Name: Nishat Yeasmin ID: B7200B027

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Name: Nishat Yeasmin ID: B7200B027

CT 3: Differentiate between 2-tier and 3-tier architectures of Database Management System.

Answer: The difference between 2-tier and 3-tier architectures of database management
system are given below:

1. 2-tier is client -Server Architecture and 3-tier is web -based application.

2. The scalability of 2-tier is poor but the scalability of 3-tier is excellent.
3. 2-tier is less secured as client can talk to database directly but 3-tier is highly secured as
client is not allowed to talk to database directly.
4. 2-tier is cost-ineffective but 3-tier is effective.
5. 2 tier architecture can use backup servers but in 3 tier architecture, if one server fails,
the services can be executed on other services.
6. Only connection-oriented and synchronous methods calls are permitted in 2-tier
architecture but 3-tier architecture can support connectionless messaging, publish-
subscribe and broadcast messaging etc.

CT 4: Now a days E-Commerce is the most common and important medium of a business
organization. Different organizations are using different E-Commerce model. Briefly explain
those models with organizational diagram.

Answer: There are different kinds of E-Commerce model. Now, the brief explanation of those e-
commerce models are given below:
1. B2B Model: The full form of B2B is Business to Business. B2B model focuses on providing
products from one business to another. While many businesses in this niche are service
providers, for example: software companies, office furniture and supply companies, document
hosting companies, and so on.

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2. B2C Model: The full form of B2C is business to consumer. The definition of business to
consumer sales refers to a sales model in which business target individual consumers. Examples
of B2C sales reps would be sales reps selling cars, gym memberships, or stereo systems. It can
also include e-commerce sites such as Daraz, which sells products online.

3. C2C Model: Customer to customer (C2C) is a business model whereby customers can trade
with each other, typically in an online environment.
4. C2B Model: The full form of C2B is consumer to business model. C2B is when customers offer
products or services to businesses. Examples of C2B applications include customer reviews,
participation in focus groups, or sharing as an influencer (someone who has his or her own
audience and the ability to influence what that audience buys or does).

5. B2G Model: B2G, which stands for business-to-government. Business-to-government (B2G) is

a business model that refers to businesses selling products, services or information to
governments or government agencies. It commonly refers to the offering of products, services,
or information online.

6. G2B Model: The full form of G2B is Government to Business. E-commerce is a business
model where all the information and services are provided by the Government to the Business
Organizations. The information is shared through a vast network of different government
7. G2C Model: The full form of G2C is Government to Citizen. G2C is a term that refers to the
relationships between organizations of public administration and the citizens. For example,
paying taxes, registering vehicles, and providing information and services etc.

CT 5: The ER model
defines the conceptual view of a database in Management Information System. It works
around real-world entities and the associations among them. At view level, the ER model is
considered a good option for designing databases. To design an ER diagram different
components and mapping cardinalities are required. What are those components and
mapping cardinalities? Explain with appropriate diagram.

Answer: An Entity Relationship model (ER model) describes the structure of a database with the
help of a diagram, which is known as Entity Relationship Diagram (ER Diagram). An ER model is
a design or blueprint of a database that can later be implemented as a database. The main
components of ER model are: entity set and relationship set.

An ER Diagram consists of the following components:

1. Entity: An entity set is a collection of similar types of entities. An entity set may contain
entities with attribute sharing similar values. For example, a Students set may contain all
the students of a school; likewise, a Teachers set may contain all the teachers of a
school from all faculties. Entity sets need not be disjoint.
2. Attributes: Entities are represented by means of their properties, called attributes. All
attributes have values. For example, a student entity may have name, class, and age as
attributes. There exists a domain or range of values that can be assigned to attributes.
For example, a student's name cannot be a numeric value. It has to be alphabetic. A
student's age cannot be negative, etc.
3. Relationships: The association among entities is called a relationship. For example, an
employee works_at a department, a student enrolls in a course. Here, Works_at and
Enrolls are called relationships.
Mapping Cardinalities: It represents the number of entities of another entity set which
are connected to an entity using a relationship set. Mapping cardinalities are the following

1. One to one: An entity in A is associated with at most (only) one entity in B and
an entity in B is associated with at most (only) one entity in A.

2. One to many: An entity in A is associated with any

number (zero or more) of entities in Band an
entity in Bis associated with at most one
(only) entity in A.

3. Many to one: An entity in A is associated with at most (only) one entity in B and an
entity in B is associated with any number (zero or more) of entities in A.
4. Many to many: An entity in A is associated with any number (zero or more) of entities in
Band an entity in Bis associated with any number (zero or more) of entities in A.

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