Geodiversity Index Weighted by Multivariate Statistical Analysis

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Applied Geomatics


Geodiversity index weighted by multivariate statistical analysis

Fabíola Menezes dos Santos 1 & Denise de La Corte Bacci 1 & Antonio Roberto Saad 1 &
Anderson Targino da Silva Ferreira 1,2

Received: 27 September 2019 / Accepted: 12 March 2020

# Società Italiana di Fotogrammetria e Topografia (SIFET) 2020

Although there are differences in geodiversity definitions, there is a consensus that the term covers elements of abiotic nature like
geology, geomorphology, soils, among others. However, the attempt to evaluate these geodiversity elements revealed the need to
create methodologies that can quantify them. In this sense, the goal of this study was to propose and implement a method capable
of measuring geodiversity through a weighted index using multivariate statistics (principal component analysis) to rank a data set
and indicate the real influence of each variable on geodiversity distribution. As a case study, we used the Guarulhos municipality
(São Paulo state, Brazil). The results indicated that the variable “soils” was the one that most influenced the geodiversity index,
due to its higher spatial variance, followed by the layers “geology,” “hydrography,” and “relief.” The Geoindex map pointed out
that the sites of greatest geodiversity were those where there was high variability of latosol, cambisol, and gleysols, as well as
where the lithology pointed to rocks of the Ferrous Formation, granitoid, metapelites, and restricted floodplains adjacent to areas
with a high density of lineaments. Hill relief and high-density drainage patterns also influenced the increase of the Geoindex. This
map also pointed out that areas of natural heritage, such as waterfalls, rocky outcrops, and lookouts, appeared associated
respectively with high, medium, and low values of geodiversity.

Keywords Geoindex weighted . Geodiversity . Geoheritage . Principal component analysis

Introduction in 1992, as well as the Malvern International Conference about the

Geological and Landscape Conservation in the UK in 1993. On
Even though geodiversity studies are relatively recent in this last occasion, geologists and geomorphologists have used this
geosciences, researchers around the world are seeking to under- concept to describe variety within abiotic nature, drawing an anal-
stand it from different perspectives and methods of quantifica- ogy to the idea of biodiversity.
tion. In this sense, Serrano and Ruiz-Flaño (2007) suggest that Stanley (2001) associated the first time cultural and
the concept of geodiversity may have arisen in the 1940s, with biological aspects with the geodiversity concept. He was
Argentine geographer Frederico Alberto Daus, as a geographical approaching the link between biodiversity, soils, minerals,
diversity of places, municipalities, regions, and human habitats. rocks, fossils, active processes, and the built environment.
According to Burek and Potter (2002), its origin would have While Sharples (1995, 2002) related the concept of
occurred in 1991 at the First International Symposium on the geodiversity to geological; geomorphological; and soil char-
Conservation of our Geological Heritage. Gray (2004, 2008) as- acteristics, including evidence of the history of the Earth and
sociates the beginnings of this concept with the Rio Earth Summit the processes involved (biological, hydrological, and atmo-
spheric), the same concept also assumed in the Australian
natural Heritage Charter (AHC, 2002).
* Anderson Targino da Silva Ferreira By an anthropogenic perspective, Kozlowski (2004) and Serrano and Ruiz-Flaño (2007) remark that geodiversity is a
result of the natural variation on the earth’s surface, due to
Geosciences Institute of the University of São Paulo (IGc-USP),
Cidade Universitária, Rua do Lago, 562, São Paulo 05508-080,
geological, geomorphological, and pedological processes
Brazil with others generated from human activity, especially from
Master’s Program in Geoenvironmental Analysis, Guarulhos
the nineteenth century, with the dispersion and circulation of
University (MAG-UNG), Praça Tereza Cristina, Centro, chemical elements and compounds (toxic and radioactivity) in
Guarulhos, São Paulo 07023-070, Brazil the lithosphere. Likewise, Gray (2013) also highlights a
Appl Geomat

