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Oral Cancer: Classification,

Staging, and Diagnosis
G. E. Ghali, DDS, MD
M. Scott Connor, DDS, MD

Estimates indicate that more than vival again fails to hold true for the combination of various carcinogens with-
1.3 million new cancers will be diagnosed African American population.1 in tobacco, combined with the heat, may
in the United States this year, and 27,700 Approximately 85 to 95% of all oral lead to a variable number of genetic muta-
will be located in the mouth and cancer is squamous cell carcinoma tions in the epithelium of the upper
oropharynx.1 This number represents (SCC).3,4 However, multiple other malig- aerodigestive tract. At some point these
approximately 3% of all cancers and is nant lesions can be found in the oral cavi- continued mutations, coupled with the
the eighth most common cancer affecting ty such as sarcoma, minor salivary gland patients’ own inherent genetic susceptibil-
males in the United States. Globally, more tumors, mucosal melanoma, lymphoma, ity, expressed in the hetero- or homogene-
than 360,000 new cases of oral cancer will or metastatic disease from nearly any site ity of certain tumor suppressor genes or
be diagnosed this year.2 Mortality rates in the body. oncogenes (TP53, c-myc), may lead to the
remain high despite some advances in development of a cell line capable of
locoregional control. There will be Risk Factors for SCC of the unregulated growth.
approximately 200,000 deaths worldwide, Oral Cavity Alcohol in itself is not a recognized
of which 7,200 will occur in the United The etiology of SCC of the oral cavity has initiator in the development of oral SCC.
States. Most patients will present for been studied extensively. Numerous risk However, the role of alcohol as a promot-
diagnosis with either regional or distant factors have been suggested as etiologic er in the development of oral cancer
disease. Data have shown a trend for agents for the development of these malig- when coupled with the use of smoking
African Americans to have more nancies. While no single causative agent tobacco has been shown.10 This may be
advanced disease compared with white can be attributed to the development of all related to the effects of contaminants in
Americans (68% vs 52%) at the time of oral cancers, several carcinogens have been alcohol and its ability to solubilize car-
diagnosis. Even more alarming is the fact identified, and of those tobacco and alco- cinogens and enhance their penetration
that, when compared with equal stages at hol appear to have the greatest impact on into oral mucosa.5,11
the time of diagnosis, African Americans malignancy development. Both extrinsic A possible viral etiology has been
have a poorer 5-year relative survival rate and intrinsic factors likely play a role in demonstrated in oral cancers, especially by
compared with other races. A review of the development of SCC of the oral cavity. the human papilloma virus (HPV). The
trends in 5-year relative survival rates The risk of oral cancer associated with HPV subtypes 16 and 18, similar to those
over the past three decades has shown a tobacco use is noted to be 2 to 12 times causing cervical cancer, have been implicat-
statistical difference between the time higher than in the nonsmoking popula- ed. Smith and colleagues showed that when
periods of 1974 to 1976 and 1992 to 1996 tion, and 90% of individuals with oral individuals in his study had other risk fac-
(54% vs 59%); the improvement in sur- cancer will have a smoking history.5–9 The tors adjusted, such as smoking, alcohol, and
618 Part 5: Maxillofacial Pathology

age, the presence of HPV in the oral cavity not necessarily alter the appearance of the
was associated with a 3.7 times greater mucosa but may be associated with a
chance of cancer development than in the greater risk for the development of can-
noninfected individual.12 Other authors cer.21 Precancerous lesions are broadly
have noted a unique subset of characteris- classified as leukoplakia and erythroplakia.
tics in individuals that may develop SCC as Leukoplakia is defined as a white
a result of HPV infection, showing less patch or plaque that cannot be character-
association with tobacco or alcohol abuse, ized clinically or ascribed to any other
frequently involving the tonsils, and having pathologic disease.22 Leukoplakia cannot
an improved prognosis.13 be scraped or rubbed off and is therefore
The study of the tumor biology of primarily a diagnosis of exclusion. Lesions FIGURE 32-2 Common presentation of prolifer-
SCC has exploded in the past decade. The caused by lichen planus, white sponge ative verrucous variant of leukoplakia on gingiva.
accepted molecular theory concerning nevus, nicotine stomatitis, or other
genetic alterations of SCC is that of a plaque-causing diseases do not qualify as The only consistent histology found in
“multihit” tumorigenesis ultimately lead- leukoplakia. Leukoplakia is strictly a clini- all leukoplakia is the presence of hyperker-
ing to unregulated cell growth and func- cal diagnosis and does not imply any spe- atosis. The underlying epithelium may range
tion.14,15 It is thought that multiple exoge- cific histologic diagnosis. Leukoplakia is from normal to invasive carcinoma. The true
nous insults (tobacco, alcohol, viral) can generally asymptomatic and clinically etiology for the development of leukoplakia
lead to activation of oncogenes or inacti- appears as a white or off-white lesion that is unknown; however, several causative fac-
vation of tumor suppressor genes. Onco- may be flat, slightly elevated, rugated, or tors have been proposed. Tobacco use,
gene dysregulation leads to a gain of func- smooth (Figure 32-1). It may be found as whether smoked or smokeless, is most close-
tion alteration, and transforming growth isolated or multifocal lesions and may ly associated with the development of leuko-
factor alpha (TGF-α) and eukaryotic initi- change in morphology over time. More plakia, and more than 70% of patients with
ation factor 4E (eIF4E) are two examples than 70% of the time leukoplakia occurs leukoplakia are smokers.23 While several
of well-studied genes that have proven up- on two or more surfaces and has a strong studies have shown elimination of tobacco
regulation in SCC.16 Loss of tumor sup- male predilection.23,24 A more aggressive use to be associated with resolution or
pressor gene function requires loss of both variant exists and is referred to as prolifer- decrease in the size of the lesion, others have
normal alleles, which leads to the inactiva- ative verrucous leukoplakia (Figure 32-2). shown poor improvement with its cessation.
tion of the critical function of that gene. The lower lip vermilion, buccal mucosa, Ultraviolet radiation to the lower lip
The most studied of the tumor suppressor and gingiva account for most oral cavity is frequently observed in the development
genes are TP53 and P16.15,17–19 No single leukoplakia; however, lesions found on the of lower lip vermilion leukoplakia. Indi-
gene alteration is responsible for carcino- tongue and floor of the mouth account for viduals with chronic unprotected expo-
genesis, but rather a host of altered genes most lesions exhibiting dysplasia or carci- sure to sunlight are at highest risk for
contribute. Attempts have been made to noma.23–26 These relative frequencies development. These leukoplakia lesions
use genes and their products to identify change with different geographic locations are frequently associated with actinic
oncologically safe margins operatively and are based on local habits. cheilitis (Figure 32-3).27
with minimal success.20 Gene therapy tri-
als that target these specific genes hold
better promise.

