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ARTICLE II:  Consti Authoritarianism is compatible with a republican state if the

Consti upon which the Executive bases his assumption of power is

a legitimate expression of the people’s will
DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES AND  And if the executive who assumes power receives his office thru a
valid election by the people.
STATE POLICIES  Why? Because a republican state is nothing more than a state
where sovereignty resides in the people and where all government
Declaration of Principles and State Policies = statement of the basic authority emanates from the people.
ideological principles and policies that underlie the Constitution.
Nature and functions of Government
 Government – that institution or aggregate of institutions by which
The provisions shed light on the meaning of the other provisions of the an independent society makes and carries out those rules of action
Constitution and they are a guide for all departments of the government in the which are necessary to enable men to live in a social state
implementation of the Constitution.  Or which are imposed upon the people forming that society by
those who possess the power or authority of prescribing them
 Principles = binding rules which must be observed in the conduct  3 great departments: LEGISLATIVE (6), EXECUTIVE (7),
of government (1-6) JUDICIARY (8)
o Not all 6 principles are self-executory  2 function of Govt
o CONSTITUENT – compulsory
 Policies = guidelines for the orientation of the state (7-28) o MINISTRANT – constitute the very bonds of society

 Some policies already anchor justiciable People v. Gozo

 Her house was constructed within the naval base leased to the
 Kilosbayan v. Morato = read Sec 5, 12, 14, American armed forces. She seeks to emasculate our sovereign
and 17 as mere “guidelines” which do not rights by the assertion that we cannot exercise therein
yet confer rights enforceable by courts but administrative jurisdiction.
recognized Section 16 as a right-conferring  Court ruled that the govt is merely gave consent to the US to
provision because it speaks of “the right of exercise jurisdiction in certain cases.
the people”  Auto-limitation = a state if it chooses to may refrain from the
exercise of what otherwise is illimitable competence
 Allowing another power to participate in the exercise of
PRINCIPLES jurisdictional right over certain portions of its territory. IF IT
Section 1. The Philippines is a democratic and republican THEY RETAIN THEIR STATUS AS NATIVE SOIL. THEY
State. Sovereignty resides in the people and all government ARE STILL SUBJECT TO ITS AUTHORITY
authority emanates from them.  Philippines have NOT abdicated its sovereignty over the bases as
part of the Philippine territory or divested itself completely of
jurisdiction of such offenses committed therein.
A state is a community of persons more or less numerous permanently
occupying a definite portion of territory independent of external control and  Bases = they are NOT and CANNOT be foreign territory
possessing an organized government to which a body of inhabitants render
habitual obedience. Doctrine: The Philippine government merely consents to a foreign state’s
jurisdiction in certain areas as a matter of comity, courtesy, or expediency.
Four requirements for a government: The US has prior or preferential, but not exclusive jurisdiction, and the
•People Philippines does not divest itself of jurisdiction over offenses committed
•Territory inside the military bases. The bases are not foreign territory. Functions of
•Sovereignty Government As defined in Bacani v. NACOCO, the functions of government
•Government are classified into constituent and ministrant functions. Constituent Functions
The constituent functions of government are the compulsory functions of
State = legal concept / Nation = ethnic concept government that constitute the very bonds of society.

As enumerated by Woodrow Wilson, they are:

 Legal Sovereignty = the supreme power to make law. Lodged in the
1. The keeping of order and providing for the protection of persons
and property from violence and robbery.
 Political Sovereignty = the sum total of all influences in a state, legal
2. The fixing of legal relations between man and wife and between
and non-legal, which determine the course of law.
parents and children.
 A republican state implies a representative government while a 3. The regulation of the holding, transmission, and interchange of
democratic state implies a direct democracy. property, and the determination its liabilities for debt or for crime
 Republican state = all government authority emanates from the people 4. The determination of contract rights between individuals.
and is exercised by representatives chosen by the people 5. The definition and punisment of crime.
 We are not only representative or republican, we also share aspects of 6. The administration of justice in civil cases.
direct democracy such as INITATIVE AND REFERENDUM (Art VI, 7. The determination of the political duties, privileges, and relations
Sec. 32) of citizens
 Sovereignty is the power to make legal decisions. 8. Dealings of the state with foreign powers: the preservation of the
 All sovereignty resides in the people, and whatever power you have has state from external danger or encroachment and the advancement
to be given to you. of its international interest.
 Sovereignty is defined by Jellinek as the supreme power to affect all
legal interests either by executive, legal, or judicial action. It is opined that housing for the people and the compelling demands of social
justice now fall under the ambit of a government’s constituent functions.
Constitutional Authoritarianism = understood and practiced in the Marcos
regime under the 1973 Constitution was the presumption of the extraordinary Bacani v. NACOCO – issue was WON NACOCO was part of “government”
powers by the President INCLUDING LEGISLATIVE AND JUDICIAL and or not. Since NACOCO was a corporation with personality distinct from
even constituent powers, where such assumption is authorized bu the letter or government and could not therefore claim the privileges which flow from
at least the SPIRIT OF LEGITIMATELY ENACTED CONSTITUTION. sovereignty. When, however, government chooses to operate not thru a

