Formiche: There Are No Los Causes

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There are no los causes … if

There are no los causes … if
•  This is a story about the power of will of one man. A story that
encourages and gives hope to lost causes. The fact that, no ma=er
how big or impressive an obstacle may seem, the spirit of the main
character (Leiningen) turns out to be unbreakable, results
absolutely magnificent. The events narrated portray this man in a
situaCon where he either losses everything he has worked for in his
enCre life, promising only a chance to save his life, or he fights for
what he believes in which, in turn, is not really the a=achment that
he may have to his possessions, no, it is the very Cght founded
philosophy that states that a man’s brain, his brain, is powerful
enough to triumph over any danger or difficulty that it can ever
encountered. This is specially well-described when Leiningen’s
lifelong mo=o is designated: "The human brain needs only to
become fully aware of its powers to conquer even the elements”.

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