Premalignant Disease
Premalignant disease can be divided into
that occurring as an isolated lesion or that
associated with a condition. A precancer-
ous lesion is defined as morphologically
altered tissue in which the development of
malignancy is more likely than with nor-
mal mucosa. A precancerous condition is a FIGURE 32-1 Typical appearance of floor-of- FIGURE 32-3 Actinic cheilitis of the lower lip
condition or generalized disease that does mouth leukoplakia. secondary to chronic unprotected sun exposure.
Oral Cancer: Classification, Staging, and Diagnosis 619

Trauma is also associated with the disease (Figure 32-4). Almost all true ery-
development of leukoplakic lesions. Ill- throplakia demonstrates dysplasia, carci-
fitting dentures, sharp edges on oral pros- noma in situ, or invasive carcinoma.
theses or teeth, or parafunctional oral Shafer and Waldron’s review of biopsies
habits with objects such as toothpicks can submitted under this clinical diagnosis
be associated with leukoplakia. Obvious revealed that 51% were invasive SCC, 40%
traumatic lesions to the buccal mucosa were carcinoma in situ or severe dysplasia,
such as the development of a linea alba are and 9% were mild to moderate dysplasia.29
not considered leukoplakia. The most common sites of occurrence are
The frequency of dysplasia and carci- the floor of the mouth and retromolar
noma within leukoplakia is most closely trigone. Lesions appear as bright red, are FIGURE 32-5 Typical appearance of ery-
associated with the lesion’s location and frequently “velvety” in appearance, and throleukoplakia on labial and buccal mucosa.
patient’s habits. Waldron and Shafer in have a sharply demarcated border. The eti-
their study of 3,256 lesions submitted to ology of these lesions is unknown but and difficulty with speech and swallowing.
their respective oral pathology depart- thought to be the same as that for leuko- Unlike tobacco pouch keratosis, OSF does
ments as “leukoplakia” found that 43% of plakia. Frequently these lesions are noted not regress with the cessation of betel quid
floor-of-mouth lesions and 24% of both to be nonhomogeneous in appearance use. Longitudinal studies have shown a
tongue and lip lesions contained some with adjacent or intralesional leukoplakia. malignant transformation rate of 7.6%
degree of dysplasia or carcinoma.25 Sever- When observed with this morphology, over a 17-year period.32
al studies have also looked at malignant they are referred to as erythroleukoplakia
transformation over time and found it to or “speckled erythroplakia” (Figure 32-5). Cervical Lymph Node Levels
vary from 0.13 to 17.5%.23–26,28 The results These lesions also harbor an ominous The neck is divided into six “surgical lev-
of these studies vary according to suspect- potential as rates of malignant transfor- els” based on anatomic structures (Figure
ed causes of the leukoplakia (geographic mation have been noted of up to 23%.23 32-6). Each anatomic area of the oral cav-
habits) and the length of follow-up or time Oral submucous fibrosis (OSF) is a ity has a predictable lymphatic drainage
to biopsy of the lesion. The malignant precancerous condition seen predomi- pattern to the over 300 lymph nodes in the
transformation of these lesions has been nantly in India and Southeast Asia. It is a
studied extensively by Silverman and col- chronic, progressive mucosal disorder
leagues.23 They note that, while a definite most frequently associated with the habit
rate of transformation cannot be stated, of chewing betel quids; however, there is
their 257 patients had a 17.5% transfor- evidence that this lesion is multifactorial
mation rate with an average follow-up in nature with genetic, immunologic,
time of 7.1 years. The second year of nutritional, and autoimmune factors pos-
follow-up in their series exhibited the sibly involved.30,31 The condition is charac-
greatest rate of malignant transformation terized by a mucosal rigidity that leads to
at 5%. If those lesions initially noted to be trismus, odynophagia with spicy foods,
dysplastic on biopsy were followed, they
had an even higher rate of malignant I
transformation, at 36.4%. Earlier studies V

by Silverman and colleagues found malig-

nant transformation rates of 0.13% and VI
6%.26,28 The variability in transformation
rates of most studies is attributed to differ-
ences in ethnicity, drinking alcohol and IV
tobacco usage, location of the lesions, and
duration of follow-up.
Erythroplakia is a red patch that can-
not be scraped off or characterized clini- FIGURE 32-4 Typical appearance of erythro- FIGURE 32-6 Lymph node levels of the neck. Levels I to
cally or ascribed to any other pathologic plakia located on left posterior soft palate. VI are subdivided and described in text.
620 Part 5: Maxillofacial Pathology

