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- Writing style
- Heb 13:23, 24; Heb 10:34 (2Co 1:1; Col 1:1; 1Th 3:2; Phm 1)

- Who? Jewish Nation
- When? Became nation after Red Sea
- How? Angel "passed by"
- Orig. Def = "to pass by, through, over"
- APP: "Passing by" this world…heart in heavenly Canaan

- 13 chapters

- "Don't look to earthly, but to Christ in heavenly"

- Written to Jewish people
- Custom? Animal sacrifices
- Jesus "Lamb of God"

- Still sacrificing AFTER death of Christ


Chapter 1 and 2

Heb 1:1 How God communicated to His people in the past

Heb 1:2 Whatever God says has more weight through the Son
"Last Days"

Heb 1:3 Summarizes the whole book (Heb8:1;10:12;12:2)

Heb 1:4 Better because of His name ~ inheritance (Php2:9;Ro8:17)

Heb 1:5 Received excellent name ("Son") at Resurrection (Ac13:33)

Heb 1:6 Whoever dies with Jesus will be 2nd, 3rd, etc. (Ro8:29)

▪ Problem is death; God says solution is to give only begotten Son to die like us, go into
the grave, and resurrect to give us the same conclusion
▪ God wants us to die like Jesus (spiritually) and resurrect with Him (baptism) to give us
the promise of Resurrection
⁃ Though we literally die, but because spiritually we died, God will resurrect us and
we will be called 2nd, 3rd, etc
⁃ When He calls us this, then we share in the inheritance

Heb 1:7 Son is God because angels worship Him

Heb 1:8 In heaven to receive His kingdom

Heb 1:9 New covenant experience and anointed as King (Heb4:16)

▪ King authority to exercise Grace to sinners, not w/out justice

Heb 1:10 "In the beginning" is everlasting (Pr8:22,23)

Heb 1:11 Everlasting

Heb 1:12 Eternal

Heb 1:13 When He stands, grace is finished

Heb 1:14 Enemies become footstool when we receive inheritance


Heb 1:4, 5 What the Father said about His Son (Mic5:2;Ps2:7;Ac13:33)

Heb 1:6 Son of God --> Son of Man = sons of men --> sons of God

▪ Chapter Two tells why become Man

Ch1 = God
Ch2 = Why Man

Heb 2:9, 10 Died to help us be like Him and give immortality

Heb 2:11 Sanctified = glory; brethren = glory/sanctified (2Co3:18)

▪ No beholding = no brethren of Jesus

Heb 2:12 Church = brethren

▪ No beholding = no part of church

Heb 2:14 Sin destroyed because sinless life, grave let go of Him

▪ God will erase your record so death has no power over you

Heb 2:17 Jesus born sanctified with sinful flesh (Ro8:3)

▪ God sees end result of giving up His Son (church sanctified)
▪ SANCTUARY showing how Jesus helps His church


Heb 1:3 Six characteristics of Christ

Heb 1:4-7 Jesus better than angels

▪ Chapter One: Divinity

v1-3 Six Characteristics
v4-7 Better than angels
▪ Main topic then chapter topic with its parts (organize)

Heb 1:8, 9 Son = God and King (repetition of v3)

Heb 1:10 Creator (repetition of v.2)
Heb 1:11, 12 Everlasting and Eternal
▪ v8,9 - King
▪ v10 - Creator

Heb 1:13, 14 Better than angels (repetition)

▪ What is Chapter One all about? Chapter Two?

Heb 2:9, 6-8 Jesus became a Man to take our guilt (#1)
Heb 2:14, 15 Jesus became Man to destroy death's power (#2)
Heb 2:16-18 Jesus became Man to help us with temptation (#3)

▪ Repetition (Heb1:3)
▪ Jesus helps with Past, Future, Present
⁃ worry past worry future
▪ Faith Hope Love


Comparison and Contrasts (Chapters 1-5) Chapter 3 and 4 go together

Chapter 3 and 4

Moses; Wilderness; Joshua ~ Canaan

Heb 3:1 Consider High Priest to help us with doubt and unbelief
Heb 3:2 Comparing Christ and Moses
Heb 3:3 Builder has more honor than the house
Heb 3:4 Christ is the foundation of the ceremonial system
Heb 3:5, 6 Moses = servant; Christ = son (Ga4:7)
Heb 3:7-11 Lost because of unbelief
Heb 3:12 Unbelief = disobeying the Sabbath; they needed faith
Heb 3:13, 14 Repetition of Verse 6
Heb 3:15-19 Unbelief = sin caused them to not enter in God's rest
▪ v1-6 Christ and Moses
▪ v7-19 Unbelief

