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of Relatos Salvajes

Brief English Depic(on

Brief English Depic(on
•  On that day afeternoon, the man had to buy his daughter’s birthday cake.
He went to the bakery and parked his car out on the street, right beside
the sidewalk, making sure that there wasn’t any sign that forbade it. He
was preDy excited about his daughter’s birthday party and bought the
most expensive cake of the store. But once he walked out towards his car,
it was missing. The mood of the man changed faster than the speed of
light. He suddenly realized that the car had just been unlawfully towed.
Rapidly, he went to the offices of the towing company to demand the
release of his property, only to find out that he was asking for jus(ce from
a deeply corrupted an bureaucra(c system. He figured out that he wasn’t
going to get any sympathy or help. Furious at the man who was aDending
to his requests, he took a fire ex(ntor and violently broke the glass that
separated them both. Immediately, the security wardens approached the
situa(on and took the man to jail. In the end, no jus(ce was ever made,
the man had to pay the bill to the towing company in order to keep his
car, and the night in jail remained in his memory as a proof that
some(mes, in a (ght situa(on like that one, you just have to let it go.

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