Psychology Perspectives Chart

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Unit 1 TGA

Use your textbook and crash course video 1 to fill out this chart. Sometimes you will not be able to find any information
about a specific founder of a perspective or their background. In those cases, you can enter an n/a in the box. If you feel
like you don’t have enough information, go do some research my young friends! This is YOUR AP review sheet!


STRUCTURALISM Wilhelm Wundt he was appointed an approach in which behavior can be
(1832-1920) lecturer in physiology. the mind is broken broken down into its
into the smallest components.
he became an assistant elements of mental
to the physicist and experience. observing the mind is
physiologist Hermann structure, collecting
von Helmholtz. date through
he wrote a book that
advanced psychology
which investigated the
immediate experiences
of consciousness,
sensations, feelings,
volitions, and ideas
FUNCTIONALISM William James he went to the an approach that saw behavior is purposeful
(1842-1910) Lawrence Scientific behavior as and contributes to
School of Harvard purposeful and survival.
University. contributing to
he had a M.D. from the
Harvard Medical
School, but he was
unable to begin practice
due to illness.

he wrote The Principles

of Psychology that had
four methods (stream of
consciousness; emotion;
habit; and will)
GESTALT Max Wertheimer he began by studying an approach that saw breaking behavior into
(1880-1943) law but was soon drawn experience as being components loses
to philosophy and then different from the meaning.
to psychology. sum of its elements.

PSYCHODYNAMIC Sigmund Freud due to his Jewish heritage, a theory of inner ideas about the
(1856-1939) Freud lived in Vienna for 78 conflicts which unconscious mind, the
years until the Nazi
annexation of Austria surface in behavior role of experience in
occurred. or emotions. abnormal behavior,
he graduated from the Sperl inner conflicts +
Gymnasium and turned to childhood trauma.
medicine as a career.
HUMANISM Abraham Maslow Maslow studied an approach that saw importance of current
(1908-1970) psychology at the people as inherently environmental
University of good and motivated influences on our
Wisconsin. to learn and improve. growth potential, the
importance of having
he best known for his our need for love and
self-actualization theory acceptance satisfied.
which argued that the
goal of psychotherapy
should be the
integration of the self.
BEHAVIORISM John B. Watson Watson received a an approach that experience is the
(1878-1958) Ph.D. in psychology features the study primary source of
from the University of and careful behavior.
Chicago measurement of
Watson’s major work, behaviors.
“Psychology from the
Standpoint of a
Behaviorist,” extended
the principles and
methods of comparative
psychology to the study
of human beings.
BIOLOGICAL Ivan Pavlov he is known for his the psychological interested in the
(1849-1936) development of the perspective that physical mechanisms
concept of the focuses on the associated with
conditioned reflex and relationship between behavior.
mind and behavior, as
his experiment with
well as their underlying
salivating dogs.
biological processes.
EVOLUTIONARY Charles Darwin his nonreligious biology a psychological how our physical
(1809-1882) appealed to the rising perspective that structure and behavior
class of professional investigates how have been shaped by
scientists physical structure their contributions to
and behavior have our species survival.
Darwin wrote “On the been shaped by their
Origin of Species” contributions to
which deeply survival and
influenced modern reproduction.
Western society and
COGNITIVE Ulric Neisser Neisser published “Cognitive a psychological private mental
(1928-2012) Psychology,” which perspective that processing can be
researched things like
concerning perception, investigates studied scientifically.
pattern recognition, problem information
solving, and remembering. he processing, thinking,
emphasized both information reasoning, and
processing and constructive
problem solving.
DEVELOPMENTAL Jean Piaget Piaget was the first to make a a psychological looks at how thinking,
systematic study of
(1896-1980) understanding children. perspective that feeling, and behavior
His interests included scientific examines the normal change throughout a
thought, sociology, and changes in behavior person's life.
experimental psychology and he
continued to develop the idea the that occur across the
child evolves through a series of lifespan.
set stages to adulthood.

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