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What is Agenda 21?

Benefits according to article PA21 Principles of Unity

1. Primacy of Developing Full Human Potential. People are at the core of

development initiatives.
Agenda 21 is a movement to sustain the Earth for the future needs of people living
on it. It was brought up on the 21 st century and was associated by governments
around the world through the United Nations (UN).
2. Holistic Science and Appropriate Technology. The search for solutions to the
This movement is concerned on the issues present on our economy, our society and complex milieu of development problems has to be undertaken with the perspective
our environment, which made our people open to the reality that our resources are that situates specific problems in the larger social and ecological context. This
limited. Through this, Agenda 21 states that people should manage resources for approach facilitates the development and use of appropriate technology.
wise usage.

3. Cultural, Moral and Spiritual Sensitivity. Nurturing the inherent strengths of local
Philippine Agenda 21 (1996) and indigenous knowledge, practices and beliefs while respecting the cultural
diversity, moral norms and spiritual essence of Filipino society.
This movement is a commitment to the United Nations Conference on Environment
and Development (UNCED).

This is our own perception of the Agenda 21. These are strategies being 4. Self-determination. Respecting the right and relying on the inherent capacity of
implemented, that are used for the sustainable development of intervention areas. the country and its peoples to decide on the course of their own development.

Sustainable development - “harmonious integration of a sound and viable economy,

responsible governance, social cohesion and ecological integrity, to ensure that
development is a life-sustaining process.” 5. National Sovereignty. Self-determination at the national level where the norms of
society and the specifics of the local ecology inform national governance. Includes
Phil. Agenda 21 is a program of action into the 21st century for bringing the Earth human and environmental security as well as achieving and ensuring security and
into a sustainable future. self-reliance in basic staple foods.

Is a panoramic and encompassing substance and unusual consensus process. It Recognizing the crucial role of farmers and fisher folk in providing for the
resonates with the concerns and aspiration of the broadest sector of the society. It is nutritional needs of the nation.
also the highest framework for civil society.

Philippine Agenda 21 states their vision as, “PA 21 envisions a better quality of life
for all through the development (sustainable development) of a just, moral, creative, 6. Gender sensitivity. Recognizing the important and complementary roles and the
spiritual, economically-vibrant, caring, diverse yet cohesive society characterized by empowerment of both men and women in development.
appropriate productivity, participatory and democratic process and living in harmony 7. Peace, Order And National Unity. Securing the right of all to a peaceful and
within the limits of the carrying capacity of nature and the integrity of creation.” secure existence.
Through this, PA21 shows a good motive on improving a better life for everyone to
live in it.

History/Implementation of Philippine Agenda 21

8. Social Justice, Inter-, Intra-Generational and Spatial Equity. Ensuring social management of the resources. To ensure biogeography equity, other affected
cohesion and harmony through equitable distribution of resources and providing the communities should be involved in such decisions.
various sectors of society with equal access to development opportunities and
benefits today and in the future.
15. Global Cooperation. Building upon and contributing to the diverse capacities of
individual nations.
9. Participatory democracy. Ensuring the participation and empowerment of all
sectors of society in development decision-making and processes and to
operationalize intersectoral and multisectoral consensus. Conclusion

After verifying the facts and figures, the authors came up with the conclusion which
10. Institutional viability. Recognizing that sustainable development is a shared, states that PA21 is beneficial and could be the key factor in achieving the countries
collective and indivisible responsibility which calls for institutional structures that goal, sustainable development.
are built around the spirit of solidarity, convergence and partnership between and
among different stakeholders.
We are the M.L.P.B crew consisting Jansen Russel G. Yu which was the one who
allotted the materials for the group to use. Mike E. Lagasca was the one who
11. Viable, sound and broad-based economic development. Development founded on provided the transportation and ideas to be performed in the site. Robin V. Bermudez
a stable economy where the benefits of economic progress are equitably shared who was the one who made the researching and typing while Mike Hil B. Ng who
across ages, communities, gender, social classes, ethnicities, geographical units and made the works in the net and flash.
across generations.

12. Sustainable population. Achieving a sustainable population level, structure and

distribution while taking cognizance of the limited carrying capacity of nature and • Implemented on the year of 1996, after a year of agenda 21's implication.
the interweaving forces of population, culture, resources, environment and • In 1996, the leaders of the Asia Pacific Sustainable Development Initiatives
development. (APSUD) rallied around Philippine agenda 21 as their framework for negotiations
with government on APEC. Even those who questioned APSUD's stance in APEC
did not oppose PA21; rather they questioned the sincerity of government in carrying
13. Ecological soundness. Recognizing nature as our common heritage and thus out the promises they made to have the Individual Action Plan (IAP) governed by
respecting the limited carrying capacity and integrity of nature in the development PA21.
process to ensure the right of present and future generations to this heritage.
• There was a revision of the Philippine Agenda 21 which was referred as “Enhanced

14. Biogeographical Equity and Community-Based Resource Management.

Recognizing that since communities residing within or most proximate to an
ecosystem of a bio-geographic region will be the ones to most directly and Enhanced PA21
immediately feel the positive and negative impacts on that ecosystem, they should be • The rise of globalization and the creation of an external environment of finance,
given prior claim to the development decisions affecting that ecosystem including markets, and technology did not seem conducive to sustainable development.
• The civil society needs to specify its commitments and contributions to achieving
sustainability in the updated document.

• Government departments need to be imbued with the sustainable development

perspective with which to handle issues properly.

• This focuses on the poverty reduction, social equity, empowerment and good
governance, peace and solidarity, and ecological integrity.




Page 33 (Green Economy (GE) Prospects in the context of SD and Poverty

Eradication This section explores the following questions. What constitutes a Green
Economy? How does it compare with the current non-green economy?)

Page 58 (Thus, in the transition to the GE the following major concerns

must be addressed at the global level)

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