geological time when considering fossils as components of The proposals above are distinguished as to the ele-
geodiversity, as well as interactions between geological, geo- ments of geodiversity evaluated, the hierarchy of the
morphological, pedological, and hydrological aspects, includ- adopted classes, as well as the scale and geoprocessing
ing their structures, systems, and contributions to landscapes. techniques, are taken. In this context, using the compo-
Even though there are differences in definitions of nents of geodiversity proposed by Gray (2013), the ob-
geodiversity, there is a consensus that the term encompasses jective of this work was to develop a weighted quanti-
abiotic nature and hence geology, geomorphology, and soils tative method using multivariate statistical analysis to
(Johansson et al. 2001; Gray 2004). Stepišnik and assess local geodiversity, as well as to point out the
Trenchovska (2017) emphasize the need for identification, relationship of this geodiversity with the natural heritage
interpretation, and evaluation of these geodiversity elements, sites, taking the case of Guarulhos, São Paulo (SE,
since the lack of a broader knowledge of their distribution Brazil) as a case study.
makes effective management and conservation impossible
(Hjort & Luoto, 2010; Gray, 2013).
In an attempt to better understand and evaluate the Study area
elements of geodiversity, Stepišnik and Trenchovska
(2017) pointed to the need for methodologies that aim to The São Paulo Metropolitan Region (SPMR) is made up of 39
quantitatively measure the diversity of nature’s abiotic municipalities with approximately 20 million inhabitants con-
aspects within a specific area. We highlight the contribu- taining large industrial, commercial, and financial complexes,
tions of Serrano and Ruiz Flaño (2007), CPRM (2007), which accounts for 18% of the gross national product (GNP)
Serrano et al. (2009), Benito-Calvo et al. (2009), Hjort and more than half of the State of São Paulo GNP. The study
and Luoto (2010), Parks and Mulligan (2010), Castro area selected for this analysis is located at the Guarulhos mu-
et al. (2011), Grigio et al. (2011), Fassoulas et al. nicipality, the second-largest city in São Paulo state (SE,
(2012), Manosso and Ondicol (2012), Malinowska and Brazil) with 31,870 ha and a population of more than
Szumacher (2013), Pereira et al. (2013), Silva et al. 1,349,113 inhabitants (IBGE 2018) (Fig. 1).
(2013), Kot (2014), Melelli (2014), Pellitero et al. The climate is subtropical and humid (Nimer, 1989), with
(2014), Silva et al. (2015), Argyriou et al. (2016), Ilić dry winters and rainy summers, influenced by oceanic humid-
et al. (2016), Manosso and Nóbrega (2016), Najwer ity and cold Antarctic fronts (Ribeiro et al. 2018). The average
et al. (2016), Pereira and Ruchkys (2016), Melelli et al. annual temperature is between 18 and 19 °C, with the warmest
(2017), Ozsahin (2017), Santos et al. (2017a), Stepišnik month around 22 °C and the coldest below 15 °C (Oliveira
and Trenchovska (2017), and Nascimento et al. (2018). et al. 2009).

