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to Avoid Divorce in Married Life?

Family The Paradise Rev. Jacob Antony Koodathinkal
22nd Episode on Successful Family Life.
How to Avoid Divorce from Family Life
Part I
Divorce means separation of husband and wife from legally solemnized marriage thorough legal way
with the option of remarriage.
The word divorce was not existed in India, According to the Hindu tradition it was sacrament Known
as sankara for Christians also it was a holy covenant
The term divorce come into existence in the 1869 act and which is amended in the year 2001
Once India used to have lowest rate of divorce in the world being a society largely based on a
traditional values, morality.
Now it has changed through the advent of globalization and changes of socio economic and moral
slandered od people.
Although India does not a appear on the world divorce statistics record Kerala has the highest number
of divorce
A recent survey shows five cases every hour
Kerala is the highest literate state but with a highest divorce and suicide in relation to broken family
We thought education will be a a remedy but unfortunately it didn't’t come up
1. Avoid Defective goals: Vikalamaya
If one family be the blessed and happiest one it should have a definite purpose of being together
Because marriage is to become one
Or it is for a perfect companionship
That is why God saw its not good the man being alone
Defective goals such as
Marring for parents: don’t marry for parents or because for their complexion
For the monitory benefits like dowry or any other form. Treat your partner as the greatest wealth.
To treat a health problem: Some will think if she or he marry these all problems will be solved. Even if
you are marry with some health issues say openly before marriage.
Just for a enjoyment or a worldly pleasure or sexual enjoyment etc may definitely lead to a divorce
2) Unfulfilled Expectations All enter in to the marriage with lot of exceptions, some will fulfill some
Unrealistic Expectation: if you have unrealistic expectation that will surely create problem
Understand all our expectations will not come true, also try to have realistic expectations
Example of a college girl: Expectations about future partner, handsome, good job, he should take me
where ever he goes, his love exclusively for me, should have at least a bike and he should take me
with him
But in reality these all may not come true, but one should be able to understand the reaility from
fantasy world
3. Unsatisfied Sexual Life
This is one of the major issue in many of the divorce cases
In the Bible passage, in the English language it says “He New Her”
This is the process of Being one in mind ,soul and body
Sex in not sin within the marriage but is is a sacrament
wrong guidance of sex from peer group:
Unrealistic approach on sex due to pornography: understand all you have seen in blue film and other
sex video clips is not real, sexual like of partners cannot be compared, it varies, their interest, their
attitude, everything will vary, Kathayalla Jeevidham”
Relations out side the marriage: This is the great sin, if you have such kind of additions better not to
marry, that will be the best choice for you . When you hide and keep this for long, you wont be able to
enjoy the sex with your partner, and you will invite many sexual deseas
Sexual purity is our greatest treasurer in the Indian culture
4. Addictions: Drugs and other
even if you have good education you may be in some addictions
Addictions on Emotions: being always Angry, finding mistakes on other, being sad always
Drug Addiction: drinks and smoke are the two enemies of marriage for ever, they face lot of
adjustment problems, health, bad smells, being unconscious, it effect all other relations at home,
public image of a person
Addicted in different habits: Friends, some games, touring with friends, unable to change the habits
he/she had when they were unmarried.
Media addiction: night long call etc, you should be able to flexible to change your addictions after
5. In-laws Issue
This is common in many marriages
But should not spare your long life relation with this small factor
Just understand they are the short journey passengers in your life long travel together
Manu passengers will come in and go but your relations should not decide in relation with them, need
to consider mother in law as mother, sister in law as sister, then many problems will end
Hope lets make a world where we are able to adjust, accept and grow
Lets hope a divorce less world
Lets see five more factors on divorce in next week

If you are a person for looking family counselling we are happy to provide free family counselling!!!
Our contact informations
Cel: 996-180-8957
We wish a successful and blessed family life
Family The Paradise Rev. Jacob Antony Koodathinkal

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