neck.33 By grouping defined nodal groups clavicle, superiorly by the horizontal plane aries, and in developing these sites the
into surgical levels, clinicians are afforded created by the inferior border of the cricoid AJCC has attempted to produce a means
the ability to communicate with each cartilage, anteriorly by the lateral border of of better studying and treating oral cancer.
other. It also allows clinicians to tailor the sternohyoid musculature, and posteri-
their surgical management of the neck orly by the lateral border of the SCM or Mucosal Lip
based on these known drainage patterns. sensory branches of the cervical plexus.34,35 The lip begins at the junction of the ver-
Level I includes the submental and Level V includes all the nodes in the milion border with the skin and includes
submandibular nodal groups. posterior triangle, the spinal accessory and only the vermilion surface or that portion
Level IA, the submental group, is transverse cervical nodes, and all of the of the lip that comes into contact with the
bounded by the hyoid bone inferiorly, upper, middle, and lower jugular lymph opposing lip. It is well defined into an
the mandibular symphysis superiorly, nodes on the posterior aspect of the SCM. upper and lower lip joined at the commis-
and the anterior bellies of the digastric Level VA is bounded inferiorly by the sures of the mouth.26 It is supported by the
muscles laterally. horizontal plane created by the inferior orbicularis oris muscle and receives its
Level IB, the submandibular group, is border of the cricoid cartilage, superiorly blood supply from branches of the facial
bounded by the posterior belly of the at the apex found at the convergence of artery. Sensory innervation is provided by
digastric inferiorly, the mandibular body the SCM and trapezius muscles, anterior- the mental nerve and motor function via
superiorly, the anterior belly of the digas- ly by the posterior belly of the SCM or branches of the facial nerve.
tric muscle anteriorly, and the stylohyoid sensory branches of the cervical plexus, Mucosal lip cancers represent
muscle posteriorly.34,35 and posteriorly by the anterior belly of the approximately 2 to 42% of oral cavity
Level II includes upper jugular lymph trapezius muscle. cancers.4,37–41 Mucosal lip cancer is seen
nodes surrounding the internal jugular Level VB is bounded inferiorly by the almost exclusively in older white men as
vein and adjacent spinal accessory nerve. clavicles, superiorly by the horizontal plane a result of chronic sun exposure (Figure
Level IIA is bounded inferiorly by a created by the lower border of the hyoid 32-7). Its infrequent occurrence in dark-
horizontal plane made by the inferior bone, anteriorly by the posterior belly of skinned races is further evidence of its
body of the hyoid bone, superiorly by the the SCM or sensory branches of the cervi- etiology. Nodal metastasis in lip cancer is
skull base, anteriorly by the stylohyoid cal plexus, and posteriorly by the anterior infrequent, 10% of lower lip cancers and
muscle, and posteriorly by a vertical plane border of the trapezius muscle.34,35 20% of cancers in the upper lip and com-
defined by the spinal accessory nerve. Level VI includes the pretracheal, missure are found to metastasize to the
Level IIB is bounded inferiorly by a paratracheal, and prelaryngeal or so-called nodes.42 Metastasis from the lower lip is
horizontal plane made by the inferior Delphian lymph nodes. It is bounded infe- to the submental, submandibular, and
body of the hyoid bone, superiorly by the riorly by the suprasternal notch, superior- perifacial nodes (level I more commonly
skull base, anteriorly by a vertical plane ly by the hyoid bone, and laterally by the than level II). Preauricular, periparotid,
defined by the spinal accessory nerve, and common carotid arteries. This level is also and submandibular nodes drain cancers
posteriorly by the lateral border of the known as the anterior compartment.34,35 of the upper lip and commissure (level II
sternocleidomastoid muscle (SCM).34,35 more commonly than level I). Bilateral
Level III includes middle jugular Clinical Correlation
lymph nodes surrounding the internal Based on Site
jugular vein. It is bounded inferiorly by a The boundaries of the oral cavity extend
horizontal plane defined by the inferior from the vermiliocutaneous junction of
border of the cricoid cartilage, superiorly the lips to the junction of the hard and soft
by the horizontal plane defined by the palate posterior-superiorly and to the line
inferior body of the hyoid bone, anteriorly created by the circumvallate papilla poste-
by the lateral border of the sternohyoid rior-inferiorly. Posterior-laterally the
musculature, and posteriorly by the lateral boundaries are represented by the anterior
border of the SCM or sensory branches of faucial pillars. The American Joint Com-
the cervical plexus.34,35 mittee on Cancer (AJCC) has divided the
Level IV includes the lower jugular oral cavity into seven distinct anatomic
lymph nodes surrounding the internal locations from which primary lesions may FIGURE 32-7 Neglected carcinoma of the
jugular vein. It is bounded inferiorly by the develop.36 The sites have defined bound- lower lip.
Oral Cancer: Classification, Staging, and Diagnosis 621

