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ee Armstrong Economics Peed a BR ESS SSS SSS Forecasting the Vorld An Islamic Revolution Is it on TIME? Forser Chairman of Princeton Reonomics International, Ltd: Mortin A, Armstrong strong Copyright ALL Rights Reserve Rogister For Special Updates At. Armstron Pleage cond comments by aail to: Please REGISTER for Special Updates Martin A, Arastrong POP Fort Dix Camp #12518-050 Arnetronglcononics .OON PO Box 2000 Fore Dix, NJ 08640 copyright Rartin_A,_Avmstrosg_ AIT Rights Resorved This Report my be forszded ar you Mike wfthoot charge to individnls ex governments around the orld, Tt Ls proves of » RslSc Serioe gt this tne without coot becuse of the critical fsts that te nov asad ecomaicaly. The contents and designs of the ystane are in fect cxpyghtes. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I vould 1ike to thank oll the foraer eaployees, associates, sources, ani contacts for their ongoina aupport and efforts to contribute to the writings I have been able to continuo through their great efforts. I vould also like. to thank those who hoe looked after not Just ayeelf, but wy fenlly, and shown then surprt and ndaess. The purpose of these reports {¢ to brodon the understanding that {8 s0 vital to our personal survival. Goverment cannot save us, and vill only assist the very econonie disaster we face, This is ¢ Sovereign Debt Crisis that threatens our core Survival. There is no plan to ever pay off debts. The majority of debt increase i paying interest perpetually to roll over without ‘any long-term plan, What You see In Greece and in the States, we have run out of other people's money. The socialists Keep pointing to the rich, But to fund the deficits, we need to borrow nov from foreign lands, We ran out of money donestically and to support the current systen Like Gresce, ve need foreign capital, But all governments are facing the sane crisis tnd ve ere on the verge of another widespread governnent default. Ada Smith warned {n bis Wealth of Nations that in 1776, no government paid off their debt and had falvays defoulted. We will have no choice either. ‘There 19 no hope that politicians will save us, for they only form comnittees to nvestigat after the shit-hite-the-fan. They will NOT risk their career for a future problem that may hit on someone else's vatch. There was a politician and a average man standing on top of the Sears’ Tover when a gust of wind blev then off. The average men being a realisticrpessimist, inmediately sees he is about to ate land hogina praying. ‘The politicians, the ultimate optimist, can be heard saying MWell so far so good!” as he passes the 4th floor. At Princeton Economics, our mission was simply to gather global data and to bring that together to create the world's largest and most comprehensive computer system and mogel that vould monitor the world capital flows. By creating that model. @il the fallacies of market and economic theories were revealed. The vorld is far bore dynamic and every change even ina distant land can alter the course of the Blobale economy, Just as has been shoun with the turmoil in Greece, » CONTAGION takes place and now capital begins to look around at all countries. We can no nore comprehend the future but Looking only at donestic issues today than we can do so Snvevery other area, sich as disease and the spread of flus. We Live tn a NEM DYNAMIC GLOBAL ECONOMY where capital rushes around fleeing political changes and taxes just as it is attracted by prosperity. All the people ho migrated to the United States in the 19th and 20th Centuries, cane for the same Feasons as those still coming fron Mexico ~ Jobs and prosperity. In the 19th Century, America vas said to have so mich wealth, its streets were pavel in gold. We must now Look to both the past and the entire world to understand where we nov are today, An Islamic Revolution By: Martin A. Armstrong Former Chairman of Princeton Feonomics International, Ltd. ‘and the Foundation For The Study Of Cycles RE we Looking at a PROTESTANT REFORMATION in Islan? One of the primary reasons shy the Protestant Reformation wis eagerly supported by kings and merchants, wes that they were abolishing the SIN OF USURY and that meant that now Christians could becone bankers without risk of violating religious principles. The Protestant Reformation vas fought for a lot of different reasons in the minds of many, but economically, it vas profitable to break avay from tre Church for those who sought to be bankers in the open to compete vith the Jevish pavnbrokers. This eventually led to a class distinction between Protestants and Catholics. The former were now merchant-banicers able to engage in banking to both borrow and lend, The first exchange was constructed in Austerdan. The Catholics wore forbidden to borrow or lend, Thus, the leverage of @ debt society took hold within the Protestant nations and they prospered rapidly. The Catholic nations lagged behind land thus northern Europe was exploding with economic innovation, vhile the southern European nations Ianguished in poverty. Catholics becase a second-grade class. “PROTESTANT” meant someone tho had then ‘There are other differences in Islan protested. Vhst ve are starting to sce in | such as extrene right and left wings just Islam is fot auch different from the real J gs there are within Christianizy and Judisn. econonic driving force that split Christians | These extremes are a concern i7 all major Starting in 1380 vith the rise of English | religions. Hconomics is also a very key factor. Feforsor John Wycliffe who translated the | Catholics vere in fact at firs: forbidden Bible into English. This was sbout the same | Go borrow or lend at profit that subordinated ‘tine frane, 1380 yoare, that have passed” | thom to Protestants. Here we have unemployaent Bince che death of Muhonmad in 632AD. The | that is the driving force bohind the riots and Fiots bagen in Iran, then in Tunisia, and | protests. Yet, governsent is defending itself pow Egypt. These are ALL Beonomic driven! ' shutting down the internet that the US intends

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