Heb 4:1, 2 Sanctuary

Heb 4:3 God gave the way to enter into rest from Creation
Heb 4:4 Sabbath is a teacher of rest
Heb 4:5, 6 Sabbath - teach them but unbelief prevented learning
Heb 4:7 Believe to enter into God's rest
Heb 4:8, 9 Not a man's doing
Heb 4:10 Cease from your own works ~ faith
Heb 4:11 Takes effort to surrender to God

▪ Obey without surrender of heart--trust what we can do

▪ v1-11 Enter into God's Rest

Heb 4:12, 13 (same topic) Hard heart (unbelief) needs to be cut out

▪ Cannot hide from God, Word will show thoughts and feelings
▪ (Fooling) God wants us to have rest in the center of our hearts
▪ v12,13 Heart

Heb 4:14, 15 Without sin = without doubt, unbelief, r'ness by works

Heb 4:16 Grace to overcome doubt, unbelief--to exercise faith
▪ Grace to those who don't work for it
▪ Rest found at throne of Grace
▪ Mercy and Help there to give you faith, patience, etc
▪ Deny High Priest = no grace, help, cannot enter into Rest

▪ Chapter 3 Danger of Unbelief

▪ Chapter 4 Enter into God's Rest
Problem? Unbelief
How will God help? Word and High Priest
▪ Chapter 4 end with Jesus as High Priest to help us (ch.2)
Chapter 3 begins with this…what is theme of book?


Chapter 5 and 6

Heb 5:1, 2 Qualifications of a High Priest (Among,God,Offer,Com.,Inf,)

Heb 5:3 No application to Christ
Heb 5:4 Called by God

▪ v1-4 Qualifications of Human High Priest

Heb 5:5 Called at His Resurrection

Heb 5:6 Chapter 7 explains this…
▪ Jews only had one order of priesthood
▪ Jesus follows Melchisedec - why?
⁃ Tribe of Judah cannot be High Priest
⁃ How can He be High Priest if not Levite?
⁃ How can He be after Melchisedec? (Chapter 7)
▪ Called at His Resurrection (a hint?)

Heb 5:7 He knows how to pray, this qualifies Him as High Priest
Heb 5:8, 9 Pray and Obey, this qualified Him

▪ Leaders should know how to endure suffering

▪ Know how to pray to help you know how to obey
▪ Churches die - people not praying for each other (Judas)

Heb 5:10

▪ v1-4 Human High Priest

▪ v5-10 Jesus High Priest (Resurrection, Melchisedec,Pray,Obey)
▪ Chapter 5 is about Priesthood of Jesus

Heb 5:11 Rebuke to those who have hard time understanding

Heb 5:12 Know milk because don't understand what you should
Heb 5:13 Milk users don't know how to use the Bible--a baby
Heb 5:14 Meat habitually exercise their senses (not confused)

▪ Theme: Priesthood of Jesus (Human,Priesthood,Milk/Meat)

▪ Prophetic: Sigh and cry for the people will be sealed
▪ Question: Why is it that they don't understand/obey? Not praying

Heb 6:1-3 Perfection is Jesus High Priest

Heb 6:4, 5 What is impossible for these people?
Heb 6:6 Walked away from ministry of Christ as High Priest

▪ Question: Why impossible? Walk away from Sacrifice

▪ Question: Why share this? Reject HP; Rome comes - not flee

Heb 6:7, 8 Analogy to help them respond to God's blessings

Heb 6:9 Gives positive encouragement
Heb 6:10, 11 Same amount of diligence to helping use to understand
Heb 6:12 Connected to Heb 2:1 "earnest" "neglect" (inheritance)
Heb 6:13, 14 God will do the work as He did with Abraham
Heb 6:15, 16 Abraham an example of how to bring forth fruit

▪ v1-6 Go On Unto Perfection

▪ v7-11 Fruit or Thorns
▪ v12-15 Abraham (Faith and Patience)
▪ v16-20 Promise and Oath

