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Chemical Engineering Science 58 (2003) 643 – 648

Selective oxidation of n-butane to maleic anhydride in &uid bed reactors:

detailed kinetic investigation and reactor modelling
Mario Dentea;∗ , Sauro Pieruccia , Enrico Tronconia , Marco Cecchinib , Federico Ghel0b
a Dipartimento “G. Natta”, Politecnico di Milano, P.zza L. da Vinci 32, 20133 Milano, Italy
b Lonza Polymers & Intermediates, Scanzorosciate (BG), Italy


The kinetics of n-butane oxidation to maleic anhydride over a commercial V-P-O catalyst for &uid bed reactors was investigated
systematically and modelled according to a scheme of eight reactions, involving also the combustion of both n-butane and maleic anhydride
to CO and CO2 , as well as the formation and the combustion of acetic and acrylic acids. A one-dimensional, heterogeneous (two-phase)
&uid bed reactor model incorporating the independently derived kinetic scheme was successfully validated on a predictive basis against
conversion, selectivity and steam production data collected in a full-scale MA production plant.
? 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Fluid bed; Multiphase reactors; Selective oxidation; Maleic anhydride; Kinetics; Simulation

1. Introduction from reaction engineering considerations. Nevertheless,

publications addressing the kinetics and the reactor de-
Maleic anhydride (MA) is an important intermediate in sign for this process are scarce in the literature (Centi,
the industrial production of unsaturated resins, chemicals Fornasari, & Tri0rGo, 1985; Schneider, Emig, & Hofmann,
for agriculture and food additives. Modern commercial pro- 1987; Sharma, Cresswell, & Newson, 1991; Bej & Rao,
cesses for MA are based on the selective gas-phase oxida- 1991; Mills, Randall, & McCracken, 1999). Also, all of the
tion of n-butane over V-P-O catalysts either in 0xed- or in kinetic studies available in the literature assume a simpli-
&uidized-bed reactors. Fixed bed is a well-known technol- 0ed triangular reaction scheme accounting for the parasitic
ogy where the main contribution to improved performances combustion of both the reactant and the desired product
currently relies on modi0cations of the catalysts rather than to COx , but neglect the formation of other by-products.
on reactor design. Fluidized-bed reactors, a solution pre- Furthermore, the investigated ranges of the reaction vari-
ferred for large-scale plants (Arnold, Suciu, Verde, & Neri, ables are often limited to atmospheric pressure and/or low
1985; Contractor & Sleight, 1987), represent a newer tech- butane concentrations, which are not representative of the
nology: they are used by BP and Mitsubishi in their own industrial process conditions.
plants, whereas ABB Lummus/Lonza, under the brand In this work, we present 0rst an extensive, systematic
name ALMA, have licensed 9 units all over the world in a 7 kinetic study of the n-butane oxidation to MA over a com-
year period. Under typical conditions (T 6 450◦ C, P = mercial V-P-O catalyst designed for &uid bed reactors,
2–4 bar a, n-butane feed concentration 4–5% v=v) the which addresses also the formation of acrylic and acetic
nC4 H10 conversion in a &uidized-bed reactor exceeds 80%, acid, the two most signi0cant by-products in addition to
but the MA molar yield is limited to ≈ 50–55%. In the past COx . In fact their concentration in the eJuent stream from
most of the eDorts aimed at improving the overall MA yields the reactor is relevant to the design of the downstream sep-
have been focused on catalyst development, at the present aration/puri0cation sections of the plant. The ranges of the
stage, however, signi0cant progress can also be expected investigated kinetic variables, including total pressure and
n-butane concentration, fully cover the operating conditions
prevailing in industrial &uid bed reactors. Experiments with
∗ Corresponding author. Fax: +39-2-7063-8173. addition of the main reaction products to the test reactor
E-mail address: (M. Dente). feed were also performed in order to assess their kinetic

