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Environ Earth Sci

DOI 10.1007/s12665-014-3959-1


2D to 3D geologic mapping transformation using virtual globes

and flight simulators and their applications in the analysis
of geodiversity in natural areas
A. M. Martinez-Graña • J. L. Goy •

C. Cimarra

Received: 25 August 2014 / Accepted: 10 December 2014

Ó Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014

Abstract This work describes the transformation process you to identify and observe the outcrops of the various
from 2D cartography to 3D, simply by overlapping images geological materials in natural or anthropic terrain cuts.
in common formats (jpeg, bmp, tiff, png, etc.) on Google
Earth’s virtual globe. Arribes del Duero Natural Park, Keywords Geodiversity  3D mapping  Google earth 
located west of the province of Salamanca, Spain, was the Virtual globe  Flight simulators
object of this part of the study. Other natural areas are also
discussed and were used to establish a procedure for
mapping geodiversity and for identifying areas of geolog- Introduction
ical uniqueness and naturalness within the natural areas. To
do this, different parametric indices were used to empiri- Spatial thematic analysis of the physical environment is a
cally generate different degrees of geological diversity in good planning tool for environmental management. Ana-
the Quilamas Natural Area, located south of Salamanca, lysis of geological mapping requires a high capacity for
Spain. Intermediate parametric maps were processed using spatial vision and an understanding of the distribution of
two types of GIS technical: graphical (neighbourhood different materials and geological structures in an area
operations) and alphanumeric (calculated from the fields in prior to performing geologic sampling and fieldwork
the attribute table). Intermediate parametric maps were (Bailey and Chen 2011). The results of this analysis can be
processed using two types of technical GIS: neighbourhood used to develop the technical projects that are to be exe-
operations (graphics) and alphanumeric (calculated from cuted and to develop the procedures for government
the fields in the attribute table). These maps were used to approval (strategic environmental assessment, environ-
establish areas with the greatest concentration of geological mental impact assessment, etc.). The subjects covered in
diversity elements and to define areas with a greater need each given sector are diverse in many ways: geological,
for protection when planning the management of human geomorphological, climate, water, etc. Specific 2D (paper)
activities in natural areas. Finally, the flight simulator tool, maps are used to synthesize the information and later
which was implemented in the free virtual globe and incorporate it into an application of geomatics to define the
controlled using a keyboard or joystick, allows you to ‘‘fly’’ field of study. The 3D treatment is performed using specific
through the projected geological mapping of Arribes Del modules (i.e. ArcScene in ArcGIS, sextant in gvSig) for
Duero Natural Park or view the parametric mapping and which it is necessary to have a raster layer whose digital
geodiversity in the newly created Quilamas Natural Area. pixel values correspond to the height values of each point
Interoperability with the Google Maps application allows in the territory (De Paor and Whitmeyer 2011; Tavani et al.
2014; Pradhan et al. 2014). This information is available
free of charge for many parts of the world; therefore, we
have to use free browsers with 3D virtual globes to project
A. M. Martinez-Graña (&)  J. L. Goy  C. Cimarra
the mapping information from the paper maps. These maps
Geology Department, Sciences Faculty, University
of Salamanca, Caı́dos square s/n, 37006 Salamanca, Spain are produced at a given scale and can been downloaded
e-mail: amgranna@usal.es from a government agency.