Constitutional Law I | Article II: Declaration of Principles and State Policies | KSantos.  1
government owned corporation but thru an incorporated agency, the What superficially appears to be a bewildering variety of applications of
distinction between constituent can be useful. constitutional democracy can be reduced to the following basic patterns:
• Direct government – the people, organized as the electorate, are
Ministrant Functions the preponderant power holder (Ancient Greek City-States)
Ministrant functions of the government are the optional functions that are • Assembly government – name for the pattern which the
intended for achieving a better life for the community. The principles for parliament as the representation of the people is the preponderant
determining whether or not the government shall exercise these functions are: power holder (China, former USSR)
 that a government should do for the public welfare those things o Legislative assembly holds undisputed supremacy over
that private capital would not naturally undertake all other state organs, subject only to the sovereign
 that a government should do those things which by its very nature electorate renewing it at regular intervals
it is better equipped to administer for the public welfare than any o Incompatible with bicameralism
private individual or group of individuals. o Chief of state – ceremonial
• Parliamentarism – where there exists an equilibrium between the
ACCFA v. CUGCO – Issue was the characterization of the functions of a independent power holders, parliament and government, and is
government agency charged with the implementation of the land reform attempted by the integration of the two. There are two widely
program. The function may not strictly be CONSTITUENT in the sense of divergent forms of this type, where the parliament is superior in
BACANI. But the compelling urgency with the Constitution speaks of political power to the cabinet (French model) or vice versa (British
SOCIAL JUSTICE does not leave any doubt that land reform is not an model).
optional but a CUMPOLSARY function of sovereignty. o 6 STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS COMMON TO
State, government, and administration  Members of the government are also
State is the corporate entity, government is the institution that implements the members of the parliament.
will of the State, and administration refers to the people running the  RATIONALE: So the Assembly
institution. can subject them to political
responsibility by making them
De facto government stand up in the midst and account
Judicial acts and proceedings of de facto governments remain good and valid for their conduct of office.
even after the liberation or reoccupation of the Philippines by the American  Government/Cabinet consists of the political
and Filipino forces. leaders of the majority party
 Pyramidal structure with the Prime Minister
Go Kim Chan v. Valdez Tan Keh as its apex and recognized leader
Doctrine There are three kinds of de facto governments. Is the government  PM exercises undisputed
established by the Japanese DE FACTO? supremacy over his ministerial
KINDS OF DE FACTO GOVERNMENT  Government remains in power so long as it
• First, is when the government de facto gets possession and commands the support of the majority of the
control of, or usurps, by force or by the voice of the majority, the members of the parliament
rightful legal government and maintains itself against the will of  Power is lost when majority
the latter. (Cromwell’s England) withdraws its support
• The second is a government established and maintained by  General elections change the
military forces who invade and occupy a territory of the enemy in majority structure of parliament
the course of war, and which is denominated a government of  Policy decision is shared by the government
paramount force (Japanese Occupation) and the parliament
• The third kind is that established as an independent government  It is in POLICY CONTROL that the crux of
by the inhabitants of a country who rise in insurrection against the the pattern of a parliamentary government
parent state (Southern Confederacy) lies
 Of the second kind, denominated as a government of  Dissolution and vote of non-
paramount force. confidence belong together like
piston and cylinder
Distinguishing Characteristics of a De Facto government: • Cabinet – prime minister and cabinet over the parliament
• Its existence is maintained by active military power within the o MAIN FEATURES:
territories and against the rightful authority of an established and
 Existence of 2 alternating parties possessing
lawful government
even chances in the long run becoming the
• While it exists it must necessarily be obeyed in civil matters by
majority party
private citizens, who by obedience rendered in submission to such
 Cabinet is relatively a small committee
force, do not become responsible as wrongdoers for those acts,
composed of leaders of the majority party
though not warranted by the laws of the rightful government.
 The official leader of the winning party is
the prime minister designate. Undisputed
Philippine Government promulgated during the Japanese years = DE FACTO
leader and superior of his cabinet whose
members he choose upon his discretion
 Policy decision is in the hands of PM and
The legislative and judicial acts of de facto government = VOID AB INITIO.
cabinet, the commons are granted only that
degree of participation in the policy
In Re: Letter of Associate Justice Puno
execution by legislation that the prevailing
political climate of public opinion demands
Synopsis With respect to the Aquino government of 1986, it can be said that
 Policy control is vested in both houses of the
the organization of Mrs. Aquino’s government was met by little resistance and
parliament and the electorate
her control of the state evidenced by the appointment of the Cabinet and other
 Majority of the parliament members = men
key officers of Cabinet officials, revamp of the Judiciary, and the Military
of intelligence, integrity, and experience.
signaled the point where the legal system in effect had ceased to be obeyed by
the Filipino people. REVOLUTIONARY.
• Presidential – If the independent power holders, government and
parliament, are kept separated but are constitutionally obligated to
C. Republic v. Sandiganbayan
corporate for the formation of the will of the state, interdependence
Issue: Legality of search and seizure after the 1987 constitution was
is achieved by coordination.
promulgated. Illegal search = against the bill of rights.
Marcos Dictatorship and Parliamentarism vs. Presidential Government
Patterns of Government