0009-2509/03/$ - see front matter ? 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
644 M. Dente et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 58 (2003) 643 – 648

role in the reaction network. Next we present the develop- Preliminary experiments—Preliminary blank runs
ment of a two-phase model of the industrial &uidized-bed demonstrated signi0cant conversions of n-butane in the
reactor, fully accounting for &uid dynamics, mass and heat empty reactor tube already at atmospheric pressure at tem-
transfer eDects, as well as detailed internal geometry. The peratures in excess of 400◦ C; the conversion was greater
reactor model, which incorporates the independently de- when the pressure was raised to a few bars. However, the
rived kinetic scheme with no further adaptation, is eventu- homogeneous reactions became practically negligible at
ally validated on a predictive basis against industrial plant the same conditions when the reactor was packed with 0ne
data. quartz particles. Accordingly, in all the kinetic runs the
voids upstream and downstream from the catalyst bed were
accurately 0lled with quartz. Diagnostic calculations proved
2. Experimental that the kinetic runs were performed in a genuine chemical
regime, even under the most severe investigated conditions.
Apparatus and procedures—Kinetic experiments of Gas–solid (external) diDusional limitations were ruled out
nC4 H10 oxidation were carried out in a stainless steel tubu- also by classical experiments which involved the same
lar micro&ow reactor (inner diameter = 12 mm) loaded space velocity but a threefold variation of the linear gas
with a commercial &uid bed V-P-O catalyst supplied velocity.
by Lonza Polymers & Intermediates (average particle
diameter = 62 m) diluted with inert quartz (1:2 w/w). A
1=16 tube was inserted coaxially into the reactor tube to 3. Kinetic study
act as a thermowell for a sliding thermocouple, allowing
to measure the axial temperature pro0le. The feed section Chemical enrichment experiments—A complete series
of the test rig included three distinct lines for nC4 H10 =N2 of runs was carried out where each relevant product of the
mixtures, O2 and N2 , respectively, in order to vary indepen- reaction, namely H2 O, CO, CO2 , MA, acrylic acid and acetic
dently the feed contents of the two reactants as well as the acid, was individually added to the test reactor feed stream
total &ow rate. Furthermore, a saturator placed prior to the (n-butane/air) in growing concentrations. Most of the same
reactor was used to enrich the feed stream with liquid com- products (CO, MA, acrylic acid and acetic acid) were also
pounds in dedicated experiments. The feed line was also fed to the reactor in the absence of n-butane. Comparison
equipped with a safety valve as well as a rupture disk set with the results of reference runs provided uncorrelated and
at 5 bar a. A crystallizer, normally kept at r.t., was placed uncontroversial information concerning the kinetic eDects as
immediately downstream from the reactor outlet and used well as the evolution of reaction products. For instance, it
to collect part of the maleic anhydride formed during the was clearly apparent that MA, acrylic acid and acetic acid
kinetic runs. The outlet line from the crystallizer, heated at were more or less readily oxidized to COx . On the other
75◦ C, proceeded through a backpressure regulator and led hand, the conversion of CO was found almost negligible over
to two glass absorbers in series, the former being 0lled with the tested V-P-O catalyst. As shown in Fig. 1, steam added
water at r.t. to collect the residual fraction of maleic anhy- to the feed stream inhibited the conversion of n-butane but
dride and the acidic by-products, the latter being immersed promoted slightly the MA selectivity, and more signi0cantly
in an ice bath to condense most of the steam. Before being the selectivities of the two acid by-products. The addition
vented, the uncondensed gases were sampled and analysed of even large amounts of either CO or CO2 to the feed
on line by an HP 5890 GC equipped with a Porapak col- stream, however, did not modify the reaction performances
umn (for analysis of CO2 and nC4 H10 ), a molecular sieve to any signi0cant extent. Notably, in the case of CO2 addition
column (for analysis of O2 , N2 and CO), and two TC de- the present results are at variance with recent reports by
tectors. Each kinetic run lasted between 4 and 7 h. At the Xue et al. (2001) who claimed drastic increments of MA
end, the contents of the absorbers and of the crystallizer selectivity upon feeding n-butane/air mixtures rich in CO2
were accurately collected and combined to obtain a single over a Dupont V-P-O catalyst.
aqueous solution, which was then added with an internal Kinetic runs—The kinetic study was executed according
standard (phenol) and analysed by a second oD line HP to a sequential, three-step experimental strategy. A 0rst ex-
5890 GC equipped with a &ame ionization detector and ploratory design was carried out in order to investigate over
an HP5 capillary column: the only products detected were a suitable range of space velocities the individual eDects of
acetic acid, acrylic acid and maleic anhydride. Since repro- the following process variables: reaction temperature (360
ducibility of the GC analysis of MA was not satisfactory, –480◦ C), pressure (1–4:5 bar a), n-butane and oxygen feed
however, the standard evaluation of the produced MA was contents (0.8–7 and 4.4 –23% v/v, respectively). A second,
obtained by titration of the total acidity in the solution, upon extensive set of kinetic runs was later organized according to
subtracting the acetic and the acrylic acid. This analytical a four-factor centralized composite design in order to grant
procedure was found reproducible and consistent, yielding a uniform coverage of the experimental space. Eventually, a
typical overall C-balances in the range 98–99%: no runs 0nal set of runs was added to cover the experimental space at
with C-balances in error of 3% or more were accepted. the highest butane conversions and to complement the study
M. Dente et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 58 (2003) 643 – 648 645