Environ Earth Sci

In the last decade, the analysis of the geological Methodology

heritage has begun to develop, in first stages by means of
the identification and cataloguing of geosites by means 2D to 3D geologic mapping transformations using
of several methodologies of qualitative and quantitative the Google Earth virtual globe
valuation. Recently with the proliferation of the figure of
the geoparks different zones put in value with big on In this section, we will explain how you can overlay a
diversity of processes and geological structures. This series of geo-referenced geological maps using 2D to 3D
geodiversity of every territory promotes a very active analysis in the Google Earth digital model. This procedure
geotourism, which in occasions generates important is valid for any 2D thematic map. First, one has to down-
possibilities of employments in rural zones, where the load the geological maps of the Arribes Del Duero Natural
geological didactic resources promote a source of eco- Park at a scale of 1:50,000. There are 6 map sheets for this
nomic income for the naturalists’ call. The innovation of area: numbers 422, 423, 448, 449, 474 and 475; those
this work is the development of resources implemented numbers correspond to the numbering sequence on the
in virtual globes 3D free on the geodiversity natural National Geological Map) of the Geological and Mining
spaces facilitating its utilization by means of the new Institute of Spain (IGME). The geodetic reference system
technologies: smartphone, tablets, ipods, etc. (González- of the cartography is ETRS89 Zone 30 and the globe
Delgado et al. 2014). The objective of this work was to presents WGS 84, the projection introduces a distortion
generate a 3D geological mapping view using the free permissible. These images can be downloaded for free
Google Earth virtual globe browser, although this pro- from the Geological Survey of Spain website. Registration
cedure can be applied to any type of thematic map. The is required to use the site. If thematic maps cannot be
ability to start your own implementation using a browser downloaded from the Internet, simply scan the paper map
tool is useful for spatially visualizing the distribution of then trim it using any drawing or photography program
different cartographic and thematic units and for more (Corel Draw, Corel photo paint, Photoshop, etc.). The flow
precisely determining the topographic landforms through chart showing the steps is indicated as follows:
cuts. The flight simulator application shows areas of high Homogenize units (geomorphological domain) = The-
diversity and geomorphology (river canyons, cliffs, matic maps = GIS technical/Virtual Globe = Geodiversi-
alluvial fans, etc.) whose presence affects the configu- ty analysis (graphic and alphanumeric intersection using
ration of the relief and is of great importance in sus- fields algebra) = Calculation Geodiversity (Gd
tainable land management (Abiye and Kebede 2011; index) = Fly simulator/Street view.
Phuong et al. 2013). Maps that are to be relocated to the virtual globe are
The Google Earth virtual globe also allows you to add loaded into Google Earth using a command found in the
information captured while performing geologic fieldwork, top menu: ‘‘Add/Image Overlay’’. This command opens a
such as strike and dip, etc. Then, using scripts developed by new window to indicate the name of the theme layer to
different authors, this geo-referenced data can be displayed load (e.g. 474_Geologia). Without closing the window, the
in real time on smartphones and tablets (Weng et al. 2012; layers are loaded and named. In this window, you have the
Lee et al. 2013; Shen et al. 2013; Wang et al. 2013; option of establishing a degree of transparency for the
Cracknell and Reading 2014). layer. In principle, it is better not to set the transparency, as
This methodology has been applied to the Arribes del this will be completed at a later step, after all of the layers
Duero Natural Park, which is located west of the Salam- are loaded. By clicking ‘‘ok’’, the layer is superimposed
anca province. The park is a protected area of great onto the virtual globe and is delineated with green lines.
uniqueness due to the great irregularity of the relief at its Placing the cursor over the green lines, such as in the
centre, which highlights the engagement of the Duero corners, allows us to move the image to better fit the dif-
River. The stretch of the Duero River in this area is ferent points of reference in the orthophotography (urban
international waters and forms a border between Spain and centres, drainage, etc.). The layer is stored in the Table of
Portugal. Content—TOC—on the left menu of Google Earth. The
Geodiversity analysis has been applied to the Quilamas process is simple, but it may take some time to obtain the
Natural Area, which is located south of Salamanca. It is correct setting. To facilitate the setting, it may be beneficial
important to establish the great geodiversity of certain to use the zoom ‘‘ ? ’’ and ‘‘-’’ functions to display the
sectors so they can be better protected and managed. This map. If the setting is incorrect in an area, you can return to
mapping tool is useful for making sustainable land use it by right-clicking on the file in the TOC. This will take
decisions when commissioning various human activities in you back to the window, and the green crosses will be
these areas (Martı́nez-Graña et al. 2011). turned on. For the adjustment, it should be noted that the

Environ Earth Sci

central cross can be used to move the entire image. adjust the opacity. This process is performed for each of
Dragging the mouse to one of the corners or on the sides the layers with the same percentage of opacity and results
results in the movement of only that sector image and not in a three-dimensional spatial vision of the geological
the entire image. A rhombus, which serves to rotate the context.
entire picture, also appears on the left side of the green box
(Fig. 1). To demonstrate this procedure of 2D to 3D geo- Calculation of geodiversity and analysis using
logic mapping transformations using the Google Earth the virtual globe flight simulator
virtual globe, a layer with a mapping grid scale of
1:50,000, Spain, is loaded (Fig. 2) in the ‘‘kmz’’ format. Geodiversity can be defined as the number and variety of
The layer contains an associated attribute table. When structures that are made up of the bedrock of a region, upon
clicking the mouse on each individual grid, a dialog box which sits the organic and anthropogenic activity (Nieto
appears with the name and number of the sheet. This 2001). Geodiversity can also be defined as the variety of
facilitates searching for the map that we want to project. geological and geomorphological environments that are
The adjustment of the corners and sides is faster and easier, considered the basis for biodiversity on Earth. Geodiversity
and a better fit is established when directly using the zoom is the natural range of diversity of geological, geomor-
‘‘-’’ and then the zoom ‘‘ ? ’’ functions at each corner and phological and soil features as components of the abiotic
in the centre of the sides of the green rectangle. In the environment, including their relationships, properties,
‘‘location’’ tab of the overlay image, you can indicate the interpretations and systems (Gray 2004). This natural
coordinates of the corners of the grid map for use with variety of the earth’s surface, based on geology, geomor-
autotune and you can change the data type to be entered: phology, soils, water and other created systems, is the
geographic or projected coordinates (Fig. 3). result of natural processes and human activity. Therefore,
Then, we have all of the layers in the TOC and a pro- geodiversity can be understood as the variability of abiotic
jected geological mapping. To select each layer, click on nature. This includes lithology, tectonic, geomorphologi-
the square box below the ‘‘Places’’ in the TOC. This allows cal, edaphic, hydrological, and topographical features, as
us to move the adjacent scroll button, which serves to well as the physical processes of land, seas and oceans.

