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No Questions Quiz 59 Answers
1 In Texas it's illegal for what profession to be communists Pharmacists
2 The Black Death came to England from what port Calais
3 Which coin weighs exactly one Troy ounce Krugerrand
4 The Perils of Penelope and Dastardly and Mutley spin offs what Wacky Races
5 The Mantu and Heath tests check for what infectious disease Tuberculosis
6 Which US state has a buffalo or bison on its flag Wyoming
7 What would you do with a nan prick in Thailand Eat it - It’s a hot sauce
8 In 1895 the world's first disposable item made - what was it Razor Blade – King
Camp Gillette
9 In Odessa Texas Star of David and Peace symbol are what Banned satanic
10 Porn star Candida Royale was named after what A vaginal yeast
11 The Brownies ( junior Girl Guides) used to be named what The Rosebuds
12 Brass is an alloy of copper and what Zinc
13 R D Blackmore wrote which classic novel Lorna Doone
14 In what country was Greenpeace founded in 1971 Canada
15 In squash what colour dot indicates the slowest ball used Yellow
16 A statue of Lady Godiva stands in the centre which English city Coventry
17 Eddie Irvine is contracted to drive for which car company in 2001 Jaguar
18 The Bazuki is a traditional musical instrument of what country Greece
19 The word athletics comes from the Greek athlos meaning what Contest
20 Aphallatosis is a mental disorder caused by the lack of what Sex life
21 Jeri Ryan plays what character in the Star Trek series Seven of nine in
22 In 1925 the worlds first what opened Luis Obispo California Motel - Called Motel
1 Inn
23 Norma Talmage in 1927 made the first - the first what Footprints concrete
Grumman theatre
24 According 1890s doctors women eat mustard vinegar do what Masturbate too much
25 What countries language is Magyar Hungary
26 Where is your zygomatic bone Cheek
27 What item used in offices was voted the product of the century The Paperclip
28 What is named after Dr Ernest Grafenberg The G spot
29 The horned dinosaur Torosaurus had the biggest what on land Head - Skull nine feet
30 The US IRS manual gives the plan for collecting taxes after what Nuclear War
31 Where was the worlds first supermarket built (country) France
32 Bubba is Yiddish for what Grandma
33 In the USA where would you see a crossbuck X on railroad crossing
34 Los Pedernales is a Spanish translation what TV show The Flintstones
35 Palas is the correct name for what playing card Queen of spades
36 According to Hite report masturbating women like to use what Candles
37 Collective nouns - a spring of what Pheasants
38 Cous-cous is Iranian for what Vagina
39 Brings your ancestors back to life - translated advert for what Come alive with Pepsi
- in China
40 A doromaniac had a compulsion to do what Give gifts
41 Detroit, Skokie Illinois St Paul Minnesota what official instrument Accordion
42 A temple in Sri-Lanka is dedicated to what Buddha's tooth
43 Church law once mandated death for believing in what A vacuum
44 The Phoenician symbol for mouth is now what letter of alphabet P theirs was Pe
45 What US city buys the most blond hair dye Dallas Texas
46 Name two self cleaning organs Eye Vagina
47 What cities gothic cathedral started 1386 was completed 1805 Milan
48 Who wrote the series of Palisair novels Anthony Trollop
49 Alcoholics get the DTs what does it stand for Delirium Tremens
50 Flying fish is the national dish of which country Barbados

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