid of two-wheeled online transportation were able to be
and reliable (GR1 and GR3), and one is unreliable (GR) predicted by: (i) their experience in using the services
because the Cronbach’s alpha value is below 0.7. GR1 is (Confirmation - COM), (ii) usefulness of the online
a statement regarding the importance of the legality of system in supporting their daily activities (Perceived
online motorcycle taxis. In this research, GR1 was con- Usefulness - PU), (iii) easiness to operate the system
sidered valid and reliable. It is different from the results (Perceived Ease of Use - PEoU), (iv) personal judge-
of the research by Fleischer and Wahlin (2016), which ment that is influenced by their surroundings (Subjective
state that the item was eliminated. This shows that there Norm - SN), and (v) government regulation (GR). These
are differences in indicators used by the GR of the online variables could act as a basis in making the policy on
transportation in the developing countries. two-wheeled online transportation by the policy makers
Subjective Norm (SN) refers to an individual’s percep- if policy would be taken.
tion, which influences them to approve or reject certain The interesting finding in this study is the validity
behaviors (Ajzen, 2005.) These perceptions are shaped of government regulation, it is said that this is the valid
by interactions with family, close friends, co-workers, predictors of the two-wheeled online transportation. This
role models, and public figures. In this case, SN refers to result indicates the importance of government regula-
the people surrounding and individual or something that tion presence in respondents’ perception towards the
affects the use of online motorcycle taxis. The dimensions reuse of two-wheeled online transportation, yet so far
in this variable are seen from figure influence, media very limited policy has been issued in regulating this
influence, and public opinion. SN is part of the form- online transportation in Indonesian local or national gov-
ing variable of the Planned of Behavior Theory. In this ernment. Indonesian government might mimic London
research model, SN has a relationship with ATT and city council in issuing a policy to regulate online and
CI. In previous research by Weng et al (2016), SN had conventional taxis without causing a social problem in
a significant effect on ATT but not CI. The research of the society (Dudley, Banister, and Schwanen, 2017).The
Fleischer and Wahlin (2016) SN does not affect the use. inability of government in issuing a policy that regu-
The use of the SN variable in relation to ATT and CI in lates online transportation might hinder the economic
using online transportation is relevant to be used and has development as this new types of business potentially
been supported in the previous research. In this research, improve the economic growth of a city (Jonas, 2016).
five indicators (SN1, SN2, SN3, SN4, and SN 5) are used Without government regulation the conventional taxi
to understand SN in the use of online motorcycle taxis in will be unable to compete with online taxi tariffs, on the
developing countries. The results of this research indicate other hand if the regulation is too strict then the potential
that the five indicators are valid and reliable. economic growth might be hampered. Thus government
Continuance Intention (CI) is defined as the will- should issue a policy that foster economic growth while
ingness to stop or to reuse an information technology maintaining social stability in the society. The regulation
(Bhattacharjee, 2001). In this case, it is the decision to might have different standards for both conventional and
use online motorcycle taxis. CI is the dependent vari- online transportation (Wyman, 2017) as long as it enables
able in this model. The models of TCT (Liao et al, 2009) economic, promote stability in the society and protecting
and ECM (Bhattacharjee, 2001) focus on the CI as the public as the consumer of online transportation (Rauch
dependent variable from other independent variables. The and Schleicher, 2015). In order to cope with this issue
variables that directly influence CI in this model are PU, government might making a policy that enable public
SAT, ATT, SN, and GR. The development of the model’s to choose what service they would like to use but in the
validity from this variable is relevant when looking at the same time maintaining public safety as suggested by
use of online transportation that has been supported in the prior studies (Posen, 2015).
previous research model. Four indicators (CI1, CI2, CI3,
and CI4) are used to measure the CI in the two-wheeled CONCLUSION
online transportation. The results of this research show
that all relevant adapted indicators are used to see the The presence of two-wheeled online transportation
online transportation use. had led to several social problems in the society. The

Indonesian government has been quiet on this issue by policy on two-wheeled online transportation that should
not issuing regulations regarding this matter whereas not only regulate two-wheeled online transportation to
the social problems might appear in the near future. avoid social conflicts but also regulate the two-wheeled
This study tries to identify the variables that affect two- online transportation to foster economic growth. This
wheeled online transportation continuance. If the public result also found that information system approach could
still need this mode of transportation so that government be used in public administration research as the analysis
should regulate it to ensure public safety as the consumer. tools. For further studies this result suggest to use the
The results of this study indicate that the public still modified TCT model provided in Figure 2 to be tested in
wants to continue to use two-wheeled online transporta- a wider population so that model consistencies achieved.
tion in the future and put government regulation as one Qualitative approach with emphasize on the reason behind
of the predictors of this service continuance. Therefore two-wheeled online transportation might also be taken to
this study suggests Indonesian government to issue a gain a more complet insight on the matter.

Figure 2. Framework
Source: Source by the Author

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