Fig. 1 View of the geological mapping protocol, with the option to add an image overlay; the green box indicates where the map was set onto
Google Earth

Environ Earth Sci

Fig. 2 The 1:50,000 grid in Spain (top) and associated information of the name and number of leaf on Google Earth, in ‘‘kmz’’ format (below)

These systems are generated by natural, anthropogenic, law of Natural Heritage and Biodiversity (BOE 2007)
endogenous and exogenous processes and include the defined geodiversity as the variety of geological features,
diversity of particles, elements and places. In this sense, the including rocks, minerals, fossils, soils, landforms,

Environ Earth Sci

Fig. 3 Window display of where to set the vertices of each image (above). Projection onto the virtual globe of some leaves of the mountainous
Douro region. The border with Portugal can be observed (below)

Environ Earth Sci

landscapes and geological formations and units, that are the establish the fundamental parameters of the value of the
product of and record the evolution of Earth. In recent elements to be compared, and geodiversity is established
years, the concept of geodiversity has been established and to differentiate sectors of the territory based on the ele-
consolidated with the interaction of geological heritage and ments that are present, taking into account variety, fre-
geoconservation. quency and distribution.
The study of geodiversity is independent of geological Independent analysis of geological heritage and geodi-
heritage, though both are related. Geological heritage is versity allows these results to be intersected by providing
not involved in the definition of the classes of geodiver- information on the distribution and relevance of the points
sity, or in the analysis of variety, frequency and distri- of interest in the study area. Therefore, geodiversity reports
bution of the same, but is involved in the assessment of on the geological variety of the location and the geological
quality or interest. The values of variety, frequency and heritage of the value of the elements present. By combining
distribution of geodiversity classes can define points of both, we can obtain the geological value of the sectors
geological interest; in other words, geodiversity can be defined in any geodiversity study.
equity itself. Geodiversity and geological heritage share a When assessing geodiversity, diversity indices and dis-
relationship between the range and the number of places tribution models are applied to the number and variability
of geological interest, but not in the value thereof. The of geological elements on the surface of the study area
difference is that geological heritage inventories are a (Kozlowski 2004).
selection of the most significant geosites and geology of This paper presents a methodology for the calculation
an area. The geosites are based on various parameters, and mapping of geodiversity as it is applied to the Quila-
such as intrinsic value or representativeness, whereas mas Natural Area. GIS techniques were applied, based on
geodiversity analyses the variability and number of geo- graphical analysis (neighbourhood operations and mapping
logical features of a region, regardless of the value. intersections) and alphanumeric analysis (calculated fields
Therefore, analysis of the geological factor is used to from the attribute table of each map).

Fig. 4 Visual modelling of the Arribes Del Duero Natural Area. distribution of the different geological materials, faults and shear zone
Wide surface where erosion has been observed; granite ledges, aura on the margin of Spain and the semi-transparent white observed in the
quartz dikes and quaternary debris can be seen on its slopes (above). area of Portugal (middle and bottom)
In the countryside, the same encasement of the Duero River and the

Environ Earth Sci

Fig. 5 Several sheets projected at 1:50,000 and joined together using activated from the same browser (middle), and different outcrops
different transparencies on the virtual globe (above). Overlapping can be observed ‘‘in situ’’ using Google Maps (below)
administrative boundaries and photographs of the area can be

Environ Earth Sci

Fig. 6 Procedure graphical and alphanumeric interoperability between homogeneous units and thematic maps