Constitutional Law I | Article II: Declaration of Principles and State Policies | KSantos.  2
• “As politics get into the army, the army gets into politics”.
The Marcos government was a presidential form of government. A MARTIAL LAW.
presidential form of government has these distinguishing features:
• separation of powers • Armed forces = protector of the state
• the preeminence of the President

First of all, Marcos inherited the powers of the President as defined in the Mark of Sovereignty
1935 Constitution. He was also superior to the Prime Minister by the fact that
he nominated the Prime Minister, approved the program of government to be The MoS clause is, in capsule form, the description of a soldier’s vocation.
administered by the Prime Minister, terminated the term of the Prime Minister The soldier is supposed to renounce political ambition because he finds
if and when he nominates his successor, and could delegate powers to the nobility and dignity and honor in being the guardian of the people and of the
Prime Minister. He also had control over the ministries. Moreover, while there integrity of the national territory of a legitimate government. This is not a
was a closer relationship between the executive and legislative, thereby principle, which once articulated, creates the reality that it seeks to describe.
manifesting some aspects of parliamentarism, there was a definite separation. To keep the dream of civilian supremacy alive, two elements are needed: a
Separation from the Judiciary was also maintained. civilian government that is both legitimate and stable, and an armed force of
the highest professionalism.
Section 2. The Philippines renounces war as an instrument
of national policy, adopts the generally accepted principles Section 4. The prime duty of the Government is to serve
of international law as part of the law of the land and and protect the people. The Government may call upon the
adheres to the policy of peace, equality, justice, freedom, people to defend the State and, in the fulfillment thereof,
cooperation, and amity with all nations. all citizens may be required, under conditions provided by
law, to render personal, military or civil service.
Renunciation of war
Compulsory military and civil service; protection of people and State
 The war that is renounced is an aggressive and not a defensive war.
 Congress = power to declare a state of war  Volunteer system – entrusting the sacred mission of defending the
country to men lacking in capacity who have proved failures in
other fields of activity (like in Korea)
Adoption of International law
 People v. Lagman – the accused was prosecuted for failing to
register for military service under the National Defense Act. Act is
 International law can only become part of municipal law through the NOT unconstitutional.
appropriate constitutional machinery, such as an act of parliament or
Congressional legislation.  People v. Manayo

 Sec. 2 Art II accepts doctrine of incorporation. International law has the Section 5. The maintenance of peace and order, the
same force as domestic law protection of life, liberty, and property, and promotion of
the general welfare are essential for the enjoyment by all
 Cases of Mejoff v. Director of Prisons (alien of Russian descent who had the people of the blessings of democracy.
been detained. Invoked the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)

 AGUSTIN V. EDU – use of early warning devices. Court ruled that the  Peace, order, and general welfare
1968 Vienna Convention on Road Signs and Signals had been ratified  Padilla: provision recognized a hierarchy of rights – LIFE (1),
 Although the doctrine of incorporation tells us that public international
law carries the same weight as statutory law, when it comes to general Section 6. The separation of Church and State shall be
principles of international law, the ones that will be adopted by the
country are arrived at through jurispruidential development. inviolable.  

Adherence to policy of peace, freedom, amity  Article III, Section 5

 Foreign policy = national interest STATE POLICIES

Section 3. Civilian authority is, at all times, supreme over Section 7. The State shall pursue an independent foreign
the military. The Armed Forces of the Philippines is the policy. In its relations with other states, the paramount
protector of the people and the State. Its goal is to secure consideration shall be national sovereignty, territorial
the sovereignty of the State and the integrity of the integrity, national interest, and the right to self-
national territory. determination.
An Independent foreign policy
Civilian authority is, at all times, supreme over the military. The Armed
 Discussions on the future of the military bases in Subic and Clark
Forces of the Philippines is the protector of the people and the State. Its goal
is to secure the sovereignty of the State and the integrity of the national  Closest reference to military bases that a dominant majority in the
territory. The section is divided into two clauses, the Civilian Supremacy ConCom would allow in the body of the consti
clause and the Mark of Sovereignty clause.

• Civilian Supremacy - Civilian authority is, at all times, supreme Section 8. The Philippines, consistent with the national
over the military. interest, adopts and pursues a policy of freedom from
• Mark of Sovereignty -The AFP is the protector of the people and nuclear weapons in its territory.
the state.

Constitutional Law I | Article II: Declaration of Principles and State Policies | KSantos.  3
 A policy of freedom from nuclear weapons Section 12. The State recognizes the sanctity of family life
 2 questions: 1. What are banned by the provision 2. How absolute and shall protect and strengthen the family as a basic
is the ban?
autonomous social institution. It shall equally protect the
 “not only possessing weapons but also NUCLEAR TESTS in our life of the mother and the life of the unborn from
territory as well as the use of our territory as dumping ground for conception. The natural and primary right and duty of
radioactive wastes (JPEPA?!)” parents in the rearing of the youth for civic efficiency and
the development of moral character shall receive the
 Not a ban on the peaceful uses of nuclear energy
support of the Government.