Fig. 1 Location of the

municipality of Guarulhos, São
Paulo, Brazil (SE, Brazil)
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The association of geological, geomorphological, and ped- associated with granite and gneiss rocks and sand de-
ological aspects compartmentalized the study area in north rived from altered quartzite (Omar et al. 2008; Oliveira
and south, conditioning the urban occupation, with the “pre- et al. 2009; Perez-Aguilar et al. 2013). Today, the north-
served” north and the urbanized south (Oliveira et al. 2009). ern portion of the municipality is still relatively pre-
The northern portion has rugged topography of hills and served. Still, it is gradually undergoing urban sprawl
mountains sculpted in Precambrian basement rocks on the from the south, from the smoother topography, the
Atlantic Plateau. In this region, the Cantareira (Pirucaia), longest-occupied hills, and vast plains to the north
Bananal, and Itaberaba mountains ranges’ altitudes reach over (Ferreira et al. 2018).
1000 m. These energetic forms of relief develop from east to
west and are responsible for the emergence of many springs
and high-density drainage patterns. This accentuated relief is Methodological approach
support by basement rocks standing out the metamorphic,
metasediment, and metavolcanic, with granitic intrusions The geodiversity analysis took into consideration not only the
(Oliveira et al. 2009; Monteiro et al. 2012), covered by quantity but also its environment distribution or variance. For
argisols, cambisols, and litholic neosols, predominantly shal- this, the methodology in this paper proposes to quantify
low and clayey (Fig. 2 a, b, c, and d). geodiversity through two steps: 1) standardization of thematic
The lands of the southern portion are related to the São maps and 2) weighting of thematic variables through principal
Paulo sedimentary basin, whose formation is linked to vertical component analysis.
movements that occurred about 60 million years ago, which
resulted in the Southeast Brazilian Continental Rift system
Standardization and weighting of thematic maps
(Riccomini 1989; Oliveira et al. 2009; Pacheco 2015). It has
altitudes ranging between 683 and 800 m and is dominated by
The parameters or layers that made up the geodiversity
sedimentary terrain (Paleogene and Neogene) filled with thick
index were geology, relief, soil, and hydrography.
and thin conglomeratic clastic rocks (Riccomini et al. 2004)
Therefore, information from the “Geoenvironmental
that generate predominant Argisoils in hills, as well as the
Bases for an Environmental Information System of
quaternary alluvial sediments, composed of unconsolidated
Guarulhos Municipality” was used (Oliveira et al.
sands, of varying granulometry, and of gley soil rich in clay
2009). For each layer, the existing features were count-
and organic matter (Oliveira et al. 2009) (Fig. 2 a, b, c, and d).
ed for each cell of the 500 × 500-m grid (Fig. 3), by
Santos et al. (2017a). After this, all maps were stan-
Natural resources of geodiversity dardized from zero to one. Being that, closer to 1
(one), the diversity of the layer is higher, whereas closer
The exploration of geodiversity resources in Guarulhos
to 0 (zero) is smaller. For this, Eq. 1 was used:
stands out in two historical moments that intertwine to
this day. The first corresponds to the exploitation of ðOv−SvÞ
gold in the sixteenth century, considered the first mining Theme diversityi ¼ ð1Þ
cycle in Brazil. This began in 1552 with the discovery
of alluvium gold in the northern portion of the munic-
ipality, overlapping Precambrian rocks on the Atlantic Where “Ov” is the observed value for each cell, while “Hv”
Plateau near the Jaguamimbaba mountain range, current and “Sv” are, respectively, the higher and smaller values found
Gil’s Peak (lookout n° 15, Fig. 2). This cycle spanned for each layer (Fig. 3).
about 220 years and was responsible for the consolida- The combination of large sets of environmental vari-
tion of Brazil’s first urban structures, in addition to the ables can have a high correlation or multicollinearity,
enslavement of indigenous and black people brought causing the estimates of these parameters to be statistical-
from Africa (Reis Filho 2013; Ferreira et al. 2018). ly skewed (Cruz-Cardenas et al. 2013). To remove this
The second moment corresponds to the advancement of collinearity and verify the participation of each variable,
urban occupation, which after the gold mining cycle oc- the principal component analysis (PCA) is recommend-
cupied the Paleogene and Neogene sedimentary terrains able. This technique reduces the number of correlated
of the southern portion of the municipality (Fig. 2d), with variables while preserving the total variance of the data
the extraction of clay for brick manufacture and more set (Lattin et al., 2011; Dormann et al., 2012). Thus, the
recently with the explorations of sand and groundwater result of the analysis, the Eigenvalues, represents the var-
(Cumbica Aquifer). iance of each principal component (Table 1), while the
Other areas of the northeast portion of the municipal- Eigenvectors (Table 2) show the loads or the share of each
ity are still used for commercial exploration of gravel layer within each principal component (PC). Thus,
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Fig. 2 Geoheritage sites over thematic maps. a Geology. b. Relief. c Soils. d Hydrography overlapping altitude

through Eq. 2, it is possible to estimate which parameters lesser weight (Table 3) within the entire data set (Boori
(geology, relief, soils, or hydrography) have greater or et al., 2016).

jEigenvector PC1  Eigenvalue PC1j þ … þ jEigenvector PC4  Eigenvalue PC4j

Variable weight ¼ ð2Þ

variable, the geodiversity index (Geoindex) was calculated based

Where n is the sum of each variable weight (geology, relief, on Table 3 using the following equation. Note: the values of
soils, and hydrography). After calculating the weight of each Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors are given in the module.
Appl Geomat

Fig. 3 Example of diversity

quantifying the geology layer
(lithological units and structures)
overlaid by a 500 m × 500-m grid