Fig. 1. EDect of steam addition at T = 440◦ C, P = 2:5 bar a, YnC

4 H10
= 4% in air.

MA 2 CO + CO2 45

1 40
Acrylic Acid 4 CO + CO2
3 35
n-C4H10 5 Acetic Acid 6
Yield (%) 30 CO
7 CO2
CO 25
Fig. 2. Reaction network assumed for the kinetic analysis.

of the reaction variables. A total of 71 kinetic runs were thus 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

collected for the purpose of kinetic parameter estimation. Y˚n-C4H10 (%)

The overall conversion—selectivity correlation emerging

Fig. 3. Experimental and 0tted molar yields in microreactor: eDect of
from our data showed that the MA selectivity remains ◦
nC4 H10 feed concentration YnC at T = 410◦ C, P = 2:5 bar a.
4 H10
virtually independent of conversion (and constant around
70 –75%) as long as the nC4 H10 conversion is limited,
6 70%.
Analysis of kinetic data—The kinetic data were analysed response over all runs, weighted by the corresponding re-
on the basis of a reaction scheme (see Fig. 2) comprising sponse variance determined from replicated runs. The good-
8 parallel and consecutive reactions, namely the oxidation ness of 0t is illustrated in Figs. 3–5. The average percentage
of n-butane to MA, acrylic and acetic acid, CO and CO2 , error of the 0t was about 8% for MA, CO and CO2 , and
as well as the successive total combustions of MA, acrylic about 20% for acetic and acrylic acids: these 0gures com-
and acetic acid. In view of the 0nal scope of this work, i.e. pare fairly well with the corresponding experimental errors,
the construction of a &uidized-bed reactor model, simple which are obviously greater for the small yields of the two
LHHW-type empirical rate expressions were assumed for acids. Concerning the parameter estimates, all of them were
each pseudo-reaction. In line with the preliminary eval- found statistically signi0cant at the 95% con0dence level.
uations, a simple ideal plug-&ow reactor model could be On a more physico-chemical basis, it is worth mentioning
adopted for the kinetic analysis; however, since the tem- that the estimated activation energy for the main reaction
perature pro0les observed in our test reactor exhibited sig- (formation of MA from n-butane, 79:2 ± 3:6 kJ=mol)
ni0cant gradients at the highest investigated conversions, resembles the estimates reported in previously published
non-isothermal PFR model equations had to be integrated kinetic studies over similar V-P-O catalysts, which range
for each run, interpolating the measured T-distributions. On between 71 (Mills et al., 1999) and 103 kJ=mol (Bej & Rao,
such a basis, the 5 molar yields of MA, acrylic and acetic 1991). Likewise, the higher estimated activation energy for
acid, CO and CO2 measured in the 71 runs were 0tted suc- the MA combustion reaction (243 ± 48:1 kJ=mol) is also in
cessfully by multiresponse non-linear regression using 21 line with other published estimates: e.g. 162 kJ=mol (Bej &
adaptive kinetic parameters, which left 334 residual degrees Rao, 1991), 180 kJ=mol (Buchan & Sundaresan, 1986),
of freedom. The objective function for the least-squares pro- and is consistent with the well-known detrimental eDect of
cedure was the sum of the sum of squared residuals of each high reaction temperatures on the MA selectivity.
646 M. Dente et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 58 (2003) 643 – 648