 “FAMILY” – a stable, heterosexual relationship

 Family is anterior to the state and is not a creature of the state
Section 9. The State shall promote a just and dynamic
social order that will ensure the prosperity and  It protects the family from the instrumentalization by the state
independence of the nation and free the people from
 2 points on the legal meaning and purpose of the protection that is
poverty through policies that provide adequate social
guaranteed for the unborn:
services, promote full employment, a rising standard of
living, and an improved quality of life for all. o 1. THIS IS NOT AN ASSERTION THAT THE
Section 10. The State shall promote social justice in all o THIS IS NOT AN ASSERTION THAT THE LIFE OF
phases of national development. THE UNBORN IS PLACED EXACTLY ON THE
 SOCIAL JUSTICE – equalization of economic, political, and
social opportunities with special emphasis on the duty of the state o When the life of the mother needs to be saved, the
to tilt the balance of social forces by favouring the disadvantaged unborn can be sacrificed but not merely when the
in life purpose is to save the mother from emotional suffering
o Roe v. Wade – liberalized abortion laws up to the 6 th
 Tondo Medical Center Employees v. CA month of pregnancy by allowing abortion any time in
the first 6th months
Making free medicine and free medical services o Roe was overturned by CASEY. 4th month with undue
inaccessible to economically disadvantaged principles burden test and will inform the parents and father

o Petitioners requests that HRSA declared VOID because

Section 13. The State recognizes the vital role of the youth
it counters to the aspiration and ideals of the Filipino
people as embodied in the Constitution in nation-building and shall promote and protect their
physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual, and social well-
o “As a general rule, provisions of the constitution are being. It shall inculcate in the youth patriotism and
considered SELF-EXECUTING and do not require nationalism, and encourage their involvement in public
future legislation for their enforcement. For if they are
not treated as self-executing, the mandate of the
and civic affairs.
fundamental law can be easily nullified by the inaction
of congress. However, some provisions have already  As to the education of children, the rights of the State and parents
been categorically declared by this court as non-self are delineated, as the primary right belongs to the parents and
executing” affirms the secondary and supportive role of the state.
 The State, as parens patriae, may step in when a natural parent
o TANADA V. ANGARA – “These principles in Art II cannot or fails to cope with the duties of raising his or her children.
are NOT intended to be self-executing principles ready
for enforcement thru the courts. They are used by the
judiciary as aids or guides in the exercise of its power Section 14. The State recognizes the role of women in
of judicial review, and by the legislature in its nation-building, and shall ensure the fundamental equality
enactment of laws” before the law of women and men.
 NON-SELF EXECUTIN: 5 (church and
state), 9 (promote dynamic social order), 10  Fundamental equality between men and women before the law
(social justice), 11 (dignity), 12 (sanctity of  The provision is worded as not to dislocate the Civil Code and the
family life), 15 (right of health), 18 (labor) jurisprudence on the subject. What it does is to give impetus to the
removal, through statutes, of existing inequalities. The general idea
o BASCO V. PAGCOR – Sec 11 (dignity), 12 (sanctity is for the law to ignore gender in determining rights and duties
of family life) and 13 (youth) of Art II ARE NOT
SELF-EXECUTING PROVISIONS. These cannot give Section 15. The State shall protect and promote the right
rise to a cause of action in the courts. They do not
embody judicially enforceable consti rights to health of the people and instill health consciousness
among them.
Section 11. The State values the dignity of every human
person and guarantees full respect for human rights. Section 16. The State shall protect and advance the right of
the people to a balanced and healthful ecology in accord
with the rhythm and harmony of nature.

Constitutional Law I | Article II: Declaration of Principles and State Policies | KSantos.  4
The State shall protect and advance the right of the people to a balanced and  Other case: Manila Prince Hotel
healthful ecology in accord with the rhythm and harmony of nature. This
provision recognizes an enforceable right. This is illustrated in the following
cases. Section 20. The State recognizes the indispensable role of
the private sector, encourages private enterprise, and
Oposa v. Factoran provides incentives to needed investments.

 The subject matter of the complaint is the general interest of all  MARINE RADIO COMMUNICATIONS ASSOCIATION V.
citizens of the Philippines. The petitioner minors assert that they REYES – “Article II, Section 20 is no more than an
represent their generation and the generations yet unknown. Their acknowledgement of the importance of private initiative in
personality to sue in behalf of succeeding generations is based on building the nation. However, it is not a call for official abdication
the concept of intergenerational responsibility. Every generation of duty to citizenry”
has a responsibility to the next to preserve the rhythm and harmony
for the full enjoyment of a balanced ecology.
 Intergenerational responsibility and justice Section 21. The State shall promote comprehensive rural
development and agrarian reform.
 Minors: 1) cancel all existing timber license agreements in the
country and 2) cease and desist from receiving, accepting, Comprehensive rural development also includes: 1. Social 2. Economic 3.
renewing, or approving new timber license agreements Human 4. Cultural 5. Political and 6. Industrial development

Laguna Lake Development Authority v. Court of Appeals

Section 22. The State recognizes and promotes the rights of
indigenous cultural communities within the framework of
 Some residents near the dumpsite in Caloocan were concerned
about pollution. The LLDA issued a cease and desist order because national unity and development.
of its harmful effects on the residents and the possible pollution to
the receiving streams. The Court upheld the LLDA ruling.  Indigenous and cultural communities are discussed under National
Economy and Patrimony (XII) and LG (X)
Section 17. The State shall give priority to education,
science and technology, arts, culture, and sports to foster Section 23. The State shall encourage non-governmental,
patriotism and nationalism, accelerate social progress, and community-based, or sectoral organizations that promote
promote total human liberation and development. the welfare of the nation.