Heb 6:17 God's promise and oath ~ inheritance

Heb 6:18 Promise and Oath ~ Hope
Heb 6:19 Hope is sure because in heavenly sanctuary
Heb 6:20 Promise and Oath ~ Jesus Hight Priest after Melchisedec

▪ Question: What is the Promise and Oath? Blotting out / Mel

▪ Question: Why bring out Abraham? Dependent on Blotting out


Chapter 7

Heb1 = Divinity
Heb2 = Humanity
Heb3 = How to NOT Enter into God's Rest
Heb4 = How to Enter God's Rest
Heb5 = Jesus High Priest, Earthly Qualifications (Human)
Heb6 = Promise and Oath Fulfilled by Jesus as High Priest (Faith/Pat.)
Heb7 = Jesus High Priest, Heavenly Qualifications (Divine)
▪ Ch1 = Divinity
▪ Ch2 = Humanity
▪ Ch5 = Humanity
▪ Ch7 = Divinity
⁃ BOTH Human and Divine High Priest

Heb 6:20 Jews surprised because Levitical Order but confused (Ps)

Heb 7:1 King and Priest and Blessed Abraham

Heb 7:2, 3 No genealogy sounds like lives forever

▪ Question: Why is this important? Priesthood is everlasting

⁃ Jesus is a priest for ever (Lev. change because they die)
▪ Summary: Jews' biggest argument; Paul: Mel is better than Levi

Heb 7:4 Greater than Abraham because Abraham gave tithe to him
Heb 7:5 Levites take tithes also…but...
Heb 7:6-8 Levites die

▪ Question: What witness? No genealogy

▪ Question: Which is better? Both tithes; One lives

Heb 7:9 Mel is greater because Levi paid tithes to him

Heb 7:10 Clear Mel is better but now he will go more detail
Heb 7:11 Why say Messiah would come from Mel if Lev perfect?
Heb 7:12 Law which says Lev are priests done away or changed

▪ Question: When was this change? Resurrection

Heb 7:13-15 Law said nothing about Judah so that's why Mel
Heb 7:16 Comparisons between Levitical and Melchisedec
▪ Question: What's the biggest point? Mel is forever

Heb 7:17 Key word is For Ever

Heb 7:18, 19 Priest law helped me to look to heavenly (Earthly-Heav)

▪ Earthly ceremonial helped to look for heavenly reality

Heb 7:20 Jesus became priest by Oath--specially chosen by God

Heb 7:21 Jesus = Oath; Levi = no oath--this is why better priesthood
Heb 7:22 Levites serve to old covenant; Jesus serves new
Heb 7:23 Problem for Levite priests? keep changing because death
Heb 7:24 Again, Jesus is everlasting…He doesn't die
Heb 7:25 Conclusion: Because He doesn't die He is able to save

▪ Conclusion: Melchisedec is better than Levite

⁃ #1: Received tithes
⁃ #2: Blessed Abraham
⁃ #3: For ever (this is the best one!) and is perfect

Heb 7:26 He is divine

Heb 7:27 Earthly keeps offering; Heavenly is just ONE offering
Heb 7:28 Summarizing how Jesus was called (Oath not law)

Ch1 = Divinity
Ch2 = Humanity
Ch3 = Unbelief, a warning against
Ch4 = Enter into God's Rest
Ch5 = Jesus is High Priest with Earthly Characteristics
Ch6 = Promise fulfilled in Heavenly Sanctuary, we need faith/patience
Ch7 = Jesus High Priest with Heavenly Characteristics
Better than Abraham
Doesn't Change
Called by an Oath not law

Heb 8:1, 2 Conclusion or summary of everything he wants to tell us

Ch8 = Old and New Covenant

Ch9 = Earthly and Heavenly Sanctuary (Services)
Ch10 = Blood of Animals and Blood of Jesus
Ch11-13 = Conclusion


Chapter 8

Ch1 = To be our HP He has to have Divinity (sin = eternal price)

Ch2 = He has to have Humanity to help us with sin
Ch3 = We must BELIEVE our HP to lead us to Rest
Ch4 = HP work is to help us experience God's Rest
Ch5 = HP because of earthly characteristics
Ch6 = Jesus fulfills promise in Heavenly Sanctuary
Ch7 = HP because of divine characteristics (ch5 = human)
Ch8:1 = Conclusion for 1-7; said everything in this verse

▪ Paul clearly proved WHO is our High Priest

Chapter 8--two things: Where and What?

