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Plan de continuidad pedagógica – TP9 – E.E.S.


PROFESORA: Roccia, Julia.
Fecha límite de entrega: 09/10

Verbos go, have y get

1. Releer el texto sobre Mehmet y completar las frases con: WENT - HAD - GOT.
a) We _________ to a great place called Cezayir.
b) We _________ dinner, and after dinner we __________ a coffee in the bar.
c) Then we __________ to the beach at Florya and we _________ a swim.
d) I _________ home really late, at 5.00 in the morning.

2. Completar la tabla mirando los ejemplos de la actividad 1.

go (went) have (had) get(got)

to a great place

3. Unir los verbos con las imágenes. Si es necesario, buscar las palabras en un diccionario.
by bus / by car / by plane
1 for a walk
home (=irse a casa)
out (=salir)
shopping (=de compras)
to a restaurant
to bed (late)
to church / to mosque
to the beach
back (=regresar)
on holiday

17 a car / a bike
long hair
breakfast / lunch / dinner
a drink
a good time
a sandwich
a shower / a bath / a swim
25 a newspaper (=comprar)
a taxi / a bus / a train (=tomar)
an email / a letter (=recibir)
dressed (=vestirse)
home (=llegar)
to the airport (=llegar)
up (=levantarse)

4. Escuchar y chequear. Repetir.


5. Tachar la expresión incorrecta.

a) GO to the beach out to a restaurant a bus

b) HAVE lunch a sandwich for a walk a drink
c) GET dressed a good time up an email
d) GO to bed a car away on holiday
e) HAVE breakfast a bike a shower 18 years
f) GET shopping home a newspaper a taxi

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