neck metastasis may develop if the lower level of the posterior surface of the last
lip lesion is near or has crossed the mid- molar tooth superiorly to the tuberosity of
line; however, the upper lip rarely the maxilla. Laterally this area merges with
exhibits crossover between right- and buccal mucosa and medially is in continu-
left-side lymphatics.43 ity with the soft palate, anterior tonsillar
pillar, and floor of the mouth.36
Buccal Mucosa Tumors of the retromolar trigone fre-
Buccal mucosa includes all the lining of the quently involve adjacent anatomic sites at
inner surface of the cheeks and lips from the time of diagnosis (Figure 32-10). Pri-
the line of contact of the opposing lips mary symptomatic complaints with these
(mucovermilion junction) to the line of tumors are sore throat, otalgia, and tris-
attachment of mucosa to the alveolar ridge mus. Tumors of the retromolar trigone
(upper and lower) and pterygomandibular represent 2 to 6% of all oral cavity carci-
raphe.36 The buccal mucosa is supported nomas.4,38,39 Lymphatic drainage from this
by the buccinator muscle posteriorly and area is predominantly to the submandibu-
the obicularis oris anteriorly. The vascular lar nodes (level IB) and the upper jugu-
supply to the posterior aspect is derived lodigastric nodes (level II).46,52 Lesions of
from the buccal artery, a branch of the this region tend to be more aggressive in
internal maxillary artery; innervation is nature with regard to developing cervical
from the buccal branches of the facial metastasis, because 27 to 56% of individu-
nerve along with the long buccal branch of als present with metastatic disease.53–55
FIGURE 32-8 Squamous cell carcinoma of the
the third division of the trigeminal nerve. left buccal mucosa.
Carcinoma of the buccal mucosa rep- Floor of the Mouth
resents 2 to 10% of all SCC of the oral The floor of the mouth is a semilunar
cavity (Figure 32-8).4,37,38,44 In Central terior margin is the upper end of the space over the mylohyoid and hyoglossus
and Southeast Asia the use of “pan” (a pterygopalatine arch.36 muscles, extending from the inner surface
combination of tobacco, betel nut, and Alveolar ridge or gingival carcinoma of the lower alveolar ridge to the under-
lime) has been linked to buccal mucosa represents 2 to 18% of oral cancers and surface of the tongue. Its posterior bound-
carcinoma and represents more than 40% occurs predominantly on the mandibular ary is the base of the anterior faucial pillar
of all oral cavity SCC.45 First-echelon alveolus (64 to 76%).4,37–41,49,50 At diagno- of the tonsil. It is divided by the frenulum
lymphatic drainage from the buccal sis, approximately one-third of these of the tongue and contains the ostia of the
mucosa is level I followed by level II.46 tumors exhibit some bony involve- submandibular and sublingual salivary
Cervical metastases are observed in 10 to ment.50,51 Lymph node metastasis tends to glands.36 Anatomically it consists of the
27% of presenting patients.44,47,48 occur more frequently in mandibular
ridge tumors than in maxillary tumors.
Alveolar Ridge Nodal drainage is principally to levels I
The alveolar ridge mucosa may be divided and II for both the maxillary and
into lower (mandibular) and upper (max- mandibular lesions and is found in 24 to
illary) components. The mucosa overlying 28% of patients at diagnosis.46,49-51 Alveo-
the alveolar process of the mandible lar ridge carcinomas are frequently insidi-
extends from the line of attachment of ous tumors masquerading as inflammato-
mucosa in the buccal gutter to the line of ry lesions, periodontitis or gingivitis, tooth
free mucosa of the floor of the mouth. abscesses, or denture sores (Figure 32-9).
Posteriorly it extends to the ascending
ramus of the mandible.36 The mucosa Retromolar Gingiva
overlying the alveolar process of the max- (Retromolar Trigone)
illa extends from the line of attachment of The retromolar gingiva is a triangular FIGURE 32-9 Biopsy-proven squamous cell car-
cinoma of the mandibular alveolar ridge result-
mucosa in the upper gingival buccal gutter region of attached mucosa overlying the ing in erosion of underlying bone and loosening
to the junction of the hard palate. Its pos- ascending ramus of the mandible from the of dentition.
622 Part 5: Maxillofacial Pathology

middle jugulodigastric nodes (levels I, II, among individuals who develop disease at
and III). Studies have shown that nearly this site.
one-half of all patients presenting with a
floor-of-mouth carcinoma will have Anterior Two-Thirds of the
metastatic disease at presentation.57–59 Tongue (Oral Tongue)
Shaha and colleagues demonstrated that The anterior two-thirds of the tongue is
60% of individuals with metastatic disease the freely mobile portion that extends
will have multiple levels involved.57 anteriorly from the line of circumvallate
papillae to the undersurface of the tongue
Hard Palate at the junction of the floor of the mouth.
The hard palate is between the upper alve- It has four areas: the tip, the lateral bor-
olar ridge and the mucous membrane cov- ders, the dorsum, and the undersurface
ering the palatine process of the maxillary (nonvillous ventral surface of the tongue).
bones. It extends from the inner surface of The undersurface of the tongue is consid-
the posterior edge of the palatine bone and ered a separate category by the World
can be divided into a hard and soft com- Health Organization.36 The tongue is
ponent.36 In the United States, only 25% of entirely a muscular structure composed of
palatal SCC occurs in the hard palate with the extrinsic muscles, the genioglossus,
75% occurring in the soft palate (anatom- hyoglossus, styloglossus, and palatoglos-
FIGURE 32-10 Ulcerative carcinoma of left ically a part of the oropharynx).60–62 In sus, as well as the intrinsic muscles of the
retromolar trigone with extension towards the India and Southeast Asia, where reverse tongue. Blood supply to the tongue is from
anterior tonsillar pillar.
smoking is popular, the proportion of the paired lingual, sublingual, and deep
hard palate lesions is greater. lingual arteries. The tongue receives motor
unattached mucosa overlying the mylohy- The hard palate represents 3 to 6% of innervation via the hypoglossal nerve and
oid and hyoglossus muscles. all oral cavity SCC (Figure 32-12).4,37–39 taste and sensation from lingual branches
Carcinoma of the floor of the mouth There is a paucity of lymphatics to the of the trigeminal nerve.
represents 8 to 25% of oral cavity SCC, and hard palate. Approximately 10 to 25% of In the United States, SCC of the
several studies have shown a fairly dramatic individuals present with evidence of tongue is found mainly on the anterior
increase in incidence (Figure 32-11).4,38–41 metastasis, generally to levels I and II.61,63 two-thirds (75%), versus the posterior
Two distinct lymphatic drainage systems Hard palate lesions may also metastasize one-third (25%).64 Tongue carcinoma rep-
have been identified in the floor of the to retropharyngeal nodes or nodes that are resents 22 to 49% of all oral cancer diag-
mouth.56 The superficial system drains not palpable on a clinical examination or nosed (Figure 32-13).4,37–41 Several epi-
bilaterally into the submandibular nodes readily removable with a traditional neck demiologic reviews have shown the
(level I), while the deep system drains into dissection. Nonhealing ulcers and poor- unfortunate trend of an increase in tongue
the ipsilateral submandibular, upper and fitting dentures are common complaints cancer and an alarming increase in the

