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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
52 Maoni Vi of Capetown has the world longest what at 28 inches Pubic Hair
53 In ancient Rome what was the tabularium Hall of Public
54 40% of MacDonald's profits come from selling what Happy Meals
55 John Wayne was nicknamed duke - but after what His favourite dog
56 What was Michelangelo's only signed sculpture The Pieta
57 What is the more common name for triatomic oxygen Ozone
58 Merrylegs was a performing circus dog in which Dickens novel Hard Times
59 Who is the mother of Huey, Duey and Louie Dumbella Duck
60 Solomon built his temple on a hill name it Zion
61 Ruth Eisemann-Schier was the first woman to get on what FBI ten most wanted
62 Which Science Fiction author created The Triffids John Wyndom
63 What food was sent to England in WW2 as part of lease lend Spam
64 In the Bible what is the first mentioned colour Green
65 What weapon is known as the gun that won the west Winchester rifle
66 What is Indiana's state bird Cardinal
67 What kind of juice goes in a salty dog Grapefruit
68 The Afghani tribesmen drink Khoona on wedding night what is it Watered down warm
bulls semen
69 In the USA what was the first prime time cartoon show The Flintstones
70 What was the last film where Sergio Leone directed Eastwood The Good the Bad and
the Ugly
71 What country is coffee originally from Ethiopia
72 What is a young beaver called Kit
73 In the 70s who played The Bionic Woman Lindsey Wagner
74 In astrology what was the age before Aquarius Age of Pisces
75 US civil war which states buttons had a Palmetto tree on them South Carolina
76 What was the first Hanna-Barbera cartoon Ruff and Reddy
77 Who painted The Gleaners Jean Francis Millet
78 The name Europe comes from where Greek Mythology
79 Envoid was the first what in the USA Birth control pill
80 Which Beatles song is associated with the Manson family Helter Skelter
81 What was the top film of 1990 Home Alone
82 In 1951 these were invented what were Disposable diapers –
83 Which biblical prophet was sawn in half inside a hollow log Isaiah
84 Caipirina means someone's drink - whose drink Peasants
85 The word coyote comes from which language Aztec
86 In mythology Odysseus blinded which Cyclops Polyphemus
87 Confederate General William Smith carried what into battle A Blue Parasol
88 What well known Russian author was also a doctor Anton Chekov
89 In 1982 San Francisco became the first US city to do what Ban sale possession of
90 Morrissey was the lead singer of which band The Smiths
91 Which team won five Stanley cups during the 60s Montreal
92 The rivers Lahn and Mosel are tributaries of what river The Rhine
93 What do zoologists call the leader of a wolf pack The alpha male
94 The ponderosa pine is the state tree of which US state Montana
95 In WW2 what sort of weapon was a kaiten Japanese manned
96 In the Bible name Isaacs wife Rebekah
97 Who or what killed Al Capone Syphilis
98 Speedy Gonzales was fastest mouse in Mexico who slowest Slowpoke Rodriquez
99 To which group of artists does Vincent Van Gough belong Post Impressionists
100 What flavours the liquor chambord Raspberries
No Questions Quiz 81 Answers
1 In the cartoon Scooby Do what is Scrappy Do's battle cry Puppy Power

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