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Phann Sopheaktra (ID 60180825)

Essay Outline

Thesis statement: People should disagree with gay marriage.


A. According to religion, marry someone of the same sex is a sin.

1. Marry someone of the same sex is a sin.
B. Traditional
1. We have our own traditional
2. Bad example for children
C. Counter Argument: Gay marriages should be legalized because the couple has the
right to choose.
1. People have right to choose who they want to marry
2. No ban rule
D. Refutation: Gay marriage should not allow in our country and disagree by everyone.
1. Harmful to our tradition
2. A bad example for the younger generation.


In conclusion, as you can see, the evidence proves that gay marriage is against our
tradition, so it should be disagreeing by everyone. We must obey our traditional and we
shouldn’t adapt other traditional.

Complete Essay

Do you agree or disagree with gay marriage?

Gay marriage is a contentious topic that has been in Cambodian society very often
lately. There are many valid Arguments from both the "ban gay marriages" and the pro-gay
marriage side. People should disagree with gay marriage.

According to religion, marry someone of the same sex is a sin. Homosexual is

immoral and against God’s plan (Christian), so it should not be endorsed by the government.

In my opinion, gay marriage shouldn’t allow in our country, because we have our own
traditional, so we don’t need to adapted another traditional or culture. Traditionally, marriage
is between a man and a woman and this should not be changed. Moreover, seeing gay
marriage will encourage children to engage in homosexual behaviour.
On the other hand, some people think that gay marriages should be legalized because
the couple has the right to choose, they may not have chosen to be gay, and it does not
trouble others. For sure, people have the right to choose who they marry. If a man can marry
a woman, there is no reason why he cannot marry another man. There is no written rule as to
whether an individual can be married to another of the same sex.

In contrast, gay marriage should not allow in our country and disagree by everyone,
because it is harmful to our tradition and is a bad example for the younger generation.

In conclusion, as you can see, the evidence proves that gay marriage is against our
tradition, so it should be disagreeing by everyone. We must obey our traditional and we
shouldn’t adapt other traditional.

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