FIGURE 32-11 Carcinoma of anterior floor of FIGURE 32-12 Carcinoma of the hard palate FIGURE 32-13 Carcinoma proliferating from
the mouth presents with induration, ulcera- with extension to alveolar mucosa. ventral tongue to encompass full thickness of the
tion, and mild tongue fixation. tongue.
Oral Cancer: Classification, Staging, and Diagnosis 623

incidence of those diagnosed before 45 Table 32-2 Regional Lymph Nodes (N)
years of age.40,41,65–67 Lymphatic drainage
Node Description
of the oral tongue is principally to level II,
followed by levels III and I.46,52 Carcinoma NX Regional lymph nodes cannot be assessed
of the lateral border generally metastasizes N0 No regional lymph node metastasis
ipsilaterally, but SCC of the tip or body of N1 Metastasis in a single ipsilateral lymph node, 3 cm or less in greatest dimension
the tongue may exhibit bilateral metas- N2 Metastasis in a single ipsilateral lymph node, more than 3 cm but not more
tases. Approximately 40% of patients have than 6 cm in greatest dimension; or in multiple ipsilateral lymph nodes,
evidence of clinical node metastasis at the none more than 6 cm in greatest dimension; or in bilateral or contralateral
time of diagnosis.68 lymph nodes, none more than 6 cm in greatest dimension
N2a Metastasis in a single ipsilateral lymph node more than 3 cm but not more
Staging than 6 cm in greatest dimension
The TNM system devised by the AJCC is N2b Metastasis in multiple ipsilateral lymph nodes, none more than 6 cm in
designed to stratify cancer patients into greatest dimension
different stages based on the characteris-
N2c Metastasis in bilateral or contralateral lymph nodes, none more than 6 cm
tics of the primary tumor (T), regional in greatest dimension
lymph node metastasis (N), and distant N3 Metastasis in a lymph node more than 6 cm in greatest dimension
metastasis (M). It is an attempt to help Adapted from Greene FL et al.35,36
guide treatment and estimate patients’
5-year survivability. T refers to the prima-
ry lesion and is graded on greatest dimen-
sion and presence of adjacent tissue infil- resection and designated with a p prefix measurement of the primary lesion
tration (Table 32-1). N refers to regional (pTNM) or at autopsy with an a (aTNM). before biopsy is essential. Often, biopsied
lymph node involvement and is graded on If synchronous tumors are found at pre- SCCs are referred without accurate mea-
the presence of nodes, greatest dimension, sentation, the higher stage tumor should surements, leaving the treating surgeon
and side of involvement in relation to the be used for stage designation, and an m in a difficult situation relative to proper-
primary tumor (Table 32-2). M grades dis- suffix may be used to denote the multiple ly assigning a T group. Additionally,
tant metastasis and is based simply on its primary tumors (TmNM).36,69 postbiopsy inflammation could lead to
presence (M1) or absence (M0). The AJCC over- or underestimates of the lesion’s
staging system (Table 32-3) is designed for Assessment of Primary Lesion true dimensions.
clinical use; however, the patient may be Proper lesional assessment is based on a A complete evaluation of all anatomic
restaged based on final pathology after thorough clinical evaluation. Accurate locations within the oral cavity must be
performed by visual examination and pal-
Table 32-1 Primary Tumors (T) pation to detect any mucosal abnormality.
The goal in evaluating the patient is to
Tumor Description
detect any abnormal tissue and assess the
TX Primary tumor cannot be assessed extent of disease. Patients may present with
T0 No evidence of primary tumor myriad complaints such as a nonhealing
Tis Carcinoma in situ sore in the mouth, loosening of teeth, ill-
T1 Tumor 2 cm or less in greatest dimension
fitting dental prosthesis, trismus, otalgia, or
weight loss. Examination of the oral cavity
T2 Tumor more than 2 cm but not more than 4 cm in greatest dimension
should include removal of all dental appli-
T3 Tumor more than 4 cm in greatest dimension ances and use of a dental mirror for indi-
T4a* Tumor invades adjacent structures (eg, through cortical bone, into deep rect evaluation of the nasopharynx and
[extrinsic] muscle of the tongue, maxillary sinus, skin of face) (resectable) hypopharynx. Bimanual palpation is criti-
T4b Tumor invades masticator space, pterygoid plates, or skull base or encases cal to assess any involvement of structures
internal carotid artery (unresectable) such as the deep musculature of the
*Superficial erosion alone of bone or tooth socket by an alveolar primary is not sufficient to classify a tumor as T4. tongue, floor of the mouth, buccal mucosa,
Adapted from Greene FL et al.35,36
salivary structures, or bony mandibular
624 Part 5: Maxillofacial Pathology