▪ Old Sanctuary ministered God's side of the Old Covenant, but this covenant not good
anymore so God has a new one.
Chapter 9--Services (Earthly or heavenly?)
Chapter 10--Blood (Animals or Jesus'?)

Heb 8:1, 2 Not what Man made but what God set up
Heb 8:3 Jesus also offered up gifts and sacrifices (Intro to ch8-10)
Heb 8:4 This is why Jesus has to work in Heavenly not Earthly Sanc.
Heb 8:5 Not working in the REAL sanctuary in heaven

▪ Question: Why mention this? Earthly --> Heavenly, Jesus

From verse 2, topics really short and to the point

▪ v2 - which sanctuary? Heaven
▪ v3 - which offerings? His own
▪ v4 - cannot be HP on earth because of Levitical law
▪ v5 - earthly is a shadow; heavenly is the REAL image
▪ v6 and on will be about Covenant (v2-5 will be in ch9 and 10)

Heb 8:6 Better covenant and better promises

Heb 8:7 Needs to be a new one because Old is full of fault
Heb 8:8 Old Covenant: God and Israelites; Promise: Great nation

▪ Question: Problem? Obey with their own strength (not rest)

Heb 8:9 New covenant--God didn't change…gave more explanation

Heb 8:10, 11 Don't have to tell people because they will see
Heb 8:12 Merciful = Forgiveness; Remember no more = Blotting out
Heb 8:13

New Covenant in v10-12

▪ 2 parts 2 Promises (Isa43:25) (Sabbath~Rest~NC) (Other day?)
▪ SDA = Sanctuary - Judgment - Blotting out

▪ Question: When is the time of blotting out? Ac3:19

⁃ Jesus-see-no memory-don't know He knows
▪ Peace? Offend - forgives and looks as if don't remember
⁃ Destroy power of guilt…death…temptation….RECORD
▪ Question: When? Latter Rain
⁃ Latter rain, sealed, j'ment of living, blotting out
Heb 8:13 Biggest reason for OC not perfect: no blotting out
▪ God took it away and replaced with New Covenant
⁃ Write and Blot

Need to know Sanctuary, Judgment, and Blotting Out to be true SDA


Chapter 9

Ch1 = Divinity
Ch2 = Humanity
Ch3 = Unbelief
Ch4 = Rest
Ch5 = HP as Human
Ch6 = Promise and Oath
Ch7 = HP as Divine
Ch8 = NC
Ch9 = Structure and Service of Sanctuary; Where? Which sanctuary?

Heb 9:1 Old Covenant had its own sanctuary (ch8 example)
Heb 9:2 Two apartments "Hagia"(Holy Place)
Heb 9:3 Most Holy Place "Hagia Hagiown"
Heb 9:4, 5 Greater description for MHP (God gives more description)

▪ v1-5 Structure

Heb 9:6 Services (Paul puts them all into two: Daily and Yearly)
Heb 9:7 Once a year High Priest enters 2nd apartment

▪ First = Everyday ("always")

▪ High Priest vs Priest
⁃ If Jesus is priest only He cannot go to Second
▪ Most important is 2nd apt.-this is true purpose for BLOOD

▪ v1-5 Structure
▪ v6,7 Services

Heb 9:8 As long as Earthly still function the heavenly not manifest
Heb 9:9 Earthly a "figure" (example in ch8)

▪ Question: What is perfect as pertaining to conscience? Ch.10

Heb 9:10 Earthly services imposed until a change…death of Christ

▪ v1-5 Structure
▪ v6,7 Services
▪ v8-10 Transition from Earthly to Heavenly (v11 = Heavenly)
Heb 9:11 Not in the earthly but heavenly to do His ministry
Heb 9:12 He used His own blood not animal blood (ch10)
Heb 9:13, 14 If animal blood can do how much more Christ's?
Heb 9:15 Jesus is Mediator of New Covenant

▪ v1-5 Structure (Holy and Most Holy)

▪ v6,7 Service (Daily and Yearly)
▪ v8-10 Transition
▪ v11-15 High Priest, Sanctuary, Blood, Covenant--Christ fulfils
▪ Already proved HP but now going into what He's doing (blood)

Heb 9:16 A will has power when you die--it is SEALED (inheritance)
Heb 9:17 Died for NC; HP for NC; HS for NC; B for NC

▪ v11-14 Christ's Heavenly Service

▪ v15-17 Death of Christ

Heb 9:18 Dedicate sanctuary with Blood before doing any service
Heb 9:19-22

▪ v18-23 Blood Dedication or Purification

Heb 9:23 Heavenly also need to be purified…why?