20%, 12%, and 10% of the total variance of the image infor-
Geoindex ¼ geologyweight þ relief weight þ soilsweight mation in Fig. 2, while Table 2 shows the contribution of each
þ hydrographyweight ð3Þ layer through the module of its loads (eigenvectors) on each
PC. Thus, considering the variability in each PC
The weighted Geoindex results of Eq. 3 may not reach the (Eigenvectors; Table 2), the parameters that most influenced
highest value (1.0). In this way, the results were divided into the formation of Geoindex were, respectively, soils, geology,
five statistical classes (Fig. 4) based on the mean value (μ) and hydrography, and relief (Table 3).
standard deviation (σ), corresponding to the five categories of For the geological sub-index (Fig. 5a), the highest values
Geoindex: very low, low, medium, high, and very high. All are in the northern portion of the municipality, where the oc-
map processing and generation were performed using currence count involved both units and lithological structures
ArcGIS v. 10.2 and the Universal Transverse Mercator (faults, fractures, lineaments, among others). This region fits
(UTM) projection, datum WGS 1984. The maps scales is into the context of the Gold Cycle Geopark project (Pérez-
1:50,000. Aguilar et al. 2012), where metamorphic and
metasedimentary rocks such as quartzites and quartz shales
form gradually to relatively abrupt contacts in the NW portion
of the study area, near the Barro Branco Fault (Fig. 2a).
Table 2 Eigenvectors matrix
The principal component analysis (Table 1) shows that the
Variable Eigenvectors
four PCs (PC1, PC2, PC3, and PC4) have respectively 58%,
Table 1 Eigenvalues matrix
Geology 0.58 0.01 − 0.81 − 0.01
Relief 0.17 0.97 0.14 − 0.09
Eigenvalues 0.029 0.01 0.006 0.005 Soils 0.73 − 0.16 0.52 0.42
% 57.8 20.1 12.2 9.9 Hydrography 0.32 − 0.18 0.24 − 0.9
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Table 3 Weight of each approximately 1 million bricks per day (Oliveira et al. 2008;
variable Variable Weight
Reis Filho, 2013; Ferreira et al. 2018).
Geology 0.27 In the hydrography sub-index (Fig. 5d), the areas with the
Relief 0.19 highest values are those conditioned by elongated mountains
Soils 0.34 and parallel hills carved on igneous and metamorphic rocks that
Hydrography 0.20 originated parallel-pinnate pattern drainages within closed val-
∑ 1 leys and dendritic/trellis in the northern portion (Fig. 2d).
Conversely, low and very low values appear represented by low-
er density and frequency drainages on steep-walled valleys with
Contact metamorphism-induced granitic intrusions appear in small floodplains as well as on flatlands, all on the southern
the north-central part associated with Ferrous Formations and portion (Fig. 2d) (Ponçano et al. 1981; Pérez-Aguilar et al. 2012).
gold mineralizations in the region. While in the NE portion, In Fig. 6, the very high Geoindex is associated with latosol,
metavolcanic (metabasic) rocks seem to be interdigitated with cambisol, and gley soils overlapped to lithologies like Ferriferous
metasediments such as schists, marble, metatuffites, and Formation, Metasedimentary (Metapellites), Metavolcanic
metapelites (Pérez-Aguilar et al. 2012, 2013). (Metabasic), and Granitoid. Besides those, As well as, with the
In the southern portion, the geological diversity sub-index relief of mountains and hills (Fig. 2b) that condition the high-
showed low values, due to the presence of two lithological types: density drainage pattern in closed valleys (Fig. 2d).
the first formed by Paleogene and Neogen sediments such as For Melelli (2014), geodiversity is strictly linked to the pres-
claystone, sandstones, and conglomerates of the São Paulo and ence of the natural heritage geosites. In this sense, it is notewor-
Caçapava Formations and the second by quaternary alluvium thy that the places inserted and/or adjacent to the high and very
composed mainly of clay, sand, and gravel (Oliveira et al. 2009). high geodiversity areas (Fig. 6a) are the same ones that integrate
For the relief sub-index (Fig. 5b), the municipality present- the natural heritage or geoheritage points as rocky outcrops, look-
ed little diversity of this parameter, with values below 0.4 in outs, and waterfalls (Fig. 7 a, b, c, and d), as well as regions of the
practically the entire territory. However, values considered cultural heritage of former gold mining (Pérez-Aguilar et al.
high–very high are arranged and aligned along the Jaguaribe 2012, 2013). Figure 6(b) shows that approximately 78% of
River Fault that cuts the municipality in the NE-SW direction geoheritage sites are in areas with medium to very high
and divides the municipality into the northern and southern Geoindex values, corroborating the relationship of these values,
compartments. In this region, the relief changes abruptly from mainly with rocky outcrops and waterfalls. Otherwise, only the
high hills to hillock interspersed with restricted alluvial plains two lookouts and a waterfall (22%) are located in areas with low
(Fig. 2b) (Oliveira et al. 2009; Pérez-Aguilar et al. 2012). to medium geodiversity values.
The very high diversity for the soil sub-index (Fig. 5c) was On the other hand, tectono-structural lineaments, such as
mainly due to the more significant variability of this parameter Veigas and Jaguari faults (Fig. 2a), point to an alignment of
in the northern portion, due to moderately deep soil (Latosol waterfalls in areas with medium to very high values (Fig. 6 a
and Cambisol) and shallow soils (Neossol). These areas are and b). Santos (2015) pointed out that in Guarulhos, waterfalls
subject to mass movements (Oliveira et al., 2009). Below the are classified, according to Christofoletti (1981), into two types: i)
Jaguaribe Fault, in the southern portion of the municipality, erosive origin—carved by watercourse due to the differential
low diversity is associated with the soils found: Argisols and erosive potential of the rocks (Fig. 7c) and ii) due to rock mass
Gleyssolos (Fig. 2c). The first (Argisols) is derived from discontinuities, marked by tectonic-structural lineaments such as
Paleogenic and Neogenic rocks, while the second fault escarps and shearing zones (Fig. 7c). The author highlight
(Gleyssolos) is found in floodplains (Oliveira et al. 2009). In yet, that waterfalls arranged in notched drainages on high and low
these lowlands, clay extraction was of great cultural and eco- hills are associate with red/yellow latosols, and haplic cambisols,
nomic importance in the brick making during the 1950s, with supported in granitoid, metapelites, and metabasic rocks.
about 250 artisan ceramics with an average production of