50 MA Acetic Acid
45 CO 1.2
Acrylic Acid
% Yield


% Yield
30 0.8


15 0.4

10 0.2
0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5
1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5
Pressure, bar a
Pressure, bar a

Fig. 4. Experimental and 0tted molar yields in microreactor: eDect of total pressure at T = 430◦ C, YnC

4 H10
= 1:6% v=v.


Calculated MA yield, %





0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Experimental MA yield, %
Fig. 6. Fluidized-bed reactor (diameter=7 m): discretization into sections.
Fig. 5. Parity plot for MA in microreactor.

@Tb Abe fb
= NC
@z b b
1 Wi Cp; i
4. Fluidized-bed reactor model

b b
An industrial &uidized-bed reactor (diameter over 5 m) lo- × Tb Cp; i Kx; i (!i − !ie ) − Hbe (Tb − Te ) (2)
cated in Italy was modelled and the model was validated with 1
experimental data. Fig. 6 provides a representative sketch
while the emulsion phase is described by
of the reactor layout, and also the model concept. Air is
fed to the reactor bottom, &uidizing the catalyst. n-Butane
is vaporized and injected directly into the &uidized catalyst Wie = Wie; in + Ri i Ve + Abe fb Kx; i (!ib − !ie ) d z
bed. The heat of reaction is removed by direct steam gen-
eration in cooling coils immersed in the catalyst bed. The (i = 1; NC): (3)
speci0cs of the reactor design, catalyst properties (including
Eqs. (1) and (2) are the material and energy balances, re-
particle size distribution) and operating conditions (super-
spectively, for the bubble phase under the assumption of a PF
0cial velocity etc.) were found to make the reactor operate
behavior, while Eq. (3) is the material balances for the CSTR
like a series of N successive sections (see Fig. 6). Each of
reactor describing the emulsion phase. The sub/super-scripts
them may be modelled following the approach proposed by
b and e refer to bubble and emulsion phase, respectively,
Davidson and Harrison (1963). Therefore, the equations for
while be indicates values at the interfacial area. Wi and !i
the bubble phase are:
are, respectively, the mass &ow rate and fraction of the ith
component, T is the temperature value and z is the current
@Wib axial length. For a greater detail on the meaning of the cited
= −Abe fb Kx; i (!ib − !ie ) (i = 1; NC) (1)
@z variables, see the appended Notation.
M. Dente et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 58 (2003) 643 – 648 647

The gas fraction fb in the bubble phase is calculated N-Butane Conversion

from bubble sizes and spatial velocity as reported by Kunii (100 = Design Value)
and Levenspiel (1969). Mass transfer coeQcients Kx; i are 105
estimated by assuming, for each component, two contribu-
tions: bubble-cloud and cloud-emulsion evaluated by the fol-
lowing expressions (Kunii & Levenspiel, 1969): 100

