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My school is beautiful
It is the most cool.
It teaches us all.
It helps us to count, to draw.

This is the place where

I learnt many rules.
I learn to read and write
And not to be rude but polite.

Our teachers are so nice

They give us knowledge and advice.
Many books are in library,
Some we read some we carry.

Our school is nice and small

But with people with great soul

It is Primary School “Alexei Mateevici”.


Storyteller: And now we will present a fragment of the Cinderella


Storyteller: One day, the king decided to have a big party and
called everyone from the town. The king wanted his son to choose
one of the pretty girls to marry. The king sent invite to all the young
maidens for a Grand ball at his palace.

Servant: The people of the Kingdom, I have a message for you

from the king. Everyone is invited to the Grand ball, on Saturday of
the coming week. He will choose a Princess for the Prince on the

People: Yes! Yes! Wow!

Storyteller: Everyone was happy, and jumped with joy. Cinderella

was also very happy and excited. As she always wanted to see the
palace. Cinderella's sisters preparing themselves for the ball with a
great hustle and bustle.

Stepmother: Come on girls, start preparing for the ball. I want to

prince to marry either of you! and youuu, Cinderella, help both of
them to prepare. My girls should look like princesses. One of them
is going to marry the prince soon.

Anastasia: Oh mother! The prince will marry me.

Drizzela: Cinderella, fix my hair and help me get dressed.

Anastasia: No, Cinderella, come here first! I will marry the prince.

Storyteller: Cinderella was very kind. She helped both her sisters.

Cinderella: I wish I could go there too. Can I...come too ? I really

want to see the palace and attend the ball.

Stepmother: Nooo way! Look at yourself ! You don't even have a

dress to wear ! Everyone will just laugh at you and we have to face
embarrassment. How dare you even ask such a question?

Storyteller: The sisters and mother left for the Grand Ball.
Cinderella was left alone crying. She remembered that she had her
mother's wedding gown. It was all torn. She began sewing it. Her
little friends, the bird and the rats started helping her too.

Cinderella: This will take lots of time and by that time the party will
be over.

Storyteller: Suddenly, a fairy godmother appeared.

Godmother: Don't cry my child. I will send you to the ball.

Cinderella: Who are you? And how can this be possible? The dress
is all torn and I don't have a gown to wear to the ball.

Godmother: Don't you worry sweet child. (Magic spell)

Storyteller: Cinderella's old clothes changed into a beautiful new

gown and pointing at her feet, appeared glass shoes. Her mice
friends and bird jumping on the pumpkin.

Godmother: (Magic spell)

Storyteller: She turned the pumpkin into a beautiful carriage. The

mice became horses to drag the carriage and the bird became fer

Cinderella: But godmother, my stepsisters and stepmother will be

there too. They will get angry if they see me there!
Godmother: Don't worry! I won't let them recognize you.

Cinderella: Ohhh!! Thank you godmother, you are very kind.

Godmother: But remember, my child...the magic will only last until

midnight. Remember to reach home by then.

Cinderella: Ohhh! Yes godmother...I will take care of that.

Storyteller: She waved goodbye and set off for the ball.

Storyteller: When she entered the ballroom, all the heads turned
towards her. The stepsisters and the stepmother couldn't recognize

People: How beautiful she is !!!

Storyteller: The handsome prince saw her and fell in love with her
at the very first sight. He approached her.

Prince: Hey beautiful lady, may I have the pleasure of dancing with
Cinderella: Yess! Of course.

Storyteller: The prince did not dance with anyone else. He could
not take his eyes off Cinderella. Cinderella danced all night with the


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