Table 32-3 Stage Grouping patients versus patients whose primary an often asymptomatic synchronous
tumor was thick (> 2 mm), who had a lesion. McGuirt reported a synchronous
Stage Characteristics
45.6% failure rate and metastatic node dis- primary lesion rate of 16% in his prospec-
Stage 0 Tis N0 M0 ease was present in 38%. Rarely, primary tive study of 100 head and neck cancer
tumors may be located in areas that are patients.76 The discovery of the synchro-
Stage I T1 N0 M0 difficult to assess or may be painful to nous lesions frequently led to an alteration
assess, requiring an evaluation under anes- in the treatment plan of the index lesion.
Stage II T2 N0 M0
thesia along with panendoscopy. Other reported incidences of synchronous
Panendoscopy, or “triple endoscopy,” primary tumors range from 2 to 9%.77–81
Stage III T3 N0 M0
T1 N1 M0
involves the use of a rigid bronchoscope, Panendoscopy can be performed quickly
T2 N1 M0 esophagoscope, and laryngoscope to and at a minimal price for the patient in
T3 N1 M0 sequentially examine and take biopsies, if terms of cost and added morbidity.
required, from the aerodigestive tract. The availability of flexible endoscopes,
Stage IVA T4a N0 M0 Warren and Gates first described the especially nasopharyngoscopes, has led to
T4a N1 M0 notion of synchronous and metachronous their use in many institutions, along with
T1 N2 M0 tumors in 1932.73 A synchronous tumor is the conversion to flexible bronchoscopes
T2 N2 M0 described as a second histologically con- and esophagoscopes. Additionally with the
T3 N2 M0 firmed malignancy. This malignancy must advent of tomographic imaging, routine
T4a N2 M0 be distinct and geographically separated preoperative panendoscopy is currently
by normal non-neoplastic mucosa and not undergoing reevaluation in many institu-
Stage IVB Any T N3 M0
of metastatic origin from the index lesion. tions. Many authors believe that the low
T4b Any N M0
It must also be discovered at the time of yield of bronchoscopy compared with
Stage IVC Any T Any N M1
initial tumor evaluation. If the second pri- chest imaging should preclude its use,
mary tumor is discovered at a later time it while others have called for selective
Adapted from Greene FL et al.
is considered a metachronous tumor. endoscopy to investigate only symptom-
Slaughter and colleagues described the driven complaints.81–84 Should multiple
structures. Assessment of the lateral tongue concept of “field cancerization” secondary primary tumors be discovered during
and posterior pharynx is assisted by anteri- to the panmucosal effects of smoked tobac- patient evaluation, each lesion should be
or and lateral traction on the tongue with co irritants and alcohol.74 This theory staged separately.
cotton gauze (Figure 32-14). explains the relatively high prevalence of
The AJCC describes the possible second primary malignancies in the upper Assessment of
growth patterns of a tumor as endophytic, aerodigestive tract and has been described Regional Metastasis
exophytic, or ulcerated.36 These character- on a molecular level.75 Panendoscopy Evaluation of the neck is perhaps the most
istics play no part in staging the primary became the gold standard for discovering critical and difficult aspect of staging oral
tumor. While depth of invasion is not used or any head and neck cancer. The presence
to clinically stage the patient, several stud- of a single lymph node with metastatic dis-
ies have shown that depth of invasion does ease reduces the patient’s 5-year survival by
play a prognostic role in the development 50%. In turn, the presence of extracapsular
of regional metastasis, especially in tongue spread decreases this survival by another
and floor-of-mouth cancers.70–72 The 50%.85 A retrospective study by Snow and
study performed by Spiro and coworkers colleagues showed a surprisingly high rate
at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Cen- of extracapsular tumor spread in even
ter looked at primary tumor thickness in small lymph nodes. His analysis showed
relation to risk of cervical node metastasis that lymph nodes greater than 3 cm had a
in SCC of the tongue and floor of the 73.7% chance of extracapsular spread, 2 to
mouth.70 They found that patients with 3 cm a 53.3% chance, 1 to 2 cm a 44.3%,
FIGURE 32-14 Anterior manual traction of
thin (< 2 mm) cancer of these respective and less than 1 cm a 28.8% chance.86 Other
the tongue with the aid of a cotton gauze
areas had a failure rate of 1.9% and lymph improves visualization of this lateral and ven- studies have concurred with this high rate
node metastasis present in 7.5% of tral tongue mass. of extracapsular spread.87,88 These drastic
Oral Cancer: Classification, Staging, and Diagnosis 625

