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Orona-Khaivilay 1

Candice Orona-Khaivilay

Professor Rita Lawrence

English 101

October 7, 2020

Love Me

Growing up, people were continually pointing out any flaws and things they did not like

about me, leading me to become a very self-conscious person. When Christina Aguilera's song

"Beautiful" was released, it hit me so deep that I could finally see my own beauty. This song had

me looking in the mirror and seeing further than my flesh.

Christina Aguilera's song "Beautiful" slapped me with a reality check. These words have

life and meaning, and they brought out the better in me. Another person's opinion and whether

they enjoyed my company no longer impacted my life because I decided to Love Me. This self-

love was so much more important. My new leading roles included walking out into life each day

as though I was entering the center stage to the year's most remarkable performance. With this

new attitude, I must have become less approachable with negativity and radiated positivity and

confidence. Now, I am nowhere close to being conceited. However, I no longer will allow words

to bring me down.

With this new approach at life, those who once ripped into me moved onto the next

person who could be torn down with words. From the littlest remark on an outfit to a hairdo or

push into following the newest fashion trend on make-up application. Society had just kept on

moving to whomever they could find. There is always someone who will sit in silence while

receiving criticism. Not only will they take it, but they start to believe it as I once did.
Orona-Khaivilay 2

When I met my husband, the women in his family were accustomed to pointing out a

woman's weight, nicknaming them "Thuey" (fat) or "Joy" (skinny). His Asian background made

it hard for me a fuller figured Hispanic woman. I had hips and butt and thicker thighs. I could

never fit into their clothing and share a traditional "Laos" dress. I needed custom garments to

attend functions that required the traditional dress. I was being torn down all over again with

words. I would see my sister-in-laws refuse food to keep their petite figures and from being

nicknamed Thuey. I had to replay Christina Aguiler's song to remind myself of who I was.

Soon I was able to reclaim my confidence, and boy oh boy did I show them that their

version of beauty was distorted. Being shapely was also beautiful to the world and soon the

Asian Culture. I partially have Jennifer Lopez, Salena, Beyonce, and Brazilian Butt lifts to thank

for publicly embracing fuller figures. Hollywood's influence is worldwide, impacting socially,

culturally, and personally.

As time goes on, I realized I would never entirely escape "harsh words." There is always

criticism and individuals who believe their opinion is worth the weight. Weight not to be carried

by themselves but by those whom they speak them to. Thankfully we will always have songs like

"Beautiful" to build us back up after being torn down.

Orona-Khaivilay 3

Work Cited

Wan, Hoi "30 Inspirational Songs that Keep You Motivated for Life".


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