1=2 1=4
umf Dbc g
Kbc = 4:5 + 5:85 95
db db5=4

Dce ub !mf 90
Kce = 6:78 :
d3b 90 95 100 105
The heat transfer coeQcient Hbe neglects the emulsion-cloud
resistance, taking therefore into account only the two con- Fig. 7. Parity plot: n-Butane conversion.
tributions of bubble-cloud and gas-particles to the bubbles.

umf "g Cpgas (kg "g Cpgas )1=2 g1=4

Hbc = 4:5 + 5:85 Maleic Selectivity
db db5=4 (100 = Design Value)
Nup kg 115
hgp = ······ (Nup = 2 + 0:6Pr 1=3 Re1=2 ):
The production rate Ri of each component is adjusted with Calculated
a decay factor which takes into account the catalyst decay
along the run time. The dependence on time-on-stream t is
expressed by the relation:
1 + at
i =
1 + bt
which enables the description of the catalyst decay as a re- 95 100 105 110 115
duction of the active surface due, for example, to synter-
ing of adjacent crystals. The constant values a and b are
evaluated from experimental plant data. The heat of reac- Fig. 8. Parity plot: MA Selectivity.
tion is removed at practically constant Te by cooling coils
immersed into the &uidized bed. The heat transfer coeQ-
cient for immersed horizontal tubes is evaluated according
The system of Eqs. (1)–(3) is solved with its initial val-
to Vreedenberg (1958):
ues conditions including the emulsion temperature Te . The

kg Cpgas )g diDerential portion of the system (Eqs. (1) and (2)) may be
hw = 0:66 disjointly solved from Eq. (3) once the !ie mass fractions
dt kg
are known; this fact suggests that the whole system may be

d t "g u 0 1 − !f "s reduced to an algebraic one formed by Eq. (3) in the un-
× (Re ¡ 2000) knowns Wie : each function evaluation, so far, implies the
)g !f "g
solution of the diDerential portion . Standard ODE and Al-

kg Cpgas )g gebraic Systems solvers have been used for the numerical
hw = 420 solution.
dtubi kg
On site experimental data, daily averaged and covering

dti "g u0 )g "s a period of about two years, have been collected from the
× 3
(Re ¿ 2000) plant DCS. The reactor performances have been then eval-
)g d p "s g "g
uated in terms of n-butane conversion and MA selectivity.
dp " g u 0 Figs. 7 and 8 report the comparison between experimental
Re = : and predicted values for a signi0cant set of available in-
dustrial scale data. Although the model overestimates both
The internal convective contribution due to water &owing values on the average, the discrepancies can be regarded as
inside the tubes is evaluated with the standard correlation: acceptable and the model rated suitable for the engineering
Nu = 0:023 Re0:8 Pr 0:33 . purposes of the present work.
648 M. Dente et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 58 (2003) 643 – 648

5. Conclusions )g gas viscosity

!ib mass fraction in bubble phase
The combination of intrinsic kinetics for n-butane oxida- !ie mass fraction in emulsion phase
tion to maleic anhydride over a V-P-O catalyst, determined "g gas density
on the basis of about one-hundred overall test runs in a ded- "s solid density
icated lab-scale rig, and a fully deterministic model of com- i catalyst decay factor
mercial &uid bed reactors has proven successful in repro-
ducing the most signi0cant features of the operation of an
industrial unit. It is expected that 0ne tuning of this com- Acknowledgements
bined kinetic-modelling approach will provide an eQcient
tool for guiding process development aimed at exploiting at The contribution of C. Trecciola, L. Sobacchi, A. Bram-
best the intrinsic catalyst performances, involving also ex- billa, F. Ravandoni, A. Vele and A. Venci is gratefully
perimentation in a semi-commercial &uidized-bed reactor. acknowledged.

Notation References

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Cpgas gas heat capacity
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dt cooling coil diameter Buchan, J. S., & Sundaresan, S. (1986). Kinetics and redox properties of
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