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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
51 Harp, Elephant and Leopard all types of what Seal
52 Name the producer of Starsky & Hutch and Beverly Hills 91210 Aaron Sperling
53 Name the Greek national airline Olympic Airways
54 Bilrubin is produced by what part of the body Liver
55 We know what Mardi Gras is but what's its literal translation Fat Tuesday
56 To nearest 1000 in 1800 how many wild turkeys were in Turkey None it’s a native US
57 What is Burgoo Meat stew
58 In The Simpsons name the cat Snowball
59 What can be dipole, loop or helical Aerials
60 What do you do with a hassock Kneel on it in church
61 What was the capitol of England before London also a US gun Winchester
62 An elephant is called a pachyderm what does it literally mean Thick Skinned
63 BCG vaccine is used against which infectious disease Tuberculosis
64 Apart from a caber by rule what is compulsory in caber tossing Wearing a kilt
65 Little Eva introduced which dance in 1962 The Locomotion
66 Who composed Appalachian Spring Aaron Copeland
67 First Defence, In Home or Second Attack positions what sport Lacrosse
68 If you were given some marlite what would you do with it Dig into soil it’s a
clay lime mulch
69 Brandy, decoy and landscape all come from which language Dutch
70 Chiuhauha dogs were originally bred for what Tasty meat
71 Aulophobia is a fear of what Flutes
72 What is a wumph Deep thud or noise
73 In Morse code what letter is represented by .- Dot Dash Letter A
74 Which British car was the first to sell over 1 million models Morris Minor
75 If you were given a pot of vermicide what would you use it for Killing worms
76 What creature, when drunk, always falls on its right side An Ant
77 What countries flag has two bars white top red bottom Poland
78 A giraffes long tongue is what colour Blue, blue black really
79 Mary Ann Nichols was the first - the first what Victim of Jack the
80 Alberto Tomba is a name associated with which sport Skiing
81 What is a moab Type of hat
82 What is Belgium's national Airline Sabina
83 What creature can be Indian, white or broad lipped Rhinoceros
84 What is the technical difference between rowing and sculling Rowing means using a
single oar
85 The Aztecs reckoned it was the food of the gods what was Chocolate
86 Which gas is used in a refrigerator Freon
87 What is Ronald Reagan's middle name Wilson
88 Oil can Henry is the enemy of which cartoon character Mighty Mouse
89 Fragrant Harbour is the translation of which cities name Hong Kong
90 Geniophobia is the fear of what Chins
91 Semiotics is the study of what Signs or symbols
92 Which city was built in the design of a union flag Khartoum
93 The Bank of Italy changed its name to what The Bank of America
94 The Saffir-Simpson scale measures the intensity of what Hurricanes
95 What is the state fish of Hawaii - in Hawaiian Humunuku Apua'a
96 What was the first country to use TV as a mass info media Germany
97 Eric Claudin is better known by which eponymous title The Phantom of the
98 African American Garrett A Morgan invented what The Traffic Signal
99 What ingredient is always found in a carciofo sauce Artichokes
100 If you were given a sitooterie what would you do with it Sit out in it

No Questions Quiz 80 Answers

1 What was founded in the UK 1694 because of war with France Bank of England

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