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EMT 475 Computer Organization and Architecture Sem 1 2020/2021

Mini Project: Design of a CPU System

Design a CPU System that combines and connect memory system, ALU, registers and control
unit. The CPU MUST use a 16-bit instruction format where 6-bit for Opcode, 5-bit for
Operand 1 and 5-bit for Operand 2 as shown below:

6 Bits 5 Bits 5 Bits

Opcode Operand 1 Operand 2

16 bits

The CPU should be able to perform the complete instruction cycle (fetch instruction (FI),
decode instruction (DI)  Calculate operands (CO), fetch operands (FO), execute instruction
(EI), and write operand (WO). To verify the functionality of the CPU system, the students
have to create test benches to demonstrate that the CPU are able to perform at least the
computations as shown below:

Y = [(A+B) x C] / (D-E)
Y = [(A-B) / C] x (D+E)
Y = [ (A || B) – C)] / D+E)
Y = [(A+ (B / C)] ^ (D x E)

Project Requirement:
1. 4 people per group
2. Report Should Be Hand Written.
3. Video presentation & demo of your mini project.
- 5 minutes’ video for each team member to present their contribution toward the
- 5 minutes’ video to summarize overall operation of your project.
- total video length = 25 minutes (4x5minutes + 5 minutes)
- you can split your video to smaller video clips.
3. Refer to mini project report template for detail explanation of your report.
4. Upload the snapshot of your Mini Project report and Video demo to the Google Classroom.
EMT 475 Computer Organization and Architecture Sem 1 2020/2021

5. Hardcopy of the report can be submitted to PM Dr Asral once you are allowed to return to

Good luck!

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