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Qualifying Analytical Instruments:

General Chapter <1058> Clarifies

Terminology, Classifies Instruments
Lori Valigra

Instrument qualification is a frequently cited terms “validation” (for manufacturing process-

deviation in regulatory observation and warn- es, analytical procedures, and software proce-
ing letters. A serious violation could even shut dures) and “qualification” (for instruments), as
down a production line. One of the main well as to classify instruments into three major
reasons for noncompliance is that qualifying groups based on their complexity. They were
instruments and validating the related software careful to complement existing and widely used
is a complex specialty area that has lacked clear good automated manufacturing practice
guidelines and terminology. (GAMP) principles and procedures set by the
“Historically, qualification of lab instru- International Society for Pharmaceutical Engi-
ments was seen as a barrier,” said Paul Smith, neering (ISPE). GAMP covers all aspects of
European validation program manager at production and is more complex than USP
PerkinElmer Life and Analytical Sciences. “Be- <1058>, which is suited to instrument qualifi-
cause qualification is a specialist subject, that cation but not software validation.
made it mysterious, and people didn’t know “When we were developing this chapter
what to do to qualify an instrument. It was [<1058>], our committee was concerned with
something that had to be done and that was the GAMP guidance,” said Horacio Pappa,
specialized and that delayed the introduction of PhD, senior scientific liaison in USP’s Docu-
a product.” mentary Standards/General Chapters Division.
Efforts to change the situation are underway, “We made it easy to perform but did not
including the release in 2008 of the United contradict what is in the GAMP guidance.”
States Pharmacopoeia (USP) General Chapter Dr. Pappa explained that GAMP is for more
<1058> guidelines on analytical instrument sophisticated instruments used with a comput-
qualification (AIQ). USP <1058> originated at er or on a network. USP <1058> applies easily
a 2003 conference of the American Association to commercial off‐the‐shelf instruments.
of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS). In addition, GAMP is a voluntary standard
A USP committee took recommendations, and contains specific steps, while USP <1058>
for example, to more strictly define use of the is guidance. “There are not too many details on
how to qualify [instruments],” Dr. Pappa said
Lori Valigra is a science journalist based in Cambridge,
Mass. Reach her at of USP <1058>. “There is no intent to make it a
standard. No one certifies you for <1058>.”
This article was previously published in June/July 2010 in
Pharmaceutical Formulation & Quality. Neither is it meant to verify software.

Qual Assur J 2010; 13, 67–71

Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. DOI: 10.1002/qaj.475
68 L. Valigra

There is room within USP <1058> for more stirrers, Dr. McDowall said. Category B
specifics, however, and analytical chemists, includes standard instruments that have mea-
contract research organizations, and others surement values requiring calibration. Such
who perform qualification testing must be instruments include balances, pH meters,
aware of them. While the USP general chapters thermometers, and pumps. Category C in-
from <1000> through <1999> are informational, cludes more complex instruments and com-
allowing alternative approaches to be used, the puterized or networked systems that require
general chapters from <1> through <999> are full qualification and specific function and
requirements that must be met in order for performance tests. Examples include dissolu-
equipment to pass inspection. And <1058> refers tion, high‐performance liquid chromatography,
to other USP chapters that designate specific and spectrometers.
techniques that are requirements, such as <21>, Where the categories become unclear, Dr.
which addresses thermometers. McDowall said, is in how the instruments are
USP is mandatory by law under the Food, used. When a sonic bath from the A group is
Drug, and Cosmetic Act, Dr. Pappa said. “If it used to dissolve material, simply observing that
[the applicable chapter] is under <1000>, [it is] the material has dissolved keeps it in group A.
more likely the Food and Drug Administration But if a method requires a specific temperature
[FDA] will enforce it,” he said. “Instrument and flasks with materials that are located in
guidance is one piece of the whole in terms of specific areas of the bath, the use is different, and
the government assuring any drug or drug the sonic bath moves into the more stringent
product manufactured in the United States and group B requirements needing calibration.
Europe meets certain standards of safety, purity,
and quality.”
The Four Q’s