This does not mean that the government is not free to balance the demands of Section 24. The State recognizes the vital role of
education against other competing and urgent demands. communication and information in nation-building.

Section 18. The State affirms labor as a primary social *The 1986 Constitutional Commission refused to impose a “social
economic force. It shall protect the rights of workers and responsibility” on media
promote their welfare.
imposing such a duty will open the door for the state to require media to
follow a certain line
This means that the human factor has primacy over the non-human factor in
production. *Note: Article XVI Sec. 10-11

Section 19. The State shall develop a self-reliant and Art. XVI Sec. 10. The State shall provide the policy environment for the full
development of Filipino capability and the emergence of
independent national economy effectively controlled by COMMUNICATION STRUCTURES suitable to the needs and aspirations of
Filipinos. the nation and the BALANCED FLOW OF INFORMATION into, out of, and
across the country, in a accordance with a policy that respects FREEDOM OF
 This is a guide for interpreting provisions on the national economy
and patrimony
 Any doubt must be resolved in favour of self-reliance and Communication Policy-includes within its scope COMMERCIAL
independence in favour of Filipinos TELECOMMUNICATIONS, MASS MEDIA, and ADVERTISING. This
section is concerned with the AVAILABILITY and REACH of
communication facilities.
Garcia vs Board of Investments
The State may exercise its authority TO MAINTAIN a PROPER
 Transfer of the petrochemical plant in Bataan to Batangas
company to allow interconnection.
 Taiwanese want to transfer the site to Batangas because of
employment issues.
e.g. Philippine Long Distance Co. vs. National Telecommunications
 Issue: WON the foreign investor has the right of final choice of
plant site
The Court: The interconnection which has been required of PLDT is a form of
intervention with property rights...The decisive considerations are PUBLIC
 BOI committed a grave abuse of discretion in approving the NEED, PUBLIC INTEREST and the COMMON GOOD...To these PUBLIC
transfer of the petrochemical plant from Bataan to Batangas and and NATIONAL INTERESTS, PUBLIC UTILITY COMPANIES must bow
authoring change of feedstock from naptha oly naptha and LPG for and yield.
the main reason that the final say is in the investor all other
circumstances to the contrary notwithstanding
Art. XVI Sec. 11. (1) The OWNERSHIP and MANAGEMENT of MASS
MEDIA shall be limited to CITIZENS of the PHILIPPINES, or to

Constitutional Law I | Article II: Declaration of Principles and State Policies | KSantos.  5
corporations, cooperatives or associations, WHOLLY-OWNED and Unitary System of the Philippines: LOCAL GOVERNMENT can only be
MANAGED by such CITIZENS. an infra-sovereign subdivision of ONE SOVEREIGN NATION.

The CONGRESS shall REGULATE or PROHIBIT It cannot be an imperium in imperio but only:
INTEREST so requires. (1) a measure of autonomy
(2) decentralization of the FUNCTIONS of GOVERNMENT
(2) The ADVERTISING industry is impressed with
PUBLIC INTEREST, and shall be regulated by law for the PROTECTION Art. X Sec. 2. The TERRITORIAL and POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS shall

ONLY FILIPINO CITIZENS or corporations or associations at Local Autonomy-means more than just decentralization:
least SEVENTY PER CENTUM of the capital of which is owned by such
citizens shall be allowed to engage in the advertising industry. Decentralization of ADMINISTRATION-when the CENTRAL
GOVERNMENT delegates ADMINISTRATIVE powers to political
The participation of FOREIGN INVESTORS in the governing subdivisions in order to:
body of entities in such industry shall be LIMITED TO THEIR
PROPORTIONATE SHARE in the capital thereof, and all the EXECUTIVE (1) broaden the base of government power making local governments more
(2) ensure their fullest development as SELF-RELIANT communities
*The Consti. Commission did not succeed in formulating a definition of
MONOPOLIES (3) make them more effective PARTNERS in the pursuit of NATIONAL
MASS MEDIA-includes radio, television, and the printed media. It does not
include commercial telecommunications, which are governed as public (4) relieves THE CENTRAL GOVERNMENT the burden of managing
utilities, nor the advertising industry. LOCAL AFFAIRS, enabling it to focus on NATIONAL CONCERNS