Environ Earth Sci

To do this, we first identified three homogeneous units window of the application and activating the ‘‘enter flight
that fulfil the geomorphological criteria based on physio- simulator’’ function. The popup allows you to select a type
graphic characteristics. These three units are: ‘‘water- of aircraft. You will have the ability to start flying within
sheds’’, ‘‘link surfaces’’ and ‘‘valleys’’. The watershed unit the sector that is currently displayed on the virtual globe.
includes the morphostructural unit of the mountains and the You can take off from one of the airports loaded into the
river dividing the surfaces of the summits and slopes, with browser database or you can use preloaded maps or the-
or without colluvium. The link surface unit includes flat matic maps displaying the geodiversity (lithology,
surfaces that form the link between the domains of hydrology, etc.) data. When you ‘‘run’’ the scenario, after
watersheds in the mountains and those belonging to the clicking ‘‘ok’’, a dashboard similar to the dashboard of a
river valleys: the pediment, the raña (Plio-Quaternary real plane is displayed. The plane is controlled using the
alluvial fans) and the foothills. Finally, the valley unit arrow keys on the computer keyboard or you can instal a
consists of the valleys, river terraces alluvial fans and joystick that improves flight management and facilitates
valley floors. zooming of the land that was transparently mapped
Second, an inventory of the existing physical elements (Fig. 4).
in each homogeneous unit was established. The inventory
took into account a number of natural components
(lithology, hydrology, geosites, soil science, hydrogeology Results and discussion
and geological structures) and roughness (Serrano Cañadas
and Ruiz Flaño 2007). By taking advantage of the Google Earth virtual globe, we
Third, the rate of geodiversity was assessed. The ge- are able to observe the different structures, structure posi-
odiversity index, Gd, relates to the variety of physical tions and formations projected on the orthophoto and to
elements within the unit and the surface roughness of the view them as geological landscapes of the countryside
unit. Areas with the highest number of physical elements (Fig. 5).
and the roughest terrain are more complex to generate and The interoperability of the Google browsers and viewers
have an increased geodiversity (Serrano Cañadas and Ruiz allows us to analyse an outcrop in Google Maps ‘‘Street
Flaño 2007). The index of geodiversity, Gd, is expressed as View’’ in a timely manner. We can check the different
following equation: lithologies, as well as the quality of the outcrops on the
ground, before going to the field. This allows for more
Gd ¼ Eg  R= ln S
effective time management and gives us the power to
where Eg index is the sum of the number of different identify the characteristics (slopes, accessibility, etc.) of
physical elements (lithology, hydrology, geosites, soils, the different study areas. On an educational level, it allows
hydrogeology and geological structures) that are present in us to identify the geology in the territory where we live
each unit; R index is the roughness coefficient of the unit, (Fig. 6).
and S is the surface area of the unit, measured in Km2. For the calculation and mapping of geodiversity in the
Quilamas Natural Area, the lithological component dis-
Geodiversity using the virtual globe flight simulator plays the number and variety of lithologies contained
within each homogeneous unit. Twelve different litholo-
Using the Google Earth flight simulator browser any of the gies were obtained from the watershed unit: Armorican
maps presented in the previous sections can be projected quartzite, conglomerate, intricate shale greywacke, Qua-
using the free Google Earth virtual globe browser. As we ternary deposits, microbanded shales, slates, leucogranites,
observed in the first part of this work, 3D modelling allows sandstone, biotite granites, limestones, basic rocks and
us to spatially orient the different elements of the physical quartz. The link surface unit features 11 link surface
environment and identify the areas of greatest geodiversity. lithologies: Armorican quartzite, conglomerate, shale
This can be accomplished by observing partial thematic greywacke complex, Quaternary deposits, microbanded
maps displaying the distribution of the identified physical shales, slates, leucogranites, sandstone, biotite granites,
elements or by studying the map generated as the result of limestones, basic rocks and quartz. The valley unit features
applying the Gd index. Specific navigation tools are used to 12 lithologies: Armorican quartzite, conglomerate, shale
fly over an orthophoto, delineate the geodiversity of a greywacke complex, Quaternary deposits, microbanded
natural area and analyse the potential impacts of human shales, slates, leucogranite, sandstone, biotite granites,
activities that modify the area (mining, gravel pits, indus- limestones, basic rocks and quartz.
trial plants, wind farms, etc.). The hydrological component consists of the number of
In Google Earth, we can find the flight simulator by major watersheds in each homogeneous unit. The water-
pressing the ‘‘tools’’ command in the top menu of the main shed unit features 6 basins: Alagon, Agadon, Morasverdes,