reductions in long-term survival under- clinically palpable node and also in the
score the importance of preoperative stag- ability to assess its size. A study by Alder-
ing for an appropriate prognosis and treat- son and colleagues showed that both res-
ment plan. It should be noted that staging idents and staff involved in the treatment
depends not on specific lymph node level of head and neck malignancies consis-
involvement, but rather on presence of tently underestimated the size of smaller
nodes, size, number, and whether they are nodes, and accuracy of assessment was
ipsilateral, contralateral, or bilateral in rela- independent of experience.90
tion to the lesion. With the advent of advanced imaging,
Traditionally, the gold standard in both computed tomography (CT) and mag-
staging the neck has been through digital netic resonance imaging (MRI) have been
palpation of all levels of the neck bilateral- used as adjuncts to the physical examination
FIGURE 32-15 Axial computed tomography
ly. The neck has a large number of palpa- for both evaluating nodal disease and help-
scan with contrast demonstrates large right cer-
ble structures and a large area to be sur- ing to delineate the nodes in relation to vital vical node with criteria for regional metastasis.
veyed for the presence of lymph nodes. structures such as the carotid artery. Studies
While there is no correct order in which to have shown that clinically negative tumor-
evaluate the neck, each clinician should positive nodes may be detected on CT or lymph node pathology; however, the fat
develop a sequence to use consistently to MRI in 7.5 to 19% of cases.91–96 that surrounds the cervical lymph nodes
avoid missing any part of the examination. can interfere with imaging detection. The
Observation of the neck is important to Computed Tomography T1-weighted, fat-suppressed contrast-
note any asymmetries or skin changes. CT is generally performed preoperatively enhanced image is perhaps the optimal
Most clinicians prefer to palpate the neck with intravenous contrast to help delineate sequence to evaluate cervical metastatic
standing behind the patient, simultane- vascular from lymph structures. The scan disease.92,97 MRI provides the distinct
ously palpating each aspect of the neck. generally involves 3- to 5-mm slices from advantage of viewing the neck and prima-
We find it helpful to break the neck down the skull base to the clavicles. Important ry tumor in planes not available by CT.
into muscular triangles and examine them radiographic markers for the presence of Difficulty with the use of MRI concerns
sequentially from the submandibular tri- suspicious adenopathy include lymph node both the time and motionlessness
angle to the posterior triangle. Lymph size, shape, and central necrosis. A lymph required for an acceptable study to be per-
node chains should be evaluated for the node is considered abnormal when it is formed. Individuals with oral cancer fre-
presence of palpable masses, noting their greater than 1.5 cm in the jugulodigastric quently have large lesions that may com-
size, surgical neck level, and whether the region or greater than 1 cm in other regions promise the airway while supine for
mass is fixed or moveable. Bending the of the neck.92,96 Shape has been suggested as extended periods of time. When using
patient’s head forward or slightly to the a criterion to help distinguish pathologic MRI for evaluating the neck the same cri-
side will ease taut tissues of the neck allow- nodes. The shape of a normal or hyperplas- teria concerning nodal size, shape, and
ing for better palpation. Other important tic lymph node resembles a bean, as central necrosis should be applied as
palpable structures of the neck to be eval- opposed to round or sphere-like metastatic when evaluating with CT.
uated in the examination include the nodes frequently present. Next to size, the
parotid gland, the thyroid gland, and the most specific indicator of metastatic nodal Ultrasound
postauricular, occipital, and supraclavicu- disease on tomographic imaging is the Ultrasound (US) evaluation of the neck
lar lymph node chains. The parotid gland presence of intranodal necrosis, indepen- has become increasingly popular in Euro-
should be evaluated for the presence of dent of size and shape (Figure 32-15). Only pean countries. Sonography is relatively
any palpable disease or masses and the an intranodal abscess or fatty hilar metapla- inexpensive and is tolerated well. It may be
thyroid gland for any nodule, masses, or sia can simulate central tumor necrosis. used as an initial study to help guide the
thyromegaly. The trachea should be clinician in deciding whether further imag-
inspected for any deviation or fixation. Magnetic Resonance Imaging ing studies of the neck may be required.
The past decade has seen a relatively MRI is another method of neck imaging This is especially true in the clinically N0
high incidence of observer error. 89,90 that has gained popularity in the past neck. Sensitivity of sonography in the
Deficiencies have been observed in both decade. With superior soft tissue detail, detection of cervical lymph node metasta-
the ability to recognize the presence of a one would expect better delineation of sis is 89 to 95%, and specificity is 80 to
626 Part 5: Maxillofacial Pathology