PUBLIC UTILITY-a utility corporation which renders service to the general Decentralization of POWER-involves an abdication of POLITICAL POWER
public for COMPENSATION. Its service is not confined to privileged in favour of LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNITS declared to be
individuals but is OPEN TO AN INDEFINITE PUBLIC. It is a business or AUTONOMOUS. The AUTONOMOUS GOVERNMENT becomes
service engaged in regularly supplying the public with some commodity or accountable not to the CENTRAL AUTHORITIES but to ITS
service of PUBLIC CONSEQUENCE (Iloilo Ice and Cold Storage Co. v. CONSTITUENCY.
Public Utility Board, Art. XII Sec. 11).
*The meaning of LOCAL AUTONOMY under the 1987 Constitution,
Section 25. The State shall ensure the autonomy of local HOWEVER, was effectively thrown down to the LEVEL OF AUTONOMY
under the 1935 Constitution.
e.g. Magtajas v. Pryce Properties: GOV’T OF CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY
*Note: Article X Sec. 1-3 contended that it could prevent the PAGCOR from operating a casino in the
city, under its authority to prohibit gambling. PAGCOR, however, had
Art. X Sec. 1. The TERRITORIAL and POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS of authority under P.D. No. 1869 to CENTRALIZE and REGULATE all games
the Republic of the Philippines are the PROVINCES, CITIES, of chance under territorial jurisdiction of the Philippines.
REGIONS in MUSLIM MINDANAO and THE CORDILLERAS as herein THE COURT ruled that: CDO City could not curtail PAGCOR’S authority.
after provided. Municipal governments are ONLY AGENTS of the national government.
Municipal corporations owe to, and derive their powers and rights wholly
Philippines Lina, Jr. v. Pano: an attempt by the provincial government to PROHIBIT
LOTTO. THE COURT ruled: The provincial government may not prohibit
AUTONOMOUS REGION-a BODY CORPORATE consisting of provinces, lotto.
cities, and municipalities. Creation of other autonomous regions can only be
accomplished by CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. *Commision on Audit MAY NOT reduce the allowance given to JUDGES by
The right of PROVINCES, CITIES, MUNICIPALITIES, BARANGAYS, authorizes LOCAL GOVERNMENTS to give allowance to judges and decide
and AUTONOMOUS REGIONS to exist as the TERRITORIAL and how much this should be.
POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS of the state is no longer just a STATUTORY
RIGHT but a CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT. San Juan v. Civil Service Commission:

Salient Criteria for AUTONOMY: Facts: By E.O. No. 112, authority to appoint a Provincial Budget Officer
(1) AUTONOMY should be compatible with NATIONAL GOALS upon RECOMMENDATION of the LOCAL EXECUTIVE concerned. The
person recommended by the PROVINCIAL GOVERNOR, however, did not
(2) AUTONOMY should ensure WIDEST PARTICIPATION and possess the necessary qualifications. Hence, the c appointed somebody else of
INITIATIVE to the local government unit his own choice.

(3) AUTONOMY should assure the development of SELF-RELIANT Issue: The authority to appoint a PBO.
Held: THE COURT rules that if the recommendee of the PROVINCIAL
state which is CONSTITUTED BY LAW and has SUBSTANTIAL MANAGEMENT must ask for new recommendees with the necessary
CONTROL of LOCAL AFFAIRS. eligibility.

Constitutional Law I | Article II: Declaration of Principles and State Policies | KSantos.  6
San Juan was aware that there are factors about life in a local community Issue: Whether the Local Government Code also authorizes local government
about which the CENTRAL GOVERNMENT is NOT the best judge. THE units to have a sole and exclusive right to decide on whether there should be a
COURT: “More important is the proper administration of FISCAL AFFAIRS recall proceeding or not.
at the LOCAL LEVEL”.
Held: The COURT did not agree with Governor Garcia and stated that the
Laguna Lake Dev’t. Authority v. Court of Appeals CONGRESS has made its choice as called for by the constitution and it is not
the prerogative of this court to supplant this judgement. There is nothing in
Facts: The Task Force Camarin Dumpsite filed a complaint with the Laguna the CONSTITUTION that will remotely suggest that the people have the “sole
Lake Dev’t. Authority (LLDA) seeking to stop the operation of the garbage and exclusive right to decide on whether to initiate a recall proceeding.”
dumpsite in Tala Estate, Brngy. Camarin, Caloocan City due to its harmful
effects on the health of the residents and the possibility of pollution of the CONGRESS was not straight jacketed to one particular mechanism of
water content of the surrounding area. The LLDA found out that the City initiating recall elections and was given the POWER TO CHOOSE the
Government was not able to secure an Environmental Compliance Certificate effective mechanism of recall AT ITS DISCERNMENT. It is the
(ECC) from the Environmental Management Bureau (EMB) before LEGISLATIVE that determines the necessity, adequacy, wisdom and
maintaining an open dumpsite. The LLDA issued a CEASE and DESIST expediency of law.
ORDER ordering the City Government of Caloocan to stop dumping garbage
at the Camarin Dumpsite. Less than a year later, the dumping operation was Principal Guidelines given to CONGRESS for structuring LOCAL
resumed after a meeting among the City Government of Caloocan. The LLDA GOVERNMENT UNITS:
then issued another order reiterating the CEASE AND DESIST ORDER
previously issued. The City Government filed with the RTC DECLARATION (1) The structure must be RESPONSIVE and ACCOUNTABLE
(2) It must be instituted through a SYSTEM OF DECENTRALIZATION
Issue: Which agency can lawfully exercise jurisdiction over the matter?