Heb 9:24 Christ in the presence of God to purify in heavenly
Heb 9:25, 26 (Answers to v23)

▪ Put away = Blot out (ultimate purpose for the Blood)

⁃ Blood - 2 things: transfer and blot out (Put or Take Away)
▪ Behold Lamb - more complete in MHP

Heb 9:27, 28 Without sin means He is not bearing sins any more

▪ Carried the sins with Him to Heavenly Sanctuary but at His 2nd Coming no more bearing them
why? Blot them out
▪ False Teaching: When He comes He will change your character
⁃ Turn to Him now, confess now…"Today, Enter His Rest"
▪ Bearing-->Forgive-->Blot-->Eternal Life (Inheritance)
⁃ no forgive-->sin remains-->Eternal death


Chapter 10

v1-21 Comparison between Blood of Animals and Blood of Christ


Heb 10:1 Animal Sacrifices cannot make them perfect

▪ Question: What does "perfect" mean?

Heb 10:2 Should stop offering if their blood can purify (conscience)

▪ Question: What is no more conscience of sins?

Heb 10:3 Why animal sacrifices are not perfect (remembrance)

▪ Question: If you have no memory of sin, what happens to sin?

Heb 10:4 Perfect ~ take away sins, no remembrance, no conscience

▪ Question: What happens for sins no more remembered? Is43:25

Heb 10:5 Comparing how animal cannot do, but Christ's can
Heb 10:6, 7 Will of God = Die (has to be a death for will of God)
Heb 10:8, 9 Old taken away

NOTE: Need to finish


Chapter 11-13

Heb11:1 This hope is connected to immortality (Ro8:24)

Heb11:2,3 Connection between blotting out and Creation (Is65:17)
Heb11:4-8 Not able to see they still exercised faith

Observation: Paul brings this out because they can't see heavenly.

Heb11:9-11 Faith obtained a promise

Observation: Two things about faith: (1) Cannot see and (2) Obtain

Heb11:12,13 Emphasizing seeing when not able to see

Heb11:14-16 Better country/city connected to inheritance (Ps37:29)

Observation: Promise New Covenant Blot out Immortality Inheritance

Heb11:17-19 Able to believe Resurrection because of Creation

Heb11:20-30 Faith conquers, overcomes, denies
Heb11:31-35 Better resurrection is connected to promise

Observation: Resurrection Blot Law Blood Jesus' death Man

Heb11:36-39 Promise is inheritance. Resurrect to receive inheritance. Blot out sin to be

resurrected. (1Co15)
Heb11:40 Better HP, Cov, San, Blood; Perfect connected to Promise

Review: Levitical priesthood could not make anything perfect. But Jesus made salvation perfect.
How? Death and Resurrection. He learned obedience by things which He suffered and was made
perfect and able to complete, accomplish, and finish our salvation.

Heb12:1 Without last person, the whole team loses

Heb12:2 Jesus: Faith, Patience, Obedience, Throne (Re3:21;14:12)

Observation: Cannot finish race without looking to Jesus in MHP

Heb12:3,4 Run with patience connected to endure cross and resist

Heb12:5-7 Patience Endure Resist--Cross comes from God

Observation: We usually feel God forsakes us when going through this

Heb12:8-10 Patience will produce fruit of holiness at the end

Observation: Patience = endure and resist; Endure chastening of God because we are His
children and this brings fruit of holiness.

Heb12:11-14 Holiness Second Coming; Patience 2nd because holy

Heb12:15-17 Look diligently now or seek with tears later
Heb12:18 Transition
Heb12:19-22 Contrasting Earthly mount to Heavenly mount
Heb12:23-27 Shaking connected to judgment and God's voice
Heb12:28,29 How to come to heavenly mount without afraid of God

Heb13:1-25 Practical counsels and conclusion of book of Hebrews

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