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25 septiembre 2020

Fernando Iván García Mora

Short summary about “History of chocolate” video.

Chocolate comes from Mesoamerica, where cocoa beans were crushed and mixed
with cornmeal and hot peppers to make a drink. This drink was consumed in
banquets, ceremonies and rituals.

After the Transatlantic exchange, chocolate became an aphrodisiac product, being

a popular drink for the Spanish aristocracy. In 1828 the cocoa pressing was invented,
with which it was possible to produce cocoa powder to make chocolate drink and
solid chocolate. Later, milk was added to it and thus the milk chocolate emerged.

Starting in the 20th century, chocolate was already a widespread pleasure, although
its production had (and still maintains) serious problems such as slavery and child

I chose this video because of the importance that chocolate had for Mesoamericans
and the relevance that Europeans gave. Also, chocolate is one of people's favorite
treats and its history is interesting to know.

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