Held: The Supreme Court denied to the municipalities around Laguna Lake Section 26. The State shall guarantee equal access to
and here, the City Government of Caloocan, the power to authorize the opportunities for public service and prohibit political
construction or dismantling of fishpens, fish enclosures, and the like (in this dynasties as may be defined by law.
case a garbage dumpsite) in Laguna Lake. The COURT ruled that the
SPECIFIC POWER of the LLDA must prevail over the GENERAL POWER
of LOCAL GOVERNMENTS. *The establishment of political dynasties is an effective way of
MONOPILIZING and PERPETUATING power. BUT the argument that the
The issuance of the CEASE AND DESIST ORDER by the LLDA is a ELECTORATE should be LEFT FREE TO DECIDE is not without
proper exercise of its power and authority under its charter and amendatory VALIDITY.
laws. This charter of LLDA, R.A. 4850 have provided the power to institute
“necessary legal proceeding against any person who shall commence to *The meaning of POLITICAL DYNASTIES has been left for CONGRESS to
implement or continue implementation of any project, plan or program define:
WITHIN THE LAGUNA DE BAY REGION without previous clearance
from the LLDA.” In addition, E.O. 927 series of 1983 confers on the LLDA DEAN BAU: POLITICAL DYNASTIES still has no definition to date. The
the power “to make, alter or modify orders requiring the discontinuance of question is “are the principles CORRECT and can they be
pollution.” IMPLEMENTED?”

Art. X Sec. 3. THE CONGRESS shall enact a LOCAL GOVERNMENT A. Pamatong v. Comelec – article is not self-executing
CODE which shall provide for a more RESPONSIVE and ACCOUNTABLE
local government structure instituted through a SYSTEM OF Facts: PETITIONER Rev. Ely Pamatong filed his Certificate of Candidacy.
DECENTRALIZATION with effective mechanism of RECALL, The COMELEC refused to give due course to the PETITIONER’S Certificate
INITIATIVE, and REFERENDUM, ALLOCATE among the different local of Candidacy. PETITIONER sought to reverse the resolutions which were
government units their powers, responsibilities, and resources, and provide for allegedly rendered in violation of his right to “equal access to opportunities
the QUALIFICATIONS, ELECTION, APPOINTMENT AND REMOVAL, for public service” under Sec. 26, Art. II.
LOCAL OFFICIALS, and all other matters relating to the organization and Issue: Whether denial of PETITIONER to run for the presidency violative of
operation of the local units. his right to “equal access to opportunities for public service” under Sec. 26,
Art. II.
INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM-the legal process whereby the registered
voters of a LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNIT may DIRECTLY propose, enact, Held: No. The provision is not intended to compel the state to enact positive
or amend any ordinance. measures that would accommodate AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE into
public office.
The COURT has ruled that, even as worded, the statute authorizes
INITIATIVE AND REFRENDUM not just on ordinances BUT ALSO ON There is no CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to run for or hold public office.
RESOLUTIONS What is recognized is merely a privilege subject to LIMITATIONS imposed
by law. Some valid limitations specifically on the privilege to seek elective
RECALL-as an instrument for effecting official accountability, is a DEVICE office are found in the provisions of the OMNIBUS ELECTION CODE on
or PROCEDURE by which a public official’s tenure may be terminated by “NUISANCE CANDIDATES” and COMELEC Resolution No. 6452,
POPULAR VOTE. It may be applied to both ELECTIVE and APPOINTIVE wherein the COMELEC may motu proprio refuse to give due course to or
officials. cancel a Certificate of Candidacy.

e.g. Garcia v. Commission on Elections-

Section 27. The State shall maintain honesty and integrity
Facts: The 1991 Local Government Code authorized PROVINCES, CITIES, in the public service and take positive and effective
LEGISLATIVE DISTRICTS AND MUNICIPALITIES to have a measures against graft and corruption.
PREPARATORY RECALL ASSEMBLY authorized to initiate the recall of
an elective official. Governor Garcia contended that such a right includes the
SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE RIGHT to decide on whether to INITIATE a *NOTE: Article XI
recall proceeding or not.
Art. XI Sec. 1. PUBLIC OFFICE is a PUBLIC TRUST. Public officers and
employees must at all times be ACCOUNTABLE to the people, serve them