95%.98–100 This specificity can be increased unique in that it represents a functional distant metastatic oral cancer is its whole
with the use of US-guided fine-needle imaging scan as opposed to a morpholog- body imaging of possible tumor spread.
aspiration.101 Criteria for the evaluation of ic imaging scan. A prospective study by The infrequency of distant metastasis
potentially malignant cervical nodes with Adams and colleagues showed a higher was recognized early by Crile.110 Studies
sonography also involve the assessment of sensitivity and specificity for FDG-PET produced from the patient database at
nodal size, shape, and presence of central (90%, 94%) compared with CT (82%, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
necrosis. Metastatic nodes are characteris- 85%) and MRI (80%, 79%).102 Several have also shown relatively low rates in the
tically round to spherical in shape and are other studies have produced similar eventual development of distant metasta-
frequently hypoechogenic. In the presence results.103–105 As with ultrasound, FDG- sis, ranging from 13% in individuals with
of extracapsular spread, loss of border def- PET may have a unique role in the evalu- floor-of-mouth cancer to 15% in patients
inition is observed. Normal lymph nodes ation of the clinically N0 neck.106 FDG- with carcinoma of the tongue.57,111 As new
are frequently difficult to detect because of PET has found a place in the evaluation of therapies lead to better locoregional con-
their high echogenicity mimicking that of an unknown primary with success rates trol of disease, we can expect to see a
the surrounding fatty tissue. reported from 10 to 60% in the identifica- greater incidence of distant metastasis in
tion of the index lesion.107–109 long-term follow-up.
Positron Emission Tomography Drawbacks to the use of FDG-PET for
The use of 2-18F-fluoro-2-deoxy-D- evaluation of the neck include the inabili- Diagnosis
glucose (FDG) positron emission tomog- ty to differentiate between cancerous and A thorough clinical examination is the
raphy (PET) relies on the enhanced meta- reactive inflammatory lymph nodes and first line of defense in the detection of
bolic activity of tumoral tissue in the the poor anatomic delineation of the pri- oral cancer. Prognosis is directly depen-
body, of which increased glycolysis is usu- mary tumor and neck nodes in relation to dent on the tumor stage at diagnosis.
ally the biochemical hallmark. FDG, a surrounding structures, particularly those Nearly one-half of all oral cancers are not
radiolabeled glucose analog, is preferen- of a vascular nature. detected until they are in advanced stages.
tially taken up within tumor cells that This delay may be because symptoms
exhibit increased glycolysis; they can be Assessment of Distant Metastasis may not develop until later in the disease
detected from the increased signaling in Final evaluation of the oral cancer patient process or the socioeconomic group most
that tissue (Figure 32-16). This study is involves a work-up for possible distant likely to develop oral cancer is unable to
metastasis. Although the percentage of seek treatment until it has reached an
individuals who present with an untreated advanced stage. Studies have shown that
primary tumor who already have distant only 14% of adults in the United States have
metastasis is low, it is prudent to have ever had an oral cancer examination.112
thoroughly staged the individual for opti- A study by Holmes and colleagues showed
mal treatment planning. Distant metastasis that detection of oral and oropharyngeal
from the oral cavity most frequently SCC during non–symptom-driven exami-
involves the lung, followed by liver and nations was associated with a lower stage
bone. Therefore, routine posterior-anterior at diagnosis.113 These detections occurred
and lateral chest radiographs and the eval- in the dental office, whether by a dentist,
uation of liver function tests (LFTs) are dental hygienist, or oral and maxillofacial
considered the minimum metastatic surgeon.
work-up for head and neck cancer
patients. Depending on abnormalities Toluidine Blue
found in the chest radiograph or LFTs, Oral cancer can have various clinical
locoregional extent of the disease, and appearances, ranging from subtle mucos-
degree of clinical suspicion, the surgeon al color or texture changes to gross ulcer-
may also choose to obtain a CT of the ation or a fungating lesion. These mucos-
chest or abdomen and pelvis. Obtaining al alterations are particularly difficult to
other studies such as bone scans should be assess in early cancers and dysplasia. It
FIGURE 32-16 Preoperative positron emission
tomography scan demonstrates increased activity symptom-driven. An added advantage of was recognized in the 1960s that toluidine
in right tongue and right neck at levels II and III. an FDG-PET study in the evaluation of blue stained malignant cells in vivo. Tolu-
Oral Cancer: Classification, Staging, and Diagnosis 627

idine blue is a metachromic dye that has lesion should be acquired prior to biopsy she may encounter epithelial abnormali-
been used as a nuclear stain. The dye in order to properly stage the lesion. When ties on a daily basis and is reluctant to
uptake has been shown to aid in the early faced with a large lesion, it is best to take refer the patient for biopsy. It is our
recognition and diagnosis of oral SCC.114 several biopsies from different sites in an opinion that brush cytology is only a
While the dye’s exact mechanism of attempt to decrease any sampling error screening tool, and any atypical or posi-
action is unknown, theories have been that might be read as dysplasia, necrosis, tive results must be confirmed by an inci-
proposed that the dye selectively stains or inflammation. sional biopsy. The same should be said
cells with increased deoxyribonucleic acid Brush cytology has gained acceptance about highly suspicious lesions read as
synthesis or quantitatively more nucleic in the dental community as a safe, mini- “negative.” If clinical suspicion remains
acids than other cells.115 It has also been mally invasive technique for use in the high despite a negative cytology result, a
suggested that the dye binds to sulfated screening of clinically suspicious biopsy should be obtained.
mucopolysaccharides, found in higher lesions.118 Brush cytology differs from
quantities in actively growing cells. Sever- exfoliate cytology in that it removes an Conclusions
al studies have borne out toluidine blue’s entire transepithelial layer for cytologic SCC of the oral cavity continues to be a
sensitivity (89 to 100%) and specificity evaluation as opposed to the sloughing common disease worldwide including in
(62 to 90%) for oral SCC.115–117 This surface layer of the mucosa. Commercially the United States. Despite research and
specificity increases when a protocol is available kits exist that include a brush advances in surgical and adjuvant therapy,
followed involving a second rinse 14 days biopsy instrument, glass slide, and fixative. long-term survival remains poor. It is a dis-
after the initial application to allow for The suspicious lesion is sampled by rub- ease all clinicians will be faced with, and
resolution of any inflammatory lesions bing or rotating the sampling brush early recognition and diagnosis of premalig-
that may be present. The sensitivity of against its surface until pinpoint bleeding nant and malignant disease is directly relat-
toluidine blue in detecting dysplastic at the biopsy site is obtained, indicating ed to outcome. Proper staging of the prima-
lesions is not as high as that for SCC. Sen- sampling to the basement membrane and ry lesion and neck with a thorough clinical
sitivity rates have been recorded ranging an adequate specimen. This specimen is examination and imaging is paramount to
from 74 to 84.6%.115,117 These dysplastic then transferred to the slide, fixed in the designing a successful treatment plan.
lesions stain inconsistently, and toluidine office, and sent to the corporation for eval-
blue cannot be used as reliably. uation by both a computer and oral References
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