Environ Earth Sci

Huebra, France and Yeltes. In the link surface unit, there

are 4 basins: Yeltes, huebra, Alagon and France. The valley
unit has 4 basins: Alagon, France, Yeltes and Huebra.
Analysis of the geosites (LIGs) in each homogeneous
unit shows that are 10 geosites in the watershed unit, 2
geosites in the link surface unit and 5 geosites in the valley
unit (Martı́nez-Graña et al. 2013).
The soil analysis shows six different soils in the
watershed unit: cambisols, leptosols, regosols, fluvisols,
acrysols and luvisols. The soils are the same in the link
surface unit. The valley unit has seven different soils:
cambisols, leptosols, regosols, fluvisols, acrysols, luvisols
and antrosols.
The different lithological units were reclassified into
hydrogeological units according to their degrees of per-
meability and porosity. The watershed unit has 6 hydro- Fig. 7 Empirical calculation of the areas of geodiversity from the
geological units: granitic unit, metasedimentary, quartzite different indices used
unit, carbonated unit, detrital unit and quaternary unit. The
link surface unit has 4 hydrogeological units: granitic unit,
Table 1 Weighing roughness value according to the slope
metasedimentary and quaternary detrital unit. The valley
unit has 5 units: granitic unit, metasedimentary, quartzite Slope 0–5 % 6–15 % 16–25 % 26–50 % [50 %
unit, quaternary unit and detrital unit. Roughness 1 2 3 4 5
The abundance of geological structures (faults, folds,
contacts, etc.) in each homogeneous unit was also deter-
mined. There are three different types of geologic struc- Table 2 Classification of geodiversity as Gd Index
tures in the watershed unit, one type of geologic structure Geodiversity Very low Low Medium High Very high
in the link surface unit, and three types in the valley unit.
Gd index \15 15–25 25–35 35–45 [45
The physical elements index value (Eg) for each
homogeneous unit was then calculated:
Watershed unit = 12 (lithology) ? 6 (hydrology) ? 10
(geosites) ? 6 (soils) ? 6 (hydrogeology) ? 3 (geological Watershed unit S ¼ 406 Km2 ; Gd ¼ 43  3= ln 406;
structures). Eg = 43. Gd ¼ 21:5Þ;
Link surface unit = 11 (lithology) ? 4 (hydrology) ? 2
(geosites) ? 6 (soils) ? 4 (hydrogeology) ? 1 (geological Link surface unit S ¼ 87:52 Km2 ; Gd ¼ 28  2= ln 87:52;
structures). Eg = 28. Gd ¼ 12:5Þ and
Valley unit = 12 (lithology) ? 4 (hydrology) ? 5
(geosites) ? 7 (soils) ? 5 (hydrogeology) ? 3 (geological Valley unit (S = 153 Km2; Gd = 36 9 5/ln 153;
structures). Eg = 36. Gd = 36).
For the calculation of the physical elements in each The geodiversity value is divided into five classes
homogeneous unit, GIS techniques were applied using according to the Gd index value (Table 2; Fig. 8).
neighbourhood operations (intersection graph) and alpha-
numeric operations (algebra of fields applied to the attri-
bute table of each layer) (Fig. 7). Subsequently, we Conclusion
calculated the roughness index, R, representing the topog-
raphy and climate variations in the area. The R value is This paper presents a fast and efficient method for trans-
shown in percentages, using data from the slope map forming traditional 2D maps to 3D maps using the tools
(Table 1). available within the Google Earth virtual globe. It also
We can determine the index of geodiversity, Gd, for allows for the analysis of outcrops and interoperability with
each homogeneous unit by multiplying the two parameters other applications, such as Google Maps, which contains its
calculated in the previous sections: physical elements, Eg, own virtual flight simulator; this function provides geo-
and roughness, R, and dividing the resulting value by the logical spatial observation at the regional level and the
natural logarithm of the surface area of each homogeneous ability to view the different thematic maps of the Arribes
unit: del Duero Natural Park, located west of Salamanca, and the

Environ Earth Sci

Fig. 8 Flight simulator in the geological map of the Arribes del Duero Natural Area projected onto the virtual globe

Quilamas Natural Area, located south of Salamanca. The watershed unit, whereas the valley unit has high values of
thematic map analysis over the virtual globe and the geodiversity, constituting 23.67 % of the study area This is
application of GIS techniques (graphic and alphanumeric associated with steep slopes and river valleys in the
intersection using fields algebra) allows the definition of mountains, along with a large number of physical elements,
homogeneous units and empirically establishes the spatial especially geological (geosites and structures) and soil
distribution of geodiversity, which can be beneficial for the elements.
management of natural areas. The Quilamas Natural Area Finally this work establishes a methodology for the
has very low geodiversity in the link surface unit and the putting in value and the calculation of the geodiversity of

Environ Earth Sci

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