In the northern part of the territory, the dashed green areas

(Fig. 6a) correspond to the eight conservation areas (CA).
These areas were created by the federal, state, or municipal
governments as a strategy for the maintenance of natural re-
sources in the long term (Brasil, 2000). Within these, it is
Fig. 4 The five categories of Geoindex (μ is the mean and σ is the possible to observe an urbanization process that, according
standard deviation) to municipal legislation, must take place to cushion, qualify,
Appl Geomat

Fig. 5 Geoheritage sites over sub-index maps. a Geology. b Relief. c Soils. d Hydrography

and control the occupation of these areas (Guarulhos, 2019). natural heritage areas provide (Gray, 2013), the effects of deg-
Bearing in mind that the distribution and survival of the var- radation actions can make the elements of geodiversity in
ious living species depend on the physical and chemical con- these areas more vulnerable—causing soil erosion, siltation,
ditions of the environment they occupy (Pereira et al. 2008). and water pollution, in addition to increasing geological risk,
However, historically, this region has suffered from the with landslides and floods (Oliveira et al. 2009; CPRM, 2015;
process of environmental degradation, with the implementa- Santos et al. 2016; Santos et al. 2017b; Vargas et al. 2017;
tion of sanitary landfills, irregular subdivisions, highways, and Santos et al. 2019; Vargas et al. 2019).
even recreational activities without quantifying the impacts. However, although the quantitative approach is an essential
Thus, considering the scientific, educational (Pérez-Aguilar tool in the identification of natural heritage (Melelli, 2014), it
et al. 2012), and touristic (Santos, 2015) values, as well as is highlighted that the management of geodiversity is com-
the psychological and physiological health benefits that the plex, requiring the adoption of public strategies and measures
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Fig. 6 a Geoheritage sites over the Geoindex map of the Guarulhos municipality. b The number of geoheritage site occurrences per Geoindex classes

aimed at sustainable use (Brilha, 2005, 2016, 2018), which distribution of the Geoindex. The results indicated that the
was not observed in the study area. layer “soils” was the one with the highest variance and the
one that most influenced the Geoindex, followed by the layers
“geology,” “hydrography,” and “relief.” The Geoindex map
Conclusions and recommendations pointed out that the places with the highest geodiversity were
those representatives of the natural heritage geoheritage sites
The application of the method presented here, based on the described in the literature with scientific, educational, and
multivariate statistical analysis (PCA), allowed us to identify tourist value, such as waterfalls, Marundito outcrop in the
which layers had major or minor influence in the spatial Pelado Peak, and the Nhangussu hill viewpoint. Besides, the

Fig. 7 Examples of the outcrop,

lookout, and waterfalls found in
high geodiversity sites. a
Marundite outcrop in the Pelado
Peak (Point 19 in Figs. 2, 4, and
5). b Nhangussu Hill Lookout
(Point 17 in Figs. 2, 4, and 5). c, d
Waterfalls located at Dona Tereza
Club (Point 3 in Figs. 2, 4, and 5)
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