Constitutional Law I | Article II: Declaration of Principles and State Policies | KSantos.  7
lives. bank or financial institution to the PRESIDENT, THE VICE-PRESIDENT,
The provisions of Art. XI are designed to exact ACCOUNTABILITY from COURT, AND THE CONSTITUTIONAL COMMISSIONS, THE
public officers OMBUDSMAN, or to any firm or entity in which they have controlling
interest, during their tenure.
removed from office, ON IMPEACHMENT for, and CONVICTION OF, Section 28. Subject to reasonable conditions prescribed by
law, the State adopts and implements a policy of full public
BETRAYAL OF PUBLIC TRUST. All other public officers and employees disclosure of all its transactions involving public interest.
may be removed from office as provided by law, but NOT BY
Art. III Sec. 7. The right of the people to information on matters of PUBLIC
The 2 exceptions of JUDICIAL INDEPENDENCE: CONCERN shall be recognized. Access to OFFICIAL RECORDS, and to
(1) power of the COMELEC and of the ELECTORAL TRIBUNALS to be TRANSACTIONS, or DECISIONS, as well as to GOVERNMENT
judges of ELECTIONS CONTESTS RESEARCH DATA used as basis for policy development, shall be afforded
the citizen, subject to such LIMITATIONS as may be provided by law.
(2) power of IMPEACHMENT of CONGRESS, the exercise of which is an
act of POLITICAL JUSTICE** e.g. Subido v. Ozaeta (Pre-1973 Case):

IMPEACHMENT PROCESS-The RIGHT to be removed ONLY BY Facts: The press wanted to examine the records of the Register of Deeds.
IMPEACHMENT is the Constitutions strongest guarantee of SECURITY OF
TENURE. The guarantee effectively blocks the use of other legal ways of Issue: Whether the press, and for that matter, the public had a
ousting an officer. CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to demand the examination of PUBLIC LAND
 makes the president immune from LEGAL ACTION
Held: The press had a STATUTORY RIGHT to examine the records of the
Register of Deeds because the interest of the press was REAL and
 but at the same time REMOVABLE in extreme cases
e.g. In re Gonzales-the suggestion that a Supreme Court justice may be
Note: However, THE COURT said: We do not believe that the
subjected to disbarment proceedings was dismissed by THE COURT: “A
public officer...who may be removed from office only by impeachment,
involved (in this case). Freedom of information and freedom to obtain
cannot be charged with disbarment during the incumbency of such public
information for publication is NOT GUARANTEED by the constitution.
1973 Constitution: Went beyond the Subido case: recognized the right of
The object of the process is NOT TO PUNISH but ONLY TO REMOVE a
access to public documents and records as a SELF-EXECUTORY
person from office
CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT. Preserved by the 1987 Consti with the addition
of “government research data” as a reaction to the government practice during
REMOVAL and DISQUALIFICATION are the only punishments that can
the Marcos regime of withholding such data from the public.
be imposed upon conviction on impeachment. CRIMINAL and CIVIL
LIABILITY can follow AFTER the officer has been removed by
Also determined in Chavez is the extent to which the public has a right to
information about the efforts of government through the PCGG to recover
Art. XI Sec. 4. The present ANTI-GRAFT COURT known as the
the PCGG to disclose sufficient public information...such information, though,
SANDIGANBAYAN shall continue to function and exercise its jurisdiction
must pertain to DEFINITE PROPOSITIONS...not to communications during
as now or hereafter may be provided by law.
the stage when common assertions are still IN THE PROCESS of being
*The SANDIGANBAYAN-shall have the jurisdiction over CRIMINAL and
CIVIL cases involving GRAFT and CORRUPT practices.
Gonzales v. Narvasa: Issue: Whether the Executive Secretary, upon petition
of a citizen, may be ordered to give access to the names of executive officials
Art. XI Sec. 15. The RIGHT OF THE STATE to RECOVER PROPERTIES holding multiple positions in government, copies of their appointments, and
unlawfully acquired by PUBLIC OFFICIALS of EMPLOYEES, from them or the list of the recipients of luxury vehicles seized by the BOC. Held: THE
from their nominees or transferees, shall not be barred by PRESCRIPTION, COURT: The information is of public concern BUT called attention to the
LACHES, OR ESTOPPEL. limitations on the right found in R.A. No. 6713 the “Code of Conduct and
Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees”, which provides that in
PRESCRIPTION-A method of acquiring or extinguishing rights through the the performance of their duties, all public officials and employees are obliged
inaction of the legal owner to respond to letters sent by the PUBLIC within 15 working days...

LACHES-A legal doctrine whereby those who take too long to assert a legal Lantaco, Sr. v. Llamas: THE COURT: While the public officers in custody
right, lose their entitlement to a right or compensation. or control of public records have the discretion to REGULATE, such
discretion does not carry with it the AUTHORITY TO PROHIBIT access,
ESTOPPEL-A bar preventing one from making an allegation or a denial that inspection, examination or copying.
contradicts what one has previously stated as the truth.
GSIS: In granting loans, exercises a PROPRIETARY FUNCTION does not
R.A. 1379 Sec. 11: “The laws concerning acquisitive prescription and justify the exclusion of the transactions from the coverage and scope of the
limitation of actions CANNOT BE INVOKED by, nor shall they benefit the RIGHT TO INFORMATION. As a government institution, it may be
RESPONDENT in respect of any property UNLAWFULLY ACQUIRED by compelled to show documents evidencing BEHEST LOANS even if they are
him”. proprietary in nature.

Art. XI Sec. 16. No LOAN, GUARANTY, or other form of FINANCIAL

ACCOMMODATION for any business purpose may be granted, DIRECTLY

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COMELEC: The refusal of the COMELEC to reveal the names of the
nominees for party-list seats violates the right of the people to information on
matters of PUBLIC CONCERN.

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