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1. Rewrite these statements in reported speech.

1. Ernest said: ‘My family is coming tomorrow morning’.


2. They said to me: ‘You can’t talk in this area’.


3. Judith said to us: ‘I saw your parents yesterday’.


4. We said to him: ‘We won’t be back until tonight’


5. Phil said to her: ‘I’ve met lots of people since last week’.

6. Paul said to Sarah: ‘I work near here’.


2. Rewrite these commands in reported speech.

1. Jeremy said to his brother: ‘Go to your room and close the door’.

2. We said to Jane: ‘Don’t tell anyone until next week’.


3. Kate said to us: ‘Wait for me please’.


4. They said to her: ‘Be careful and don’t be late’.


5. George said to his son: ‘Eat up your lunch’.


6. The policeman said to her: ‘Keep off the grass’.


3. Rewrite these questions in reported speech.

1. Maggie said to Penny: ‘What did you buy at the chemist’s yesterday?’.

2. They said to us: ‘Do you usually spend your holidays abroad’.

3. He said to me: ‘How old are you?’


4. We said to Mary: ‘Are you going out tonight?’


5. Fred said to the policeman: ‘What time do the shops close today?’

6. Angela said to her mother: ‘Can I watch TV this afternoon?’

4. Correct the errors in these sentences.

1. They asked me how old was I. ......................................................................................................................................................

2. Mary said me that she was very happy. ......................................................................................................................................................

3. Tom asked Kate that if she had posted the letter. ......................................................................................................................................................

4. We told her that she stayed with us. ......................................................................................................................................................

5. The policeman asked me to park not the car there. ......................................................................................................................................................

6. She wanted to know where did I live ......................................................................................................................................................

5. Translate these sentences into English.

1. Lisa nos dijo que se había roto el brazo la semana anterior.


2. El profesor me preguntó dónde trabajaban mis padres.


3. Simon le pidió a Debbie que comprara el periódico.


4. Mi hermana me dijo que no abriera la puerta.


5. Phil dijo que tenía mucho sueño.


6. Rewrite these sentences with the gerund or the infinitive and then in reported

1. ‘I’ll bring my CDs to the party’.

He promised .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


2. ‘Let’s go to the cinema tonight, shall we?’

She suggested .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


3. ‘Yes, I stole the wallet’.

He admitted .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


4. ‘Be careful! The water is boiling’.

He warned us ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


5. ‘You must apologise to your teacher’.

My father insisted on ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


6. ‘All right! I’ll share the expenses with you’.

My friend agreed ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

- Rewrite the following sentences in Reported Speech -

1. ‘This letter is full of mistakes!’, snorted Mr Jones.


2. ‘I’m living in London’, Charlie will say.


3. ‘My father isn’t very well’, Peter said.


4. Mary said, ‘My sister has had a baby’.


5. ‘I saw Helen at a party in June and she seemed fine’, Ruth.


6. ‘I haven’t seen Diane recently’, she said.


7. The notice said: ‘I’m not enjoying my job very much’.


8. Helen says: ‘You can come and stay at my place if you’re ever in London’.


9. ‘I want to go on holiday but I can’t afford it’, my sister told me.


10. ‘I’ll tell Chris I saw you’ He reported me.


11. ‘Remember to insure your luggage’, my father said.


12. ‘Where are you going to spend the holiday?’ Mary said.


13. ‘How did you know my name?’ the nurse asked the doctor.


14. ‘Do you have an appointment?’ asked the clerk.


15. ‘Why didn’t Isobel phone me?’ asked her brother.


16. ‘Will you carry my briefcase for me please, Rosemary?’ Richard asked.


17. ‘When can I see the doctor?’ Charles asked the receptionist.


18. Mother said, ‘Don’t open the door, please’.


19. Mary said, ‘Please, switch on the lights’.


20. ‘Ask if you don’t understand’, the teacher told us.

21. ‘What will you do when you leave school?’, asked Jennifer.


22. ‘Don’t lend Harry any money’, Charlie said


23. ‘My father isn’t very well’, Peter said.


24. ‘Rachel and Mark are getting married next month’, Steve said.


25. ‘Read the questions twice and don’t write in the margin’, the teacher said.


26. ‘I booked a double room on the first floor’, said Mr Jones.


27. ‘There has been an accident and the road is blocked’, said the policeman.


28. ‘I didn’t book a double room on the first floor’, said Mrs Jones.


29. ‘You may leave your hat on’, said Peter.


30. ‘How many sleeping pills have you taken’, said the nurse.


31. ‘You must be quiet’, the teacher said to us.


32. The air hostess said, ‘Fasten your seats belts; there may be a little turbulence’.



33. ‘We’ll try to find your passport but it will be very difficult because a lot of
suspicious characters sleep on the beach in summer and any one of them might have
robbed you’, said the Japanese professor.





34. ‘If children can learn a complicated language like Japanese by the time they are
five, they should be able to learn the language of music’, said the Japanese professor.





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