Instrument Classification USP <1058> describes the AIQ process for

assuring an instrument is suited to its
One of the biggest benefits of USP <1058> is its intended use and serves as the underpinning
classification of instruments, said Bob McDowall, of a USP data quality triangle (see Figure 1)
PhD, principal of McDowall Consulting, whose for all other phases of analytical work. The
consulting company outsources service, writes three activities layered on top of AIQ are
testing documentation, and trains staff to analytical method validation, system suitabil-
qualify equipment. USP <1058> goes further ity tests, and, at the top, quality control
to qualify analytical equipment than an earlier checks. Each layer is intended to add to
proposal by the Pharmaceutical Analytical overall quality. Analytical method validation
Sciences Group (PASG), Dr. McDowall said. is documented evidence that an analytical
“PASG was a forerunner of <1058>, but procedure is suitable for its intended use.
<1058> goes further in trying to classify System suitability tests verify that the system
instruments into various groups,” he said. will perform to the criteria for a given
“There is more system suitability testing and procedure, and the tests are performed along
method validation in <1058>.” with sample analysis. Other chapters have
USP <1058> classifies systems and opera- more details. USP general chapter <621>
tions into three groups: A, B, and C. Category Chromatography, for example, has more
A includes standard equipment set to the information on system suitability tests related
vendor’s specifications and with no measure- to chromatographic systems.
ment capability; inspectors can check it by The AIQ process is broken down into four
observation. Such equipment includes centri- stages known as the “4Qs” (see Table 1). They
fuges, sonic baths, vortex mixers, and magnetic are design qualification (DQ), installation

Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Qual Assur J 2010; 13, 67–71
DOI: 10.1002/qaj

In September 2009, the FDA tightened the

regulations by which it handles a 483 inspec-
tion report, narrowing the time for a complete
response to within 15 working days before it
elevates a problem to a warning letter. Once
issues are resolved, the letter is closed out.
The whole process—from warning letter to
resolution—is posted on the FDA’s website,
Dr. McDowall explained.
“Standards are done by internal audit, contract
manufacturing organization or contract research
organization external audit, or inspection by the
FDA. If you are not in compliance, your company
Figure 1. USP data quality triangle proposes corrective actions and a time period to
do them. It’s up to the inspector to approve it,” he
qualification (IQ), operational qualification said. Depending on how serious the violation is, a
(OQ), and performance qualification (PQ). DQ, whole lab could not be qualified or a piece of
which defines the functional and operational equipment needing cleaning could put the entire
specifications of the instrument and associated manufacturing line into question, he said. “It
software, is performed before buying a new potentially could shut down a production line.”
instrument. Dr. McDowall said that it is typically
either done poorly or not at all. IQ, which is
performed upon installation of a new system as Software Gap
well as on existing unqualified systems, estab-
lishes that the instrument is delivered as designed Dr. McDowall said one weakness of USP
and is specified and installed properly. OQ, which <1058> is that it isn’t good for validating
is done after installation or major repair, docu- software. “At pharmaceutical companies, ana-
ments that the instrument will run according to its lytical chemists or quality control people do this
operational specification in the intended applica- under good manufacturing practices,” he said.
tion. And PQ documents that the instrument “The instrument is qualified by the vendor, but
performs consistently to specification and its software isn’t validated.” He said he gets called
intended use and is performed at specified into labs sometimes to link a qualified instru-
intervals for each instrument. ment and software validation. One problem

Table 1. The Four Qs

Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Qual Assur J 2010; 13, 67–71
DOI: 10.1002/qaj
70 L. Valigra

with vendor documentation, he said, is there is terminology, it does largely ignore software,
no place for a company to customize it. an area that is one of GAMP’s strengths.
While AIQ has strengths in its simplicity, PerkinElmer’s Smith, for one, would like to
classification of instruments, and clarity of see the two guidances come closer together.

Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Qual Assur J 2010; 13, 67–71
DOI: 10.1002/qaj

“Top‐tier pharmaceutical companies strongly is the people who wrote <1058> and GAMP
align instrument qualification with GAMP,” get together.” He added that an organization
Smith said. “USP <1058> is an opportunity to that decides to use <1058> needs to harmo-
take advantage of that to drive harmonization. nize around it. “The benefits of a similar
I’m starting to see evidence of it.” Users structure are beneficial in an audit,” Smith
typically drive harmonization, he said, adding said.
that it would benefit different parts of pharma- “If a procedure is outlined in a general
ceutical companies that may be using different chapter, it is easier for a manufacturer to follow
criteria. Companies now using the structure of that,” added Dr. Pappa. “The FDA is familiar
GAMP are also going to <1058>, he said, and with it, so it is a ‘known currency.’” Although
in the short term they are willing to bear the Dr. Pappa said there is no current effort at USP
extra cost of adding documentation and over- to harmonize with GAMP, he didn’t rule out the
qualifying equipment. possibility when a new expert committee
“If <1058> were more prescriptive, you’d overseeing the chapter takes over at the end of
expand it a lot and lose the benefits of its June 2010. “It’s a five‐year cycle, so they could
simplicity,” Smith said. “What I’d like to see look at GAMP,” he said.

Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Qual Assur J 2010; 13, 67–71
DOI: 10.1002/qaj

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