Scrum Master

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Is a framework that help to deliver a product in the right time with a hight
quality ans maximize the ROI.

Prioritised backlog and sprint results increase the ROI.

1- Kick-off meeting
- Explaining the ROI for the product owner that comme from proritizing the back log
- For team explain how the framework will help them to work more productivly
- For stackholders : clarify the product owner's role

1.1 : Retrospective
- Ask the team if there is any key issues
1.2 : Principe of DONE
- the outcom is potentially shippable Product increment (product increment meet the
level of quality that the team and expert are satisfied with)
1.3- Sprint revew meeting
- Product demo
2 : Establishing stakeholders

The stakeholders are the individuel member outside of scrum team that have an
invested interset in the outcom of the project.

Examples : Senior product manager, Head of departement, Directors, Marketing

manager, support team manager, legal representativ.

2.1: Sprint review with stakeholders presence.

3: Scrum Roles :

3.1- Scrum master

Characteristique :
- Scrum master expert
- Coach
- Mentor
- Relationship builder
- Influence
- Persuasion
- Leading by example

- Assist, motivate, coach the product owner.

3.2- Product owner

Responsable to deliver prudct with maximum value in the shortest period possible

- Maintaining product backlog

- Atttending scrum time-boxes
- Constant comminication with developement team
- Dailing with arious business stakeholders

3.3- Developement team

members 7 +/- 2, are varied based on the product nature :

Example : mobile app

- Developers
- Designers
- user experience testing

scrum of scrums meeting


- Daily scrum meeting

- Self-organazing
- Agree the definition of done
- logical approche

4.User stories

4.1-Product Backlog : Businness desired feature set = liste of the features base on
business requirements

4.2-User stories : the 3 Rs

are writing in 3 to 5 inch cards :

- Description
- Acceptance criteria

Template :

As a <Role>
I want <requirement>
so that <Reason/ROI>

4.3-Acceptance criteria : to maximise the value of the process by finetuning the

criteria to the level that the team needs.

Backlog validation, set of logical criteria


A <role> should <see/be able to do> the following:

- <Acceptance critiria 1,2,3 etc>

Edge cases = seperated out

- <Edge Case 1,2,3etc.>

4.3: Stakeholder meeting (Organized by the product owner)

- Debat the requirements

- Listen to every stakeholders member to collect al ideas and then take a decision.

4.5- Managing chaging requirements in the process

4.6- The importance of prioritising the backlog:
To get : business value and ROI
4.7- Story points: Mesure of efforts

- Team need to estimate the backlog

5.- Sprint planing

- Sprint meeting (1 hour) with team

- Prepare the meeting with product owner and testin member based on acceptance
criteria and users stories.
- After compliting backlog the team must commit what to do and how to do.
- When explaining the "what" for the team, start with priority user stories to save
time and value.
- First half time meeting : Use scrum poker to define priority of backlog video
- Second half meeting : the how, divise the storie to daily subtasks

6.- Release planing = Release backlog

- impotance of prioritizing backlog (20/80)

- Date driven relase plan
- Scope driven release plan


- Sprint is a timebox period of build increment of the product

- Sprint lenght is defined in concertation with team, questions :
* How can we maximise the number of opportunities to inspect and adapt?
* How long on average does it take for the team to build momentum in a sprint?

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